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Briefo vervi ew
Me rced es-Ben z P6
8.00 -8680- 00 1
Seat func tions
Ad just st he seat elec tric al ly
c Seat heating
s Seatventila tion
r Memoryfun ctiona nd pres ets
2 Ligh ts witch
3 Driver assist anc esystems
è Active Stee ring Assist
00B0 Active Lane KeepingA ssist
007C ParkingA ssis tPAR KTRO NIC
He ad-upd ispl ay
4 Adjustst he airv ents
5 Multifun ctions teer ingw heelcon trol pa ne ls Cock
pit– overv iew
$ WARNING Makesure that your eadt he entire Ope rator's Ma nual.O ther wis e,youm aynotrec og nize dan gers. Ov
erhe ad cont rolpanel
*N otavailabl eina llcoun tries
DIRECTS ELEC Ts elec torlev er
7 Multim ed iasyst emdisp lay
8 Buttons fora utom atic clim atec ontrol
9 Direc tbuttons for menuso fthe
mu ltim ediasystem
00BE Naviga tion men u
002A Radiom enu
00FD Mediam enu
002B Telephon emenu
Ø Veh
icle me nu
£ Hazar dw arning ligh ts
a Multim ediasystem contro ller
Adj usts thev olume
Pr es s: Mu tefunc tion
Ü Switch es them ultime dias ystemo n/
of f
00E2 Callsu pm ainf unctions
% Back button
Se at beltex tend er b
Multim ed iasyst emtouc hp ad
c Driving funct ions
00AA Vehiclel evel
c Active Parking Assist
EC Os tart/s topf unction
d Start/ Stop button
e 00EE Elec tric pa rkingb rake
f p Openso rclose st he trun klid
g Doo rcont rolp anelwith control sfor powe r
wi nd ow s,ex terior mirror settin gs andt he
ov erride feat ur ef or ther ears idew indo ws
h Doo rhandle
& Centrallyl oc ks thed oor s
% Centrallyu nloc ks thed oor s 1
Buttons fori nt er iorl ight inga nd read ingl ight
2 Buttonf or Me rced es me conn ect*
3 G SOSb utton*
(Me rced es-Ben ze me rgen cy call
sys tem)
4 00DA Slidings unr oof
Ro ller sunb lind P8
2.00- 3537- 00 Co
ckpit– overv iew
No tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwitha llof thef eature sdescribe d. Ov
1 Comb inat ion switch fort urns igna ls,h igh-
be am head lamp sand wind shield wipe rs
2 Lever fore lect rica lsteer ingc olum n
ad justme ntands teer ingw heelhe ating P5
4.26- 1314- 00 Com
bina tion switch –w inds hieldw iper fu
nc tions Co
mb inat ions witch– ligh ting func tions
1 í
î Si
ng lewipe
Wi pe sw ithw ashe rfluid
1 003F Windshieldw iper so ff
2 0062 Inte rmi tten tw iping, nor mal
3 0063 Inte rmi tten tw iping, freq uent
4 ° Continuo us wipin g,slow
5 ¯ Continuo us wipin g,fast 1
High -bea mh eadlam psor
Ad apt iveH ighb eamA ssist Plus
2 Turn sign al,r ight
3 Headlamp flas he r
4 Turn sign al,l ef t Le
vero ns teer ingw heel P5
4.26- 1315-00 $
WARNING Makesure that your eadt he entire Ope rator's Ma nual.O ther wis e,youm aynotrec og nize dan gers. Ac
tiva ting /d eactivat ing Ch
ang ingt he spe ed/d istanc e
1 Switch es on oroffA ctiveD ista nc e
3 Activa tesA ctiveD ista nc eA ssist
DI ST RONI Cwitht he curren ts peed
4 Activa tesw itht he stor ed speed/ pulls
aw ay with Active Dis tanc eA ssist
De activa tesA ctiveD ista nc eA ssis t
Incr ea sest he spe cified minim um
di st an ce
Reduc esthes pecified minimu m
di st an ce
3 Incr ea sest he spe ed
De crea sest he spe ed Ac
tive Dis tanc eA ssist DISTRO NICm aint ains a
co nstant spe edwhich hasb eens tored.
Th elow ests pe ed that canb esetis12 mph
(20 km/h).
Yo uc an change thes etspe ed:
Us ing rocke rswitch2,y oucan changet he
sp ecifie dm inim um dist an ce tothev ehicle in
fr on t.The specifie dm inim um dist an ce depend s
on thec urrent ly driven spee d.
If ro ck er sw itch 4 ispres se du pwards twice,
Di stan ce Assist DIST RO NICi sa ctivat ed with the
spe edrestricti on disp laye di nt he instr um ent
cl us ter. X
1m phstep (1km /h) :Br ieflyp ress rock er
sw itch 3 upordown . X
5m phstep (10k m/ h):Pr es sr ocke r
sw itch 3 upordow nbeyond thep ress ure
poi nt.
tive Distan ce Assist an tD ISTR ON IC P5
4.26 -1317- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwitha llof thef eature sdescribe d.
Orde rn o.P2 05 1916 13Partno. 205 5840925 Editio nB -2020 2055840925Op
eratingp ossibi liti es forc lima tecontrol
Yo uc an seta utom atic clima tecon trol using:
•T hebutton so nc ontrol un it1 ofthec enter
con sole
•A ir-c on dit ioning fun ctionb ar2 andt he
cl im atec ont rolm enuo fthe mu ltim ediasystem
Ai r-co nd itio ning fun ctionb ar2 show sthe mo st
im po rtan ts etting sa nd thes tatus ofthec lima te
cont rols yst em . Au
toma ticc lim atec ontrol pa nelC lima tecon trol men uofthe mu ltime dia sys
• SY NC –Chang es settin gs fora llcl im atez ones
in thev ehicle simu ltan eo usly
• A/C –Deactivat es thec ooling fun ction of
au toma ticc lima tecontrol
• AirF resh en er –S etst he inte ns ityo fthe
pe rfum eatomi zer
• Ion izat ion –F resh en st he airi nt he veh icle
in te rior usingi oni zation
8.20- 5178- 00 w
Setsthet em peratu re
_ Setsthea irdistr ibut ion
002B Setsthea irflow ,switche sa utom atic
cl im atec ont rolo ffco mp lete ly
à Setsclima tecontro ltoa utom atic mo de
¬ Defros ts thew inds hield
tCa llsu pthe clim atec ontrol me nu
If you press andh oldt he
tbutton for
ap prox im ately4 secon ds,a utom atic
cl im atec ont rolw illb er eset to theb asic
se ttin gs.
Re sid ualheatw itht he engine off
¤ Defros ts ther earw indo w
0013 Synchronize do peration
g Air-re circ ulat ionm ode
Th ea irin thei nter iori sr ecircu late d; the
wi nd ow sm ayfogu pm oreq uick ly.
¿ Cooling with aird ehum idific at ion X
To callup thec lima tecon trol me nu: Pres s
th e
tbu tton on thec ontrol pa nelupo r
do wn . Cl
im atec ont rol

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erati ng them enuo fthe on- boa rd co
mp uter Te
leph on e/me diaf un ctions
1 Back butto nfor theo n-bo ard
co mp uter
Pr es sa nd hold:s ho ws the stan dar d
di sp layi nt he on-boar dcom puter
2 TouchC ontrol fort he on-boa rd comp uter
Pr es s: co nfirms thes elec tion 3
00E2 Mainme nu ofthem ultime dias ystem
4 TouchC ontrol fort he mu ltim ed iasyste m
Pr es s: co nfirms thes elec tion
5 Back butto nfor them ultime dia
sys tem
6 6 Ac
ceptsa teleph one call
~ Rej
ects at elep hone call
En ds acall 7
H Adjustst he volume
Pr es s: sw itche sthe soun do noroff
8 ? Starts ad ialo gw itht he VoiceC ontrol
Syst emorcance lsthec urrent Voi ce
Co ntro lS ystemv oice comm and
0049 Di
sp lays fav orites Bu
tton sonthe mu ltifun cti on ste eringw heel P4
6.10 -4626- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwitha llof thef eature sdescribe d. St
arting adialo g
The VoiceC ontrolS yst em allo ws yout o
co mf ortablyo perate them ajor ityo fthe
mu ltim ed iasyst em'sfunc tions .
i Ifam obile pho neisco nn ectedt ot he
mu ltim ediasyst emviaBluetoo th®
an dy ou
pr ess andh oldt he ? button ,the mo bile
ph one'sv oice contro lfea ture isac tiva ted. Vo
iceC ont rolS ystemh elpf unctions
• Ge neraln ote s:
Sa ythe "Hel pVoiceC ontrolS ystem" voice
com mand.
• He lpfort he curre ntfuncti on:
Sa ythe "Hel p"voicec om mand.
• He lpfora specific sys tem:
Sa ythe voicec om mand fort he des ired
syst em,e.g."H elp teleph one". Ex
am ples
Vo icec om mands forn avigat ion
• "N avigat et oW oodw ardA venu e, De troit "
St arts routeg uida ncet ot he name daddr ess.
• "N avigat et oc ont actJoh nD oe"
St arts routeg uida ncet oa contact inthe
ad dress book.
• "N eares tgas stat ion "
Fu rthe rc ateg oriesa realso availab le:
re stau ran t,pa rkingl ot and rest area . Vo
icec om mands fort elep ho ne
• "C allJ an eD oe"
Ca llst he numb erofac ontact inthea ddr ess
bo ok.
• "Lates tc alls"
Sh ow sthe late st calls.
Vo icec om mands fora udiomo de
• "Station Z100"
Ca llsu ps tation sw hich arei nr ange orstor ed
sta tions.
• "PlayM oonligh tSonat a"
Pl ay st he named mediaf ile. Alltra ck sa vailab le
in thes yst em canb eused. X
To say avoice comm and: Pres st he ?
bu tto na nd saya comma ndafterthea udible
sign al. Vo
iceC ont rolS ystem
$ WARNING Makesure that your eadt he entire Ope rator's Ma nual.O ther wis e,youm aynotrec og nize dan gers. Yo
uc an operatet he mul time dias yst em with the
co ntro ller ,tou chpa do rTouch Contro l. X
Cont roller: Tu rn or slid ei nt he direction ofthe
de sire de ntry. X
Slidet ot he left or righ tino rder toopen a
me nu. X
Con firm you rchoiceb ypress ingt he cont roller . X
To uc hp ad:Sw ipei nt he direction ofthe
de sire de ntry. X
Sw ipet ot he left or righ tino rder toopen a
me nu. X
Con firm you rselec tion bypre ssing.
% Pres sb riefl y:retur ns tothep reviou s
di sp lay
Pr es sa nd hold:c allsu pm ainf unction s
00E2 Callsu pm ainf unctions
0055 Rapida cces st oa udiosour ces Fa
vor ites
Fa vorite sa llow you toqu ickl yc allu pa ppl icat ions
wh ichy ou user egular ly. Pe
rsona liza tion
Yo uc an store your ow np erso na lsetting sfor the
mu ltime dias ystemi na user profile. X
To callup them enu: Pres st he 00E2 button.
Th em ainf unctions ared ispl ay ed. X
Na vig ated ownwards .
Th ef avorites bariss how n. X
To crea te your own favo rite :Se lect the
de sir ed func tion inthem ultime dias yst em . X
Pres sa nd holdthe 00E2 button untilt he
fa vor ites ared ispl ay ed. X
Ad dy ouro wn favor itea tthe desire dp ositio n. X
To callup them enu: Pres st he 00E2 button. X
Se lect + System *g Persona liza tion .
erview ofthem ultime dias ystem P8
2.89 -2706- 00 No
tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwitha llof thef eature sdescribe d. Zo
om map Ra
pida cce sstoaudios ources
De pendi ng on thea udiosour cetowh ichy ou are
cu rren tlyl iste ning ,you canm ovet ot he next
radi ostation ormu sic track.
or Ha
ndw riting rec ognition
You cane nter indi vidu alch arac ters. Qu
ickl ys toring radios tations
If you arel iste ning tother adioandt he Radio
men uiss hown inthem ultimed iasyst em: X
To uc hp ad: Movetwof inge rs toge ther or
ap art. X
Cont roller: Tu rn left or righ t.
2.89- 2622-00 P8
2.89- 2622-00 X
To ope nthe access bar:Sw ipeu pw itht wo
fi ng ers. X
Pres st he 0055 button onthet ouchpa d. X
To select thep reviou so rnexts tation/
mu sict rack :Usi ngasinglef inge r,sw ipeu po r
dow n. X
To close thea cces sb ar:Sw iped ownw ith
tw of inge rs.
2.89- 2620- 00 X
To del ete003C :Swipe tothel eft. X
To inse rtas pace :Swipe tother ight . X
Pres sa nd holdthec ontrol ler/ touch pad/
rig ht-han dT ouch Contro lo fthe mu ltifun ction
ste eringw heel.
At onec onf irms thes ave.
2.89- 2621- 00 Op
era ting them ultime dias ystem
$ WARNING Makesure that your eadt he entire Ope rator's Ma nual.O ther wis e,youm aynotrec og nize dan gers. Re
qu ireme nt
•B luet oot h®
is sw itch ed on onthem obilep hone
an disv isib le foro ther dev ices (see the
ma nufact ur er's op eratingi nstruc tion s).
•B luet oot h®
is sw itch ed on onthem ultime dia
syst em. Se
arch ingf or am obileph one
If yo ur mobi leph oneisn otfoun d, sel ectSe arch
fr om Device . X
Pres st he 002B button onthec enterc onsol e. X
Se lect De vice s* Connect aNew Device . X
Se lect StartS earcho nS ystem.
The availabl ed evicesa reshow nint he disp lay. Conne
cting am obilep hone
i Youc an simu ltan eo uslyco nne cttwo
te leph one swithy ours yst em . Fu
rthe rinfor ma tion
De tailed info rm ationo nB luet oot h®
co nne ction s
wi th your mobi leph onec an be foun da t:
www.m erce de s-be /conne ct X
Se lect thed esired mobi leph one.
Ac odeisd ispl ay ed inthem ultime dias yst em
an do nthe mo bile ph one. X
Ifth ec odes ma tch: Con firm with Yeson the
mu ltim ed iasyste m. X
Con firm thec odeo nthe mobi leph one. Es
tablishing aBluet ooth ®
co nnect ion
No tethat your vehicle may notbeequippe dwitha llof thef eature sdescribe d. Con
necting exter iorm ediaso urce s
Th eU SBconn ection for Appl eCarPlay ™a nd
An droidA uto™ isma rked with the00C0 symbol. HA
If you carryt he KEY LESS-G Okeyon your per son,
you willbe detected byasens or.
Do not touc ht he bump erandm aint aina dist an ce
of arou nd 12 in(30 cm). Fu
rthe rinform ationo nyourv ehicle
Fu rthe rinfor ma tion abou tM erce de s-Be nz
veh icle sa nd abou tD aiml er AG canb efound at
th ef ollow ingw ebsite :
ht tp:/ /www .mbus m
1 SDcard slot
2 USB ports P8
2.89 -322 6-00 X
To ope norclose :ki ck into thes ensor
de tectiona reab elow theb umpe r.
0.61- 3114- 00 Ho
w-to vide os Ope
rator'sM anua ls Fu
rthe rinform ationo nyourv ehicle
$ WARNING Makesure that your eadt he entire Ope rator's Ma nual.O ther wis e,youm aynotrec og nize dan gers.