oil BMW 325Ci CONVERTIBLE 2002 E46 Owner's Manual

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Controls and features
Operation, maintenance

Dynamic Stability Control
Tire Pressure Monitor (RDC)83
Flat Tire Monitor85


Parking lamps/Low beams87
Instrument lighting88
High beams/Standing lamps88
Fog lamps88
Interior lamps89

Controlling the climate for
pleasant driving:

Air conditioning90
Automatic climate control93

Interior conveniences:

Glove compartment96
BMW Universal Transmitter97
Storage compartments99
Cellular phone100
Ashtray, front100
Ashtray, rear101

Loading and transporting:

Ski bag102
Cargo loading103
Roof-mounted luggage rack for
the hardtop105

Special operating instructions:

Break-in procedures108
Driving notes109
Antilock Brake System
Brake system109

Wheels and tires:

Tire inflation pressure113
Tire condition113
Tire replacement114
Wheel and tire
Winter tires116

In the engine compartment:

Engine compartment
Washer fluids120
Engine oil121
Brake fluid124


The BMW Maintenance

Laws and regulations:

Technical modifications126
California Proposition
65 Warning126
OBD interface socket127

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Indicator and warning lamps

Technology that monitors itself

The system runs an operational check
on the indicator and warning lamps
identified with the


symbol each time
you switch on the ignition. They each
light up once for different periods of
If a fault should occur in one of these
systems, the corresponding lamp does
not go out after the engine is started, or
it lights up while the vehicle is moving.
You will see how to react in the
following section.

Red: stop immediately

Battery charge current


The battery is no longer being
charged. Indicates a defective
alternator drive belt or a problem with
the alternator's charge circuit. Please
contact the nearest BMW center.
If the drive belt is defective, stop
and switch off the engine immedi-
ately to prevent overheating and
serious engine damage. If the drive belt
is defective, increased steering effort is
also required.


Engine oil pressure


Stop the vehicle immediately
and switch off the engine.
Check the engine oil level; top off as
required. If the oil level is correct:
please contact the nearest BMW
Do not continue driving, as the
engine could sustain serious
damage from inadequate lubrication.


Brake warning lamp


If the lamp comes on when the
parking brake is not engaged:
check the brake fluid level. Before
driving further, be sure to comply with
the instructions on pages 109 and 124
Brake warning lamp for Cana-
dian models.
Tire Pressure Monitor (RDC)/
Flat Tire Monitor


In addition, an acoustic signal is
sounded: a tire failure has occurred.
Reduce vehicle speed immediately and
stop the vehicle. Avoid hard brake
applications. As you steer the vehicle,
use caution to avoid overcorrecting.
For additional information refer to
pages 83, 85

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Indicator and warning lamps

Yellow: check as soon as possible

Antilock Brake System (ABS)


ABS has been deactivated in
response to system malfunction.
Conventional braking performance
remains available with no loss of effi-
ciency. Please have the system
inspected at your BMW center.
For additional information refer to
page 109
ABS warning lamp for Canadian
Engine oil level
Comes on during driving: the
engine oil level has fallen to the
absolute minimum; refill as soon as
possible. Do not drive more than
approx. 30 miles (50 km) until you do.
For additional information refer to
page 121
Engine oil level
Comes on after the engine has
been switched off: add engine
oil at the earliest opportunity (next time
you stop to refuel).
For additional information refer to
page 121

Brake pads


Have the brake pads checked.
For additional information refer
to page 109
Tire Pressure Monitor (RDC)/
Flat Tire Monitor


Check tire inflation pressures,
refer to pages 24, 83, 85
Automatic Stability Control plus
Traction (ASC+T)/Dynamic
Stability Control (DSC)


Indicator lamp flashes:
The system is actively regulating drive
torque and braking force.
The indicator lamp stays lit:
ASC+T has been switched off with the
button or it is defective, or the DSC has
been switched off, ADB is operational.
Please contact a BMW center in case of
a malfunction.
Additional information beginning on
page 80

Automatic Stability Control plus
Traction (ASC+T)/Dynamic
Stability Control (DSC) indicator
lamp and brake warning lamp


The indicator lamps remain on:
the DSC

and ADB/DBC have
been switched off with the button or are
Please consult the nearest BMW
For additional information refer to
page 81
DSC and ADB indicator and
warning lamps for Canadian
Dynamic Brake Control (DBC)


Malfunction in DBC system.
Conventional braking efficiency
is available and unrestricted.
Have the system repaired by your BMW
For additional information refer to
page 82

Page 75 of 159

Fuel gauge Temperature gauge Service Interval DisplayOnce the indicator lamp stays on
continuously, there are still approx.
2 gallons (8 liters) of fuel in the fuel
For fuel tank capacity refer to page 147.
Certain operating conditions (such as
those encountered in mountainous
areas) may cause the needle to fluc-
tuate slightly.
Please refuel early, since driving
to the last drop of fuel can result in
damage to the engine and/or catalytic
When you switch on the ignition, the
indicator lamp lights up briefly as an
operation check.
BlueThe engine is still cold. Drive at
moderate engine and vehicle speeds.RedWhen you switch on the ignition, the
warning lamp comes on briefly to
confirm that the system is operational.
If the lamp comes on during normal
vehicle operation: the engine has over-
heated. Shut off the engine immediately
and allow it to cool down.
Checking coolant level, refer to
page 123.Between the blue and red zonesNormal operating range. The needle
may rise as far as the edge of the red
sector in normal operation.
Remaining distance to serviceThe displays shown in the illustration
appear for a few seconds when the
ignition key is in position 1 or after the
engine is started.
The next service due appears with the
TION, together with the distance
remaining in miles (kilometers) before
the next scheduled service.
The computer bases its calculations
of the remaining distance on operating
conditions in the preceding period.
A flashing message and a "Ð" in front of
the number mean that the service
interval has already been exceeded by
the distance shown on the display.
Please contact your BMW center for an

Page 117 of 159

Winter tiresChoosing the right tireBMW recommends winter tires (M+S
radial tires) for operation under
inclement winter driving conditions.
While all-season tires (M+S designa-
tion) provide better winter traction than
summer tires with the load ratings H, V,
W, Y and ZR, they generally do not
achieve the performance of winter tires.
In the interest of safe tracking and
steering response, install winter tires
made by the same manufacturer and
with the same tread configuration on all
four wheels.Never exceed the maximum
speed for which the winter tires
are rated.
Unprofessional attempts by laymen to
service tires can lead to damage and
Have this work performed by trained
professionals only. Any BMW center
has the required technical knowledge
and the proper equipment and will be
happy to assist you.<
Tire condition, tire pressureOnce the tire wears to below 0.16 in
(4 mm), winter tires display a percep-
tible decrease in their ability to cope
with winter driving conditions, and
should be replaced in the interest of
Comply with the specified tire inflation
pressures Ñ and be sure to have the
wheel and tire assemblies balanced
every time you change the tires.
StorageStore tires in a cool, dry place,
protecting them against light whenever
possible. Protect the tires against
contact with oil, grease and fuel.Snow chains
BMW narrow-link snow chains are
intended for mounting on summer or
winter tires in pairs at the rear wheels
only. Comply with all manufacturer's
safety precautions when mounting the
You cannot mount snow chains with the
following tires:
225/50 R 16 92
225/45 R 17 91
245/40 ZR 17

Page 119 of 159

Engine compartment essentials1 Brake fluid reservoir124
2 Engine oil dipstick1213 Coolant expansion tank123
4 Reservoir for the headlamp and
windshield washer system1205 Engine oil filler neck121
6 Auxiliary terminal for

Page 121 of 159

Engine oilChecking oil level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface
2. Switch the engine off after it has
reached normal operating tempera-
3. After approx. 5 minutes, pull the
dipstick out and wipe it off with a
clean lint-free cloth, paper towel, or
similar material
4. Carefully push the dipstick all the
way into the guide tube and pull it
out again
5. The oil level should be between the
two marks on the dipstick.
As with fuel economy, oil consumption
is directly influenced by your driving
style and vehicle operating conditions.
The oil volume between the two marks
on the dipstick corresponds to approx.
1.1 US quarts (1 liter). Do not fill beyond
the upper mark on the dipstick. Excess
oil will damage the engine.
Adding engine oilWhile you should wait until the level has
dropped to just above the lower mark
before adding oil, you should never
allow the oil level to fall below this
BMW engines are designed to
operate without oil additives; the
use of additives could lead to damage
in some cases. This is also true for the
manual transmission, the automatic
transmission, the differential, and the
power steering system.<
Recommendation: have the oil changed
at your BMW center.

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Engine oil
Continuous exposure to used oil
has caused cancer in laboratory
testing. For this reason, any skin areas
that come into contact with oil should
be thoroughly washed with soap and
Always store oil, grease, etc., out of
reach of children. Comply with all
warning labels and information on lubri-
cant containers.<
Comply with the applicable envi-
ronmental laws regulating the
disposal of used oil.<
Specified engine oilsThe quality of the engine oil is
extremely important for the operation
and service life of an engine. Based on
extensive testing, BMW has approved
only certain grades of engine oil.
Use only approved "BMW High
Performance Synthetic Oil."
If you are unable to obtain an approved
"BMW High Performance Synthetic
Oil," you may use small volumes of
other synthetic oils for topping up
between oil changes. Use only oils with
the specification API SH or higher.
Ask your BMW center for details
concerning the specific "BMW
High Performance Synthetic Oil" or
synthetic oils that have been
You can also call BMW of North
America at 1-800-831-1117 or visit this
website: www.bmwusa.com to obtain
this information.
Viscosity ratings Viscosity is the oilflow rating as estab-
lished in SAE classes.
The selection of the correct SAE class
depends on the climatic conditions in
the area where you drive your BMW.
Approved oils are in SAE classes
5W-40 and 5W-30.<
These kinds of oil may be used for
driving in all ambient temperatures.

Page 125 of 159

The BMW Maintenance System has
been designed as a reliable means of
providing maximum driving and oper-
ating safety Ð and as cost-effectively as
possible for you.
Please keep in mind that regular main-
tenance is not only necessary for the
safety of your vehicle, but also plays a
significant role in maintaining its resale
Service Interval DisplayWhile conventional systems rely on
milage alone to determine when service
is due, the BMW Maintenance System
reflects the actual conditions under
which the vehicle is operated: some
miles are more strenuous than others.
From a maintenance point of view,
62,000 miles (100,000 km) accumu-
lated in short-distance urban driving are
not the equivalent of the same distance
covered at moderate cruising speeds in
long-distance highway travel.
The BMW Maintenance System moni-
tors actual operating conditions as the
basis for defining when the Engine Oil
Service and Inspections I and II are
This service strategy accurately reflects
your own vehicle's specific needs by
defining maintenance intervals
according to individual operating condi-
tions. However, drivers who cover only
extremely short distances Ð substan-
tially less than 6,200 miles (10,000 km)
annually Ð should still have the engine
oil changed at least every 2 years, as it
continues to age regardless of whether
the vehicle is used on a regular basis.
Service and Warranty Information
Booklet (US models)/Warranty
and Service Guide Booklet
(Canadian models)For additional information on required
maintenance intervals and procedures,
please refer to the Service and
Warranty Information Booklet (US
models) or the Warranty and Service
Guide Booklet (Canadian models).
As a precaution against corrosion, if
your vehicle is exposed to potential
damage from unimproved road
surfaces we suggest that you have the
body checked for damage from stone
chips and gravel at the same time.
We recommend that you refer all
maintenance and repair opera-
tions to your BMW center.
Be sure that all maintenance work is
confirmed in the Service and Warranty
Information Booklet (US models), or in
the Warranty and Service Guide
Booklet (Canadian models). These
entries confirm that your vehicle has
benefitted from regular maintenance,
and are also required for warranty
The BMW Maintenance System

Page 147 of 159

Fuel tank
Reserve gal. (liters)
gal. (liters)approx. 16.6 (approx. 63)
approx. 2.1 (approx. 8)Fuel specification, refer to
page 23
Windshield/headlamp washer reservoir quarts (liters) approx. 5.6 (approx. 5.3) Specifications, refer to page 120
Cooling system including heating circuit quarts (liters) approx. 8.9 (approx. 8.4) Specifications, refer to page 123
Engine oil and filter change quarts (liters) approx. 6.9 (approx. 6.5) BMW High Performance
Synthetic Oil
Specifications, refer to page 121
Manual and automatic transmission
and differentialÐ Lifetime lubricant, no oil change

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