FORD E SERIES 2007 4.G Quick Reference Safety Guide

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Th is in fo rm ation car dpro vides su pple m en ta lsa fe ty tip s fo rdri vi ng apas se ng er vanan d
wag on .\fle as ere fe r to yo ur Ow ner’s Guid e for addition al im po rta n t sa fety info rm at io n.
Every day, millio ns of peo pl e put th eir trus tin the sa fe ty an d se cu rit y of \bo rd Motor Com pan y
vehic le s. By fo llo wi ng thesafe tytips in th is refe ren ceguide, you can hel pens ure thepr ot ect ion of
youan dyou rpass en g ers whi le tr ave lin g .T h an k yo u fo r drivi ng wit h ca re an d m ak ing the ro ad ssa fe r.
Make surethis vehi cle’s tires areprop erly inflated andthetread isnot worn down. Checktirepressure and
tread wearat every fuelfillup .Recommended tirepressure canbefound onthe label inside thedriver ’sside
door ordoor frame.
Tire sde gra deover timedep endi ngonmany factors suchasweather, storageconditions, andconditions of
use(load, spe ed, inflation pressur e,etc .)the tires experience throughout theirlives. \bngeneral, tiresshould
be replaced after six yea rsrega rdless oftread wear. However, heat caused byhot climates orfrequent high
loading conditions canac celer ate theaging process andmay require tirestobe replaced morefrequently.
Yousho uld replace your sparetire when youreplace theroad tiresorafter sixyears duetoaging ifithas
no tbee nused .
Do not use replaceme nttires with lowe rloadc arrying capacitiesthan theoriginal tires(forexample, E250
and E350 vansan dwagons are eq uipped with“E”loadrated tiresandmust bereplaced with“E”load
rated tires) .Exce eding anyvehi cle weig htor loadrating limitation cou ld resul tin ser ious damage tothe vehicle,
lossof vehicle control,veh icle rollove ran d/or personal injur y.(\f ote: Rep lacement tireswith ahigher limit than
that ofthe ori gina lsdo not incre ase the payl oad capac ity.)See theOwner’s Guidefor more information.
Plea se store this saf ety guide inside thevehicle alon gwith the Ow ner’s Guide materials.
August 2006
Quick ReferenceESeries
6C2J19B146AB*6 C2J 19\b146A\b*

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Vans andwagons shoul dbe operated atasafe speed, whichinsome con ditions maybeless than the
pos ted speed limit.
S af ety belts must beused byall occupants.
¥ 80% ofpeople fatallyinju red inrollover crashes involving allvehicle typeswerenot wearing safety belts.
¥Pass enger scan dramatic allyreduce theirriskofbeing killedorseriously injuredinacrash byusing
their safety belts.
¥ Or ganiza tion sth at own vans andwagons shouldhaveawritten safety beltusepolicy.
¥Driv ersshould berespons ibleforenforcing thepolic y.
Drive rsmust bewel lres ted, alert andmaintain asafe speed forweather androad conditions .
Drive rsmust beespecial lycautious oncurved roadsandmaintain asafe speed toavoid running offthe road.
\bf th e veh icle’s wheels proce edoff the road way,gradua llyreduce speedandsteer back ontotheroadway whenit
is safe todo so. Avoid ab rupt maneu verstoretur nthe ve hicle tothe roadway.
\bn th e eve ntof afla ttire ortread separation, gradually slowdown thevehicle andavoid abrupt maneuvers.
Becau sevans andwagons aresubstantially longer,widerandheavier than cars, they:
¥ Re quir emore spacean dadditional reliance onthe sideview mirrors forchanging lanes.
¥Do no trespond asquic kly to abrupt steeringma neuvers.
¥Re quir eaddition albraking timeanddistan ce.
An orga nization that owns anextended lengthvanorwagon shouldselect one ortwo experienced drivers
to dr ive the vehic leon aregular basisto ensur ethe safety ofeach trip.
Th is va nor w ag on, like any ve hicle designe dto ca rry very heavy loads, mus tbe drive ndiffer ent ly fro m apas seng ercar .The extra weight canaffect stopping distanceand maneuverability. Thehigher center ofgravity andother
features mayreduc ethe ability tomake abrupt maneuvers andmay increase therisk ofrollover compared toa
passenger car.
Do not place anyloads onthe roof ofpassenger wagons.Thisraises thecenter ofgravity, whichincreases therisk
ofrollover .
Whenloading yourwagon, passengers shouldfillthe front rows ofseats first.
The number ofoccupants inthe vehicle should notexceed thenumber ofavailable safetybelt
restraint systems.
Donot exceed theweight limitsspecified onthe certification label.Exc eeding anyvehicle weightratingli m ita tio n
cou ldre su lt in se ri ous dam age to th e ve hic le ,lo ss of ve h ic le co ntro l,ve hic le ro llov er and/o r pers on al injury. Please
refertoyour Owner’s Guideforadditional importantinformation onvehicle weightlimits.
Towing tr a iler sbey ond the maxim um re com mende dgros stra iler we ight coul dres ult inalos sof vehi cle control, vehicl erollover andpersonal injury. Please refertoyour Owner’s Guideformore information ontowing.