wheel bolts Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016 Owner's Manual

Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016 Owner's Manual 4C Spider 2016 Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/27/9385/w960_9385-0.png Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016 Owner's Manual

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Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016  Owners Manual supplement to the radiator and aids in removing heat
from the engine cooling system.
Driving with a hot cooling system could damage
your vehicle. If the temperature gauge reads 240°F

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Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016  Owners Manual Torque Specifications
Lug Nut/Bolt Torque **Lug Nut/Bolt SizeLug Nut/
Socket Size
72 Ft-Lbs (98 N·m) M12 x 1.25 17 mm
**Use only your Authorized Dealer recommended lug
nuts/bolts and clean or re

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Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2016  Owners Manual After 25 miles (40 km) check the lug nut/bolt torque to be
sure that all the lug nuts/bolts are properly seated
against the wheel.
To avoid the risk of forcing the vehicle off the jack,
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