ESP BMW 640I COUPE 2012 Owners Manual

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Voice activation systemVehicle equipment
All standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also described that is not available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐
ment or country variant. This also applies for
safety-related functions and systems.
The concept▷Most functions that are displayed on the
Control Display can be operated by spoken
commands via the voice activation system.
The system prompts you to make your en‐
tries.▷Functions that can only be used when the
vehicle is stationary cannot be operated us‐
ing the voice activation system.▷The system uses a special microphone on
the driver's side.▷›...‹ Verbal instructions in the Owner's
Manual to use with the voice activation sys‐
Via the Control Display, set a language that is
also supported by the voice activation system
so that the spoken commands can be identified.
Set the language, refer to page 79.
Using voice activation
Activating the voice activation system
1. Press the button on the steering
wheel.2.Wait for the signal.3.Say the command.
The command is displayed in the instrument
This symbol in the instrument cluster indi‐
cates that the voice activation system is active.
If no other commands are available, operate the
function in this case via iDrive.
Terminating the voice activation
Briefly press the button on the steering
wheel or ›Cancel‹.
Possible commands
Most menu items on the Control Display can be
voiced as commands.
The available commands depend on which
menu is currently displayed on the Control Dis‐
There are short commands for functions of the
main menu.
Some list entries, e.g. Phone book entries, can
also be selected via the voice activation system.
Speak these list entries exactly as they are dis‐
played in the respective list.
Having possible commands read aloud
You can have the available commands read out
loud for you: ›Voice commands‹
For example, if the "Settings" menu is displayed,
the commands for the settings are read out loud.
Executing functions using short
Functions on the main menu can be performed
directly by means of short commands, nearly ir‐
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respective of which menu item is currently se‐
lected, e.g., ›Vehicle status‹.
List of short commands of the voice activation
system, refer to page 283.
Help dialog for the voice activation
Calling up help dialog: ›Help‹
Additional commands for the help dialog:▷›Help with examples‹: information about the
current operating options and the most im‐
portant commands for them are announced.▷›Help with voice activation‹: information
about the principle of operation for the voice
activation system is announced.
Example: playing back a CD
1.Switch on the Entertainment sound output
if necessary.2. Press the button on the steering
wheel.3.›C D and multimedia‹
The medium last played is played back.4. Press the button on the steering
wheel.5.›C D track ...‹ e.g., CD track 4.
Setting the voice dialog
You can set whether the system should use the
standard dialog or a shorter version.
In the shorter variant of the voice dialog, the an‐
nouncements from the system are issued in an
abbreviated form.
On the Control Display:
1."Settings"2."Language/Units"3."Speech mode:"4.Select the setting.
Adjusting the volume
Turn the volume button while giving an instruc‐
tion until the desired volume is set.
▷The volume remains constant even if the
volume of other audio sources is changed.▷The volume is stored for the remote control
currently in use.
Notes on Emergency
Do not use the voice activation system to initiate
an Emergency Request. In stressful situations,
the voice and vocal pitch can change. This can
unnecessarily delay the establishment of a tel‐
ephone connection.
Instead, use the SOS button, refer to
page 267, in the vicinity of the interior mirror.
Environmental conditions
▷Say the commands, numbers, and letters
smoothly and with normal volume, empha‐
sis, and speed.▷Always say commands in the language of
the voice activation system.▷When selecting a radio station, use the com‐
mon pronunciation of the station name:Seite 23Voice activation systemAt a glance23
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4.Insert a battery of the same type with the
positive side facing upwards.5.Press the cover closed.
Take the used battery to a recycling cen‐
ter or to your service center.
New remote controls
You can obtain new remote controls from your
service center.
Loss of the remote controls
Lost remote controls can be blocked by your
service center.
Emergency detection of remote control
It is possible to switch on the ignition or start the
engine in situations such as the following:
▷Interference of radio transmission to remote
control by external sources.▷Discharged battery in the remote control.
A Check Control message is displayed if an at‐
tempt is made to switch on the ignition or start
the engine.
Starting the engine in case of
emergency detection of remote control
Automatic transmission: if a corresponding
Check Control message appears, hold the re‐
mote control, as shown, against the marked area
on the steering column and press the Start/Stop
button within 10 seconds while pressing the
Manual transmission: if a corresponding Check
Control message appears, hold the remote con‐
trol, as shown, against the marked area on the
steering column and press the Start/Stop button
within 10 seconds while pressing the clutch.
Personal Profile
The concept
Personal Profile concept
You can set several of your vehicle's functions
to suit your personal needs and preferences.▷The settings are automatically saved in the
profile currently activated.▷When the vehicle is unlocked, the profile that
was last detected and called up with the re‐
mote control is used.▷Your personal settings will be recognized
and called up again even if the vehicle has
been used in the meantime by someone else
with another remote control.
The individual settings are stored for three Per‐
sonal Profiles and one guest profile.
Transmitting the settings
Your personal settings can be taken with you to
another vehicle equipped with the Personal Pro‐
file function. For more information, contact your
service center.
Transmission takes place via:
▷The USB interface , refer to page 141, in the
glove compartment onto a USB device.
Profile management
Opening the profiles
A different profile can be called up than the one
associated with the remote control currently in
1."Settings"Seite 31Opening and closingControls31
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Emergency unlocking
Pull the handle inside the cargo area.
The trunk lid unlocks.
Comfort Access
The concept
The vehicle can be accessed without activating
the remote control.
All you need to do is to have the remote control
with you, e.g., in your jacket pocket.
The vehicle automatically detects the remote
control when it is nearby or in the passenger
Comfort Access supports the following func‐
▷Unlocking/locking of the vehicle.▷Convenient closing.▷Unlocking of the trunk lid separately.▷Starting the engine.
Functional requirements
▷There are no external sources of interfer‐
ence nearby.▷To lock the vehicle, the remote control must
be located outside of the vehicle.▷The next unlocking and locking cycle is not
possible until after approx. 2 seconds.▷The engine can only be started if the remote
control is inside the vehicle.Comparison with ordinary remote
The functions can be controlled by pressing the
buttons of the remote control or Comfort Ac‐
Fully grasp a door handle, arrow 1. This corre‐
sponds to pressing the
Press the area on the door handle, arrow 2, with
your finger for approx. 1 second.
This corresponds to pressing the
To save battery power, ensure that the ignition
and all electronic systems and/or power con‐
sumers are switched off before locking the ve‐
Convenient closing
Press the area on the door handle, arrow 2, with
the finger and hold it down.
In addition to locking, the windows and the glass
sunroof are closed.
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Monitor the closing process
Monitor the closing process to ensure that
no one becomes trapped.◀
Unlocking the trunk lid separately
Press on the top half of the BMW emblem on the
trunk lid.
This corresponds to pressing the
Do not place the remote control in the
cargo area
Take the remote control with you and do not
leave it in the cargo area; otherwise, the remote
control is locked inside the vehicle when the
trunk lid is closed.◀
Comfort Access may not function properly if it
experiences interference from external sources
such as mobile phones, metal objects, overhead
power lines, transmission towers, etc.
In this case, open or close the vehicle using the
buttons on the remote control or use the
integrated key in the door lock.
To subsequently start the engine, hold the re‐
mote control against the marked area on the
steering column, refer to page 31.
Alarm system
The concept
The vehicle alarm system responds to:
▷Opening of a door, the hood or the trunk lid.▷Movements in the vehicle.▷Changes in the vehicle tilt, e.g., during at‐
tempts to steal a wheel or when towing the
car.▷Interruptions in battery voltage.
The alarm system briefly indicates tampering:
▷By sounding an acoustic alarm.▷By switching on the hazard warning system.▷By flashing the high beams.
Arming and disarming the alarm
General information
When you lock or unlock the vehicle, either with
the remote control, Comfort Access or at the
door lock the alarm system is armed or disarmed
at the same time.
Door lock and armed alarm system
Unlocking via the door lock will trigger the alarm
on some country-specific versions.
In order to terminate this alarm, unlock vehicle
with the remote control or switch on the ignition,
if necessary, by emergency detection of the re‐
mote control.
Trunk lid and armed alarm system
The trunk lid can be opened using the remote
control, even if the alarm system is armed.
Press the button on the remote control
for approx. 1 second.
After the trunk lid is closed, it is locked and
monitored again by the alarm system. The haz‐
ard warning system flashes once.
In some vehicle equipment variants, the trunk lid
can only be opened using the remote control if
the vehicle was unlocked first.
Panic mode Press the button on the remote control
for at least 3 seconds.
Switching off the alarm
▷Unlock the vehicle using the remote control.▷With Comfort Access: if you are carrying the
remote control with you, pull on the door
handle.Seite 40ControlsOpening and closing40
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Indicator lamp on the interior rearview
mirror▷The indicator lamp flashes briefly every
2 seconds:
The system is armed.▷The indicator lamp flashes after locking:
The doors, hood or trunk lid is not closed
properly, but the rest of the vehicle is se‐
After 10 seconds, the indicator lamp flashes
continuously. Interior motion sensor and tilt
alarm sensor are not active.▷The indicator lamp goes out after unlocking:
The vehicle has not been tampered with.▷The indicator lamp flashes after unlocking
until the engine is started, but no longer than
approx. 5 minutes:
An alarm has been triggered.
Tilt alarm sensor
The tilt of the vehicle is monitored.
The alarm system responds in situations such
as attempts to steal a wheel or when the car is
Interior motion sensor
The windows and glass sunroof must be closed
for the system to function properly.
Avoiding unintentional alarms
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensor
can be switched off together, such as in the fol‐
lowing situations:
▷In automatic car washes.▷In duplex garages.▷During transport on car-carrying trains, at
sea or on a trailer.▷When animals are to remain in the vehicle.
Switching off the tilt alarm sensor and
interior motion sensor
Press the remote control button again
within 10 seconds as soon as the vehicle
is locked.
The indicator lamp lights up for approx. 2 sec‐
onds and then continues to flash.
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensor
are switched off until the vehicle is locked again.
Power windows
General information Take the remote control with you
Take the remote control with you when
leaving the vehicle so that children, for example,
cannot operate the power windows and injure
▷ Press the switch to the resistance
The window opens while the switch is held.
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Roller blind for rear windowPress the button.
Glass sunroof, powered with
tilt function
General information
The glass sunroof is operational when the igni‐
tion is switched on.
Danger of pinching
Monitor the closing process and make
sure that the closing path of the glass sunroof is
clear; otherwise, injuries may result.◀
Take the remote control with you
Take the remote control with you when
leaving the vehicle so that children, for example,
cannot operate the roof and injure themselves. ◀
Tilting up and closing glass sunroof
▷Push switch upward briefly.
The closed roof is tilted and
the sliding visor opens
slightly.▷Briefly press out the switch
twice in succession toward
the rear past the resistance
Closed roof is raised and the
sliding visor moves all the
way back.▷To close the switch, press upward briefly or
twice forward past the resistance point.
Convenient operation, refer to page 34, via the
remote control.
Convenient closing, refer to page 39, with Com‐
fort Access.
Opening/closing the sliding visor
▷Press the switch in the de‐
sired direction to the resist‐
ance point and hold it there.
The sliding visor moves while
the switch is being held.▷Press the switch in the desired direction
past the resistance point.
The sliding visor moves automatically.
Pressing the switch again stops the motion.
Pinch protection system
If the closing force exceeds a specific value as a
glass sunroof closes, the closing action is inter‐
The sunroof is raised again.
Danger of pinching even with pinch pro‐
Despite the pinch protection system, check that
the roof's closing path is clear; otherwise, the
closing action may not be interrupted in certain
extreme situations, such as when thin objects
are present.◀
Closing without the pinch protection
If there is an external danger or if, e. g., icing of
the glass sunroof prevents automatic closing,
push the switch forward past the resistance
point and hold it.
The roof closes without pinch protection.
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AdjustingVehicle equipment
All standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also described that is not available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐
ment or country variant. This also applies for
safety-related functions and systems.
Sitting safely
The ideal seating position can make a vital con‐
tribution to relaxed, fatigue-free driving.
The seating position plays an important role in
an accident in combination with:▷Safety belts, refer to page 48.▷Head restraints, refer to page 49.▷Airbags, refer to page 86.
General information Do not adjust the seat while driving
Do not adjust the driver's seat while driv‐
ing, or the seat could respond with unexpected
movement and the ensuing loss of vehicle con‐
trol could lead to an accident.◀
Do not incline the backrest too far to the
Also on the front passenger side, do not incline
the backrest on the front passenger side too far
to the rear during driving, or there is a risk of
slipping under the safety belt in the event of an
accident. This would eliminate the protection
normally provided by the belt.◀
At a glance1Active seat2Seat, mirror, and steering wheel memory3Backrest width4Lumbar support5Backrest, head restraint6Shoulder support7Forward/back, height, tilt8Thigh support
The seat setting for the driver's seat is stored for
the remote control currently in use. When the
vehicle is unlocked via the remote control, the
position is automatically retrieved if the Func‐
tion, refer to page 35, for this is activated.
Adjustments in detail
1.Forward/back.Seite 45AdjustingControls45
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Adjusting the side extensions
Fold forward for increased lateral support in the
resting position.
The head restraints cannot be removed.
Entering the rear
Note Folding back and locking the backrest
Before driving away, fold back and lock the
backrests; otherwise, an unexpected seat
movement may cause an accident.◀
Unlocking the backrest
1.Pull lever up to the stop.2.Fold backrest forward.Changing the seat position
To change the entry area:
▷Press and hold the button until the seat has
moved to the desired position. Releasing
the button stops the motion.▷Press the button briefly. The seat automat‐
ically moves to the respective end position.
Pressing again stops the motion.
Folding back and locking the backrest
After entering the rear, fold the backrest back
and lock it.
Press the button. The seat moves to its
original position. Pressing again stops the
Seat, mirror, and steering
wheel memory
General information
Two different driver's seat, exterior mirror, and
steering wheel positions can be stored and re‐
trieved for each remote control. The adjustment
of the lumbar support is not stored.
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Storing1.Switch on the ignition.2.Set the desired position.3. Press the button. The LED in the
button lights up.4.Press the desired button 1 or 2. The LED
goes out.
If the M button is pressed accidentally:
Press the button again.
The LED goes out.
Calling up settings Do not retrieve the memory while driving
Do not retrieve the memory setting while
driving, as an unexpected movement of the seat
or steering wheel could result in an accident.◀
Comfort function
1.Open the driver's door.2.Switch off the ignition.3.Briefly press the desired button 1 or 2.
The corresponding seat position is performed
The procedure stops when a switch for adjust‐
ing the seat or one of the buttons is pressed.
Safety mode
1.Close the driver's door or switch on the ig‐
nition.2.Press and hold the desired button 1 or 2 until
the adjustment procedure is completed.
Calling up of a seat position
After a brief period, the calling up of stored seat
positions is deactivated to save battery power.
To reactivate calling up of a seat position:
▷Open or close the door or trunk lid.▷Press a button on the remote control.▷Press the Start/Stop button.
Exterior mirrors
At a glance
1Adjusting2Left/right, Automatic Curb Monitor3Fold in and out
General information
The mirror on the passenger side is more curved
than the driver's side mirror.
Estimating distances correctly
Objects reflected in the mirror are closer
than they appear. Do not estimate the distance
to the traffic behind you based on what you see
in the mirror, as this will increase your risk of an
Depending on how the vehicle is equipped, the
mirror setting is stored for the remote control in
use. When the vehicle is unlocked via the remote
control, the position is automatically retrieved if
the setting for this function is active.
Selecting a mirror To change over to the other mirror:
Slide the mirror changeover switch.
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