radiator CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 2008 2.G Owners Manual

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How to Add Automatic Transmission
Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine what
kind of transmission uid to use. SeeRecommended
Fluids and Lubricants on page 6-13.
Using a funnel, add uid down the transmission dipstick
tube only after checking the transmission uid while it
is hot. A cold check is used only as a reference. If
the uid level is low, add only enough of the proper uid
to bring the level up to the HOT area for a hot check.
It does not take much uid, generally less than
one pint (0.5 L). Do not overll.
Notice:Use of the incorrect automatic transmission
uid may damage your vehicle, and the damages
may not be covered by your warranty. Always
use the automatic transmission uid listed in
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants on page 6-13.
After adding uid, recheck the uid level as
described under “How to Check Automatic
Transmission Fluid,” earlier in this section.
When the correct uid level is obtained, push the
dipstick back in all the way; then ip the handle
down to lock the dipstick in place.
Engine Coolant
The cooling system in your vehicle is lled with
DEX-COOL®engine coolant. This coolant is designed
to remain in your vehicle for ve years or 150,000 miles
(240 000 km), whichever occurs rst, if you add only
®extended life coolant.
The following explains your cooling system and how
to add coolant when it is low. If you have a problem
with engine overheating, seeEngine Overheating
on page 5-28.
A 50/50 mixture of clean, drinkable water and
®coolant will:
Give freezing protection down to−34°F (−37°C).
Give boiling protection up to 265°F (129°C).
Protect against rust and corrosion.
Help keep the proper engine temperature.
Let the warning lights and gages work as they
Notice:Using coolant other than DEX-COOL
cause premature engine, heater core, or radiator
corrosion. In addition, the engine coolant may
require changing sooner, at the rst maintenance
service after each 30,000 miles (50 000 km) or
24 months, whichever occurs rst. Any repairs
would not be covered by your warranty. Always
®(silicate-free) coolant in your

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What to Use
Use a mixture of one-half clean, drinkable water and
one-half DEX-COOL®coolant which will not damage
aluminum parts. If you use this coolant mixture, you do
not need to add anything else.
Adding only plain water to your cooling
system can be dangerous. Plain water, or
some other liquid such as alcohol, can boil
before the proper coolant mixture will. Your
vehicle’s coolant warning system is set for the
proper coolant mixture. With plain water or the
wrong mixture, your engine could get too hot
but you would not get the overheat warning.
Your engine could catch re and you or others
could be burned. Use a 50/50 mixture of clean,
drinkable water and DEX-COOL
®coolant.Notice:If you use an improper coolant mixture,
your engine could overheat and be badly damaged.
The repair cost would not be covered by your
warranty. Too much water in the mixture can freeze
and crack the engine, radiator, heater core, and
other parts.
If you have to add coolant more than four times a year,
have your dealer/retailer check your cooling system.
Notice:If you use extra inhibitors and/or additives
in your vehicle’s cooling system, you could
damage your vehicle. Use only the proper mixture
of the engine coolant listed in this manual for
the cooling system. SeeRecommended Fluids and
Lubricants on page 6-13for more information.

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Checking Coolant
The coolant surge tank is located in the engine
compartment on the passenger’s side of the vehicle.
SeeEngine Compartment Overview on page 5-14
for more information on location.
Turning the surge tank pressure cap when the
engine and radiator are hot can allow steam
and scalding liquids to blow out and burn you
badly. Never turn the surge tank pressure
cap — even a little — when the engine and
radiator are hot.
The vehicle must be on a level surface. When your
engine is cold, the coolant level should be at the FULL
COLD mark.

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The coolant level should be at or above the FULL
COLD mark. If it is not, you may have a leak at the
pressure cap or in the radiator hoses, heater hoses,
radiator, water pump or somewhere else in the cooling
Heater and radiator hoses, and other engine
parts, can be very hot. Do not touch them.
If you do, you can be burned.
Do not run the engine if there is a leak. If you
run the engine, it could lose all coolant. That
could cause an engine re, and you could be
burned. Get any leak xed before you drive the
Notice:Engine damage from running your engine
without coolant is not covered by your warranty.
SeeOverheated Engine Protection Operating Mode
on page 5-30for information on driving to a safe
place in an emergency.
Notice:Using coolant other than DEX-COOL
cause premature engine, heater core, or radiator
corrosion. In addition, the engine coolant could
require changing sooner, at 30,000 miles (50 000 km)
or 24 months, whichever occurs rst. Any repairs
would not be covered by the warranty. Always
®(silicate-free) coolant in the vehicle.

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How to Add Coolant to the Coolant
Surge Tank
If you have not found a problem yet, check to see if
coolant is visible in the surge tank. If coolant is visible
but the coolant level is not at or above the FULL COLD
mark, add a 50/50 mixture of clean, drinkable water
®coolant at the coolant surge tank,
but be sure the cooling system, including the coolant
surge tank pressure cap, is cool before you do it.
SeeEngine Coolant on page 5-25for more information.
If no coolant is visible in the surge tank, add coolant
as follows:
Steam and scalding liquids from a hot cooling
system can blow out and burn you badly. They
are under pressure, and if you turn the coolant
surge tank pressure cap — even a little — they
can come out at high speed. Never turn the
cap when the cooling system, including the
coolant surge tank pressure cap, is hot. Wait
for the cooling system and coolant surge tank
pressure cap to cool if you ever have to turn
the pressure cap.
Adding only plain water to the cooling system
can be dangerous. Plain water, or some other
liquid such as alcohol, can boil before the
proper coolant mixture will. The vehicle’s
coolant warning system is set for the proper
coolant mixture. With plain water or the wrong
mixture, the engine could get too hot but you
would not get the overheat warning. The engine
could catch re and you or others could be
burned. Use a 50/50 mixture of clean, drinkable
water and DEX-COOL
Notice:In cold weather, water can freeze and crack
the engine, radiator, heater core and other parts.
Use the recommended coolant and the proper
coolant mixture.

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You can be burned if you spill coolant on hot
engine parts. Coolant contains ethylene glycol
and it will burn if the engine parts are hot
enough. Do not spill coolant on a hot engine.
1. You can remove the
coolant surge tank
pressure cap when
the cooling system,
including the coolant
surge tank pressure
cap and upper radiator
hose, is no longer hot.
Turn the pressure cap slowly counterclockwise
about one full turn. If you hear a hiss, wait for
that to stop. A hiss means there is still some
pressure left.2. Then keep turning the pressure cap slowly, and
remove it.
3. Fill the coolant surge tank with the proper mixture,
to the FULL COLD mark.

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4. With the coolant surge tank pressure cap off, start
the engine and let it run until you can feel the upper
radiator hose getting hot. Watch out for the
engine cooling fan.
By this time, the coolant level inside the coolant
surge tank may be lower. If the level is lower, add
more of the proper mixture to the coolant surge tank
until the level reaches the FULL COLD mark.5. Then replace the pressure cap. Be sure the
pressure cap is hand-tight and fully seated.
6. Verify coolant level after engine is shut off and the
coolant is cold. If necessary, repeat coolant ll
procedure steps 1 through 6.
Engine Fan Noise
Your vehicle has electric cooling fans. You might hear
the fans spinning at low speed during most everyday
driving. The fans can turn off if no cooling is required.
Under heavy vehicle loading, trailer towing, and/or
high outside temperatures, or if you are operating
the air conditioning system, the fans can change to
high speed and you might hear an increase in fan noise.
This is normal and indicates that the cooling system
is functioning properly. The fans change to low speed
when additional cooling is no longer required.

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(c)Visually inspect hoses and have them replaced if
they are cracked, swollen, or deteriorated. Inspect all
pipes, ttings, and clamps; replace with genuine parts as
needed. To help ensure proper operation, a pressure test
of the cooling system and pressure cap and cleaning the
outside of the radiator and air conditioning condenser is
recommended at least once a year.
(d)Inspect wiper blades for wear, cracking, or
contamination. Clean the windshield and wiper blades,
if contaminated. Replace wiper blades that are worn
or damaged. See Windshield Wiper Blade Replacement
on page 5-55andWindshield and Wiper Blades on
page 5-104for more information.
(e)Make sure the safety belt reminder light and safety
belt assemblies are working properly. Look for any other
loose or damaged safety belt system parts. If you see
anything that might keep a safety belt system from doing
its job, have it repaired. Have any torn or frayed safety
belts replaced. Also see Checking the Restraint Systems
on page 1-76.
(f)Lubricate all key lock cylinders, hood latch assembly,
secondary latch, pivots, spring anchor, release pawl,
midgate hinges, side storage box door hinges, tailgate
hinges, tailgate linkage, outer tailgate handle pivot
points, latch bolt, fuel door hinge, locks, and folding
seat hardware. More frequent lubrication may be
required when exposed to a corrosive environment.Applying silicone grease on weatherstrips with a clean
cloth will make them last longer, seal better, and
not stick or squeak.
(g)Check vent hose at transfer case for kinks and
proper installation.
(h)Change automatic transmission uid and lter if the
vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these
In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature
regularly reaches 90°F (32°C) or higher.
In hilly or mountainous terrain.
When doing frequent trailer towing.
Uses such as found in taxi, police, or delivery
(i)Drain, ush, and rell cooling system. This service
can be complex; you should have your dealer/retailer
perform this service. See Engine Coolant on page 5-25
for what to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap, and ller neck. Pressure test
the cooling system and pressure cap.
(j)A uid loss in any vehicle system could indicate a
problem. Have the system inspected and repaired and
the uid level checked. Add uid if needed.