oil temperature YAMAHA YZ125LC 2002 Owners Manual

YAMAHA YZ125LC 2002 Owners Manual YZ125LC 2002 YAMAHA YAMAHA https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/51/53920/w960_53920-0.png YAMAHA YZ125LC 2002 Owners Manual

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YAMAHA YZ125LC 2002  Owners Manual 7-1
Carburetor setting
9The role of fuel is to cool the engine, and in the
case of a 2-stroke engine, to lubricate the
engine in addition to power gen

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YAMAHA YZ125LC 2002  Owners Manual 7-2
That is:
9Higher temperature expands the air with its
resultant reduced density.
9Higher humidity reduces the amount of oxygen
in the air by so much of the water vapor in the
same air.