transmission AUDI Q5 2008 1.G Infotainment MMI Operating Manual

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Phone pre-installation19
MMI componentsMMI control consoleMulti-function steering wheelTelephone handsetVoice control
Phone pre-installation
Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation
A mobile phone can be connected to the on-board phone
system and operated via the MMI control console, the
multi-function steering wheel or the speech control
The phone pre-installation is located in the centre armrest. A special
mobile phone adapter is needed in order to connect your mobile
phone to this interface page 20. Mobile phone adapters are avail-
able from Audi dealers or specialist retailers.
You can operate your mobile phone using the MMI control console
page 87, the multi-function steering wheel* page 132, the
speech dialogue system* page 169 or the telephone speech
control system* page 160. You can also use the talk button *
on the mobile phone adapter to answer and end a call.
When your mobile phone is in the mobile phone adapter, call
signals are sent and received via the external car aerial. This ensures
good transmission quality and reduces radiation emissions in the
interior of the vehicle.
•Please note that persons should maintain a minimum distance
of 15 cm from the aerial as prescribed by the certification regula-
tions for mobile high frequency transmission devices.
•Please direct your full attention to the road at all times! As the
driver, you have full responsibility for the safety of the vehicle and
other road users. For this reason, you should only use the func-
tions in a manner that allows you to maintain control of the
vehicle in all situations - accident risk!
•The speech dialogue system* page 169 and the telephone
speech control system* page 160 must not be used in cases of
emergency, since the voice changes in stressful situations. This
could result in a failed or delayed telephone connection. Always
dial emergency numbers manually!
•Always obey the laws regulating the use of telephones in vehi-
•Always switch off your telephone in areas where using mobile
phones is prohibited.
•Switch off the telephone in all areas where there may be a risk of
explosion. Remember that these areas may not always be
adequately marked. Such places are filling stations, fuel and chem-
ical storage facilities or transport vehicles and other places where
fumes, chemicals (e.g. from leaking propane or fuel vapours in vehi-
cles or buildings) or large quantities of dust particles (e.g. from flour
or wood) could accumulate in the air. This warning also applies to
all other places where you would normally switch off your engine.
•In order to use the telephone functions, your mobile phone must
be compatible with the phone pre-installation in the vehicle, and the
functions must be supported by your service provider.
•For up-to-date information on the phone pre-installation, please
ask an Audi dealer or specialist retailer.

WARNING (continued)


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Phone pre-installation 22
Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation
Bluetooth enables a wireless connection between a
mobile phone and the MMI system.
The mobile phone 3) must be bonded to the on-board phone
system in the vehicle (only has to be done once). This proce-
dure involves various steps, depending on the mobile
phone you are using. After you switch on the ignition, you
have 5 minutes to connect your mobile phone to the on-
board phone system (while the vehicle is stationary).
– Make sure that no other mobile phone is connected to
the on-board phone system via Bluetooth.
– Switch on the ignition and the MMI (if not already acti-
– Select the appropriate menu option on your mobile
phone to search for Bluetooth compatible devices
(phone pre-installation).– Connect the mobile phone to the on-board phone
system. Your on-board phone system will use the name
“Audi UHV” when it connects with the mobile phone.
– Enter the PIN for handsfree mode (“1234”) on the on-
board phone system within 30 seconds.
– Wait until your mobile phone indicates that it has
bonded. The Bluetooth symbol fig. 14 will appear
on the MMI display.
You should change the PIN for handsfree mode to prevent unauthor-
ised use of your mobile phone page 101.
Up to four mobile phones
You can bond up to four mobile phones to the on-board phone
system. However, it is only possible to activate one connection at a
time. If you bond a fifth mobile phone to the on-board phone
system, the system will delete the device which has not been used
for the longest time in conjunction with the on-board phone system.
Connecting and disconnecting
A mobile phone which has been bonded to the on-board phone
system and is ready to operate will be connected automatically
when you switch on the ignition. On some mobile phones you have
to confirm the connection.
The Bluetooth connection is terminated when the key is removed
from the ignition lock.
The Bluetooth connection between the mobile phone and the on-
board phone system is restricted to the interior of the vehicle. The
connection can be susceptible to interference caused by other elec-
tronic devices or obstacles between the devices. For example, the
transmission quality may be affected if you keep your mobile phone
in your jacket pocket.
3)Please make sure that the mobile phone you are bonding supports the
Hands-Free Profile.
Fig. 14 Bluetooth


Page 61 of 193

Listening to the radio59
MMI componentsMMI control consoleMulti-function steering wheelTelephone handsetVoice control Traffic reports are automatically recorded for about one hour after
the MMI has been switched off. The recorded reports can be called
up via the TP memo function page 121. Use the options Timer 1
and Timer 2 to set specific times at which you want to record traffic
reports page 123.
Regional station function
Important: The radio must be set to the FM waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Regional stations.
Some FM stations split up their transmission and provide different
regions with regional programmes with differing content.
Regional station function on
All regional stations can be received.Regional station function off
Only the regional station with the strongest reception can be
Station reception
Important: The radio must be set to the FM, MW or LW wave-
band page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Station reception.
Station reception - local
The automatic search function (in FM, MW and LW waveband) will
only stop at stations/frequencies with a strong reception signal.
Station reception - distant
The automatic search function (in FM, MW and LW waveband) will
also stop at stations/frequencies with a weaker reception signal.
Station names
Important: The radio must be set to the FM waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Station names.
Station names - scrolling
Scroll texts transmitted by FM stations will appear in the MMI
Station names - fixed
Scroll texts transmitted by FM stations will not appear in the MMI
display. The current scroll text in the display will freeze.
TP symbolFunction
Filled inThe Traffic Programme function is activated.
Traffic news stations can be received and traffic
reports will cut in.
Not filled inThe Traffic Programme function has been
switched off. Traffic news stations can be
received, but no traffic reports will cut in.
Crossed outThe Traffic Programme function is activated. No
traffic news station can be received. No traffic
reports will cut in.
Not displayedThe Traffic Programme function has been
switched off. No traffic news station can be


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Listening to the radio61
MMI componentsMMI control consoleMulti-function steering wheelTelephone handsetVoice control
Deleting last stations
Important: The radio must be set to the FM waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Delete last stations.
Use this function to delete your favourite FM stations, which are
listed in the first five positions of the station list page 54, fig. 45.
A new list of favourite stations will be compiled automatically.
You can turn the display of your favourite FM stations on and off
page 60.
Deleting stored stations
Important: A station must be stored in the memory list
page 57.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Delete stored stations > Delete
individually or Delete all entries.
Delete individually
Select Delete individually and then select the station you would like
to delete by turning and pressing the rotary pushbutton.
Delete all entries
Select Delete all entries by turning and pressing the rotary
Applies to vehicles: with digital radio (DAB)
Displaying radio texts
Important: The radio must be set to the DAB waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > control button
Tu n e > TEXT.
Radio texts are additional pieces of information that are broadcast
by some radio stations (e.g. station name, artist or track).
Applies to vehicles: with digital radio (DAB)
Displaying data services
Important: The radio must be set to the DAB waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > control button
Tuning > INFO.
Some stations also use data services to broadcast images.
Applies to vehicles: with digital radio (DAB)
Service Following
Important: The radio must be set to the DAB waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > Service Following.
Service Following on
The activated Service Following function tries to retain the current
radio station even if you leave its transmission area. While the auto-



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Listening to the radio 62
matic seek function is active, the current radio station (FM band) is
Service Following off
If you leave the transmission area of the radio station the system is
tuned to, it may no longer be received.
Applies to vehicles: with digital radio (DAB)
L band
Important: The radio must be set to the DAB waveband
page 54.
– Select: Function selector button > function
selector button > L band.
There are two wavebands for the digital radio: Band III and L band
Ensembles in the band III usually have a larger range extending into
several regions. They can be received at all times. Ensembles in the
L band usually can only be received in certain regions. When the L
band option is activated, ensembles from the band III and the L
band can be received. The station search may then take a little



Page 81 of 193

MMI componentsMMI control consoleMulti-function steering wheelTelephone handsetVoice control The DVB-T hybrid tuner* supports the DVB-T standard and the
analog TV standards PA L, NTSC and SECAM.
If you select the wrong TV standard the following problems can
occur: no picture or a poor picture, no colour picture, no audio
output or no reception of certain analog or digital channels.
The TV standard is preset at the factory to the TV standard of the
country to which the vehicle is sold.
Applies to vehicles: with external AV source
AV standard
– Select: Function selector button > source
External AV source 1/2 > function selector button
> AV standard.
You can select from Default setting, PA L, SECAM or NTSC.
If you select the wrong AV standard, the following problems can
occur: no picture or a poor picture or no colour picture.
Applies to vehicles: with DVB-T
Channel following
The Channel Following function ensures that you remain
tuned to the selected TV channel.
– Select: Function selector button > source TV >
function selector button > Channel Following.
Channel Following on
The activated Channel Following function tries to retain the current
TV channel even if you leave its transmission area.
Channel Following off
If you leave the transmission area of the currently selected TV
channel, it may no longer be received.
Eastern Europe
PA L B GEstonia
Eastern Europe
a)at the time of print.
TV standard a)Valid for the following countries


Page 123 of 193

Calling up traffic information121
MMI componentsMMI control consoleMulti-function steering wheelTelephone handsetVoice control
Calling up traffic information
If desired, your MMI system will inform you about the current traffic
situation both on the screen and audibly.
You are probably familiar with the traffic reports that most radio
stations transmit at regular intervals. Your MMI system automati-
cally records these reports page 121 for up to an hour after the
MMI has been switched off. The Traffic Programme reception is indi-
cated by the TP symbol when the radio, the CD player or the Audi
music interface*
21) is switched on page 58.
In addition, more and more radio stations transmit traffic messages
that are received automatically and inaudibly by your MMI system.
You can set the system to display these messages on your MMI
display. Another even more convenient function is that the MMI
system uses these reports when the dynamic navigation function is
activated to guide you around traffic obstructions such as conges-
tions whenever possible page 117.
The reception of traffic messages is indicated by the TMC symbol at
the top of the display when the navigation mode is activated:
Calling up traffic reports (TP memo)
Traffic reports are stored along with the station name and
the time of transmission.
Important: The Traffic Programme function must be
switched on page 58.
– Press the function selector button marked .
21)Still under development at the time of printing.
TMC symbolsExplanation
TMC symbol litTMC stations are available and the dynamic
navigation is switched on page 117.
TMC symbol not
litTMC stations are available; the dynamic navi-
gation is switched off.
TMC symbol
crossed outTMC stations are not available; the dynamic
navigation is switched on.
TMC symbol
is not displayedTMC stations are not available; the dynamic
navigation is switched off.
Fig. 106 List of traffic