spare tire CHEVROLET SS 2017 1.G Owners Manual
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Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323Storing the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329Tire Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329Full-Size Spare Tire . . . . . . . . . . 334
Jump Starting
Jump Starting - NorthAmerica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Towing the Vehicle
To w i n g t h e V e h i c l e . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 7Recreational VehicleTo w i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 8
Appearance Care
Exterior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338Interior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343Floor Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
General Information
For service and parts needs, visityour dealer. You will receivegenuine GM parts and GM-trainedand supported service people.
Genuine GM parts have one ofthese marks:
California Proposition
65 Warning
WARNING:Most motor vehicles,including this one, as well as manyof its service parts and fluids,contain and/or emit chemicalsknown to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm. Engineexhaust, many parts and systems,many fluids, and some componentwear by-products contain and/oremit these chemicals.
SeeBattery - North America0288andJump Starting - North America0335.
California Perchlorate
Materials Requirements
Certain types of automotiveapplications, such as airbaginitiators, safety belt pretensioners,and lithium batteries contained inRemote Keyless Entry transmitters,may contain perchlorate materials.Special handling may be necessary.For additional information,
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Vehicles with 245/40ZR19 98Y and275/35ZR19 100Y tires are capableof high speed use.
Make sure front tires of size 245/40ZR19 98Y are inflated to 310 kPa(45 psi) before operating the vehicleat speeds of 160 km/h (100 mph) orhigher.
Make sure rear tires of size 275/35ZR19 100Y are inflated to340 kPa (50 psi) before operatingthe vehicle at speeds of 160 km/h(100 mph) or higher.
Return the tires to therecommended cold tire inflationpressure when high-speed drivinghas ended. SeeVehicle Load Limits0226andTire Pressure0309.
Tire Pressure Monitor
The Tire Pressure Monitor System(TPMS) uses radio and sensortechnology to check tire pressurelevels. The TPMS sensors monitorthe air pressure in your tires andtransmit tire pressure readings to areceiver located in the vehicle.
Each tire, including the spare (ifprovided), should be checkedmonthly when cold and inflated tothe inflation pressure recommendedby the vehicle manufacturer on thevehicle placard or tire inflationpressure label. (If your vehicle hastires of a different size than the sizeindicated on the vehicle placard ortire inflation pressure label, youshould determine the proper tireinflation pressure for those tires.)
As an added safety feature, yourvehicle has been equipped with atire pressure monitoring system(TPMS) that illuminates a low tirepressure telltale when one or moreof your tires is significantlyunder-inflated.
Accordingly, when the low tirepressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires assoon as possible, and inflate themto the proper pressure. Driving on asignificantly under-inflated tirecauses the tire to overheat and canlead to tire failure. Under-inflationalso reduces fuel efficiency and tire
tread life, and may affect thevehicle's handling and stoppingability.
Please note that the TPMS is not asubstitute for proper tiremaintenance, and it is the driver'sresponsibility to maintain correct tirepressure, even if under-inflation hasnot reached the level to triggerillumination of the TPMS low tirepressure telltale.
Yo u r v e h i c l e h a s a l s o b e e nequipped with a TPMS malfunctionindicator to indicate when thesystem is not operating properly.The TPMS malfunction indicator iscombined with the low tire pressuretelltale. When the system detects amalfunction, the telltale will flash forapproximately one minute and thenremain continuously illuminated.This sequence will continue uponsubsequent vehicle start-ups aslong as the malfunction exists.
When the malfunction indicator isilluminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tirepressure as intended. TPMSmalfunctions may occur for a variety
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of reasons, including the installationof replacement or alternate tires orwheels on the vehicle that preventthe TPMS from functioning properly.Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or moretires or wheels on your vehicle toensure that the replacement oralternate tires and wheels allow theTPMS to continue to functionproperly.
SeeTire Pressure MonitorOperation0312.
SeeRadio Frequency Statement0374.
Tire Pressure Monitor
This vehicle may have a TirePressure Monitor System (TPMS).The TPMS is designed to warn thedriver when a low tire pressurecondition exists. TPMS sensors aremounted onto each tire and wheelassembly, including the spare tireand wheel assembly. The TPMSsensors monitor the air pressure in
the tires and transmit the tirepressure readings to a receiverlocated in the vehicle.
When a low tire pressure conditionis detected, the TPMS illuminatesthe low tire pressure warning lightlocated on the instrument cluster.If the warning light comes on, stopas soon as possible and inflate thetires to the recommended pressureshown on the Tire and LoadingInformation label. SeeVehicle LoadLimits0226.
AmessagetocheckthepressureinaspecifictiremaydisplayintheDriver Information Center (DIC). Thelow tire pressure warning light andthe DIC warning message,if equipped, come on at eachignition cycle until the tires areinflated to the correct inflationpressure. Using the DIC, it may bepossible to view the tire pressure
levels. For additional informationand details about the DIC operationand displays, seeDriver InformationCenter (DIC)0108.
The low tire pressure warning lightmay come on in cool weather whenthe vehicle is first started, and thenturn off as the vehicle is driven. Thiscould be an early indicator that theair pressure is getting low andneeds to be inflated to the properpressure.
ATire and Loading Information labelshows the size of the originalequipment tires and the correctinflation pressure for the tires whenthey are cold. SeeVehicle LoadLimits0226,foranexampleoftheTire and Loading Information labeland its location. Also seeTirePressure0309.
The TPMS can warn about a lowtire pressure condition, but it doesnot replace normal tiremaintenance. SeeTire Inspection0315,Tire Rotation0315,andTires0303.
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Tire sealant materials are not all
the same. A non-approved tire
sealant could damage the TPMS
sensors. TPMS sensor damage
caused by using an incorrect tire
sealant is not covered by the
vehicle warranty. Always use only
the GM approved tire sealant
available through your dealer or
included in the vehicle.
Factory-installed Tire Inflator Kitsuse a GM approved liquid tiresealant. Using non-approved tiresealants could damage the TPMSsensors. SeeTire Sealant andCompressor Kit0323forinformation regarding the inflator kitmaterials and instructions.
TPMS Malfunction Light and
The TPMS will not function properlyif one or more of the TPMS sensorsare missing or inoperable. When thesystem detects a malfunction, thelow tire pressure warning light,
defined above, flashes for aboutone minute and then stays on forthe remainder of the ignition cycle.ADICwarningmessagemayalsodisplay. The malfunction light andDIC warning message, if equipped,come on at each ignition cycle untilthe problem is corrected. Some ofthe conditions that can cause theseto come on are:
.One of the road tires has beenreplaced with the spare tire. Thespare tire does not have aTPMS sensor. The malfunctionlight and the DIC message,if equipped, should go off afterthe road tire is replaced and thesensor matching process isperformed successfully. See"TPMS Sensor MatchingProcess" later in this section.
.The TPMS sensor matchingprocess was not done or notcompleted successfully afterrotating the tires or exchanging aroad tire with the spare tire. Themalfunction light and the DICmessage, if equipped, should gooff after successfully completing
the sensor matching process.See "TPMS Sensor MatchingProcess" later in this section.
.One or more TPMS sensors aremissing or damaged. Themalfunction light and the DICmessage, if equipped, should gooff when the TPMS sensors areinstalled and the sensormatching process is performedsuccessfully. See your dealer forservice.
.Replacement tires or wheels donot match the original equipmenttires or wheels. Tires and wheelsother than those recommendedcould prevent the TPMS fromfunctioning properly. SeeBuyingNew Tires0317.
.Operating electronic devices orbeing near facilities using radiowave frequencies similar to theTPMS could cause the TPMSsensors to malfunction.
If the TPMS is not functioningproperly, it cannot detect or signal alow tire condition. See your dealer
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for service if the TPMS malfunctionlight and DIC message, if equipped,come on and stay on.
TPMS Sensor Matching
Each TPMS sensor has a uniqueidentification code. The identificationcode needs to be matched to a newtire/wheel position after rotating thevehicle’stiresorreplacingoneormore of the TPMS sensors. Also,the TPMS sensor matching processshould be performed after replacingasparetirewitharoadtirecontaining the TPMS sensor. Themalfunction light and the DICmessage, if equipped, should go offat the next ignition cycle. Thesensors are matched to the tire/wheel positions, using a TPMSrelearn tool, in the following order:left front tire, right front tire, rightrear tire, and left rear tire. See yourdealer for service or to purchase arelearn tool. A TPMS relearn toolcan also be purchased. See TirePressure Monitor Sensor ActivationTo o l a t orcall 1-800-GM TOOLS(1-800-468-6657).
There are two minutes to match thefirst tire/wheel position, andfive minutes overall to match all fourtire/wheel positions. If it takeslonger, the matching process stopsand must be restarted.
The TPMS sensor matchingprocess is:
1. Set the parking brake.
2. Place the vehicle power modein ON/RUN/START. SeeIgnition Positions0229.
3. Press MENU to select theVehicle Information Menu inthe Driver InformationCenter (DIC).
4. Use the thumbwheel to scroll tothe Tire Pressure Menu Itemscreen.
5. Press and hold SET/CLR tobegin the sensor matchingprocess.
Amessagerequestingacceptance of the process maydisplay.
6. If requested, press SET/CLRagain to confirm the selection.
The horn sounds twice tosignal the receiver is in relearnmode and the TIRE LEARN orTIRE LEARNING ACTIVEmessage displays on the DICscreen.
7. Start with the left front tire.
8. Place the relearn tool againstthe tire sidewall, near the valvestem. Then press the button toactivate the TPMS sensor.Ahornchirpconfirmsthatthesensor identification code hasbeen matched to this tire andwheel position.
9. Proceed to the right front tire,and repeat the procedure inStep 8.
10. Proceed to the right rear tire,and repeat the procedure inStep 8.
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11 . P r o c e e d t o t h e l e f t r e a r t i r e ,and repeat the procedure inStep 8. The horn sounds twotimes to indicate the sensoridentification code has beenmatched to the left rear tire,and the TPMS sensor matchingprocess is no longer active.The TIRE LEARN or TIRELEARNING ACTIVE messageon the infotainment displaygoes off.
12. Turn the vehicle off.
13. Set all four tires to therecommended air pressurelevel as indicated on the Tireand Loading Information label.
Tire Inspection
We recommend that the tires,
including the spare tire, if the
vehicle has one, be inspected
for signs of wear or damage at
least once a month.
Replace the tire if:
.The indicators at three or
more places around the tire
can be seen.
.There is cord or fabric
showing through the tire's
.The tread or sidewall is
cracked, cut, or snagged
deep enough to show cord or
.The tire has a bump, bulge,
or split.
.The tire has a puncture, cut,
or other damage that cannot
be repaired well because of
the size or location of the
Tire Rotation
The tires should be rotated
every 12 000 km/7,500 mi. See
Maintenance Schedule0349.
Tires are rotated to achieve
uniform wear for all tires. The
first rotation is the most
Anytime unusual wear is
noticed, rotate the tires as soon
as possible, check for proper tire
inflation pressure, and check for
damaged tires or wheels. If the
unusual wear continues after the
rotation, check the wheel
alignment. SeeWhen It Is Time
for New Tires0316andWheel
Different tire sizes should not be
rotated front to rear.
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The rubber in tires ages over time.This also applies to the spare tire,if the vehicle has one, even if it isnever used. Multiple factorsincluding temperatures, loadingconditions, and inflation pressuremaintenance affect how fast agingtakes place. GM recommends thattires, including the spare ifequipped, be replaced after sixyears, regardless of tread wear. Thetire manufacture date is the last fourdigits of the DOT Tire IdentificationNumber (TIN) which is molded intoone side of the tire sidewall. Thefirst two digits represent the week(01–52) and the last two digits, theyear. For example, the third week ofthe year 2010 would have afour-digit DOT date of 0310.
Vehicle Storage
Tires age when stored normallymounted on a parked vehicle. Parkavehiclethatwillbestoredforatleast a month in a cool, dry, cleanarea away from direct sunlight toslow aging. This area should be free
of grease, gasoline, or othersubstances that can deterioraterubber.
Parking for an extended period cancause flat spots on the tires thatmay result in vibrations whiledriving. When storing a vehicle forat least a month, remove the tires orraise the vehicle to reduce theweight from the tires.
Buying New Tires
GM has developed and matched
specific tires for the vehicle. The
original equipment tires installed
were designed to meet General
Motors Tire Performance Criteria
Specification (TPC Spec)
system rating. When
replacement tires are needed,
GM strongly recommends
buying tires with the same TPC
Spec rating.
GM's exclusive TPC Spec
system considers over a dozen
critical specifications that impact
the overall performance of the
vehicle, including brake system
performance, ride and handling,
traction control, and tire
pressure monitoring
performance. GM's TPC Spec
number is molded onto the tire's
sidewall near the tire size. If the
tires have an all-season tread
design, the TPC Spec number
will be followed by MS for mud
and snow. SeeTire Sidewall
GM recommends replacing worn
tires in complete sets of four.
Uniform tread depth on all tires
will help to maintain the
performance of the vehicle.
Braking and handling
performance may be adversely
affected if all the tires are not
replaced at the same time.
If proper rotation and
maintenance have been done,
all four tires should wear out at
about the same time. SeeTire
Rotation0315for information
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control, electronic stability control,or All-Wheel Drive, the performanceof these systems can also beaffected.
If different sized wheels are used,
there may not be an acceptable
level of performance and safety if
tires not recommended for those
wheels are selected. This
increases the chance of a crash
and serious injury. Only use GM
specific wheel and tire systems
developed for the vehicle, and
have them properly installed by a
GM certified technician.
SeeBuying New Tires0317andAccessories and Modifications0272.
Uniform Tire Quality
The following information relates
to the system developed by the
United States National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA), which grades tires by
treadwear, traction, and
temperature performance. This
applies only to vehicles sold in
the United States. The grades
are molded on the sidewalls of
most passenger car tires. The
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
(UTQG) system does not apply
to deep tread, winter tires,
compact spare tires, tires with
nominal rim diameters of
10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm),
or to some limited-production
While the tires available on
General Motors passenger cars
and light trucks may vary with
respect to these grades, they
must also conform to federal
safety requirements and
additional General Motors Tire
Performance Criteria (TPC)
Quality grades can be found
where applicable on the tire
sidewall between tread shoulder
and maximum section width. For
Treadwear 200 Traction AATemperature A
All Passenger Car Tires Must
Conform to Federal Safety
Requirements In Addition To
These Grades.
The treadwear grade is a
comparative rating based on the
wear rate of the tire when tested
under controlled conditions on a
specified government test
course. For example, a tire
graded 150 would wear one and
one-half (1Ω) times as well on
the government course as a tire
graded 100. The relative
performance of tires depends
upon the actual conditions of
their use, however, and may
depart significantly from the
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Warning (Continued)
2. Put an automatictransmission in P (Park) or amanual transmission in1(First) or R(Reverse).
3. Turn off the engine and donot restart while the vehicleis raised.
4. Do not allow passengers toremain in the vehicle.
5. Place wheel blocks,if equipped, on both sides ofthe tire at the oppositecorner of the tire beingchanged.
This vehicle may come with a jackand spare tire or a tire sealant andcompressor kit. To use the jackingequipment to change a spare tiresafely, follow the instructions below.Then seeTire Changing0329.Touse the tire sealant and compressorkit, seeTire Sealant andCompressor Kit0323.
When the vehicle has a flat tire (2),use the following example as aguide to assist you in the placementof wheel blocks (1), if equipped.
1. Wheel Block (If Equipped)
2. Flat Tire
The following information explainshow to repair or change a tire.
Tire Sealant and
Compressor Kit
Idling a vehicle in an enclosed
area with poor ventilation is
dangerous. Engine exhaust may
Warning (Continued)
enter the vehicle. Engine exhaust
contains carbon monoxide (CO)
which cannot be seen or smelled.
It can cause unconsciousness
and even death. Never run the
engine in an enclosed area that
has no fresh air ventilation. For
more information, seeEngine
Overinflating a tire could cause
the tire to rupture and you or
others could be injured. Be sure
to read and follow the tire sealant
and compressor kit instructions
and inflate the tire to its
recommended pressure. Do not
exceed the recommended
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Storing the tire sealant and
compressor kit or other
equipment in the passenger
compartment of the vehicle could
cause injury. In a sudden stop or
collision, loose equipment could
strike someone. Store the tire
sealant and compressor kit in its
original location.
If this vehicle has a tire sealant andcompressor kit, there may not be aspare tire, tire changing equipment,and on some vehicles there may notbe a place to store a tire.
The tire sealant and compressorcan be used to temporarily sealpunctures up to 6 mm (0.25 inch) inthe tread area of the tire. It can alsobe used to inflate an underinflated tire.
If the tire has been separated fromthe wheel, has damaged sidewalls,or has a large puncture, the tire istoo severely damaged for the tire
sealant and compressor kit to beeffective. SeeRoadside AssistanceProgram0368.
Read and follow all of the tiresealant and compressor kitinstructions.
The kit includes:
1. On/Off Switch
2. Pressure Gauge
3. Tire Sealant Canister
4. Air Only Hose
5. Sealant/Air Hose
6. Power Plug
Tire Sealant
Read and follow the safe handlinginstructions on the label adhered tothe sealant canister.
Check the tire sealant expirationdate on the sealant canister. Thesealant canister should be replacedbefore its expiration date.Replacement sealant canisters areavailable at your local dealer. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”later in thissection.
There is only enough sealant to sealone tire. After usage, the sealantcanister and sealant/air hoseassembly must be replaced. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”following.
Using the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit to TemporarilySeal and Inflate a Punctured Tire
When using the tire sealant andcompressor kit during coldtemperatures, warm the kit in aheated environment for five minutes.This will help to inflate the tirefaster.