fuse FORD FUSION (AMERICAS) 2007 1.G Quick Reference Guide

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FO R\f
20 07
7E5 J19 G\f1 7A A
Allinf ormation
con tainedinthis
Fo rd Quick
Ref eren ceGuide
was accur ate
atthetime of
duplication\b We
re se rveth eright to
changefeatur es,
operatio n
and /or
func tio nalityof any
ve hicle specific ation
atan y tim e\bYour
Fo rd dealer is
thebest source
forth emost
cu rren tinform ation\b
ope ratin gan d
safety infor mation,
ple ase see your
Own er’sGu id e\b
Ma y\f006
Fir stPrin ting
Quic kRefer ence
Guid e
Ford Fus ion
Lit ho in U\bS \bA \b
*F7\b5J 19G21 7AA*
FUEL TY PE AN D TAN KCA PA C IT YYour fu el tank canacc omm od ate ap pro xima tely
17\b5 ga llons (66\b\fL)of gasoli ne\b You rve hic le
is des igne dto useun lead ed gasolin ewith
an (R+M )/\f octane rating of87\b Usi ng
g aso lin e wi th alower octan era tin gmay
degra deperfo rmance \b
TIR EPR ES SU REYour veh icle’s tire
pre ssu re sp ecif icati ons arefound onthe
ve hi cle’ sSa fe ty Comp lianc eCertif icati on Lab el
loc ate don thedrive r’s doo rjam b\bCheck you r
tire sfo rprop er air pre ssure month ly;Use atire
g au ge tocheck the tirein flatio npre ssu re,
inc lud ing th esp are tire(if equ ipped ), at le ast
m onthly andbef ore long trips\b Alway suse an
accura tetire pressure gaug e\bCh eckth etire
pre ssu re wh en tires are cold,af te rthe vehicle
h as been parked for at le ast threehou rs or has
b een driven lessth an thre emil es\b (Asyo udrive ,
the temp erature inthe tire wa rmsup ,
inc rea sing the tire pre ssur e\b) Imp rop erly
inf late d tires can affect vehic le hand lin g an d
can fai lsud denly, resulti nginapo ssib leloss of
ve hi cle co ntr ol\b
Re ferto th e Tire s, W he els an d
Lo adi ng cha pte rin th eOwne r’sGui defo r
fur the rin fo rm ati o n\b
FUSESIf th eve hic le’s ele ctri calc om pon en ts
are notop era ting,a fuse mayhave blow n\bThe
fu se pan elis loc ated belo w theinstr um en t
p anel onthe driver’ s sid e;remove thecove rto
view thefus es\bA dd ition alfu se sare locate d in
the powe rdi strib ution box inthe eng ine
c o m partmen t\bFo r mo reinf orma tionre g ard in g
cha ngi ng fuses ,ref er to theRoad sid e
Em erg enc ies cha pterof yo ur O wn er’s Gu ide\b
F U EL PU MP SH UT OFF SWI TCHThe fu el pum p sh ut of fswi tchstop sth eelec tric
fue lp um p fr om se n d in g fu elto your eng in e
w hen yo ur ve hic le has su sta ined asu bstan tial
jolt\b The sw itc his loc ate d in th epa sse nger’s
f o otw ell, by thekic k pa nel\bFor morein for ma tionr e ga rd in g th efu el pum p sh ut off sw itc h,re fer
t o th eRoa dsid e Em erge ncies ch ap te rof yo ur
O w ner ’s Gui de\b
TOO LSThe sp ar etir ean d jack are locate d in
th e trunk below theca rp ete d floor pan el\b The
necessa ry tools are con tained in thetool bag\b
F o r com ple te detai lson how tocha nge your
tir e , re fe r to theRoad sid eEm erg enc ies ch ap ter
in your Owner’s Gu ide\b
yo ur Ford Fusion ’s 3 ye ar/ 36, 000 mile lim ite d
war ran ty pe riod ,the assu ra n ce and supp ortof
a \f4 hour em ergen cy ro ad sid eassista nce
p rog ram is inclu ded \bR oa dsid eassista nce
in clud es suc hse rv ic es as fu eld elive ry,tire
ch an ge s, ju mp sta rts, hel p when you are
lo cke dout of you rve hicle, and tow in g \b
To re c eiv e roa dsid e assista nce in the Unite d
Sta te s, cal l(8 00) 241 \f 67\f. In Can ad a,
ca ll (8 00) 665 2006 .
1.AUTO:Press toactivate automatic
temperature control\bThesystem will
automatically determinefanspeed, airflow
location, A/C(onoroff) and outside or
recirculated air,toheat orcool thevehicle to
reachthedesired temperature\b Pressagain
2.DEFR OS T:Distributes outsideair
through thewindshield defrosteranddemister
vents\b Canbeused toclear thiniceorfog from
\f.REA RWIND OW DE FROST ER:Presstoclear therear window ofthin iceand
fog\b Press againtodeactivate\b Thedefroster will
turnoffautomatically after10minutes\b Ifyour
vehicle isequipped withboth arear defroster
andheated mirrors, thesame button will
activate both\b
4.EXT :Press todisplay theoutside air
Allows youtomanually determine whereairflow
isdirected\b Toreturn tofully automatic control,
5.PA NEL :Distributes airthrough the
instrument panel\b
6.PANEL \bFL OOR:Distributes air
throughtheinstrument panelregisters andthe
front andrear seat floor ducts\b
7.F LOOR:Distributes airthrough thefront
and rear seat floor ducts\b
8.DEFROST \bFLOOR:D is tr ib utes air
th rou gh the win dsh ield def ros ter ducts ,d em is ter
o utlet san dthefr on tan drear seat floor ducts \b
9.MAX COOLI NG:Pres sPanel ,
A/C ,recir culat io n co ntro l ,set
th e tem peratur eto 60 °F (16°C )and setthe
blo w erto the highest set ting \b
10.RE CIRCU LATI ON CO NTR OL :Press torecirculate cabinair\bRecirculated air
mayreduce theamount oftime needed tocool
down theinterior ofthe vehicle andmay also
help reduce undesirable odorsfromreaching
theinterior ofthe vehicle\b Toreduce window
fogging, donot drive withtherecirculated air
engagedandA/C off\b
SEATS :(ifequipped) Pressonceforhigh
heat (twolights), twiceforlow heat (onelight)
andathird timetodeactivate (nolights)\b
1. TUN E\bDISC SELECT OR:Pre ss and release to
manua llyadvan ceup/do wn th eradio frequ en cy orto
acce ssthe nex t/prev iousdi sc\b Also used tomak e
selections within th e MENU function\b
2. TE XT\bS CA N:Pres san d ho ld fo r a brie f
sa mpli n g of ra d io sta tio ns or C D tr a cks\b P re ss
a g ain to sto p \bIn CD /M P3 m od e, p re ss TE X T to
di sp la y tr a ck tit le , artis t nam ean d dis c tit le \b
\f. ME NU:P re ss to to g gle th ro ug h:
T O SET THE CLOC K(if no teq uip ped with an ind ash
clo ck): Pre ss M ENU untilSE THO UR and SET
MINUT ESisdis pla yed \bP res s
/to se t th e time\b
O CCU PA N CY MODE*: Use /to se le ct an d
o p tim iz e so un d fo r A LL SEATS ,D RIV E R S SEAT or
SP EE D SEN SIT IV E VO LU M E:R ad io vo lu m eau to
m atic a lly ch an g es sli g htly wit h ve h ic le sp eed to
c o m pen sa te fo r ro ad an d win d no is e\b
R eco m me nd ed le ve lis 13 \b S P EED OFF tu rn s th e
fe atu re off an d le ve l7 is th e m axim um se tt in g \b
W hen th e ve h ic le is st op ped ,vo lu m eis
si gnif ic an tly lo w er ed \b
R BD S –Radi o Broa dc ast D ata Sys te m (if eq uipp ed) :In FM mod e, th is fe atu re allo w s yo u to se arc h fo r
certa in ca te g orie s of m usic or an no un cem ent s\b
F o r m ore in fo rm atio n ple a se re fe r to yo ur
O w ner’s Guid e\b
T R AC K/F O LD ER MODE:A va il a b le on M P3 dis c s in
CD mod e on ly \b
Pr ess/to to ggle betw ee nTra ck an d
Fo ld er mo de\bIn tr a ck m od e, p re ss SEE K to sc ro ll
th ro ug h all tr a c ks on th e dis c \b In fo ld er m od e,pr ess SEEK to sc ro ll th ro ug h all tr a c ks wit h in th e
se le c te d fo ld er\b
P lease refertoyour Owner’s Guideforinformation
regarding theAutoset andCompression
Menu features\b
4.MUTE :P re ss to mute th e pla yin g med ia \b P re ss
a g ain to re tu rn to th e pla yin g med ia \b
(if equipped)
5. AUX :Press repeatedly tocycle through SAT1,
SAT\f, SAT3 (satellite radiomode ifequipped) or
LIN EIN (auxiliary audiomode)\b OnceSatellite
Rad iomode isactivated youmay usethe
following functions:
Press MENU untilCATEGORY MODEappears in
the display\b Press /toselect fromvarious
categories ofmusic (country, rock,etc\b)andpress
and hold SEEK orTEXT/SCAN tosearch for
channels playingthatspecific category ofmusic\b
Press SEEK toaccess theprevious/next
channels\b Pressandrelease TEXT/SCAN to
disp lay the current songtitle\bPress againtoscroll
through current songtitle,artist, channel category
and the SIRIUS longchannel name\bPressand
hold forabrief sampling ofthe next channels\b
Press again tostop\b
Press toplay allCD/MP3 trackson
thecurrent discinrandom order\b
*Av ailab le on Audi oph ile ra dio sonly \b
AU \fI O
MOO NROO F(ifequipped)
The moon roofisequipped
with aonetouch, express
ventingfeature\b Toopen
the moon roof,press and
rel eas ethe rear por tio n of the contr ol\b To closethe moon roof,press andrelease thefront
portion ofthe control\b Tostop motion atany
time during theonetouch operation, press
thecontrol asecond time\b
Your vehicle comes
equipped withtwo
speci ally pr ogr am medIntegrated Keyhead
Transmitters (IKTs)\b
IKTsareboth aprogrammed ignitionkeyand
aremote keyless entrytransmitter\b Handlethe
IKTcarefully whenstarting thecartoavoid
accidentally pressinganyofthe remote
entry buttons\b
Press oncetounlock thedriver’s door\b
Theinterior lampswillilluminate\b Press
twicetounlock allthe doors\b Press once
tolock allthe doors andactivate the
perimeter alarmsystem (ifequipped)\b
Pre ss twic e to co nfir m all th e door san d
tr unk are clo se d\bT he ho rn will c hi rp an d th e
tu rn sig nal lamp swill fla sh once if all th edoor s
an d thetrun kar eclo se d\b Press an d hold
fo r1\b5 se c o nds to ac tiv a te th e pan ic ala rm\b
(A sh o rt pr ess an dre le ase ca n be us ed to
de activ a te th e pa nic ala rm\b )Pre ss tw ice
w it hi n 3se c o nds to ope nth etrunk\b
E nsu re th at
yo u keep th e IK T ad hes iv e secur ityla be lin a
sa fe place fo r fu tu re re fe ren ce \b
S EC UR ILO CK™The SecuriLock™
passive antitheft systemisan engine
immobilization system\bThissystem is
designed tohelp prevent theengine from
beingstarted unlessacoded Integrated
Keyhead Transmitter (IKT)programmed to
yourvehicle isused\b Using thewrong typeof
coded keymay lead toa“no start” condition\b
Theantitheft indicator inthe instrument
cluster willflash toindicate theSecuriLock
system isfunctioning asatheft deterrent
when theignition isturned off\b
AU TOL OCK\bA U TOU NLOCK(ifequipped)
Autolock automatically locksallvehicle doors
whenallthe doors areclosed, theignition is
inthe RUN position, youshift intoanygear
that puts thevehicle intomotion, andthe
vehicle ismoving above1\fmph (\f0km/h)\b
Autounlock automatically unlocksallthe
doors whenthevehicle hasbeen traveling
above1\f mp h(\f0 km /h ), co mes to aco mplet estop, andthedriver doorisopened within10
minutes ofthe ignition beingturned off\bNote:
For instructions ondisabling autolock, please
refertoyour Owner’s Guideorsee your
authorized dealer\b
BELTMIN DERTheBeltMinder isasupplemental warning
systemwhichintermittently chimestoalert
the driver andpassenger iftheir safety belts
arenot fastened\b Forfurther information,
pleaserefertoyour Owner’s Guide\b
REARSEAT REL EAS EBoth rearseats canbefolded downfor
dditional cargospace\b Pulltherelease handle
located insidethetrunk tofold down theseat\b
VISOR SYour vehicle mayhave aslide onrod feature
that provides additional sunlightcoverage\b
Rotatethevisor towards theside window
andextend itrearward\b Note:Thevisor must
beretracted beforemoving itback towards
Electronic Automatic Temperature ControlSystem(EATC)(ifequipped)
Premium/Audiophile AM/FMStereoIn\fash SixC\f/MP\b SoundSystem (ifequipped)