ignition BMW 745i 2005 E65 Owner's Manual

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At a glance
Driving tips
1Roller sun blind for rear window*113
2Rear window safety switch44
3Power windows43
4Exterior mirrors53
5Parking brake64
6Parking lamps and low beams100
9Steering wheel16
10Info Display12
11Automatic transmission lever6812Ignition lock62
16Horn: the entire surface
20Fog lamps101
21Unlocking the engine hood194 7Instrument lighting101
8Turn signals71
headlamp flasher101
Check Control83
Standing lamps101
13Switching ignition on/off62
and starting engine63
14Windshield wipers72
Rain sensor72
15PDC Park Distance
17Steering wheel heater
Steering wheel adjustment54
18Unlocking luggage
19Programmable cruise
Active cruise control
Front fog lamps

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At a glance
Driving tips
Indicator and warning
Technology that monitors itself
The indicator and warning lamps identified
by the
+ symbol are subjected to an oper-
ation check each time you switch on the
ignition or start the engine. They each light
up once for different periods of time.
When a malfunction occurs in a monitored
system, the corresponding lamp will either
fail to go out when the engine is started, or
it will come on again during normal driving.
Detailed information is provided on the
specified pages.
Fixed indicator and warning lamps
The indicator and warning lamps can light
up in different colors and combinations.
Stop the vehicle immediately
an important reminder
>Red and yellow:
Continue to drive; drive cautiously
Have the system inspected at the earli-
est opportunity
for your information
For your information
For your information.
Variable indicator and warning lamps
In the display 8 of the Info Display, addi-
tional indicator and warning lamps appear
when necessary. Observe the instructions
for action of the accompanying Check Con-
trol messages, also refer to page83. Please fasten safety belts
DSC Dynamic Stability
DTC Dynamic Traction Control93
ABS Antilock Brake System
Brake system
With other warning lamps94,197
Warning lamp on Canadian models
With parking brake released66
With parking brake set64
Warning lamp on Canadian models
Automatic parking brake,
Automatic Hold
Service Engine Soon +200
Indicator lamp on Canadian
Turn signals71
High beams/
headlamp flasher101
Front fog lamps101

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Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Key/remote control
1Remote controls with integrated key.
They specify the functions of the Key
Memory. Individual functions of your
vehicle may behave differently depend-
ing on the remote control used.
To differentiate, you can mark the
remote controls using the color-coded
decals you received on taking delivery
of the vehicle
There is an extended-life battery
in every remote control which is
charged automatically in the ignition
lock as you drive.
If you have any remote control units that
are not being used on a regular basis,
you should therefore remember to
recharge these units by using them to
drive the vehicle for an extended period
at least once every six months, also
refer to page 36.
With Comfort Access, there is a battery
in every remote control. For instructions
on changing batteries, refer to
2Spare key for storage in a safe place,
such as in your wallet. This key is not
intended for constant use 3Adapter for spare key
The adapter can be used to store the
spare key. It can be stored in the place
provided within the luggage compart-
ment lid-mounted onboard tool kit to
ensure that it will always be available,
refer to page201. You can find more
detailed information on using the
adapter in the section Using the spare
key adapter
Removing key from remote control
Press button1 to release the key.
You can use the integrated key to unlock
and lock the following:
>The storage compartment under the
front armrest
>The driver's door
>The luggage compartment lid.
Within the storage compartment you will
also find the switch for locking the luggage
compartment separately, refer to page40.
If you lock the storage compartment and
only turn over the remote control, no
access is possible via the luggage com-
partment lid. This is an advantage in a
hotel, for example.

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At a glance
Driving tips
Using the spare key adapter
You will need the adapter to activate the
ignition and to start the vehicle with the
spare key.
Press lock button1, slide up the cover and
insert the spare key2 in the adapter. Close
the cover and insert the adapter in the igni-
tion lock.
Central locking system
The concept
The central locking system is ready for
operation whenever the driver's door is
closed. This simultaneously engages and
releases the locks on the following:
>Luggage compartment lid
>Fuel filler door.
The central locking system can be oper-
ated from the outside
>via the remote control
>via the driver's door lock
>with Comfort Access via the door
and from inside via the button for the cen-
tral locking system.
When the system is locked from inside, the
fuel filler door remains unlocked. Refer to
The anti-theft system is automatically acti-
vated whenever you activate the central
locking system from outside the vehicle.
The alarm system is armed/disarmed at the
same time.In an accident, the central locking system
automatically unlocks the vehicle. In addi-
tion, the hazard warning flashers and inte-
rior lamps switch on.
Opening and closing:
from outside
Using remote control
When you engage/release the vehicle's
locks, you simultaneously activate/deacti-
vate the anti-theft system, arm/disarm the
alarm system
and switch the interior lamps
In addition, the remote control offers you
another function:
>Panic mode
In case of danger, you can trigger an
You can have various confirmation
signals programmed into the system
to verify that the vehicle has been locked
Protect remote control against unau-
thorized use, e.g. by handing over
only the remote control without an inte-
grated key when leaving the vehicle for
valet parking etc., refer to page34.<
For additional details on alarm system,
refer to page42.
Remote control
1Unlock, convenience opening mode
and alarm system
2Lock and secure, switch off tilt alarm
sensor and interior motion sensor,

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Opening and closing
Luggage compartment
You can use the net to store smaller objects
on the bulkhead separating the luggage
compartment from the rear seats.
Do not stow objects behind the side
trim panels on the left and right in the
luggage compartment, as otherwise the
electrical parts could overheat and be dam-
Alarm system
The concept
The vehicle alarm system responds:
>When a door, the hood, or the luggage
compartment lid is opened
>To movement in the vehicle interior:
interior motion sensor
>To changing the vehicle's tilt if someone
attempts to steal the wheels or tow the
>To interruption of battery voltage.
The system responds to unauthorized vehi-
cle entry and attempted theft by simulta-
neously activating:
>An acoustic alarm, which lasts for a
period of approx. 30 seconds
>The hazard warning flashers for approx.
five minutes
>The high beams, which flash on and off
in the same rhythm.
Arming and disarming alarm system
When you lock or unlock the vehicle, either
with the remote control or at the door lock,
the alarm system is armed or disarmed at
the same time.
The system indicates that it has been cor-
rectly armed by switching on the hazard
warning flashers for a single cycle and by
emitting an acoustic signal.You can have different acknowledg-
ment signals set to confirm arming
and disarming.<
You can also open the luggage compart-
ment lid with the system armed using
button3on the remote control, refer
to page36. When you close the lid, the sys-
tem is rearmed.
Unlocking vie the door lock will trigger
the alarm on some national-market
Pressing the 'Panic mode' button for a
longer period also triggers the alarm, refer
to page36.<
Switching off alarm
>Unlock the vehicle using the remote
control, refer to page36
>or insert the remote control all the way
into the ignition lock, engaging the
Indicator lamp displays
>The indicator lamp below the interior
rearview mirror flashes continuously:
the system is armed
>The indicator lamp flashes when the
system is vehicle is locked: door(s) or
tailgate are not completely closed. Even
if you do not close the alerted area, the
system begins to monitor the remaining
areas, and the indicator lamp flashes
continuously after 10 seconds. How-
ever, the interior motion sensor is not
>The indicator lamp goes out when the
vehicle is unlocked: no manipulation or
attempted intrusions have been

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At a glance
Driving tips
detected in the period since the system
was armed
>If the indicator lamp flashes after you
unlock the vehicle before the remote
control is inserted in the ignition lock,
but for no more than roughly 5 minutes:
an attempted entry has been detected
in the period since the system was
F o l l o w i n g t r i g g e r i n g o f a n a l a r m , t h e i n d i c a -
tor lamp will flash continuously.
Tilt alarm sensor and interior motion
Tilt alarm sensor
The tilt of the vehicle is monitored. The
alarm system reacts, e.g. in case of an
attempted wheel theft or towing.
Interior motion sensor
In order for the interior motion sensor to
function properly, the windows and glass
roof must be completely closed.
Avoiding unintentional alarms
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion
sensor may be switched off at the same
time. This prevents unintentional alarms,
e.g. in the following situations:
>In duplex garages
>When transporting on car-carrying
>When animals are to remain in the
Switching off tilt alarm sensor and
interior motion sensor
Press button 2on the remote
control twice consecutively.
The indicator lamp lights up briefly and then
flashes continuously. The tilt alarm sensor
and the interior motion sensor are switched
off up to the next unlocking and locking
actions. If you wish, the tilt alarm sensor and
interior motion sensor will be perma-
nently deactivated. Please contact your
BMW center for assistance.<
Opening and closing windows
From radio mode on:
>Press the switch up to the resistance
The window continues to move down-
ward as long as you continue to hold
the switch
>Briefly press the switch beyond the
resistance point:
The window moves downward auto-
matically. Briefly press the switch again
to stop the opening movement.
You can close the windows in the same
manner by pulling the switch.
After switching off ignition
You can still operate the power windows:
>For approx. 15 minutes with the remote
control in the radio mode
>For approx. 1 minute in position 0 or
with the remote control disengaged.
To open, press the switch beyond the
resistance point.
When leaving the vehicle parked,
remove the remote control from the
ignition lock and close the doors; this pre-
caution prevents children from operating
the power windows and injuring them-
selves etc.<

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Opening and closing
44 For information on using the convenience
operation at the door lock or with the
remote control, refer to page36 or38.
Anti-trapping mechanism
If the force rises beyond a predefined
threshold during closing, the system will
stop moving the window prior to lowering it
Despite the anti-trapping mechanism
you should inspect the window's
travel path prior to closing it, as the safety
system might fail to detect certain kinds of
obstructions, such as very thin objects, and
the window would continue closing.
The protection provided by the anti-trap-
ping mechanism is limited when the switch
is pulled beyond the resistance point and
held. Under these conditions the window
will respond to forces beyond a defined
threshold by only opening several millime-
If you again pull the switch beyond the
resistance point and hold it in position
within a period of roughly 4 seconds, this
anti-trapping mechanism will be deacti-
When you close the windows they will
slow down as they approach the end
of their travel; this is to allow the anti-trap-
ping mechanism to respond more precisely
to any obstructions encountered in this crit-
ical range.<
Safety switch
With the safety switch, you can prevent the
rear windows from being opened or closed
via the switches in the rear passenger area,
by children, for example. The same applies
to adjusting the electric rear seats, refer to page48 and the electric rear head
restraints, refer to page50, as well as to
the operation of the roller sun blinds from
the rear, refer to page113. The indicator
lamp lights up when this safety feature is
Press the safety switch when children
ride in the rear, as otherwise
unchecked closing of the windows could
lead to injuries.<
So that you can deactivate the func-
tion again, the remote control must be
i n s e r t e d i n t h e i g n i t i o n l o c k o r , w i t h C o m f o r t
Access, the radio mode must be switched
After installing accessories
After installing any accessory – such as a
clamp-on antenna for a portable phone –
within the window's travel range, you will
need to have the system reinitialized for
use under the new conditions. BMW rec-
ommends having this work carried out by
your BMW center.
Glass roof, electric*
Raising, opening, closing
From radio mode on, press the switch, or
slide it in the desired direction up to the
resistance point.
After switching off ignition
You can still operate the roof:
>In the radio mode for a longer time
>For approx. 1 minute in position 0 or
with the remote control disengaged.

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At a glance
Driving tips
The headliner insert slides back somewhat
when you raise the roof. When the roof is
opened the headliner retracts with it.
Do not use force to close the head-
liner insert with the roof in its raised
position, as damage to the mechanism
could result. When leaving the vehicle, dis-
engage the remote control in the ignition
lock and close the doors, as otherwise chil-
dren could operate the roof and injure
themselves etc.<
For information on using the convenience
operation at the door lock or with the
remote control, refer to page36 or38.
Automatic* opening and closing
Briefly press the switch beyond the resis-
tance point and then release it.
In addition, the following response is also
With the roof open, briefly press the switch
in the 'Raise' direction: the roof rises to its
tilt-up end position.
Press the switch again in any direction to
stop the roof.
Anti-trapping mechanism
If the glass roof meets with resistance dur-
ing closing from approximately the middle
of the roof opening or when closing from
the raised position, then the closing opera-
tion is interrupted and the glass roof opens
again somewhat.
Despite the anti-trapping mechanism
inspect the roof's travel path prior to
closing it, as the safety system might fail to
detect certain kinds of obstructions, such
as very thin objects, and the roof would
continue closing.
The protection provided by the anti-trap-
ping mechanism is limited when the switch
is pressed beyond the resistance point and
held. The roof only opens a short distance.
If you again press the switch beyond the
resistance point and hold it in position
within a period of roughly 2 seconds, the
anti-trapping mechanism will be deacti-
vated.< When you close the glass roof, it will
slow down as it approaches the end
of its travel path; this is to allow the safety
feature to respond more precisely to any
obstructions encountered in this critical
Following interruptions in electrical
power supply
Following interruptions in electrical power,
for instance, when the battery is discon-
nected, it is possible that the glass roof will
extend to its tilt-up position, but fail to
respond to other commands. The system
must be initialized. BMW recommends hav-
in g t h is w o rk car r ied ou t b y y ou r B MW c en -
In the event of an electrical defect, you can
operate the glass roof manually:
1.Take out the interior lamp, reach behind
the opening, press out the cover
2.Insert the Allen wrench supplied with
the onboard tool kit, refer to page201,
in the opening provided. Turn to slide
the glass roof in the desired direction.

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Sitting safely
The ideal sitting position can make a vital
contribution to relaxed driving that is as
fatigue-free as possible. The sitting posi-
tion plays an important role together with
the safety belts and airbags in an accident.
To ensure that the safety systems operate
with optimized efficiency, we strongly urge
you to observe the instructions contained
in the following section.
For additional information on transporting
children safely, refer to page58.
Sitting safely with airbags
Always maintain an adequate dis-
tance between yourself and the air-
bags. Always hold the steering wheel by its
rim with hands at the 9 o'clock and
3 o'clock positions, to minimize the risk of
injuries to your hands and arms in the event
of airbag deployment.
No one and nothing is to come between the
airbags and the seat occupant.
Do not use the cover of the front airbag on
the front passenger side as a storage area.
Make sure that the front passenger is cor-
rectly seated and does not rest feet or legs
on the instrument panel, otherwise leg inju-
ries can occur if the knee and front airbag
are triggered.
Never let an occupant's head rest near or
on a side airbag because the inflating air-
bag could cause a serious or fatal injury.<
Even if you adhere to all the instructions,
injuries resulting from contact with airbags
cannot be fully excluded, depending on the
circumstances. The ignition and inflation
noise may provoke a mild – usually tempo-
rary – hearing loss in extremely sensitive
For airbag locations and additional infor-
mation on airbags, refer to page98.
Sitting safely with safety belts
Even though there is an airbag, wear a
safety belt every time you get in the vehicle.
Although airbags enhance safety by pro-
viding added protection, they are not a
substitute for safety belts.
Your vehicle has five seats that are all
equipped with a safety belt.
At all times, occupants should sit
upright and be properly restrained,
infants and small children in appropriate
child-restraint systems; larger children and
adults using the safety belts.
Expectant mothers should always wear
their safety belts, taking care to position the
lap belt against the lower hips, where it will
not exert pressure against the abdominal
Never allow more than one person to wear
a single safety belt. Never allow infants or
small children to ride in a passenger's lap.
Do not route the belt across your neck, or
run it across sharp edges. Be sure that the
belt does not become caught or jammed.
Avoid twisting the belt while routing it firmly
across the hips and shoulder. Do not allow
the belt to rest against hard or fragile
objects. Otherwise, in the event of a frontal
impact, a loose lap belt could slide over
your hips, leading to abdominal injury.
Avoid wearing clothing that prevents the
belt from fitting properly and pull the lap
belt periodically to readjust the tension
across your shoulder in order to avoid a
reduction in the retention effect of the
safety belt.<
For instructions on operating safety belts,
refer to page51.

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At a glance
Driving tips
The operating concept is the same as for
the front seat ventilation.
Active seat for driver*
Active adjustment of the seat cushion's
contours reduces muscular tension and
fatigue to help prevent lower back pain.
To activate: press the button, the indicator
lamp comes on.
Adjusting exterior mirrors
14-way adjustment
2Selecting mirror for adjustment To prevent the exterior mirrors on this
vehicle from being damaged, always
fold them in by hand before entering an
automatic car wash.<
You can also adjust the mirrors manually by
pressing against the outer edges of their
Storing the mirror positions, refer to Seat,
mirror and steering wheel memory on
The mirror on the passenger's side
features a lens with a more convex
surface than the mirror installed on the
driver's side. When estimating the distance
between yourself and other traffic, bear in
mind that the objects reflected in the mirror
are closer than they appear. This means
that estimations of the distance to following
traffic should not be regarded as precise.<
Self-defrosting mirrors
The mirrors are automatically heated when-
ever the ignition is switched on.
Interior and exterior mirrors,
automatic dimming feature*
These mirrors dim steplessly during for-
ward driving when struck by light. There are
two photocells located in the interior rear-
view mirror for this purpose. One is inte-
grated within the mirror's lens, refer to
arrow, while the other is located at an offset
position on the rear of the mirror housing.
For trouble-free operation, keep the photo-
cells clean and do not cover the area
between the interior rearview mirror and
the windshield. Do not attach any kind of
stickers on the windshield in front of the
mirror, either.

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