Fuse LINCOLN MKS 2013 Quick Reference Guide

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SYNC is \f h\fnds-free, voice
recognition system used for
entert\finment, inform\ftion
\fnd communic\ftion.
SYNC …S\fy the word.
befo Re you G et StAR te\b:
1. Set up your owner \fccount
\ft syncmyride.com.
Register by following the
on-screen instructions.
After registering you c\fn
see wh\ft compliment\fry
services you \fre eligible for.
2. SYNC uses \f wireless
connection c\flled
® to communic\fte
with your phone. Turn
Bluetooth mode on
in your phone's menu
options. This lets your
phone find SYNC . For
more det\fils on setting
up your phone with
SYNC , visit syncmyride.
com, or your phone
m\fnuf\fcturer’s website. mAKING A pho
Ne \f ALL :
® to m\fke \f phone c\fll to \fnyone in your phone
book by pressing the voice button \fnd when prompted,
giving \fny of the following voice comm\fnds:
C\fll <n\fme> C\fll <n\fme> \ft work
C\fll <n\fme> on mobile or cell C\fll <n\fme> \ft home
For ex\fmple, you could s\fy “C\fll Mom \ft home” . SYNC
repe\fts the comm\fnd b\fck to you \fnd di\fls the number.
Note: You c\fn \flso m\fke phone c\flls by gi\bing the \boice comm\fnd
“Di\fl”, then \berb\flly s\fying the phone number.
Answering incoming calls: Whenever you h\fve \fn incoming
c\fll, you will be \fble to see the n\fme \fnd number of the
person c\flling in your displ\fy. Press the phone button

to \fnswer \fn incoming c\fll. You c\fn h\fng up \ft \fny time by
pressing \fnd holding the phone button
u sing S yN \f to Access \b igital media: SYNC h\fs \f medi\f hub
with multiple inputs \fllowing you to \fccess person\fl medi\f
from your digit\fl devices.
u sing voice commands to play music:
1. Plug your medi\f pl\fyer into your USB port.
2. Press the voice button
. When prompted s\fy
“USB”, then follow-up s\fying one of the following
voice comm\fnds.
Pl\fy \fll Pl\fy next song
Pl\fy song <n\fme> Pl\fy \flbum <n\fme>
prim\fry phone will receive
mess\fges \fnd voice m\fils).
∂ Downlo\fd your phone
book (this is recommended
to use voice comm\fnds).
∂ Turn on 911 Assist™.
\fommo NLy u Se\b V oI\fe
\fomm AN\bS - S yN \f
SA y the W oR\b: Ever y
\bime you wan\b \bo give
SYNC a voice command,
you mus\b firs\b press \bhe
voice bu\b\bon
and when
promp\bed, speak your voice
command. For a \fis\b of voice
commands say “ Wha\b can
I say? ”
∂ M\fke sure the interior of
the vehicle is \fs quiet \fs
possible. Wind noise from
open windows \fnd ro\fd
vibr\ftions m\fy prevent
the system from
correctly recognizing
spoken comm\fnds.
∂ After pressing the voice
button, w\fit until \ffter the tone sounds \fnd “Listening”
\fppe\frs in your vehicle’s
displ\fy before s\fying \f
comm\fnd. Any comm\fnd
spoken prior to this does not
register with the system.
∂ Spe\fk n\ftur\flly, without long
p\fuses between words.
∂ At \fny time, you c\fn
interrupt the system while it
is spe\fking by pressing the
voice button
y phoNe
WI th S yN \f:
Note: You must downlo\fd
your phone book to m\fke
phone c\flls with \boice
comm\fnds by n\fme. Cont\fcts
listed in \fll c\fps will require
you to spell them (i.e. JAKE,
will be J-A-K-E).
ouR p hoNe
WI th S yN \f:
1. M\fke sure th\ft your
vehicle is in (P) p\frk
\fnd turn your ignition
\fnd r\fdio on.
2. Press the phone button
, when the displ\fy
indic\ftes No Phone
Found press oK .
3. When Add Bluetooth
De\bice? \fppe\frs,
press oK.
4. When Find SYNC
\fppe\frs in the displ\fy,
press OK . When
prompted, enter the
PIN provided by SYNC
into your phone.
5. The displ\fy will
indic\fte when the
p\firing is successful.
Note: The system m\fy
prompt you to:
∂ Set your phone \fs the
prim\fry/f\fvorite (the
3. You will he\fr the comm\fnd repe\fted b\fck to you \fnd
the selected item will pl\fy.
*S\fy “Wh\ft c\fn I s\fy? ” to he\fr \f list of more voice
comm\fnds \fv\fil\fble in this mode.
\b o m oRe: After cre\fting your \fccount \ft Syncmyride.com,
use SYNC Services to get the most out of your SYNC
experience. This includes; voice \fctiv\fted turn-by-turn
directions, the l\ftest tr\ff fic reports, business se\frches,
sports scores, stock m\frket reports \fnd more.
You c\fn \fccess your \fv\fil\fble services by pressing the
voice button
\fnd when prompted, s\fy “Services”. The
port\fl will guide you, but you c\fn s\fy \fny of the following
voice comm\fnds:
Tr\fffic Sports
Directions We\fther
News Business se\frch
*S\fy “Wh\ft c\fn I s\fy? ” to he\fr \f list of more voice
comm\fnds \fv\fil\fble in this mode.
Your SYNC system \flso offers \fdv\fnced fe\ftures such \fs
internet connectivity, SYNC AppLink™, \fnd vehicle he\flth
report \fll \fv\fil\fble \ft syncmyride.com.
h eLp!: At \fny time, you c\fn give the voice comm\fnd
“ h elp”. The system will provide \fn \fudible list of voice
comm\fnds \fv\fil\fble in your current mode.

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* if EquippEd
So S p oSt- \fRAS h ALe R t
SyS tem™ : Provides \fudible
\fnd visu\fl \fl\frms when \f
cr\fsh c\fuses the deployment
of \firb\fgs or the \fctiv\ftion of
the s\ffety belt pretensioners.
The turn sign\fls will fl\fsh
\fnd the horn will sound. To
de\fctiv\fte, press the
h\fz\frd fl\fsher control, or the
p\fnic button
on your
remote tr\fnsmitter.
Re AR W IN\bo W
b uffet ING: When one or
both of your re\fr windows
\fre open, you m\fy he\fr
\f wind throb or buffeting
noise. To \fllevi\fte this,
simply lower \f front window
\fpproxim\ftely 2-3 inches
(5-8 cm). tIRe
moNI toRING S y Stem: Yo u r
vehicle h\fs \f tire pressure
monitoring system th\ft
illumin\ftes \f
low tire
pressure w\frning light in
your instrument cluster when
one or more of your tires is
signific\fntly underinfl\fted.
If this h\fppens stop \fnd
check your tires \fs soon \fs
possible. Infl\fte them to the
proper pressure. Refer to the
Infl\fting Your Tires section in
the Wheels \fnd Tires ch\fpter
of your Owner’s M\fnu\fl for
more inform\ftion. Lo\f
AtIo N of S pAR e t IRe
AN \b too LS:
Your sp\fre
tire \fnd tools \fre loc\fted
bene\fth the c\frpeted floor
p\fnel in the re\fr of your
vehicle. The sp\fre tire is
designed for emergency
use only \fnd should
be repl\fced \fs soon \fs
possible. For complete
det\fils on ch\fnging your
tire, refer to the Ch\fnging \f
Ro\fd Wheel in the Wheels
\fnd Tires ch\fpter in your
Owner’s M\fnu\fl .
Ro A\bSI \be A SSIStAN \fe:
Your new Lincoln vehicle
comes with the \fssur\fnce
\fnd support of 24-hour
emergency ro\fdside
\fssist\fnce. To receive
ro\fdside \fssist\fnce
in the United St\ftes,
c\fll 1-(8\b\b)-521-414\b.
In C\fn\fd\f, c\fll
SyS tem* This system is
designed to \flert the driver
of cert\fin collision risks.
Sensors detect if vehicles
\fhe\fd of you, which
\fre moving in the s\fme
direction, m\fy be \f collision
risk. The system will \flert you
with \fn \fudible chime \fnd
red w\frning light which will
\fppe\fr \fbove the d\fsh. If
the risk of collision incre\fses,
the system will incre\fse
br\fke support to help reduce
collision speed.
th X II® \feR tIf Ie\b Au\b Io
SyS tem*: Fourteen
str\ftegic\flly positioned,
high perform\fnce
spe\fkers deliver \f home
the\fter sound right in
your vehicle. The system
will \futom\ftic\flly m\fke
\fdjustments to volume
\fnd sound distribution,
b\fsed on vehicle speed
\fnd extern\fl ro\fd noise.
Ro Ve\b fue L
e\foN omy WhIL e
\fo AStING o R
\be\feL eRAtING : Yo u r
vehicle h\fs been designed
to improve fuel economy by
reducing fuel us\fge while
co\fsting or deceler\fting.
This m\fy be perceived \fs
\f light to medium br\fking
sens\ftion when removing
your foot from the
\fcceler\ftor ped\fl.
f ue L tANK \fA pA \fIty/
f ue L IN fo: Your vehicle
h\fs \f 19.\b g\fllon (71.9L)
fuel t\fnk c\fp\fcity. Use
only “Regul\fr” unle\fded
g\fsoline with \fn oct\fne
r\fting of 87 or higher.
Do not use E85 fuels
bec\fuse your vehicle
w\fs not designed to run
on fuels with more th\fn
15% eth\fnol.eAS y fueL® SyS tem: With
this system, you simply open
the fuel door, insert the
nozzle \fnd begin fueling. It
is self-se\fling \fnd therefore
protected \fg\finst dust,
dirt, w\fter, snow \fnd ice.
W\fit five seconds from the
time the refueling nozzle is
shut-off until you remove
the nozzle from the vehicle
to \fllow residu\fl fuel in the
nozzle to dr\fin into the t\fnk.
When using \f port\fble fuel
cont\finer, slowly insert the
fuel funnel (loc\fted in the
sp\fre tire comp\frtment), \fnd
pour the fuel into the funnel.
Note: Do not use \ffterm\frket
funnels \fs they will not work
with the E\fsy Fuel system
\fnd m\fy c\fuse d\fm\fge.
Properly cle\fn the funnel
\ffter e\fch use.
* if Equipp Ed12