FORD FLEX 2012 1.G Quick Reference Guide

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Quick RefeRence GuideThis Quick Reference Guide is not intended to rep\face your vehic\fe \bwner’s Guide which contains more
detai\fed information concerning the features of your vehic\fe, as we\f\f as important safety warnings designed to
he\fp reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers. P\fease read your entire \bwner’s Guide carefu\f\fy as
you begin \fearning \pabout your new vehi\pc\fe and refer to th\pe appropriate sectio\pns when questions \parise.
A\f\f information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at the time of dup\fication. We reserve the
right to change features, operation and/or functiona\fity of any vehic\fe specification at any time. Your Ford dea\fer
is the best source for the most current information. For detai\fed operating and safety information, p\fease consu\ft
your \bwner’s Guide.\pCA8J 19G217 AA
May 2011

First Printing
Quick Reference Gu\pide
F\bRD F\fex
Litho in USA
F\bRD M\bT\bR C \bMPAnY
Customer Re\fationsh\pip Center | P.\b. Box 6248 | Dear\pborn, MI 48121
1-800-392-3673 (F\bR\pD) | (TDD for the \phearing impaired: 1\p-800-232-5952) |
essential infoRmation
Your vehic\fe has a ‘\pno cap’ fue\f system \pwhich a\f\fows you to \psimp\fy push open the \pfue\f fi\f\fer door, insert the nozz\fe\p and start
fue\fing. After you \pare done pumping fu\pe\f, wait about five \pseconds before pu\f\fi\png out the nozz\fe i\pn order to a\f\fow an\py residua\f
fue\f to drain into \pthe tank. The Easy \pFue\f
® system is se\ff-sea\p\fing and therefore \pprotected against d\pust, dirt, water, snow and
ice. If you need to\p fi\f\f your fue\f tank \pwith a portab\fe fue\p\f container, use the fue\f funn\pe\f which is attache\pd to the rear of t\phe
spare tire compartm\pent. S\fow\fy insert t\phe funne\f into the \pEasy Fue\f
® system and fi\f\f the \ptank with fue\f from\p the container.
When done, c\fean th\pe funne\f or proper\fy \pdispose of it. Extr\pa funne\fs can be pu\prchased from your a\puthorized dea\fer. Do not
use aftermarket fu\pnne\fs as they wi\f\f n\pot work with the E\pasy Fue\f
® system and may cau\pse damage.
Your vehic\fe has an \p18.6 ga\f\fon (70.4L) \pfue\f tank capacity.
If your vehic\fe is e\pquipped with a 3.5L\p V6 engine, your ve\phic\fe wi\f\f run norma\p\f\fy on “regu\far” un\feaded gaso\fine\p with an
octane rating of 8\p7. Using premium fue\p\f wi\f\f provide improve\pd performance.
If your vehic\fe is e\pquipped with a 3.5L\p V6 Ecoboost engin\pe, your vehic\fe is d\pesigned to run on \p“regu\far” un\feaded gaso\fine\p
with an octane rat\ping of 87 or highe\pr. For best overa\f\f perf\pormance, premium fu\pe\f with an octane r\pating of 91 or higher
is recommended. Th\pe performance gaine\pd by using premium \pfue\f wi\f\f be most no\pticeab\fe in hot wea\pther or in severe
duty app\fications su\pch as towing a tra\pi\fer. Some stations of\pfer fue\fs posted as\p “regu\far” with an octane r\pating be\fow 87,
particu\far\fy in high\p a\ftitude areas.
Fue\fs with octane \f\peve\fs be\fow 87 are n\pot recommended for\p either engine. Do\p not be concerned \pif your engine some\ptimes
knocks s\fight\fy. However, if it knocks hea\pvi\fy whi\fe you are us\ping fue\f with the r\pecommended octane \prating, see your
authorized dea\fer t\po prevent any engine\p damage.
Your tire pressure i\ps proper\fy set at th\pe dea\fership accord\ping to the recomme\pnded specifications \pfound on the Safet\py
Comp\fiance Certifica\ption Labe\f or Tire \pLabe\f \focated on th\pe B-Pi\f\far or the ed\pge of the driver’s \pdoor. Check your tire
pressure at \feast o\pnce a month and be\pfore \fong trips (in\pc\fuding spare). As \pan added safety fea\pture, your vehic\fe h\pas been
equipped with a tire pressure moni\Storing system (TPM\SS\f that i\f\fuminates a \p\fow tire pressure w\parning \fight when o\pne
or more of your tir\pes is significant\fy \punder-inflated. Ref\per to the Tires, W\phee\fs and Loading c\phapter in your \bwner\p’s Guide
for more informati\pon.
The mu\fti-pane\f Vist\pa RoofTM is equipped with a\p
one-touch, express \popening and c\fosing\p feature.
To open the front pa\prt of the Vista Ro\pof
TM, press the SLIDE
contro\f. To c\fose, pu\f\f the SL\pIDE contro\f. To stop motion
at any time during \pthe one-touch opera\ption, press the
contro\f a second ti\pme.

Hand\fe the IKT care\pfu\f\fy when starting \pthe car to avoid
accidenta\f\fy pressin\pg any of the remote\p entry buttons
and causing a door\p to un\fock or the \f\piftgate to un\fatch.\p
note: Ensure that you kee\pp the adhesive secu\prity \fabe\fs in
a safe p\face for fu\pture reference. Re\pp\facements are on\fy \p
avai\fab\fe through an\p authorized dea\fer.
once to un\fock the \pdriver’s door. Press again
within three secon\pds to un\fock a\f\f the\p doors.
once to \fock a\f\f the\p doors. Press again\p within
three seconds to c\ponfirm a\f\f the doors\p and \fiftgate are
c\fosed. The doors w\pi\f\f \fock again, the \phorn wi\f\f chirp and \p
the turn \famps wi\f\f \pflash once if a\f\f th\pe doors and \fiftgat\pe
are c\fosed.
(if equipped) twic\pe within three sec\ponds to
fu\f\fy un\fatch and ope\pn the power \fiftgat\pe (if equipped).
note: If any door or the \p\fiftgate is not c\fo\psed, the horn wi\f\f \p
chirp twice and the\p \famps wi\f\f not flash\p.
to activate the pan\pic a\farm. The horn \pwi\f\f
sound and the turn\p \famps wi\f\f flash. Pre\pssagain or
turn the ignition \pon to deactivate th\pe panic a\farm.
Car finder: Press
twice within three\p seconds.
The horn wi\f\f chirp \pand the turn \famps \pwi\f\f flash. It is
recommended to use\p this method to \foc\pate your vehic\fe,
rather than using \pthe panic a\farm.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with a voice\p activated
navigation system w\phich a\f\fows you to r\pecord CDs, \fisten
to your saved music\p, p\fay DVDs and access c\fim\pate
contro\f options in \paddition to navigat\ping the vehic\fe. Th\pe
navigation system w\porks in conjunctio\pn with the c\fimate \p
contro\f system, a\f\fo\pwing you to view an\pd make
adjustments using \pthe touchscreen an\pd the hard buttons\p.
® Trave\f Link™ is an e\pxtra subscription f\peature
which, if activated\p, a\f\fows you to \foca\pte the best gas prices, find movie \fi\pstings, get curren\pt traffic a\ferts,
access the current\p weather map, get a\pccurate ski
conditions and acc\pess scores to curr\pent sports games.
note: Some features are \punavai\fab\fe whi\fe dr\piving.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with a rear\pview camera
\focated on the \fift\pgate, which provide\ps a visua\f disp\fay
of the area behind\p the vehic\fe. The d\pisp\fay wi\f\f
automatica\f\fy appear \pon the navigation s\pystem screen
(if equipped) whene\pver the vehic\fe is i\pn R (reverse) and
uses co\fors (green,\p ye\f\fow and red) to \pa\fert you of your
proximity to object\ps. note: Visibi\fity aids do\p not rep\face
the need to watch \pwhere the vehic\fe i\ps moving. Refer to \p
your \bwner’s Guide \pfor safety informat\pion, more detai\f
and \fimitations.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with a refr\pigerator/freezer
in the second row \pconso\fe. To access, flip the c\ponso\fe
\fid forward and then \fift \poff the cover. (Ensure that you \p
rep\face the cover af\pter you are done as\p it he\fps maintain \p
a consistent coo\fin\pg temperature.)
To use the system as\p a refrigerator, press the C\b\bL side
of the contro\f. The\p indicator \fight wi\p\f\f i\f\fuminate when t\phe
refrigerator is ac\ptive. In this mode,\p the system wi\f\f coo\p\f
to approximate\fy 41˚F (5˚C). Press C\b\bL again to turn
off the refrigerat\por mode or press FR\pEEZE to change to \p
freezer mode.
To use the system as\p a freezer, press the FREEZE \pside
of the contro\f. The\p indicator \fight wi\p\f\f i\f\fuminate when t\phe
freezer is active. \pThe system wi\f\f coo\f\p to approximate\fy
23˚F (-5˚C). Press \pFREEZE again to tu\prn off the freezer\p
or C\b\bL to switch to re\pfrigerator mode.
note: The refrigerator/f\preezer wi\f\f on\fy wor\pk when the
vehic\fe’s ignition \pis on.
The active park ass\pist system can dete\pct an avai\fab\fe
para\f\fe\f parking spac\pe and automatica\f\fy \psteer the vehic\fe
into that space (ha\pnds-free). The syst\pem instructs the
driver with visua\f a\pnd/or audib\fe instr\puctions with regar\pd
to braking, acce\fer\pating and shifting\p gears in order to\p
safe\fy park the vehi\pc\fe. To initiate active p\park assist,
press the AUT\b P button on the co\pnso\fe and fo\f\fow the\p
system instructions\p as prompted by the \pmessage center.
To stop the parking \pprocedure, grab the\p steering whee\f or press the contro\p\f again. note: Park assist does no\pt
rep\face the need to\p watch where the ve\phic\fe is moving.
Refer to your \bwner\p’s Guide for safet\py information, deta\pi\f
and \fimitations.

A\f\fows you to progra\pm certain driving r\pestrictions on any \p
standard key in ord\per to promote good \pdriving habits.
When MyKey
® is programmed:
• Be\ft-Minder® cannot be disab\fed\p and the audio syst\pem
wi\f\f be muted unti\f \pthe safety be\ft is \pbuck\fed.
• Ear\fy \fow fue\f war\pnings are issued.
• Audio vo\fume can \pbe \fimited.
• Vehic\fe speed can be\p \fimited.
• Audib\fe and visua\f s\ppeed warnings can b\pe configured at
prese\fected speeds.
• AdvanceTrac
® cannot be programm\ped off.
For comp\fete informa\ption, refer to MyKey® in the Locks
and Security chapte\pr in your \bwner’s G\puide.
Your vehic\fe’s front\p row head restrain\pts can be adjusted\p
to suit your needs.\p Simp\fy pu\f\f up or dow\pn on the head
restraint to se\fect\p the desired positi\pon. You may a\fso be
ab\fe to ti\ft the he\pad restraint forward or backward f\por
additiona\f comfort.\p

powErliFtgatE(i\bequipped)Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with a power\p \fiftgate.
on the instrument\p pane\f to open (or
c\fose) the \fiftgate\p.
twice within thre\pe seconds on your
integrated keyhead \ptransmitter (IKT) \pto open (or
c\fose) the \fiftgate\p.
Un\fock the \fiftgate \pby using your IKT o\pr the power door
\fock contro\f. Then \ppush the contro\f bu\ptton \focated
above the \fiftgate \poutside hand\fe.
To c\fose the \fiftgat\pe using the rear c\pargo button,
press and re\fease t\phe
contro\f on the \fef\pt rear
quarter pane\f c\fose \pto the \fiftgate. note: The rear
cargo area contro\f \pbutton is disab\fed \pwhen the
\fiftgate is \fatched\p (fu\f\fy c\fosed). Your power \fiftgate \pis equipped with an\p obstac\fe detection\p
feature. If the \fif\ptgate detects an o\pbstac\fe whi\fe openin\pg,
the system wi\f\f stop\p and a chime wi\f\f s\pound three times. \p
If the \fiftgate det\pects an obstac\fe wh\pi\fe c\fosing, the
system wi\f\f reverse \pto a fu\f\f open posit\pion and a chime
wi\f\f sound three ti\pmes. \bnce the obsta\pc\fe is removed,
the power \fiftgate \pcan be operated nor\pma\f\fy. Refer to
your \bwner’s Guide \pfor safety informat\pion, more detai\f
and \fimitations.
Your vehic\fe has bee\pn designed to impro\pve fue\f economy
by reducing fue\f us\page whi\fe coasting \por dece\ferating.
This may be perceive\pd as a \fight to med\pium braking
sensation when rem\poving your foot fro\pm the
acce\ferator peda\f.
A\f\fows you to \fock o\pr un\fock the doors \pwithout using a
key. Ensure that you h\pave your five digit f\pactory code
\focated on your \bwne\pr’s wa\f\fet card in \pthe g\fove box.
• To un\fock the driver\p’s door, enter your five di\pgit code.
• To un\fock a\f\f doors, \penter your five digi\pt code, and
within five seconds,\p press 3•4.
• To \fock a\f\f vehic\fe do\pors, press and ho\fd\p 7•8 and 9•0
at the same time (\pyou do not need to \penter your factory
code first).

The third row seat\p features a power o\pne-touch operation \p
that a\f\fows you to a\pdjust the \feft, rig\pht, or both seats \p
into a norma\f, stow\p, fo\fd, or tai\fgate\p position with just\p
one touch of a but\pton. The third row\p seat a\fso inc\fudes\p
obstac\fe detection \pthat a\f\fows the sea\pt to stop and
reverse direction i\pf it hits an obsta\pc\fe so that the obs\ptac\fe
can be removed.
additional featuRes
Your vehic\fe is equi\ppped with the S\bS Post-Crash A\fert sys\ptem™. This system p\provides audib\fe and\p visua\f a\farms in
the event of a cras\ph which causes the\p dep\foyment of airba\pgs or the activatio\pn of the safety be\f\pt pretensioners. Th\pe turn
signa\fs wi\f\f flash an\pd the horn wi\f\f sou\pnd. To deactivate the sy\pstem, press the haz\pard flasher contro\f,\p or you can press
button on your IKT \premote transmitter\p.
Your vehic\fe is equi\ppped with a temporar\py spare tire. The s\ppare tire and jack \pare \focated under t\phe carpeted floor pa\pne\f
in the rear of the\p vehic\fe. The tempor\pary spare is designed\p for emergency use \pon\fy and shou\fd be r\pep\faced as soon
as possib\fe.
For comp\fete detai\fs \pon how to change yo\pur tire, refer to \pthe Roadside Emerg\pencies chapter in y\pour \bwner’s Guide.
Your new Ford F\fex comes with\p the assurance and\p support of 24-hour\p emergency roadside\p assistance. To receive
roadside assistanc\pe in the United States, ca\f\f \p1 (800) 241-3673. In Canada,\p ca\f\f 1 (800) 665-2\p006.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with a C\fass\p III trai\fer towing\p package. P\fease ref\per to your \bwner’s \pGuide for comp\fete \p
information on wei\pghts as we\f\f as the\p proper equipment to\p use whi\fe towing. \pNote: Do not use the mi\pni spare tire
when towing as the\p mini spare is not \pintended for highe\pr towing \foad \fimit\ps. Refer to your \bw\pner’s Guide for sa\pfety
information, more \pdetai\f and \fimitati\pons.
Adjust the seatbac\pk to an upright pos\pition. Pivot the hea\pd restraint forward to the desire\pd \focation. After r\peaching the
forward most position,\p pivoting it forward again wi\f\f re\fe\pase it to the rear\pward un-ti\fted posi\ption.

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instRument panel
dual \fone automatic\p tempeRatuRe
contRol with heated seat\ps and
ReaR passenGeR compaRtment
climate contRol (if eQuipped\b
powEr/CabintEmpEraturE: Press to turn
the c\fimate contro\f\p system on/off and \pturn to increase/
decrease the vehic\f\pe cabin temperature\p. If the passenger \p
temperature contro\f\p is activated, this\p contro\f wi\f\f on\fy
adjust the driver s\pide temperature.
passtEmp: Press to activate t\phe passenger side
c\fimate contro\f (du\pa\f zone). Turn the contro\f to \pincrease/
decrease temperatur\pe.
dri\fEr/passEngErhEatEdsEats:Press once to activa\pte high heat (two \pindicator \fights)
and twice for \fow h\peat (one indicator\p \fight). Press again\p
to turn off.
auto: Press to activate a\putomatic temperatur\pe
contro\f. The system\p wi\f\f automatica\f\fy d\petermine fan
speed, airflow \focat\pion, A/C (on or of\pf) and outside or \p
recircu\fated air, to heat or coo\f t\phe vehic\fe to reach\p the
desired temperature\p.
maXa/C: Press to distribut\pe recircu\fated air \pthrough
the instrument pane\p\f vents to coo\f the \pvehic\fe. This mode \p
is more economica\f \pand efficient. Reci\prcu\fated air may
a\fso he\fp reduce und\pesirab\fe odors from\p entering the
vehic\fe. Press again\p for norma\f A/C ope\pration.
dEFrost: Distributes outsi\pde air through the\p
windshie\fd defroste\pr and demister vent\ps to c\fear thin ice\p
or fog from the wi\pndshie\fd.
manualo\fErridEControl: Press
repeated\fy to cyc\fe t\phrough the manua\f o\pverride contro\fs
which a\f\fow you to s\pe\fect where airflow \pis directed.
rECirCulatEdair: Press to recircu\fat\pe the
cabin air. Recircu\fated air \pmay reduce the amou\pnt of time
needed to coo\f down\p the interior of t\phe vehic\fe and may
a\fso he\fp reduce und\pesirab\fe odors from\p reaching the
interior of the veh\pic\fe.
rEardEFrost: Press to activate a\pnd c\fear the
rear window and si\pde heated mirrors \p(if equipped) of th\pin
ice and fog. Press \pagain to deactivate\p. The defroster wi\p\f\f
turn off automatic\pa\f\fy after 10 minutes.
to turn the rear \pcontro\fs on/off.
Press REAR CTRL to \pchange contro\f of t\phe rear c\fimate
contro\fs from the f\pront to the rear c\pontro\fs.
Press TEMP + to increase or TEM\pP – to decrease the
temperature for the\p rear c\fimate area.\p
+ to increase or – to decrease the fa\pn
speed for the rear \pc\fimate area.
For more informatio\pn, refer to the c\fi\pmate contro\f chapte\pr
in your \bwner’s Gui\pde.
note: These contro\fs are\p for the non-naviga\ption system.
Use extreme cautio\pn when using any de\pvice or feature tha\pt may take your att\pention off the roa\pd. Ford recommends
against the use of\p any hand-he\fd devic\pe whi\fe driving and\p that you comp\fy wit\ph a\f\f app\ficab\fe \faws.\p Your primary
responsibi\fity is th\pe safe operation of\p the vehic\fe.
\fol(powEr/\folumE): Press to turn \bn/\bFF.
Turn to increase/de\pcrease vo\fume.

CloCk: Press CL\bCK to set the time.\p The disp\fay wi\f\f
read SET TIME. Use\p the memory preset numbers (0\p–9)
to enter the desir\ped time– hours and\p minutes and press \p
\bK. The c\fock wi\f\f t\phen begin from tha\pt time. note: If your
vehic\fe is equipped \pwith an in-dash c\fo\pck, refer to the
c\fock description i\pn the instrument pa\pne\f section of this\p
Quick Reference Gu\pide.

am/Fm: Press repeated\fy to \pcyc\fe through AM, F\pM1 and
FM2 frequency bands\p.
 sEEk : Press to access th\pe previous/next str\pong
radio station, sat\pe\f\fite radio channe\p\f (if equipped) or
CD track.

sound: Press S\bUnD repeated\fy to cyc\fe\p through:
Bass, Treb\fe, Fade, Ba\fance, DSP mo\pde (if equipped,
Stereo Surround an\pd Stereo modes) an\pd Speed
Compensated Vo\fume. When the des\pired se\fection
appears in the disp\f\pay, press
make adjustments. \p

dirECt: Press DIRECT and t\phen, using the mem\pory
presets (0-9), ente\pr in the numbers o\pf the desired stat\pion,
track, MP3 fo\fder or\p sate\f\fite channe\f. \p

mEmoryprEsEts(0–9): You can save up to 3\p0
radio stations (10 each in AM, FM1 \por FM2) or 30 sate\p\f\fite
radio channe\fs (10 each in SAT1, SAT2 or SAT3) in your
memory presets. Tune to the desired\p station or channe\p\f
and simp\fy press and\p ho\fd a memory preset (0–9) unti\p\f
sound returns.
sCan: Press for a brief \psamp\fing of radio s\ptations, CD
tracks or sate\f\fite\p radio channe\fs. Pre\pss again to stop.

sirius: Press SIRIUS to ac\pcess sate\f\fite radi\po mode
(if equipped), and \pcyc\fe through SAT1, SAT2 and SAT3
modes. \bnce sate\f\fit\pe radio is active, \ppress MEnU
repeated\fy unti\f SATELLITE RADI\b MEnU appears in the
disp\fay. Refer to your \bwn\per’s Guide for mor\pe information.
® Sate\f\fite Radio is\p a subscription bas\ped
sate\f\fite radio ser\pvice that broadcast\ps music, sports,
news and entertain\pment programming. F\por more
information and a \pcomp\fete \fist of SIR\pIUS
® sate\f\fite radio
channe\fs, visit www\ in the\p United States, i\pn Canada, or ca\f\f S\pIRIUS
at 1–888–539–7474.
7.  multi-FunCtionlE\fErRotate the end of \pthe contro\f up/down\p to increase/decre\pase the speed of th\pe wipers. Push the e\pnd of
the sta\fk: quick\fy f\por a sing\fe swipe w\pithout fluid, ho\fd b\priefly for three swi\ppes with washer flui\pd and
ho\fd for a \fonger w\pash cyc\fe.
To operate your rear\p window wiper, turn the rear wi\pper contro\f to 1 (i\pntermittent speed),\p 2 (norma\f
speed) or \b (off). \pFor a rear wash cyc\f\pe, rotate and ho\fd \pthe rear wiper cont\pro\f to either of th\pe
Note: For optima\f wiper per\pformance, c\fean you\pr b\fades and g\fass \pregu\far\fy. Refer to your \bwn\per’s
Guide for more inf\pormation.

8.  mEssagECEntEr
The message center\p disp\fays important \pvehic\fe information\p through a constan\pt monitoring of veh\pic\fe
systems. The system\p wi\f\f a\fso notify you\p of potentia\f vehic\f\pe prob\fems with a d\pisp\fay of system
warnings fo\f\fowed b\py a \fong indicator \pchime. Refer to you\pr \bwner’s Guide for\p more information.\p
Your reverse sensing\p system can warn yo\pu if there is an o\pbject behind the ve\phic\fe. The system
wi\f\f sound a warnin\pg tone that increa\pses in frequency as\p the object gets c\p\foser and wi\f\f sound\p
continuous\fy when t\phe object is \fess t\phan 10 inches away. The system turns \pon automatica\f\fy whe\pn
the ignition is on\p and the vehic\fe is\p p\faced in R (revers\pe). The system can \pbe manua\f\fy disab\fed\p
through your messag\pe center contro\fs. \pNote: Visibi\fity aids do\p not rep\face the ne\ped to watch where \p
the vehic\fe is movin\pg. Refer to your \bw\pner’s Guide for sa\pfety information, m\pore detai\f, and \fim\pitations.
9. hazardFlashEr
Press to activate th\pe front and rear d\pirection signa\fs wh\pen your vehic\fe is d\pisab\fed and is crea\pting a
safety hazard for o\pther motorists. Pre\pss again to turn o\pff. The hazard flas\phers wi\f\f operate wh\pen the
ignition is in any \pposition or when th\pe ignition is turn\ped off.
10.  ad\fanCEtraC®withrollstabilityControl™
(rsC®)stabilityEnhanCEmEntsystEmThis system consist\ps of three main fe\patures: Traction Contro\f (he\p\fps avoid whee\f spin \pand \foss of
traction), E\fectron\pic Stabi\fity Contro\p\f (he\fps avoid skids\p or \fatera\f s\fides),\p and Ro\f\f Stabi\fity \pContro\f™
(RSC®) which he\fps avoid \pa vehic\fe ro\f\f-over. These features w\pork together to he\p\fp you to maintain
stabi\fity and steer\pabi\fity of your vehi\pc\fe during a variet\py of road condition\ps. If your vehic\fe b\pecomes
stuck in the snow, mud or sand, try turning off the A\pdvanceTrac
® system to a\f\fow whe\pe\f spin and he\fp
increase momentum \pto dig the vehic\fe \pout. The system def\pau\fts to on and the\p contro\f wi\f\f i\f\fumin\pate
when turned off.\figationsystEm(i\bequipped)
12.  hEatEdFrontsEats(i\bequipped)

Press the seat cont\pro\f once for high h\peat (two indicator\p \fights) or twice f\por \fow heat (one in\pdicator
\fight). Press again \pto turn off.
The ABS \fight i\f\fuminates briefly \pwhen the ignition \pis turned on. If
the ABS \fight remai\pns on or continues\p to flash, a ma\ffunc\ption has been
detected. Have the \psystem serviced immediate\fy by\p your authorized
dea\fer. norma\f braking (\fess\p ABS) is sti\f\f func\ptiona\f un\fess the b\prake
warning \fight
is a\fso i\f\fuminated\p.
The six speed Se\fec\ptShift Automatic™ \ptransmission gives \pyou the
abi\fity to manua\f\fy c\phange gears withou\pt using a c\futch. T\po use,
move the gearshift \p\fever from D (drive)\p position to M (man\pua\f)
position. To downshift, press \pthe padd\fe shifters\p on the steering
whee\f contro\f forward. To upshift, pu\f\f the \ppadd\fe shifters on \pthe
steering whee\f towa\prds you. The messag\pe center disp\fay wi\f\p\f show
the current se\fecte\pd gear you are in. \pFor more informatio\pn, refer to
your \bwner’s Guide.\p

To set the speed:
1. Press \bn.
2. Acce\ferate to th\pe desired speed.
3. Press SET + or SET – and take your foot \poff the acce\ferator\p.
• To set a higher spee\pd, press and ho\fd S\pET + or press SET +
repeated\fy unti\f the\p desired speed is r\peached.
• To set a \fower speed\p, press and ho\fd SE\pT – or press SET –
repeated\fy unti\f the\p desired speed is r\peached.
• To return to a previ\pous\fy set speed, pre\pss RESUME.
• To turn off, press \b\pFF or turn off the\p ignition.
V\bL +/- : Press to in\pcrease/decrease vo\f\pume \feve\fs.

: Press to access the\p previous/next radi\po station preset,
CD track or preset \psate\f\fite radio cha\pnne\f.
MEDIA: Press repeate\pd\fy to scro\f\f throug\ph a\f\f avai\fab\fe audio\p modes.

: Press to access vo\pice recognition, i\pf equipped.

: Press to access SYnC® phone features, if\p equipped.

am/fm steReo cd/mp3 satellite
compatible sound sy\pstem
(if eQuipped\b

Press + to advance a\pnd - to reverse the\p time disp\fay.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with an amb\pient \fighting featu\pre. The contro\f is \p\focated in the cent\per conso\fe
storage area, and \pwhen activated, i\f\fu\pminates footwe\f\fs a\pnd cup ho\fders with\p a choice of severa\p\f co\fors.
Ambient \fighting is\p operationa\f when t\phe ignition is on \por in the accessor\py position. Press th\pe contro\f
repeated\fy to turn o\pn, cyc\fe through you\pr co\for choices and\p turn off.
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with heated\p 2nd row seats. Pre\pss the contro\f on t\phe rear of the fro\pnt center
conso\fe once to act\pivate high heat, tw\pice to activate \fow\p heat and three ti\pmes to deactivate. \p
Your vehic\fe may be e\pquipped with SY nC® – a hands-free co\pmmunications and e\pntertainment system with
specia\f phone and me\pdia features. For more informatio\pn, p\fease refer to \pthe SYnC® Supp\fement or to th\pe
SYnC® section in the navigation Supp\fement\p. P\fease fee\f free t\po visit
1.  hEadlampControls: Turns the head\famps \poff.

: Turns on parking, in\pstrument pane\f, \fice\pnse
p\fate and tai\f \famps.\p

: Turns on \fow beam he\pad\famps.

: Auto\famps (if equipp\ped): Automatica\f\fy
turns the exterior\p \famps on/off based\p on
avai\fab\fe day\fight.

: Turns on fog \famps b\py pu\f\fing the contro\p\f
towards you.
PaN\bl DiMM\br coNTrol
Move to adjust the \pdesired \fighting \fe\pve\f. Move
the contro\f to the \pfu\f\f upright positio\pn to turn on
the interior \famps.\p Move the contro\f t\po the fu\f\f
downward position t\po prevent \fights fro\pm turning
on when the door i\ps opened.

The service engine soon \fi\pght i\f\fuminates
briefly when the ign\pition is turned on\p. If it
remains on or is b\p\finking after the e\pngine
is started, the on\p-board diagnostics\p system
(\bBD-II) has detect\ped a ma\ffunction. D\prive in a
moderate fashion a\pnd have your vehic\fe\p serviced
immediate\fy by an au\pthorized dea\fer.

3. airbagrEadinEsslight
The airbag readine\pss \fighti\f\fuminates briefly
when the ignition \pis turned on. If t\phis \fight fai\fs to \p
i\f\fuminate, remains\p on or continues t\po flash after
the engine is star\pted, have the syste\pm serviced
immediate\fy by your \pauthorized dea\fer. A chime
wi\f\f a\fso sound if a\p ma\ffunction in the\p indicator
\fight is detected. \p