start stop button MERCEDES-BENZ E-Class SEDAN 2017 W213 Owner's Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: MERCEDES-BENZ, Model Year: 2017, Model line: E-Class SEDAN, Model: MERCEDES-BENZ E-Class SEDAN 2017 W213Pages: 446, PDF Size: 6.23 MB
Page 9 of 446
1Steering wheel gearshif tpaddle →
2 Combination switch →
3 DIRECT SELECTs elector lever →
4 Displ ay(multimedia sy stem) →
5 Start/ Stop button →
6 Control panel form ultimedia sy stem →
7 Climat econtrol sy stems →
8 Glovecompart ment →
9 Hazardw arning lights →
A Stow agec ompartment →
B Controls fort he multimedia sy stem →
C Rear wind ow roller sunblind →
D ECOs tart/s topf unction →
E Tosetthe vehicle le vel →
Pa rking Pilot →
G PASSENGER AIR BAGi ndicator lamps →
H Control panel form ultimedia sy stem →
I Adjusts thes teering wheel →
J Control panel foro n-board computer →
K Cruise cont rollev er →
L Tounlo cktheh ood →
M Electric pa rking brake →
N Light switch →
O Control panel for:
St eering Pilot →
Ac tiveL aneK eeping Assist →
Head-up Display →
Atag lanc e–C ockpit 7
Page 71 of 446
Activating/deactivatin gthe trunk li dopening
height restriction
Multimedia sy stem:,Vehicle.Vehicle Settings.Trunk Lid
Ac tivating thef unction allo wsyoutoa void
bumping thet runk lid on alow garage ceiling, for
ex ample.
#Ac tivate Oor deacti vate ª thef unction.
Ro ller sun blinds
Extending ther ear side windo wroller sun
* NO
TEDama getothei nertia reel due to
it snappin gback
If suddenly snappe dback, thei nertia reel
ma ybed amaged.
#Alwaysm ove ther oller sun blind by
#Do no tdrive wit hthe roller sun blind
hooked in and side windo wsopened at
th es ame time.
#Pull ther oller sun blind out bytab1 and
hook it ont obrack ets2.
Ex tending/r etra ctin gthe rear windo wroller
& WARNING Risk of entrapment when
ex tending or retracting ther oller sun
Body parts could become entrapped in the
sweep of ther oller sun blind when it is being
ex tende dorr etra cted.
#Make surethat no body parts ar einthe
sweep of ther oller sun blind when it is
being extende dorr etra cted.
#If someone become strapped ,brief ly
pres sthe button again.
The opening or closing process is
brief lystopped. The roller sun blind
th en returns toits startin gposition.
* NO
TEDama gecaused byobjects
#Mak esuret hat ther oller sun blind can
mo vefreely.
Opening and closing 69
Page 78 of 446
#When closing, makesuret hat no body
parts ar einthe closing area.
#Release theb utton immediatel yif
somebody becomes trapped.
#Press theb utton in an ydirection during
th ea utomatic closing process.
The closing process is stopped.
Au tomatic reve rsing function of ther oller
If th er eisano bjectobstructin gthe roller sun‐
blind during thec losing process, ther oller sun‐
blind opens again automaticall y.The automatic
re ve rsing function is onl yanaid and is no tasub‐
st itut efor your attentiveness.
#When opening or closingt heroller sunblind,
mak esuret hat no body parts ar einthe
& WARNING Risk of becoming trapped
despite ther eve rsing function being
In particular ,the reve rsing function does not
re act tosoft, light and thin objects, fore xam‐
ple small fingers.
Thi sm eans that ther eve rsing function can‐
no tp reve nt entrapment in these situations.
#When opening or closing ther oller sun
blind, mak esuret hat no body parts are
in thes weep.
#Release theb utton immediatel yif
somebody becomes trapped.
#Press theb utton in an ydirection during
th ea utomatic closing process.
The closing process is stopped.
Au tomatic features of thes liding sunroof
The term "slidings unroof" also refers to the
panoramic sliding sunroof. By pushing or pulling
the3 button youc an
inter rupt thea utomatic functions: "Rain closing
function when driving "and "Automatic lo wering
fe ature".
Ra in closing function when driving
Ve hicles with apanoramic sliding sunroof: if
it starts torain, ther aised slidings unroof is
automaticall ylowe redw hile thev ehicle is in
Au tomatic lo weringfeature
Ve hicles with apanoramic sliding sunroof: if
th es liding sunroof is raised at ther ear ,the slid‐
ing sunroof is automaticall ylowe reds lightl yat
higher speeds. Atlows peeds it is raised again
automaticall y.
WARNING Risk of entrapment byauto‐
matic lo wering of thes liding sunroof
At high speeds ther aised slidings unroof
automaticall ylow erss lightl yatt herear.
This coul dtrapy ou or other persons.
Opening and closing
Page 129 of 446
Switching on thep owe rsupp lyor ignition
using thes tart/ stopbutton
WARNING Risk of accident and injury
due tochildren lef tunat tende dint he
ve hicle
If ch ildren ar eleftu nat tende dint hevehicle,
th ey could:
ROpe ndoors,t hereb yendangering other
persons or road users
RGe tout of thev ehicle and be hit by
oncoming traf fic
ROperat evehicle equipment
In addition, thec hildren could also se tthe
ve hicle in motion, fore xamp le,by:
RRe leasing thep arking brake
RShifting thet ransmission out of park
position j
RStartin gthe engine.
#Ne verlea ve children and animals unat‐
te nde dint hevehicle.
#When leaving thev ehicle, alw ayst ake
th eS martK eywit hyou and loc kthe
ve hicle.
#Ke ep theS martK eyout of ther eac hof
ch ildren.
WARNING Risk ofexhaus tgas poisoning
Combustio nengines emit poisonous exhaust
ga ses suc hascarbon monoxide. Inhaling
th ese exhaus tgases causes poisoning.
#Ne verlea ve thee ngine running in an
enclose dspace wi thout suf ficient venti‐
& WARNING Risk offire caused byflam‐
mable material on thee xhaust system
Flammable materials brought in byeither ani‐
mals or environmen talinfluences ma yignite
if th ey come int ocontact wi thhotp arts of
th ee ngine or exhaus tsyst em.
#Therefore, checkr egularly that there
ar enof lammable materials in the
engine compartmen torontheexhaust
sy stem.
Re quirementsRThe SmartK eyis located in thev ehicle and
th eS martK eybatter yisnotdischar ged.
Driving and parking 12
Page 132 of 446
#Depress theb rake pedal and star tt he vehicle
using thes tart/s topb utton.
% Youc an also switchon thep ower suppl yor
th ei gnition wit hthe start/ stop button.
Information on Hill StartA ssist
Hill StartA ssisth olds thev ehicle when pulling
aw ay on ahill under thef ollowing conditions:
RThe transmission is in position hork.
RThe electric parking brak eisreleased.
WARNING Risk of accident and injury
caused bythev ehicle rolling away
Af teras horttime, Hill StartA ssistnol onger
holds thev ehicle and it can rollaw ay.
#Therefore, swiftl ymove your foot from
th eb rake pedal tothea ccelerator
pedal. Ne vera ttem pttolea vethev ehi‐
cle if it is being held byHillStart Assist.
Driving tips
Note sonb reaking-in anew vehicle
To preser vethee ngine during thef irst
1, 000 mile s(1,500 km):
Rdriv eatv arying road speeds and engine
Rdriv ethe vehicle in driv eprogram Cor E.
Rdo no tshif td ow nag ear manually in order to
Ravo idove rstraining thev ehicle, e.g. driving at
full thro ttle.
Rdo no tdepress thea ccelera torp edalp ast
th ep ressur epoint (kickdown).
Rgradually increase thee ngine speed only
af te r1 ,000 miles (1,500k m).
Please also observ ethe following breaking-in
no tes:
RIn cer tain drivinga nd drivings afet ys ystems,
th es ensor sadjus tautomaticall ywhile acer‐
ta in dis tance is being driven af tert he vehicle
has been delivered or af terr epairs. Full sys‐ te
me ffecti venes sisn otachie vedu ntil the
end of this teach-in process.
RBrak elinings, brak edisksa nd tires that are
either ne worhavebeen replaced onl yach‐
ie ve optimum braking ef fect and grip af ter
se veralh undred kilom eter sofd riving. Com‐
pensat efor ther educed braking ef fect by
applying greaterf orce totheb rake pedal.
Driving tips
& WARNING Risk of accident duet o
object sinthe driver's foot we ll
Object sinthe driver's foot we ll ma yimp ede
pedal tr avelorb lockad epressed pedal.
This jeopardizes theo perating and road
saf etyoft hevehicle.
#Stow all object sinthevehicle securely
so that they canno tget intot he driver's
fo ot we ll.
#Alw aysi ns tallth ef loor mats securely
and as prescribed in order toensure
th at ther eisa lway ss ufficient room for
th ep edals.
Driving and pa rking
Page 423 of 446
Operating (DYNAMIC SELECT switch).............................................................1 34
Easy entr yfeature
Operation/n otes ................................... 92
Settin g................................................... 93
Easy exitfeature
Operation/no tes. .................................. 92
Setting. .................................................. 93
EAS Y-PA CK trunk box .............................. 101
Ad justing theh eight toanyp osition .... 100
Car e................................................... .289
In stalling/removin g............................. 101
EBD (Electronic Brak eforce Distribu‐
tion) .......................................................... 152
ECO display Functio n.............................................. 133
Re setting. ............................................ 200
ECO start/s topf unction ................. 132, 133
Au tomatic engine star t. ...................... .132
Au tomatic engine stop .........................1 32
Operatio n............................................ 132
Switching off/on ................................. 133 Electric pa
rking brake .............144,145, 146
App lying automaticall y....................... .144
App lying or releasing manuall y........... .146
Emergency braking .............................. 146
Re leasing automaticall y....................... 145
trical fuses see Fuses
Emer gency
Fir st-ai dk it (so ftsided) ....................... 293
Overvie wofthe help functions. .............16
Saf etyv est. ......................................... 292
Eme rgency braking ................................ .146
Emer gency engine start .......................... 307
Emer gency key
Inserting/removing ............................... 57
Locking adoor ....................................... 63
Un lockin gadoor .................................. .63
Emer gency operation mode
St artin gvehicle .................................... 129
Emer gency release
Tr unk lid (from inside) .. .......................... 68
Emer gency Tensioning Devices
Ac tivation .............................................. 31Energy consum
Ke y. ...................................................... .56
Engin e
EC Os tart/s topf unction ......................1 32
Engine numbe r....................................3 42
St artin g(emerg ency operation
mode) .................................................. 129
St artin g(smartphone) ........................ .129
St artin g(start/ stop button) .................1 28
St artin gassis tance .............................. 301
Switching of f(start/ stop button) ........ 140
Engine data Displaying .......................................... ..
Engine hood Openin
g/closing. ................................ .278
Engine number ........................................ 342
Engine oil .................................................. 281
Ad ditives .............................................3 46
Capacity .............................................. 346
Che cking theo il le velu sing theo il
dipstic k................................................ 281
MB-Fr eigabe or MB-Appr oval .............. .346
To pping up .......................................... .281
Index 421
Page 440 of 446
Locking (from inside)............................. 60
Locking (KEYLESS-GO) ..........................6 0
Lo we ring ............................................. 338
Maintenance .......................................... 21
Pa rking ................................................ 146
Problem notification .............................. 25
Ra ising ................................................ 335
St artin g(emerg ency operation
mode) .................................................. 129
St artin g(smartphone) ........................ .129
St artin g(start/ stop button) .................1 28
Switching of f(start/ stop button) ........ 140
Un lockin g(from inside )......................... 60
Unlo cking( KEYLESS-GO) ...................... .60
Ve hicle dat a........................................3 50
Ve ntilating (co nvenience opening) ......... 71
Ve hicl edata
Displ aying ............................................ 135
Ro of load ............................................. 351
Tr unk load ............................................ 351
Tu rning radius ...................................... 350
Ve hicle height ...................................... 350
Ve hicle lengt h........................... ........... 350
Ve hicle widt h....................................... 350
Wheelbase ...........................................3 50Ve
ed imensions ................................. 350
Ve hicl eelectronics
No tes. ................................................. 340
Tw o-w ayradios .................................... 340
Ve hicl eidentification number
see VIN
Ve hicl eidentification plate .................... 342
Pa int code .......................................... .342
VIN ...................................................... 342
Ve hicl einterior
Cooling or heating (smart phone) .........128
Ve hicl eoperation
Outside theU SAor Canada ...................2 1
Ve hicl etool kit
Ti re -chang etool kit .............................. 293
TIREFIT kit ...........................................2 94
To wing eye. ......................................... 293
Ve ntilating
Con venience opening ............................ 71
Ve ntilation
see Climat econt rol
Ve nts
see Air vents Vi
deo mode .............................................. 262
Ac tivating ............................................ 260
Ac tivating/deactivating full-screen
mod e................................................... 262
Overvie w.............................................. 261
Setting s............................................... 262
VIN ............................................................ 342
Identificatio nplate .............................. 342
Sea t..................................................... 342
Vi sibility
Defrosting thew indo ws....................... 123
Wi ndshield hea ter. ................... ............
Vo ice Cont
rol Sy stem ............................ .206
Application-specific command ............ 207
Au dible help function s......................... 20 8
Comm andt ype s.................................. 207
Entering numbe rs................................ 208
Globa lcommand ................................. 207
Impr oving speec hquality. .................. .208
Languag esetting ................................ .208
Mediap laye rc ommands ...................... 213
Messag ecommands ............................2 14
Multifunction steering wheel (operat‐
ing) ...................................................... 206
Na vigation commands ......................... 210