airbag MERCEDES-BENZ AMG GT 4-DOOR COUPE 2019 Owner's Manual

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Steer ing wheel paddle shifters →
2 Comb inationswit ch →
3 Multimedia system displa y →
4 ActivePa rking Assist →
5 Haza rdwa rning lam ps →
6 PASSENGER AIRBAGind icat orlam p →
7 Calls upvehicle functions →
8 Contr olpanel forth emultimedia system →
9 Start/ stop butt on →
A Climat eco ntro lsy stems →
B Glovebox →
C Control elem ents forth emultimedia system →
D Control kn ob forvo lume andswitc hessound
on/ off →
Swi tches themultimedia system on/ off →
E ECO star t/ stop funct ion →
F Adjus tsthere ar wing →
193 G
AMG Perfor mance exhaus tsy stem →
H AMG E-SELEC Tsel ect orleve r →
I Activates /de activatesESP ®

J AMG adaptivespo rtsuspension system →
K Manual gearshif ting(per man entsetting ) →
M Stow agecom partment →
N Control pan elforth emultimedia system
(s te er ing wheel) →
O AMG DRIVE UNITactuat or →
P AMG DRIVEUNI Tbu ttons →
Q Adjus tsthesteer ing wheel →
Switc hesthesteer ing wheel heateron oroff →
R Contr olpanel forth eon- boar dcom puter →
Oper ates cruise control →
Oper ates ActiveDis tance AssistDIS TRONI C →
S Diagno stics con nection →
24 At
aglanc e– Coc kpit 7

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code forre scue card
The QRcode issecur edinthefuel filler flap and
on theopposit eside ontheB-pillar .In theeve nt
of an acci dent, rescue services canusetheQR
code toquickl yfind theappr opriatere scue card
fo ryo ur vehicle. Thecurrent rescue cardcon‐
ta ins themos tim por tant informa tionab ou tyo ur
ve hicle inacom pact form ,e.g. thero utin gof the
electr iclines.
Fu rther information canbeobt ained athttp: //
www .mercedes-benz .de/qr-code. Data
storage Electr
oniccontr olunit s Ele
ctro nic contr oluni tsareins talled inyour vehi‐
cle. Some ofthese areneces saryfo rth esaf e
oper ation ofyour vehicle, whilesome assistyo u
when drivin g(dr iver assis tance systems). In
addition, your vehicle prov ides comfort and
ent ertainm ent func tions,whic har ealso made
possible byelectr oniccontrol units.
Elect ronic contr oluni tscont ain da ta memor ies
whic hcan temp orarily orper manent lystor e te
ch nica linf orma tionab ou tth eve hicle's operat‐
ing stat e, com ponent loads, maintenance
re qu iremen tsand tech nica leve nts orma lfunc‐
tio ns.
In gener al,th is inf ormatio ndocum entsth est at e
of acom ponent part,amodul e,asy stem orthe
sur round ingssuc has:
R operatin gst at es ofsystem com ponen ts(e.g.
fl uid leve ls, batt eryst atus ,tir epr essur e)
R status messagescon cerningth eve hicle or
its individua lcom ponent s(e.g. number of
wheel revo lution s/speed, longitudin alacc el‐
er ation ,lat eral acc eler ation ,displa yof fas‐
te ned seatbe lts)
R malfunctio nsordefects inim por tant system
com ponen ts(e.g. lights, brak es)
R information oneve nts lead ing tovehicle
damag e
R system react ionsin spec ialdrivin gsit uatio ns
(e. g.airbag deployment,int erve ntio nof sta‐
bilit ycon trol systems)
R ambient conditions (e.g.temp eratur e,rain
sen sor) In
addition toprov iding theactual control unit
func tion,th is dat aassis tsthemanuf acturerin
de tecting andrectify ingmal functi onsand opti‐
mizi ngvehicle functions. Themajority ofthis
dat ais temp orar yand isonl ypr ocessed inthe
ve hicle itself. Onlya small portion ofthedat ais
st or ed intheev ent ormalfunct ionmemor y.
When your vehicle isser viced, tech nica lda ta
fr om theve hicle canberead out byser vice net‐
wo rkem ployees (e.g. workshops, manufactur‐
er s) or third par ties (e.g. breakdo wnservice s).
Ser vice sinc lude repair services, maintenanc e
pr ocesses ,wa rrant yclaim sand qualit yassur ‐
anc emeas ures, forex am ple. Theread out isper‐
fo rm ed via theleg allypr escr ibed portfo rth e
diagnos ticsconnection intheve hicle. The
re spectiv eser vice networklocations orthird
par ties collec t,pr oces sand usethedat a.The y
documen tte ch nica lst atus esoftheve hicle,
assis tin findi ng ma lfunctio nsand impr oving
qu alit yand aretransm itted tothemanuf acturer,
if neces sary.Fu rther mor e,themanuf actureris
subject toproduct liability .Fo rth is, themanu‐
fa ctur errequ ires tech nica lda ta from vehicles. Gener
alno tes 27

Page 31 of 530

acturerinasui table place (e.g.Operator's
Manual, websit eof themanuf acturer)along with
th ere leva nt data protect ion information .Pe r‐
sonal datama ybe used forth epr ov ision of
onlin eser vice s.Dat ais exch ang edvia asec ure
con nection,e.g .th emanuf acturer'sdesignat ed
IT systems. Personal datais collect ed,pro‐
cessed andused viathepr ov ision ofser vice s
exc lusiv elyon thebasis ofleg alper missions or
wit hpr ior con sent .
The services andfunc tions(some times subject
to afe e) can usually beactiv ated ordeactiv ated.
In some cases, this also applies totheent ire
ve hicle's dataconn ection. Thisexcludes, inpar‐
tic ular ,leg allypr escr ibed functionsand service s.
Th ird pa rty ser vice s
If it is possibl eto use onlineser vices from other
pr ov ider s,these services aresubject tothedat a
pr otect ion and term sof use ofthere sponsible
pr ov ider .The manuf acturer has noinfluenc eon
th econ tent exc hang ed.
Please inquire,ther efor e, about thetype, scope
and purpose ofthecollect ionand useofper‐ sonal
dataas par tof third par tyser vice sfrom
th eir respectiv epr ov ider . COMAN
D/mbrace If
th eve hicle iseq uipped withCO MAND or
mbr ace, additional dataabout theve hicle's oper‐
ation, theuse oftheve hicle incer tain situat ions,
and thelocation oftheve hicle maybe com piled
th ro ugh COMAND orthembr ace system.
Fo radd itional information pleasereferto the
ch ap terMul timedi asy stem and/or thembr ace
Te rm sand Conditions. Ev
ent data recor der s US
Aon ly:
Th isvehicle iseq uipped withan event data
re cor der (EDR ).The mainpu rpose ofan EDRis
to recor d,incer tain crash ornear crash-lik esit‐
uation s,suc has an airbag deployment orhitt ing
a ro ad obs tacle ,da ta that will assis tin unde r‐
st andi nghowave hicle's systems perform ed.
The EDRis designed torecor dda ta relat ed to ve
hicle dynamics andsafetysy stems fora shor t
per iod oftime, typica lly30 seconds orless.
The EDR inthis vehicle isdesigned torecor d
su ch dat aas:
R Howvarious systems inyour vehicle were
oper ating
R Whe ther or notth edr iver and front
passeng erseat belts werebuc kled/f astened
R Howfar(if at all)th edr iver wa sdepr essing
th eaccelera torand/or brak epeda land
R Howfast theve hicle wastrave ling
This datacan help prov ide abe tter under stand‐
ing ofthecir cums tances inwh ich acci dents and
inju ries occur .NO TE: EDRdat ais recor ded by
yo ur vehicle onlyif anon- trivial crash situation
occur s;no dat ais recor ded bytheED Runder
nor mal driving conditions andnoper sonal data
(e.g. name, gende r,ag eand acciden tloc atio n)is
re cor ded .Ho wever,ot her parties, suchas law
enf orcement ,could combine EDRdatawit hth e
typ eof personall yidentifying dataro utin ely
acq uired dur ing acr ash inve stigation . Gener
alno tes 29

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stra int system Pr
otection prov ided bythere stra int system The
restra int system com prises thefo llo wing
com pone nts:
R Seat beltsystem
R Airbags
R Child restra int system
R Child seatsecur ingsystems
The restra int system can reduce therisk ofvehi‐
cle occupants comingintocont actwithpar tsof
th eve hicle's interior intheeve ntofan acci dent.
The restra int system can also reduce thefo rc es
to whic hve hicle occupants aresubject edinthe
ev ent ofan acciden t.
Onl ya seat beltwhic his wo rncor rectly can pro‐
vid eth eint ended leve lof protect ion. Depen ding
on thede tected acci dent situation, Emerg ency
Te nsi oni ng Device sand /or airba gssupp lement a
cor rectly wornseat belt. Emer gency Tensi oni ng
De vice sand /or airba gsareno tde ploy ed in
ev eryacciden t. Fo
rth ere stra int system toprov ide itsfull protec‐
tion ,eac hoccupant mustobser vethefo llo wing:
R Fasten theseat beltcorrectl y.
R Beinan almos tup right position withth eir
bac kag ains tth eseat backres t.
R Sitwithth eir feet resting onthefloor ,if pos‐
R Alw ayssecur eper sons under 5ft (1.50 m)
ta llin an addition alrestra int system suitable
fo rMer cedes-Benz vehicles.
Ho wever,no system available toda ycan com‐
ple tely eliminat einjur iesand fata lities ineve ry
acc iden tsit uatio n.Inpar ticular ,th eseat belt
and airbag gener ally do notpr otect agains t
objec tspene trating theve hicle from theoutside.
The risk ofan injur yre sulting from airbag
deplo yment alsocanno tbe ruled out entirel y. Re
duce dre stra int system protection &
WARNIN GRisk ofinju ryor deat hfrom
modif ications tothere stra int system
The restra int system can nolong erfunc tion
cor rectly afte ralt erations have been made.
The restra int system mayth en notpr otect
th eve hicle occupants asintended byfailing
in an acc ident ortrigg ering une xpec tedly ,fo r
ex am ple #
Neveralt er thepar tsof there stra int
sy stem. #
Neverta mp erwit hth ewir ing orany
electr oniccomponen tpar tsor their
sof tware. If
it is neces saryto modify theve hicle toacc om‐
modat eaper son withdisabil ities, con tact an
au thor ized Mercedes-B enzCent erforde tails.
US Aonl y:forde tails, con tact ourCu stomer
Assis tance Center on 1-800-F OR-MER Cedes
(1‑80 0‑367‑63 72). 32
Occupant safety

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stra int system functiona lity When
theignition isswitc hedon,aself-t estis
per form ed, during whic hth e0075 restra int sys‐
te m wa rning lam plight sup. Itgoes outnolater
th an afe w sec ond saf te rth eve hicle isstar ted.
The com ponen tsof there stra int system areth en
func tional. Malfu
nctioning restra int system A
malfun ction has occurredin there stra int sys‐
te m if:
R the0075 restra int system warning lam pdoes
no tlight upwhen theignition isswitc hedon
R the0075 restra int system warning lam p
light sup con tinuousl yor repeat edly during a
jour ney &
WARNIN GRisk ofinju ryor fata linj ury
due toamalf unctionin there stra int sys‐
te m
If th ere stra int system ismalfunct ioning,
re stra int system com ponen tsma ybe trig‐ ge
redunint entionall yor might notbe trig‐
ge redat all intheev ent ofan acciden t.This
ma yaf fect theEmer gency Tensi oni ng Device
or airba g,forex am ple. #
Have there stra int system checkedand
re pair edimmediat elyat aqu alif ied spe‐
cialis two rkshop. Fu
nction ofthere stra int system inan acci‐
dent Ho
wthere stra int system worksis de term ined by
th ese verity of theim pact detected and thetype
of acciden tantic ipated:
R Front alim pact
R Rear impact
R Sideim pact
R Rollover
The activ ation thre sholds forth ecom ponen tsof
th ere stra int system arede term ined based on
th eev aluatio nof thesensor values measur edat
va rious points intheve hicle. Thisprocess ispre-
em ptive in nat ure. The trigg ering/ deplo yment ofth
ecom ponen tsof there stra int system mus t
ta ke place ingood timeatthest ar tof thecolli‐
Fa ctor swhi chcan only besee nand measured
af te ra colli sion hasoccur reddo notpla ya deci‐
siv ero le in thedeplo yment ofan airbag. Nordo
th ey prov ide anindic ation ofairbag deployment .
The vehicle maybe def ormed signif icantl ywit h‐
out anairbag beingdeployed. This isthecase if
onl ypar tswhic har ere lativ elyeasil ydef ormed
ar eaf fect ed and thera te ofvehicle deceler ation
is no thigh. Conversely ,an airbag maybe
deplo yedev en though theve hicle suffers onl y
minor deformation. Ifve ry rigid vehicle parts
suc has longitudinal membersar ehit, forex am‐
ple, this ma yre sult insuf ficie ntly highleve ls of
ve hicle deceler ation. Occupant
safety 33

Page 36 of 530

comp onent sof there stra int system can
be act ivat ed ordep loye dinde pendently of
eac hot her : Com
pone nt Detected dep loy‐
men tsit uation
Em erge ncy Tensi on‐
ing Device s Fr
ont alim pact, rear
im pact ,side impact ,
ro llo ver Dr
iver' sai rba g,front
pa sse nger front air‐
ba g Fr
ont alim pact Knee
airbag Front alim pact Side
airbag Sideimpact
Wi ndo wcur tain air‐
bag Side
impact ,ro llo ver,
fr ont alim pact PRE-S
Im pul se
Side Side
impact The
front passeng erfront airbagcan onlybe
depl oyed inan acciden tif th ePA SSENGER AIR
BA GOF Find icat orlam pis off.Ifth efront passeng
erseat isoccupied, makesur e,bo th
bef oreand during thejour ney,that thest atus of
th efront passeng erfront airbag iscor rect
(→ page 44). &
WARNIN GRisk ofburnsfrom hotair bag
com ponents
The airbag partsareho taf te ran air bag has
been deployed. #
Donotto uc hth eair bag parts. #
Have adeplo yedair bag replaced ata
qu alif ied spec ialistwo rkshop assoon
as possible . Mer
cedes-Benz recomme ndsthat youha ve the
ve hicle towe dto aqu alif ied spec ialistwo rkshop
af te ran accide nt.Take this int oacc ount ,par tic‐
ular lyifan Em erge ncy Tensi oni ng Device istrig ‐
ge redor an airbag deployed. If
th eEmer gency Tensi oni ng Device sar etrig ‐
ge redor an airbag isdeplo yed, youwill hear a
ban g,and asmal lamoun tof powder mayalso be
re leased:
R The bang willnotge ner ally affect your hear ‐
ing .
R Ingener al,th epo wder released isno thaz‐
ar dous tohealt hbut maycause short-term
br eat hing difficul ties toper sons suffering
fr om asthma orother pulmonar yconditions .
Pr ov ided itis saf eto do so, leavetheve hicle
immediat elyoropen thewindo win order to
pr eve ntbrea thing difficul ties .
Airb agsand pyrotech nic Emerg encyTensi oni ng
De vice scont ain pe rchlor atemat erial, whic hma y
re qu ire spec ialhandlin gor environm entalpro‐
te ction measures. Na tional guideline sre ga rding
wa ste disposal mustbe obser ved. InCalif ornia,
see http:// www .dtsc. ca.go v/Hazar dousW aste/
Pe rchlor ate/inde x.cfm. 34
Occupant safety

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Alw ayseng ageseat belttongu e2 ofthe
seat beltintoseat beltbuckle1 ofthecor‐
re sponding seat. #
Press and hold theseat beltoutle tre lease
and slide seatbeltoutle t3 intoth edesir ed
position . #
Letgo oftheseat beltoutle tre lease and
ens ureth at seat beltoutlet3 locksinto
posit ion. Ve
hicl eswith automatic front passen ger
fr on tairb agshu toff:
* NO
TEDep loym ent oftheEmer gency
Te nsi oni ng Device andside airba gwh en
th efront passeng erseat isunocc upied If
th eseat belttongu eis eng aged intheseat
belt buckleoftheunocc upied front
passeng erseat, theEmer gency Tensi oni ng
De vice andtheside airbag mayalso deplo y
in theev ent ofan acciden talong withot her
sy stems. #
Onlyone person should useeachseat
belt atanyone time. Ve
hicl eswithout automatic front passen ger
fr on tairb agshu toff:
* NO
TEDep loym ent oftheEmer gency
Te nsi oni ng Device when thefront
passeng erseat isunocc upied If
th eseat belttongu eis eng aged intheseat
belt buckleoftheunocc upied front
passeng erseat, theEmer gency Tensi oni ng De
vice mayal so deploy intheev ent ofan
acciden talong withot her systems. #
Onlyone person should useeachseat
belt atanyone time. Seat
beltadjustm ent function Ve
hicl eswith PRE-S AFE®
:If th efront seat belt
is no tpulled tightacross your body ,th eseat belt
adjus tmentma yaut omaticall yapply acer tain
tigh tening forc e. Do nothold theseat belttight ly
while itis adjus ting.
Yo ucan activat eand deac tivateth eseat belt
adjus tmentfunc tion using themultimedia sys‐
te m (→ pag e39) . Re
leasing seatbelts #
Press there lease buttonintheseat belt
buc kleand guide theseat beltbackwit hth e
seat belttongu e. 38
Occupant safety

Page 41 of 530

tiv atin g/deac tivatin gse at beltadjus tment
vi athe multi mediasy stem Multi
media system:
, Vehicle .
î Vehicle Setting s.
Adj ustmen t #
Activate0073 ordeacti vate 0053 thefunc tion. Seat
beltwarning funct ionforthe driver and
fr on tpass enger The
00E9 seatbeltwarning lam pin theIns tru‐
ment Displa yis are minder that all vehicle occu‐
pants mustwe artheir seat belts correctly .
The 00E9 seatbel twa rning lam plight sup forsix
seconds everytim eth eve hicle isstar ted.
In addition, awa rning tone maysou nd.
Whe nth edr iver's andfront passeng er'sdoor s
ar eclosed andthedr iver and front passeng er
ha ve fastened their seat belts, theseat belt
wa rning goes out. In
thefo llo wing cases ,th eseat beltwarning
light sup dur ing ajour neyif:
R The vehicle speed exceeds 15mp h
(25 km/ h)and thedr iver's orfront
passeng erseat beltisno tfa stened.
R The driver or front passeng erunf astens their
seat beltwhile theve hicle isin mo tion. Airbags
ervie wof airbags 1
Driver's knee bag
2 Driver's airbag 3
Front passeng erfront airbag
4 Front passeng erknee airbag
5 Windo wcur tain airbag
6 Side airbag
The installation locationofan airbag isident ified
by theAIRB AGsymbol.
When enabled, anairbag canprov ide addition al
pr otect ion forth ere spectiv eve hicle occupant.
Pot entia lpr otection from eachair bag: Airba
gP otentia lpr otection for:
Kn ee airb ag Thigh, knee and lowe rleg
Dr iver's airbag,
fr ont pass enger
fr ont airbag Head
andribcag e
Wi ndo wcur tain
airbag Head
Side airbag
Ribcage,also pelvis 1)
fr ont seatoccupa nts Occupa
ntsaf ety 39

Page 42 of 530

AMG Perfor mance seat:po tentia lpr otect ion
fo rth eribcag e.
The front passeng erfront airbag canonlybe
deplo yedin an acciden tif th ePA SSENGER AIR
BA GOF Find icat orlam pis off.Ifth efront
passeng erseat isoccupied, makesur e,bo th
bef oreand during thejour ney,that thest atus of
th efront passeng erfront airbag iscor rect
(→ page 44).
* NO
TEImpo rtant poin tsto remember if
th efront passeng erseat isunocc upied In
an acciden t,th ecom ponen tsof the
re stra int system maydeplo yunnec essarily
on thefront passeng erside if:
R Ther ear ehea vyobjec tson thefront
passeng erseat.
R The seat belttongu eis eng aged inthe
seat beltbuckleofthefront passeng er
seat andthefront passeng erseat is
unocc upied. #
Stow object sin asuit able place. #
Onlyone person should useeachseat
belt atanyone time. Pr
otection bytheair bags Dep
endingontheacciden tsituation ,an airbag
ma ysupplement thepr otect ion offere dby acor ‐
re ctly fastened seatbelt. &
WARNIN GRisk ofinju ryor deat hdue to
inc orrect sea tpos ition
If yo ude viat efrom thecor rect sea tpos ition,
th eair bag cann otper form itsintended pro‐
te ctiv efuncti onand deployme ntma yev en
cause further injur ies.
To avo idhazar dous situat ions,alw aysmak e
sur eth at all vehicle occupants:
R Have their seat beltfastened correctly ,
incl uding pregna ntwo men.
R Areseat edproper lyand that dis tance to
th eair bags isas larg eas possible.
R Obser vethefo llo wing informatio n. #
Alw aysmak esur eth at ther ear eno
objec tsbetween theair bag and the
ve hicle occupant. To
avo idtherisk sre sulting from thedeplo yment
of an airbag, eachve hicle occupant must
obser vethefo llo wing informatio n:
R Beforest ar tin gyo ur jour ne y,adjus tyo ur seat
co rrect ly;th edr iver's seat andfront
passeng erseat should bemo vedas farbac k
as possi ble.
When doingso,alwaysobser vetheinf orma‐
tion onthecor rect driver's seatpos ition
(→ page 86).
R Onlyhold thesteer ing wheel bythesteer ing
wheel rim. This allow sth eairbag tobe fully
deplo yed.
R Alw ayslean agains tth eseat backres twhen
th eve hicle isin mo tion. Donotlean forw ards
or agains tth edoor orside windo w.Youma y
ot her wise beinthedeplo yment area ofthe
airbag s.
R Alw ayske ep your feet on thefloor .Do not
put your feet on thecoc kpit, forex am ple. 40
Occupan tsaf ety

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