fuel pressure MERCEDES-BENZ E-Class SEDAN 2017 W213 Owner's Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: MERCEDES-BENZ, Model Year: 2017, Model line: E-Class SEDAN, Model: MERCEDES-BENZ E-Class SEDAN 2017 W213Pages: 446, PDF Size: 6.23 MB
Page 19 of 446
Whattodo in thee vent of an accident
1 QR cod efor accessing ther escue card →
2 Safetyv ests →
3 Button fort he SOS emer gency cal lsyst em and
breakdown assis tance →
4 Checkin gand addin goperatingf luids →
5 Tow- startin gand towing away →
6 Flat tire →
2947Startin gassis tance →
8 Haza rdwa rning lights →
9 Fuelfiller flap wit hinstruction labels fort ire
pressure ,fuel type and QR code fora ccessing
th er escue card →
A Tow- startin gand towing away →
B Vehicle tool kit →
Atag lanc e–E merg encies an dbreak downs 17
Page 301 of 446
#Stop af terd riving fora pproxima tely ten
minutes and checkt he tir epressur eusing
th et irei nflation compressor.
The tir epressur emustn ow be at least
13 0k Pa(1.3 bar/1 9psi).
WARNING Risk of accident duetot he
specified tir epressur enotbeing reached
If th es pecified tir epressur eafter ab rief
driv eisn otreached, thet ireist oo badly
damaged. The tir esealant cannot repair the
tir eint his ins tance.
Dama gedt ires and tir epressur ethat is too
lo wc an significantl yimp air brakin gproper‐
ties and handlin gcharacteristics.
#Do no tcontinue driving.
#Consult aqualified specialis tworks hop.
In cases suc hasthe one mentioned abo ve,c on‐
ta ct an au thorized Mercedes-Benz Center .Or
call 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (in theU SA)or
1-800-387-0 100( in Canada).
#Cor rect thet irep ressur eifitiss tillatl east
13 0k Pa(1.3 bar/1 9psi).S ee theT irea nd
Loading Info rmatio nplacar dont he driver's
side B‑pillar or thet irep ressur etable in the
fuel filler flap forv alues.
#To increase thet irep ressure: switchon
th et irei nflation compressor.
#To reduce the tir epress ure: press pressure
re lease button 1next tomanome ter2.
#When thet irep ressur eisc orrect, unscr ew
th ef illing hose from thev alveoft he sealed
#Scr ew thev alvec ap ont othe tir evalveoft he
sealed tire.
#Pull thet ires ealant bottle out of thet ire
inflation compressor.
The filling hose stay sont he tiresealant bot‐
#Driv etot he neares tqualified specialis twork‐
shop and ha vethet ire, tir esealant bottle and
fi lling hose replaced there.
Bat tery (vehicle)
Note sont he12Vb attery
WARNING Risk of an accident duet o
wo rkcar ried out incor rectly on theb at‐
te ry
Wo rkcar ried out incor rectl yont he battery
can lead toas hor tcircuit ,for example. This
can lead tofunction restrictions applying to
saf ety-re leva nt sy stems, e.g. thel ighting sys‐
te m, ABS (anti-lo ckbraking sy stem) or ESP
(Elect ronic StabilityP rogram).®The ope rat‐
ing saf etyofy ourvehicle ma yberestricted.
Breakdown assis tance 299
Page 315 of 446
RThe tires maywear excessivel yand/or
une venly, whic hmaygreatly impair tire
RThe drivingc haracteristics, as well as
st eering and braking, ma ybegreatly
#Comply wit hthe recommended tire
pressur eand checkt he tir epressur eof
all tires including thes par ew heel regu‐
Rat leas tonce amonth
Rwhen thel oad changes
Rbefor eembarkin gonalongerjourney
Rif operating conditions change, e.g .off-
ro ad driving
#Ad jus tthe tir epressur easn ecessar y.
Driving wi thtirep ressur ethat is tooh igh or too
lo wc an:
RSho rten thes ervice lif eofthe tires.
RCause increased tir edamage.
RAdverselya ffect handl ingc haracteristics and
th us dr ivingsafet y, e.g. due to hydroplaning.
WARNING Risk of an accident duet o
insuf ficient tir epressure
Ti re sw ithp ressur ethat is tool ow can over‐
heat and bur stas aresult.
In addition ,the ya lso suf ferf rome xcessive
and/or ir regular wear,w hic hc an significantly
impair theb raking properties and theh an‐
dling characteristics.
#Av oid excessively lo wtirep ressures in
all thet ires, including thes par ew heel.
Tire pressur ewhichist oo lo wcan cause:
RTire defectsasar esult ofoverheating.
RImpaired handling characteristics
RIrre gular wear
RIncreased fuel consum ption
WARNING Risk of accident from exces‐
siv etirep ressure
Ti re sw ithe xcessively hig hpressur ecan
burs tbecause they ared amaged mor eeasily
by highw ayfill, po tholes etc.
In addition, they also suf ferf romi rregular
we ar,w hic hc an significantl yimp air theb rak‐
ing properties and theh andling characteris‐
#Av oid excessively high tir epressures in
all thet ires, including thes par ew heel.
Excessively high tir epressur ecan result in:
RIncreased braking dis tance
RImpaired handling characteristics
RIrre gular wear
RImpaired drivin gcom fort
RSusceptibility todamage
Wheels and tires 31
Page 316 of 446
&WARNING Risk of accident caused by
re peated drop in tir epressure
If th et irep ressur edrops repeatedl y,the
wheel, valveort irem aybe damaged.
Insuf ficient tir epressur ecan cause thet ires
to bur st.
#Inspect thet iref or signs of fore ign
#Chec kwhether thew heel or valveh as a
#If yo ua reunab leto rectify thed amage,
conta ctaq ualified specialis tworks hop.
Yo uc an find informatio nontirep ressur efor the
ve hicle's factor y-ins talled tires on thef ollowing
RTi re and Loading Info rmatio nplacar dont he
B‑pi llarofyour vehicle (→pag e319).
RTire pressur etable on thei nside of thef uel
fi ller flap (→pag e314).
Obse rvet he maximum tir epressure
→pag e325). Use
asuitable pressur egaug etoc heckthe tire
pressure. The outer appearance of atired oes
no tp ermit an yreliable conclusion about thet ire
Ve hicles with atirep ressur emonitoring sys‐
te m: Youc an also checkt he tir epressur eusing
th eo n-boar dcomputer.
Onl ycorrect tir epressur ewhent he tires are
cold. Conditions forc old tires:
RThe vehicle has been par kedw itht he tires
out of direct sunlight foratl east thre eh ours.
RThe vehicle has tr aveled less than 1m ile
(1.6 km).
Ar ise in thet iret emperatur eof18°F( 10°C)
increases thet irep ressur ebya pprox.10k Pa
(0. 1b ar/1.5 psi). Take this int oaccount when
ch ecking thet irep ressur eofw armt ires.
The tire pressure re commendedfori ncreased
load/speedint he tirepressur etable can af fect
th er ide comfort.
WARNING Risk of accident from unsuita‐
blea ccessori es onthet irev alves
If yo um ountunsuitable accessories onto tire
va lves, thet irev alves ma ybeoverloaded and
malfunction, whic hcan cause tir epressure
loss. Tire pressur emonitoring sy stems for
re trofitting will cause thet irev alvetor emain
open .This can als oresult in tir epressure
#Onl yscrew standar dvalvec aps or valve
cap sspecifically appr ovedby
Mercedes-Benzf oryour vehicle onto
th et irev alve.
Tire pressur etable
The tir epressur etable is on thei nside of the
fuel filler flap.
% The dat ashown in thei mages is example
31 4
Wheels and tires
Page 318 of 446
RMaximum tirepressur e(→page325)
Checking thet irep ressur emanually
#Read thet irep ressur efor thec urrent operat‐
ing conditions from thet irea nd loading infor‐
mation table or thet irep ressur etable.
Obser vethen otes on tir epressure.
#Re mo vethev alvec ap of thet iretob e
ch ecked.
#Press thet irep ressur egaug esecurel yonto
th ev alve.
#Read thet irep ressure.
#Ifth et irep ressur eisl owerthan ther ecom‐
mended value, inc rease thet irep ressur eto
th er ecommende dvalue.
#Ifth et irep ressur eish igher than ther ecom‐
mended value, release air .Todos o, press
down them etal pin in thev alve, e.g. using
th et ip of apen fore xamp le. Then checkt he
tir ep ressur eagain usingt he tirepressure
ga uge.
#Sc rewt he valvec ap ont othe valve. Fu
rther related subjects:
RNo tesont irep ressur e(→page312)
RTire pressur etable (→pag e314)
RTire and Loading Info rmatio nplacard
(→pag e319)
Tire pressur emonitoring sy stem
Fu nction of thet irep ressur emonitoring sys‐
te m
DANG ER Risk of accidentd uetoincor‐
re ct tir epressure
Ever ytire, including thes par e(if pr ovided),
should be checkedw hen cold at leas toncea
mont hand inflated tothep ressur erecom‐
mended bythev ehicle manufacturer (see
Ti re and Loading Info rmatio nplacar dont he
B-pi llaronthed rive r’ss ide or thet irep res‐
sur elabel on thei nside of thef uel filler flap
of your vehicle). If your vehicle has tires of a
dif fere nt size than thes ize indicated on the
Ti re and Loading Info rmatio nplacar dort he
tirep ressur etable, youn eedtod etermine
th ep roper tir epressur efor those tires.
As an added saf etyf eature, your vehicle has
been equipped wit hatirep ressur emonitor‐
ing sy stem (TPMS) that illuminates alow tire
pressur eindicator lam pwhen oneorm oreo f
yo ur tires ar esignif icantl yunderinflated.
Ac cordingly ,ifthe lo wtirep ressur eindicator
lam plights up, yous hould stop and check
yo ur tires as soonasp ossible, and inflate
th em tothep roper pressure. Driving on a
significantly underinflated tir ecauses thet ire
to ove rheat and can lead totiref ailure.
Und erinflation also increases fuel consump‐
tion and reduces tir etread life, and may
af fect thev ehicle's handling and braking abil‐
ity .P lease no tethat theT PMS is no tasubsti‐
tut efor proper tir emaintenance, and it is the
driver's responsibility tomaintain cor rect tire
pressure, evenifu nderinflatio nhasnot
re ached thel evel to trig gerillumination of
th eT PMS lo wtirep ressur eindicator lamp.
Yo ur vehicle has also been equipped wit ha
TPMS malfunction indicator toindicat ewhen
Wheels and tires