catalytic converter FORD SIERRA 1989 2.G DOHC Engine Workshop Manual

FORD SIERRA 1989 2.G DOHC Engine Workshop Manual SIERRA 1989 2.G FORD FORD FORD SIERRA 1989 2.G DOHC Engine Workshop Manual

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FORD SIERRA 1989 2.G DOHC Engine Workshop Manual 34Make a final check to ensure that all
relevant wires, pipes and hoses have been
disconnected to facilitate engine removal.
35Attach a suitable hoist to the engine lifting
brackets located at the fro

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FORD SIERRA 1989 2.G DOHC Engine Workshop Manual the crossmember to the gearbox, and remove
the crossmember. Note the position of the
earth strap, where applicable. Recover the
mounting cup, and where applicable the
exhaust mounting bracket and heat