AUDI S4 2021 User Guide

Page 11 of 304

Quick access

Electronic Stabilization Control
> page 114

Electronic Stabilization Control
=>page 114
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
>page 114
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
=>page 114

Adaptive cruise control
> page 138,
Traffic jam assist
=> page 139

Engine oil sensor
=> page 224
Engine warm-up request
=> page 224
Electrical system
=> page 230
Washer fluid level
=> page 233
Tire pressure
=> page 253,
=> page 253
Tire pressure
=> page 253

Steering intervention request
> page 139,
=>page 142

Distance warning
=> page 140

Active lane assist
> page 141,
=> page 143

Pre sense
=> page 143

Side assist, exit warning
=> page 148

Parking systems
=>page 152

Rear cross-traffic assist
=> page 156

Park assist
=>page 161
Emergency call function
> page 179

Tank system
=> page 218
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
> page 218,
=> page 220
Engine oil level (MIN)
=> page 224
Engine oil level (MAX)
=> page 224

Other indicator lights
Low beam headlights
=>page 51

Parking lights
=> page 51
Turn signals
=> page 52,
=>page 53
Turn signals
=> page 52,
=> page 53
Start/Stop system
=> page 103
Hill hold assist
=> page 108
Cruise control system
=> page 127
Cruise control system
=>page 127
Efficiency assist
=> page 129,
=>page 129
Efficiency assist
> page 129
Efficiency assist
=> page 129
Efficiency assist
=> page 129 >

Page 12 of 304

Quick access

Efficiency assist
=>page 129
Efficiency assist
=> page 129
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 131
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 131
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 131
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 131
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 136
Traffic jam assist
> page 138
Traffic jam assist
> page 138
Active lane assist
> page 141
High beam headlights
=> page 52,
=> page 52
High beam assistant
=> page 52
Child safety lock
=> page 44
Child safety lock
=>page 45
Child safety lock
=>page 45
High beam assistant
=> page 52,
=> page 54
Convenience key
=> page 96
=> page 100
Efficiency assist
=> page 129
Start/Stop system
=> page 103

Electromechanical parking brake
=> page 107
Electromechanical parking brake
=> page 107
Hold assist
=> page 107
Hill hold assist
=> page 109
>page 111
Speed warning system
=> page 121
Speed warning system
> page 121
Camera-based traffic sign recog-
> page 122
Cruise control system
=> page 127,
=>page 128,
=>page 128
Cruise control system
=> page 127,
> page 128,
=>page 128
Efficiency assist
= page 129,
Predictive control
=> page 134,
Adaptive cruise control
> page 138,
Traffic jam assist
= page 139
Adaptive cruise control
= page 134
Adaptive cruise control
=> page 138,
Traffic jam assist
=> page 138,
=>page 139
Distance warning
=> page 140

Page 13 of 304


Quick access

Active lane assist
=> page 141,
=> page 143
Pre sense
> page 143
®) Pre sense
=> page 144
Side assist, exit warning
Fs => page 148
Parking systems
=> page 152
Rear cross-traffic assist
Q hee => page 156
Park assist
=> page 161
Park assist
=> page 161

Page 14 of 304

Instrument cluster
trument clu
Instrument cluster overview
C100 T

Fig. 3 Instrument cluster overview (analog)

Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow- @) Right additional display with speed-
ing items may appear in the instrument cluster: ometer
Left dial @® Left additional display with:
—Tachometer .........00.. 000s 14 SIG OOM wice es eosenes 2 a were 2 8 wate @ oe 97
af@a « < sees se oes x eee gee 13 — Audi drive select mode ......... 110
Centralarea .............0.000. 13 Display
Status line (one or two lines) — Engine coolant temperature ~E .. 14
Right dial i
— Convenience display ZX WARNING
— Speedometer Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
Display If there is a severe ECD in the instru-
—FuellevelfD .....-..e0eeec ee. 218 ment cluster, the display may turn off. The
light may also turn on. Stop the >


Page 15 of 304

Instrument cluster

vehicle safely. See an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility for assis-

G) Tips
— The following pages primarily show illustra-
tions of the Audi virtual cockpit*. The dis-
play or location of the items that are shown
may vary on the different versions of the in-
strument cluster.
— You can select the units used for tempera-
ture, speed, and other measurements
=> page 212.
— Speeds are displayed in mph (miles per
hour) or km/h (kilometers per hour).
— Certain instrument cluster content can also
be displayed in the head-up display*
=>page 25.

Fig. 5 Left side of multifunction steering wheel
Information is organized within various tabs @)
in the instrument cluster. The tab contents are
displayed in the central area (2).
Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.

Selecting a tab
> Press the <J/ > button @) repeatedly until the
desired tab is selected.
Returning to functions at higher levels
> Press the D button ©).
Opening and closing the menu
» Press the [=] button ©).
Selecting and confirming a function
Requirement: a menu or list must be displayed.
> To select a function, turn the left thumbwheel
@ to the desired function.
> To confirm a selection, press the left thumb-
wheel (7).
Switching the view
> Press the VIEW button @) > page 13.
The following tabs may be available, depending
on vehicle equipment:

First tab Vehicle functions > page 16
Second tab | Driver messages (this is only dis-
played if at least one indicator
light/message is being displayed)
Third tab Radio > page 193
Media > page 203
Fourth tab | Telephone > page 166
Fifth tab Navigation > page 181

Adjusting the display
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
Fig. 6 Center display: adjusting the display
Switching the view
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
> Press the VIEW button to switch between the
default view @ and the enhanced view (2).

Page 16 of 304

Instrument cluster

Adjusting the layout
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
Depending on the vehicle equipment, various lay-
outs may be available.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
SETTINGS > Display & brightness > Audi virtu-
al cockpit.
> To adjust the desired layout, press @).
Adjusting the additional display
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the addi-
tional displays that can be selected may vary.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
SETTINGS > Display & brightness > Audi virtu-
al cockpit > Configure.
> Select the desired additional display.
Reducing the display
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you can
hide the central area in the instrument cluster.
> Select on the instrument cluster: vehicle func-
tions tab > [=] button > Reduced display, or
> Press the VIEW button on the multifunction
steering wheel.
Coolant temperature
Applies to: vehicles with a coolant temperature indicator
The coolant temperature display @) > page 12
only functions when the ignition is switched on.
To reduce the risk of engine damage, please ob-
serve the following notes about the temperature
Cold range
If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge turn
on, the engine has not reached operating tem-
perature yet. Avoid high engine speeds, full accel-
eration, and heavy engine loads.
Normal range
The engine has reached its operating tempera-
ture once the LEDs up to the center of the gauge
turn on. If the | indicator light in the instru-
ment cluster display turns on, the coolant tem-
perature is too high > page 227.
() Note
— Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
front of the air intake impair the cooling ef-
fect of the coolant. This increases the risk of
the engine overheating during high outside
temperatures and heavy engine load.
— The front spoiler also helps to distribute
cooling air correctly while driving. If the
spoiler is damaged, the cooling effect will
be impaired and the risk of the engine over-
heating will increase. See an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
cility for assistance.
The tachometer @) > page 12 displays the engine
speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). The be-
ginning of the red zone in the tachometer indi-
cates the maximum permissible engine speed for
all gears once the engine has been broken in. Be-
fore reaching the red zone, you should shift into
the next higher gear, select the &#34;D&#34; or &#34;S&#34; selec-
tor lever position, or remove your foot from the
accelerator pedal.
Engine speed limitation
If the tA indicator light turns on, the engine will
be automatically limited to the RPM displayed in
the instrument cluster. This will protect the en-
gine components, for example during a cold start
or from overheating.
The engine speed limitation is deactivated if you
release the accelerator pedal while the engine is
at normal operating temperature.
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the By indicator
light also turns on. Make sure the engine speed
does not go above the speed displayed, for exam-
ple when downshifting. Drive to an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately to have the malfunction corrected. >

Page 17 of 304

Instrument cluster

@) Note
The needle in the tachometer may only be in
the red area of the gauge for a short period of
time before there is a risk of damaging the
engine. The location where the red zone be-
gins varies depending on the engine.

Fig. 7 Instrument cluster: reset button
The trip odometer and odometer are displayed in
the status bar @) > page 12.
The trip odometer shows the distance driven
since it was last reset. It can be used to measure
short distances. The odometer shows the total
distance that the vehicle has been driven.
Resetting the trip odometer
> To reset the trip odometer to zero, press the re-
set button @.
@) Tips
Distances are displayed in mi (miles) or km
Outside temperature
The outside temperature is displayed in the sta-
tus bar @) 9 page 12.
If your vehicle is stationary or if you are driving at
very low speeds, the temperature displayed in
the instrument cluster may be slightly higher
than the actual temperature outside due to heat
radiating from the engine.
At temperatures below 41 °F (+5 °C), a snowflake
symbol appears in front of the temperature dis-
play > A\.

Do not assume the roads are free of ice based
on the outside temperature display. Be aware
that there may be ice on roads even when the
outside temperature is around 41 °F (+5 °C)
and that ice can increase the risk of accidents.

Engine oil temperature
Applies to: vehicles with engine oil temperature indicator
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the engine
oil temperature %7% may be indicated by a bar in
the instrument cluster.
> Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit:
Open the vehicle functions tab and switch to
the enhanced view > page 13.
> Applies to: vehicles with analog instrument
cluster: Open the lap timer > page 124.
When engine oil temperatures are low, the dis-
play --- °F (--- °C) appears in the instrument clus-
ter. The engine has reached its operating temper-
ature when the engine oil temperature is be-
tween 176 °F (80 °C) and 248 °F (120 °C) under
normal driving conditions. The engine oil temper-
ature may be higher if there is heavy engine load
and high temperatures outside. This is not a
cause for concern as long as the | or 3 indica-
tor lights do not turn on.
Boost indicator
Applies to: vehicles with boost indicator
Depending on vehicle equipment, the current en-
gine load (meaning the current boost pressure)
may be indicated by a bar in the instrument clus-
> Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit:
Open the vehicle functions tab and switch to
the enhanced view > page 13.
> Applies to: vehicles with analog instrument
cluster: Open the lap timer > page 124.

Page 18 of 304

Instrument cluster

Vehicle functions
The trip computer is displayed in the first tab of
the driver information system. Additional vehicle
functions can be accessed depending on the vehi-
cle equipment.
> Press the LE] button on the multifunction steer-
ing wheel.
— On-board computer > page 16
— Lap times > page 124
— Lap statistics > page 124
— Reduced display > page 14
On-board computer
Resetting values to zero
Requirement: the Consumption, Short-term
memory, or Long-term memory display must be
> To reset the values in the respective memory to
zero, press and hold the left thumbwheel on
the multifunction steering wheel for one sec-
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you can call
up the following displays in the on-board com-
puter one at a time by turning the left thumb-
wheel on the multifunction steering wheel:
—Time and date > page 212
— Level
— Digital speedometer
— Average consumption > page 16
— Range
— Short-term memory overview
— Long-term memory overview
— Energy consumers > page 16
— Driver assistance
— Traffic sign recognition and traffic light infor-
Short-term memory and long-term memory
The short-term memory collects driving informa-
tion from the time the ignition is switched on un-
til it is switched off. If you continue driving within
two hours after switching the ignition off, the
new values will be included when calculating the
current trip information.
Unlike the short-term memory, the long-term
memory is not erased automatically. You can se-
lect the time period for evaluating trip informa-
tion yourself.
Average consumption
The current consumption can be shown using a
bar graph. The average consumption stored in
the short-term memory is also displayed. If the
bar is green, your vehicle is saving fuel (for exam-
ple, using recuperation).
Energy consumers
The Energy consumers view lists other equip-
ment that is currently affecting fuel consump-
tion. The display shows up to three equipment
items. The equipment using the most power is
listed first. If more than three items using power
are switched on, the equipment that is currently
using the most power is displayed. A gauge also
shows the current total consumption of all other
Gi) Tips
The date, time of day, and time and date for-
mat can be set > page 212.

Page 19 of 304


Touch display

ouch displ > Press and hold an item until the associated op-
tions are displayed.
General touch display
operation eee ne
Applies to: touch display

Applies to: touch display
The center display is a touchscreen. Operation is
very similar to operating a smartphone.
@ Tips
Certain gestures are not available in every

Fig. 10 Touch display: pressing and pulling
Applies to: touch display Moving an item
You can position some items at any location on
the screen.
>» Press and hold an item, and then use your fin-
ger to pull it to the desired location.

Applies to: touch display
Fig. 8 Touch display: pressing
Selecting a function or button
> Press the desired function or button.

Applies to: touch display

Fig. 11 Touch display: pinching fingers together and pull-
ing them apart
Zooming in and out on an item
> To increase the size of an item, touch it with
two fingers and pull your fingers apart.
> To decrease the size of an item, touch it with
two fingers and pull your fingers together.
Fig. 9 Touch display: pressing and holding
Accessing options
For some items, you can access additional op-
tions that are not directly visible.

Page 20 of 304

Touch display
‘agging away from/toward the edge of
Applies to: touch display e scre
Applies to: touch display

Fig. 12 Touch display: rotating
Fig. 14 Touch display: dragging away from the edge of the
Rotating the view or perspective screen
> Rotate the item using two fingers. Opening hidden menus
The E=] symbol indicates that there is a hidden
agging menu.
Applies to: touch display
> Use your finger to drag inward from the upper
or lower edge of the screen, or
> Press the E=] button.
Closing hidden menus
> Press within the menu and drag it toward the
upper or lower edge of the screen.
Information about menu paths

Fig. 13 Touch display: @ dragging with one finger, @
dragging with two fingers This guide shows you at a glance the paths for
opening a desired menu and its settings and
functions. Scrolling or browsing through menus/lists
> To scroll through menus and lists, swipe up-
ward or downward with one finger. Esamplw ers path
> To browse through menus and lists, swipe to > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
the right or left with one finger. SETTINGS > General > Date & time.
Tilting 3D displays Following the path
> Drag upward or downward with two fingers. » First, determine in which display the path
should be entered. In this example, it is the
MMI display.
> To open the home screen, press (2.
> If the SETTINGS button is not displayed, use
your finger to swipe to the left or right until it
> Press the SETTINGS button.
> If the General button is not displayed, swipe
toward the left or right with one finger until it

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