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8.00 -8680- 00 1
Seat func tions
Ad just sth ese at elec tric al ly
0072 Seat heating
008E Seatven tila tion
008D Memoryfun ction an dpr es ets
2 Ligh tsw itch
3 Driver assist anc esystems
è Active Stee ring Assist
00B0 Active Lane Keeping As sist
007C Parking As sis tPAR KTRO NIC
He ad-updispl ay
4 Adjuststh eairve nts:
ope n orclose d
5 Multifun ction ste ering wh eelcon trol pa ne ls Cock
pit– ov erv iew
003C WARNING Makesure that youre ad theen tire Ope rator's Ma nual.Ot he rw ise, youma yno tre co gn ized angers. Ov
erhe ad cont rolpanel
*N otavailabl ein all coun tries
DIRECTSE LECT select or lever
7 Multim ed iasyst emdisp lay
8 Rocker sw itche sfo rau toma tic clim ate
co ntro l
9 Direc tbu tton sfor menusof the
mu ltim ediasystem
00BE Naviga tion men u
002A Radio me nu
00FD Mediame nu
002B Telephon eme nu
00D4 Veh
icle me nu
002F Hazar dwa rning ligh ts
a Multim ediasystem contro ller
Adj usts thev olume
Pr es s: Mu tefunc tion
00D0 Switch es themu ltim edi asys temo n/
of f
00E2 Callsu pma infun ctions
0038 Back button
Se at beltex tend er b
Multim ed iasyst emtouc hp ad
c Driving funct ions
00AA Vehicle leve l
c Active Parking Assist
EC Ostar t/s topf unction
d Start/ Stop button
e 00EE Elec tric pa rking br ak e
f 008B Opensor clos es thetrun klid
g Doo rco ntro lpa nel with control sfo rpow er
wi nd ow s,ex terior mirror settin gs andth e
ov erride feat ur efo rth ere ar side win dows
h Doo rha ndl e
0037 Centrallyl oc ks thedo ors
0036 Centrallyu nloc ks thedo ors 1
Buttons forin te rior light ing an dre ad ing ligh t
2 Buttonfo rMe rced es me conn ect*
3 0053 SOSbu tton*
(Me rced es-Ben zem erge ncyca ll
sys tem)
4 0036 Sliding sunr oof
Ro ller sunb lind P8
2.00- 3537- 00 Co
ckpit– ov erv iew
No tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwi th all ofthefe ature sde scribe d. Ov
1 Comb inat ion switch fortu rn sig nals,hi gh -
be am head lamp san dwi nd shield wipe rs
2 Lever forel ec tric al steer ing co lum n
ad justme ntands teer ing wh eelhe ating P5
4.26- 1314- 00 Com
bina tion switch –wi nds hield wi pe r fu
nc tions Co
mb inat ions witch–ligh ting func tions
1 00D3
00D4 Si
ng lewipe
Wi pe swi th wa she rflui d
0047 003F Windshield wi per soff
0048 0062 Inte rmi tten twi ping ,nor mal
0049 0063 Inte rmi tten twi ping ,fr eq uent
004A 00AA Continuo us wipin g,slow
004B 00A9 Continuo us wipin g,fast 1
High -bea m head lamp sor
Ad apt ive Hi gh be am Assist Plus
2 Turn sign al,ri gh t
3 Headlamp flas he r
4 Turn sign al,le ft Le
veron stee ring wheel P5
4.26- 1315-00 003C
WARNING Makesure that youre ad theen tire Ope rator's Ma nual.Ot he rw ise, youma yno tre co gn ized angers. Ac
tiva ting /d eactivat ing Ch
ang ingth espe ed/d istanc e
1 Switch es on oroffAc tive Distan ce
3 Activa tesAc tive Distan ce Assist
DI ST RONI Cwi th thecu rren tsp eed
4 Activa teswi th thest or ed speed/ pulls
aw ay with Active Dis tanc eA ssist
De activa tesAc tive Dis tanc eAs sis t
Incr ea sesth espe cified minim um
di st an ce
Reduc esthes pecified minimu m
di st an ce
3 Incr ea sesth espe ed
De crea sesth espe ed Ac
tive Dis tanc eA ssist DISTRO NICma inta insa
co nstant spe edwhich hasbe en store d.
Th elow estsp ee dth at canbe setis 12 mph
(20 km/h).
Yo uca nch ange these ts pe ed:
Us ing rocke rswitch2, youcan changeth e
sp ecifie d mi nimum dist an ce tothev ehicle in
fr on t.The specifie d mi nimu mdist an ce depend s
on thecu rren tly dr iven spee d.
If ro ck er sw itch 4 ispres se dup wa rdstw ice,
Di stan ce Assist DIST RO NICis ac tiva tedwi th the
spe edrestricti on disp laye din theinstr um ent
cl us ter. X
1m phstep (1km /h) :Br iefly pr es sro ck er
sw itch 3 upordown . X
5m phstep (10k m/ h):Pr es sroc ker
sw itch 3 upordow nbeyond thepr es sur e
poi nt.
tive Distan ce Assist an tD ISTR ON IC P5
4.26 -1317- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwi th all ofthefe ature sde scribe d.Orde rno. P205 1276 13Partno. 205 5845517 Editio nB -2019 2055845517Op
eratingpos sibi liti es forc lima tecontrol
Yo ucan seta utom atic clima tecon trol using:
•T herock er sw itch es on contro lu nit1 ofthe
ce nter con sole
•A ir-c on dit ioning fun ction ba r2 andth e
cl im ateco ntro lme nuofthemu ltim ediasystem
Ai r-co nd itio ning fun ction ba r2 show sth emo st
im po rtan tse ttin gs andth est at us oftheclim ate
cont rolsy stem . Au
toma tic cl im atecon trol pa nelC lima tecon trol men uof the multime dia sys
• SY NC –Ch ange sse ttin gs foral lcl im atezo ne s
in theveh icle simu ltan eo usly
• A/C –De activa testh eco oling fun ction of
au toma tic cli ma tecontrol
• Clim ateMo de–Ch angesth eairflow
• AirFr es he ner– Se tstheinte ns ity of the
pe rfum eat om izer
• Ion izat ion – Fr es he ns theairin theveh icle
in te rior using ioniza tion
8.20- 5178- 00 0082
Setsthete mp eratu re
008F Setstheairdi str ibut ion
002B Setstheairflow ,sw itch es automa tic
cl im atecont rolof fco mp lete ly
0058 Setsclima tecontro lto automa tic mo de
0064 Defros ts thewi nd shi eld
0004 Calls up thec lima tecontro lme nu
If yo upr ess andho ldthe008A buttonfor
ap prox im ately4s econ ds,a utom atic
cl im atec ont rolwi llbe resetto theba sic
se ttin gs.
Re sid ualhe at with theen gine off
006C Defros ts there ar wind ow
0013 Synchronize dope ration
0072 Air-re circ ulat ion mo de
Th eairin theinte rior isrecirc ulat ed ;th e
wi nd ow sm ayfogup mo requi ckly.
005A Cooling with aird ehum idific at ion X
To callup thecl im atecon trol me nu: Pres s
th e008A rock er sw itch on thec ont rolpa nelup
or down . Cl
im atecont rol
C-Class Coupe
Briefovervi ew
Me rced es-Ben z

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erati ng them enuof theon- boa rd co
mp uter Te
leph on e/me diafu ncti ons
1 Back butto nfo rth eon -boa rd
co mp uter
Pr es sand hold:sho wsthe stan dar d
di sp lay in theon- boardco mp uter
2 TouchCo ntro lfo rt he on-boa rd comp uter
Pr es s: co nfirms these lecti on 3
00E2 Mainme nu ofthemu ltim ed iasyste m
4 TouchCo ntro lfo rth emu ltim ed iasyste m
Pr es s: co nfirms thes elec tion
5 Back butto nfo rth emu ltim edia
sys tem
6 0061 Ac
ceptsa te leph one call
0076 Rej
ects ate leph one call
En ds aca ll 7
0044 Adjuststh evo lume
Pr es s: sw itche sth eso un don oroff
8 0059 Starts ad ialo gwi th theVo ice Co ntro l
Sys tem or cance lsthecu rren tVoi ce
Co ntro lSy stem voice comm and
0049 Di
sp lays fav orites Bu
tton son themu ltifun cti on ste eringwh eel P4
6.10 -4626- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwi th all ofthefe ature sde scribe d. St
arting adi alog
The Voice Co ntro lSy stem allo ws youto
co mf ortablyop erateth ema jority of the
mu ltim ed iasyst em'sfunc tions .
i Ifam obile pho neisco nn ectedto the
mu ltim ediasyst emviaBluetoo th®
an dy ou
pr ess andho ldthe0059 button ,th emo bile
ph one'svo ice co ntro lfe at ur eis ac tiva ted. Vo
ice Co ntro lSys tem helpfunc tion s
• Ge neralnote s:
Sa yth e"Hel pVo ice Co ntro lSy stem "vo ice
com mand.
• He lpforth ec urrent functi on:
Sa yth e"Hel p"voice co mm and.
• He lpfora sp ecific sys tem:
Sa ythe voice co mma ndforth edes ired
syst em,e. g. "Help teleph one". Ex
am ples
Vo ice co mm ands forn avigat ion
• "N avigat eto Wo odw ardAv en ue, Detroit "
St arts routegui danceto thena me dad dress.
• "N avigat eto cont actJoh nD oe"
St arts routegui danceto aco ntact inthe
ad dress book.
• "N eares tga sst at ion "
Fu rthe rcat egoriesare also availab le:
re stau ran t,pa rking lotand rest area . Vo
ice co mm ands forte leph one
• "C allJa ne Doe"
Ca lls th enu mb erofaco ntac tint he addres s
bo ok.
• "Lates tca lls"
Sh ow sth elate st calls.
Vo icec om mands forau diomo de
• "Station Z100"
Ca lls up stat ion swh ich ar ein rang eor stor ed
sta tions.
• "PlayMo onligh tSonat a"
Pl ay st he named mediaf ile. Alltr ac ks availabl e
in thesy stem canbe used . X
To say avoi cecomm and: Pres sth e0059
bu tto nan dsa ya co mma ndaftertheau dibl e
sign al. Vo
ice Co ntro lSy stem
003C WARNING Makesure that youre ad theen tire Ope rator's Ma nual.Ot he rw ise, youma yno tre co gn ized angers. Yo
uc an operateth emul time diasy stem with the
co ntro ller ,tou chpa dor Tou chContro l. X
Cont roller: Tu rn or slid ein thedir ection ofthe
de sire dent ry. X
Slidet ot he left or righ tin orde rto open a
me nu. X
Con firm you rch oic eb ypr ess ingt he cont roller . X
To uc hp ad:Sw ipein thedir ection ofthe
de sire dent ry. X
Sw ipe to theleft or righ tin orde rto open a
me nu. X
Con firm you rse lect ion by pre ssing.
0038 Pres sbr iefly: retur ns tothepr evi ous
di sp lay
Pr es san dho ld:ca lls up mainfun ction s
00E2 Calls up mainfunc tion s
0055 Rapid ac cess toaudio sour ces Fa
vor ites
Fa vorite sal lo w you toqu ickl yca llup applicat ions
wh ich yo uus ere gu larly. Pe
rsona liza tion
Yo ucan store your ow npe rsona lse ttin gs forth e
mu ltime dia sy stem inau serpr ofile. X
To callup theme nu:Pr es sth e00E2 button.
Th ema infunc tions ared ispl ay ed. X
Na vig atedo wn wards.
Th ef avorites baris show n. X
To crea te your own favo rite :Se lect the
de sir ed func tion inthemu ltim ed iasyst em. X
Pres sand holdthe 00E2 button untilth e
fa vor ites ared ispl ay ed. X
Ad dyo ur ow nfa vor ite at thede sire dpo sition . X
To callup theme nu:Pr es sth e00E2 button. X
Se lect + System *g Persona liza tion .
erview ofthemu ltim ediasystem P8
2.89 -2706- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwi th all ofthefe ature sde scribe d. Zo
om map Ra
pidac ce ss toaudioso urce s
De pendi ng on thea udiosour cetowh ich yo uar e
cu rren tly list en ing, youc an mo vetothene xt
radi ostat ion or mu sic track.
or Ha
ndw riting rec ognition
Yo uca nen terin di vid ualle tter s. Qu
ickl yst or ingra diost at ions
If you arelist en ing totherad ioandth eRa dio
men uis sho wninthemu ltim ed iasyst em: X
To uc hp ad: Mov etwo fing ersapa rtor
to ge ther . X
Cont roller: Tu rn left or righ t.
2.89- 2622-00 P8
2.89- 2622-00 X
To ope nthe access bar:Sw ipe up with two
fi ng ers. X
Pres sth e0055 button ontheto uc hp ad. X
To select thepr evi ousor next stat ion/
mu sictr ac k:Usi ngasing lefing er, swipeup or
dow n. X
To close theac ces sbar :Sw ipedo wn with
tw ofing ers.
2.89- 2620- 00 X
To del ete003C :Swipe totheleft. X
To inse rtasp ace :Sw ipe to therigh t. X
Pres san dho ldthecon trol ler/ touch pad/
rig ht-han dTo uchCo ntro lo fth emu ltifun ction
ste ering wh eel.
A ton econf irms thes ave.
2.89- 2621- 00 Op
era ting themu ltim ediasystem
003C WARNING Makesure that youre ad theen tire Ope rator's Ma nual.Ot he rw ise, youma yno tre co gn ized angers. Re
qu ireme nt
•B luet oot h®
is sw itch ed on onthemo bile ph one
an dis visi bl e fo ro ther dev ices (see the
ma nufact ur er's op erating ins truc tion s).
•B luet oot h®
is sw itch ed on onthemu ltim edia
syst em. Se
arch ingfo ra mo bile ph one
If yo ur mobi leph oneis no tfou nd ,sel ectSe arch
fr om Device . X
Pres sth e002B button onthece nter console. X
Se lect De vice s* Con nect Ne wDe vice . X
Se lect StartS earchon Syst em.
The availabl edevi cesar esh ow nin thedi sp lay. Conne
cting amo bile ph one
i Youca nsimu ltan eo uslyco nne cttwo
te leph one swith you rsyst em. Fu
rthe rin for ma tion
De tailed info rm ationon Blue tooth®
co nne ction s
wi th your mobi leph onec an be foun dat :
www.m erce de s-be /conne ct X
Se lect thede sire dmobi leph one.
A co de isdisp laye di nth emu ltim ed iasyst em
an don themo bile ph one. X
Ifth eco de sma tch: Con firm with Yeson the
mu ltim ed iasyste m. X
Con firm theco de onthemobi leph one. Es
tablishing aBlu etooth ®
co nnect ion
No tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwi th all ofthefe ature sde scribe d. Con
necting exter iorm ediaso urce s
Th eUSB conn ection for Appl eCa rPlay™ and
An droid Au to™ isma rked with the00C0 symbol. HA
If you carry th eKEY LESS-G Oke yon your per son,
you willbe detected byasens or.
Do not touc ht he bump erandma inta in adi st an ce
of arou nd 12 in(30 cm). Fu
rthe rin fo rm ationon your vehicle
Fu rthe rin fo rm ation ab ou tMe rced es- Benz
veh icle san dab ou tDa imlerA Gca nbe fou ndat
th efo llow ing we bsite:
ht tp:/ /www .mbus m
1 SDcard slot
2 USB ports P8
2.89 -322 6-00 X
To ope nor clos e:kick into these nso r
de tection ar ea below thebumpe r.
0.61- 3114- 00 Ho
w-to vide os Ope
rator'sMa nuals Fu
rthe rin fo rm ationon your vehicle
003C WARNING Makesure that youre ad theen tire Ope rator's Ma nual.Ot he rw ise, youma yno tre co gn ized angers.