maintenance schedule CHEVROLET SS 2017 1.G Owners Manual
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Chevrolet SS Sedan Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S.-10122752) -2017 - crc - 8/31/16
In Brief 23
.Follow recommended scheduledmaintenance.
The battery is located in the trunk,behind a trim panel, on the driverside. When it is time for a newbattery, see your dealer for one thathas the replacement number shownon the original battery's label.
SeeBattery - North America0288.
Roadside Assistance
U.S.: 1-800-243-8872
TTY Users (U.S. Only):1-888-889-2438
Canada: 1-800-268-6800
New Chevrolet owners areautomatically enrolled in theRoadside Assistance Program.
SeeRoadside Assistance Program0368.
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68 Seats and Restraints
Adding Equipment to the
Airbag-Equipped Vehicle
Adding accessories that change thevehicle's frame, bumper system,height, front end, or side sheetmetal may keep the airbag systemfrom working properly. Theoperation of the airbag system canalso be affected by changing anyparts of the front seats, safety belts,airbag sensing and diagnosticmodule, steering wheel, instrumentpanel, any of the airbag modules,ceiling or pillar garnish trim, theinside rearview mirror, front sensors,side impact sensors, or airbagwiring.
Yo u r d e a l e r a n d t h e s e r v i c e m a n u a lhave information about the locationof the airbag sensors, sensing anddiagnostic module and airbagwiring.
In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing system for thefront outboard passenger position,which includes sensors that are partof the passenger's seat. Thepassenger sensing system may notoperate properly if the original seat
trim is replaced with non-GMcovers, upholstery or trim, or withGM covers, upholstery or trimdesigned for a different vehicle. Anyobject, such as an aftermarket seatheater or a comfort enhancing pador device, installed under or on topof the seat fabric, could alsointerfere with the operation of thepassenger sensing system. Thiscould either prevent properdeployment of the passengerairbag(s) or prevent the passengersensing system from properlyturning off the passenger airbag(s).SeePassenger Sensing System063.
If the vehicle has rollover roof-railairbags, seeDifferent Size Tiresand Wheels0318for additionalimportant information.
If you have to modify your vehiclebecause you have a disability andhave questions about whether themodifications will affect the vehicle'sairbag system, or if you havequestions about whether the airbagsystem will be affected if the vehicle
is modified for any other reason, callCustomer Assistance. SeeCustomer Assistance Offices0366.
Airbag System Check
The airbag system does not needregularly scheduled maintenance orreplacement. Make sure the airbagreadiness light is working. SeeAirbag Readiness Light099.
If an airbag covering is damaged,
opened, or broken, the airbag
may not work properly. Do not
open or break the airbag
coverings. If there are any
opened or broken airbag
coverings, have the airbag
covering and/or airbag module
replaced. For the location of the
airbags, seeWhere Are the
for service.
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106 Instruments and Controls
Tire Pressure Light
For vehicles with the Tire PressureMonitor System (TPMS), this lightcomes on briefly when the engine isstarted. It provides informationabout tire pressures and the TPMS.
When the Light Is On Steady
This indicates that one or more ofthe tires are significantlyunderinflated.
ADriverInformationCenter(DIC)tire pressure message may alsodisplay. SeeTire Messages011 8.Stop as soon as possible, andinflate the tires to the pressure valueshown on the Tire and LoadingInformation label. SeeTire Pressure0309.
When the Light Flashes First andThen Is On Steady
If the light flashes for about a minuteand then stays on, there may be aproblem with the TPMS. If theproblem is not corrected, the lightwill come on at every ignition cycle.SeeTire Pressure MonitorOperation0312.
Engine Oil Pressure Light
Lack of proper engine oil
maintenance can damage the
engine. Driving with the engine oil
low can also damage the engine.
The repairs would not be covered
by the vehicle warranty. Check
the oil level as soon as possible.
Add oil if required, but if the oil
level is within the operating range
and the oil pressure is still low,
have the vehicle serviced. Always
follow the maintenance schedule
for changing engine oil.
This light should come on briefly asthe engine is started. If it does notcome on, have the vehicle servicedby your dealer.
If the light comes on and stays on, itmeans that oil is not flowing throughthe engine properly. The vehiclecould be low on oil and might havesome other system problem. Seeyour dealer.
Low Fuel Warning Light
This light is near the fuel gauge andcomes on briefly when the ignition isturned on as a check to show it isworking.
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110 Instruments and Controls
.Tire Pressure Monitoring
.Remaining Oil Life
Battery Voltage
This display, available on somevehicles, shows the current batteryvoltage. If the voltage is in thenormal range, the value will display.For example, the display may readBattery Voltage 15.0 Volts. Thevehicle's charging system regulatesvoltage based on the state of thebattery. The battery voltage canfluctuate while viewing thisinformation on the DIC. This isnormal. SeeCharging System Light0100.Ifthereisaproblemwiththebattery charging system, the DICwill display a message.
Speed Warning
This display is used to set thevehicle speed at which the speedwarning chime sounds and the alertis displayed. The speed can be setby pressing SET/CLR while thespeed warning display is showing.
Move\to switch between metric
or US when the Units display isactive. Press SET/CLR to confirmthe setting. This will change thedisplays on the cluster and DIC toeither metric or English (US)measurements.
Tire Pressure Monitoring
This display will show a vehicle withthe approximate pressures of allfour tires. Tire pressure is displayedin either kilopascal (kPa) or poundsper square inch (psi). SeeTirePressure Monitor Operation0312.
Remaining Oil Life
This display shows an estimate ofthe oil's remaining useful life. If 99%is displayed, that means 99% of thecurrent oil life remains.
When the remaining oil life is low,the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage will appear on the display.SeeEngine Oil Messages011 5.The oil should be changed as soonas possible. SeeEngine Oil0275.In addition to the engine oil lifesystem monitoring the oil life,
additional maintenance isrecommended in the MaintenanceSchedule. SeeMaintenanceSchedule0349.
Remember, the Remaining Oil Lifedisplay must be reset after each oilchange. It will not reset itself. Also,be careful not to reset the Oil Lifedisplay accidentally at any timeother than when the oil has justbeen changed. It cannot be resetaccurately until the next oil change.To r e s e t t h e e n g i n e o i l l i f e s y s t e m ,press SET/CLR while the Oil Lifedisplay is active. SeeEngine OilLife System0277.
Head-Up Display (HUD)
If the HUD image is too bright or
too high in your field of view, it
may take you more time to see
things you need to see when it is
dark outside. Be sure to keep the
HUD image dim and placed low in
your field of view.
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Instruments and Controls 115
Engine Oil Messages
This message displays whenservice is required for the vehicle.See your dealer.SeeEngine Oil0275andMaintenance Schedule0349.
Acknowledging the CHANGEENGINE OIL SOON message willnot reset the system. See“Remaining Oil Life”underDriverInformation Center (DIC)0108andEngine Oil Life System0277.
On some vehicles, this messagedisplays when the engine oil levelmay be too low. Check the oil levelbefore filling to the recommendedlevel. If the oil is not low and thismessage remains on, take thevehicle to your dealer for service.SeeEngine Oil0275.
This message displays when thevehicle's engine oil pressure is low.The oil pressure light also appearson the instrument cluster. SeeEngine Oil Pressure Light0106.
Stop the vehicle immediately, asengine damage can result fromdriving a vehicle with low oilpressure. Have the vehicle servicedby your dealer as soon as possiblewhen this message is displayed.
Engine Power Messages
This message displays when thevehicle's engine power is reduced.Reduced engine power can affectthe vehicle's ability to accelerate.If this message is on, but there is noreduction in performance, proceedto your destination. Theperformance may be reduced thenext time the vehicle is driven. Thevehicle may be driven at a reducedspeed while this message is on, butmaximum acceleration and speed
may be reduced. Anytime thismessage stays on, or displaysrepeatedly, the vehicle should betaken to your dealer for service assoon as possible.
Fuel System Messages
This message displays when thevehicle is low on fuel. Refuel assoon as possible.
Key and Lock Messages
This message displays when thetransmitter battery is weak onvehicles with Keyless Access. See“Starting the Vehicle with a LowTransmitter Battery”underRemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation025.
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Driving and Operating 251
After the vehicle is launched, thesystem continues in TrackDriver Mode.
Limited-Slip Rear Axle
Vehicles with a limited-slip rear axlecan give more traction on snow,mud, ice, sand, or gravel. Whentraction is low, this feature allowsthe drive wheel with the mosttraction to move the vehicle. Thelimited-slip rear axle also gives thedriver enhanced control whencornering hard or completing amaneuver, such as a lane change.For vehicles with a limited-slip rearaxle, driven under severeconditions, the rear axle fluid shouldbe changed. SeeTr a c k D r i v e r M o d e0249andMaintenance Schedule0349.
Cruise Control
With cruise control, the vehicle canmaintain a speed of about 40 km/h(25 mph) or more without keepingyour foot on the accelerator. Cruisecontrol does not work at speedsbelow 40 km/h (25 mph).
Cruise control can be dangerous
where you cannot drive safely at
cruise control on winding roads or
in heavy traffic.
Cruise control can be dangerous
on slippery roads. On such roads,
fast changes in tire traction can
cause excessive wheel slip, and
you could lose control. Do not use
cruise control on slippery roads.
If the vehicle has the StabiliTrak®
system and begins to limit wheelspin while using cruise control, thecruise control will automaticallydisengage. SeeTr a c t i o n C o n t r o l /Electronic Stability Control0245.
When road conditions allow you tosafely use it again, the cruisecontrol can be turned back on.
If the brakes are applied, cruisecontrol disengages.
1:Press to turn the cruise controlsystem on and off. A white indicatorcomes on in the instrument clusterwhen cruise is turned on.
*:Press to disengage cruisecontrol without erasing the setspeed from memory.
RES/+ :If there is a set speed inmemory, move the thumbwheel upbriefly to resume to that speed or
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278 Vehicle Care
If the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 mi)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.
How to Reset the Engine Oil
Life System
Reset the system whenever theengine oil is changed so that thesystem can calculate the nextengine oil change. To reset thesystem:
1. Display the REMAINING OILLIFE on the DIC. SeeDriverInformation Center (DIC)0108.
2. Press and hold SET/CLR onthe DIC while the Oil Lifedisplay is active. The oil life willchange to 100%.
The oil life system can also be resetas follows:
1. Display the REMAINING OILLIFE on the DIC. SeeDriverInformation Center (DIC)0108.
2. Fully press and release theaccelerator pedal three timeswithin five seconds.
The system is reset when theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage goes off.
If the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage comes back on when thevehicle is started, the engine oil lifesystem has not been reset. Repeatthe procedure.
Automatic Transmission
How to Check Automatic
Transmission Fluid
It is not necessary to check thetransmission fluid level.Atransmissionfluidleakistheonlyreason for fluid loss. If a leakoccurs, take the vehicle to yourdealer service department and haveit repaired as soon as possible.
There is a special procedure forchecking and changing thetransmission fluid. Because thisprocedure is difficult, you shouldhave this done at your dealer
service department. Contact yourdealer for additional information orthe procedure can be found in theservice manual. To purchase aservice manual, seeServicePublications Ordering Information0373.
Change the fluid and filter at theintervals listed inMaintenanceSchedule0349,andbesuretousethe fluid listed inRecommendedFluids and Lubricants0358.
Manual Transmission
It is not necessary to check themanual transmission fluid level.Atransmissionfluidleakistheonlyreason for fluid loss. If a leakoccurs, take the vehicle to thedealer and have it repaired as soonas possible. SeeRecommendedFluids and Lubricants0358for theproper fluid to use.
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Vehicle Care 279
Hydraulic Clutch
For vehicles with a manualtransmission, it is not necessary toregularly check brake/clutch fluidunless there is a leak suspected.Adding fluid will not correct a leak.Afluidlossinthissystemcouldindicate a problem. Have thesystem inspected and repaired.
When to Check and What
to Use
The brake/hydraulic clutch fluidreservoir cap has this symbol on it.The common hydraulic clutch andbrake master cylinder fluid reservoiris filled with brake fluid as indicatedon the reservoir cap. SeeEngineCompartment Overview0274forreservoir location.
How to Check and Add Fluid
Visually check the brake/clutch fluidreservoir to make sure the fluid levelis at the MIN (minimum) line on thereservoir. The brake/hydraulic clutchfluid system should be closed andsealed.
Do not remove the cap to check thefluid level or to top-off the fluid level.Remove the cap only whennecessary to add the proper fluiduntil the level reaches the MIN line.
Engine Air Cleaner/Filter
The engine air cleaner/filter is in theengine compartment on the driverside of the vehicle. SeeEngineCompartment Overview0274.
When to Inspect the Engine Air
For intervals on changing andinspecting the engine air cleaner/filter, seeMaintenance Schedule0349.
How to Inspect the Engine Air
Do not start the engine or have theengine running with the engine aircleaner/filter housing open. Beforeremoving the engine air cleaner/filter, make sure that the engine aircleaner/filter housing and nearbycomponents are free of dirt anddebris. Remove the engine aircleaner/filter. Lightly tap and shakethe engine air cleaner/filter (awayfrom the vehicle), to release loosedust and dirt. Inspect the engine aircleaner/filter for damage, andreplace if damaged. Do not cleanthe engine air cleaner/filter orcomponents with water orcompressed air.
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288 Vehicle Care
There are only two reasons why thebrake fluid level in the reservoir maygo down:
.Normal brake lining wear. Whennew linings are installed, thefluid level goes back up.
.Afluidleakinthebrake/clutchhydraulic system. Have thebrake/clutch hydraulic systemfixed. With a leak, the brakes willnot work well.
Always clean the brake fluidreservoir cap and the area aroundthe cap before removing it.
Do not top off the brake/clutch fluid.Adding fluid does not correct a leak.If fluid is added when the linings areworn, there will be too much fluidwhen new brake linings areinstalled. Add or remove fluid, asnecessary, only when work is doneon the brake/clutch hydraulicsystem.
If too much brake fluid is added, it
can spill on the engine and burn,
if the engine is hot enough. You
or others could be burned, and
the vehicle could be damaged.
Add brake fluid only when work is
done on the brake/clutch
hydraulic system.
When the brake/clutch fluid falls to alow level, the brake warning lightcomes on. SeeBrake SystemWarning Light0102.
Brake fluid absorbs water over timewhich degrades the effectiveness ofthe brake fluid. Replace brake fluidat the specified intervals to preventincreased stopping distance. SeeMaintenance Schedule0349.
What to Add
Use only GM approved DOT 4brake fluid from a clean, sealedcontainer. SeeRecommendedFluids and Lubricants0358.
The wrong or contaminated brake
fluid could result in damage to the
brake system. This could result in
the loss of braking leading to a
possible injury. Always use the
proper GM approved brake fluid.
If brake fluid is spilled on the
vehicle's painted surfaces, the
paint finish can be damaged.
Immediately wash off any painted
Battery - North America
The original equipment battery ismaintenance free. Do not removethe cap and do not add fluid.
The battery is in the trunk, behind atrim panel, on the driver side of thevehicle. Refer to the replacement
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Vehicle Care 291
3. With the engine off, turn theignition on, but do not start theengine. Without applying theregular brake, try to move theshift lever out of P (Park) withnormal effort. If the shift levermoves out of P (Park), contactyour dealer for service.
Park Brake and P (Park)
Mechanism Check
When you are doing this check,
the vehicle could begin to move.
Yo u o r o t h e r s c o u l d b e i n j u r e d
and property could be damaged.
Make sure there is room in front
of the vehicle in case it begins to
roll. Be ready to apply the regular
brake at once should the vehicle
begin to move.
Park on a fairly steep hill, with thevehicle facing downhill. Keepingyour foot on the regular brake, setthe parking brake.
.To c h e c k t h e p a r k i n g b r a k e ' sholding ability: With the enginerunning and the transmission inN(Neutral), slowly remove footpressure from the regular brakepedal. Do this until the vehicle isheld by the parking brake only.
.To c h e c k t h e P ( P a r k )mechanism's holding ability:With the engine running, shift toP(Park). Then release theparking brake followed by theregular brake.
Contact your dealer if service isrequired.
Wiper Blade Replacement
Front Wiper Blade
Windshield wiper blades should beinspected for wear or cracking. SeeMaintenance Schedule0349.
Replacement blades come indifferent types and are removed indifferent ways. For the proper typeand size, seeMaintenanceReplacement Parts0359.
To r e p l a c e t h e w i p e r b l a d eassembly:
1. Pull the windshield wiperassembly away from thewindshield.
2. Squeeze the tabs on each sideof the wiper blade assemblyand slide the assembly off theend of the wiper arm.