manual transmission MERCEDES-BENZ E-Class SEDAN 2017 W213 Owner's Manual
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Drivingand pa rking .................................. 127
Driving ........................................................ 127
DY NA MIC SELECT switc h............................1 34
Au tomatic transmission .............................. 135
Manual gearshiftin g................................... .137
Gearshif trecommendatio n......................... 138
Using kickdown .......................................... 138
Re fueling .................................................... 138
Pa rking ...................................................... .140
Driving and driving saf etys ystems .............. 147
Instrument Displa yand on-board
compu ter.................................................. 194
Instrument display overview. ...................... 194
Overvie wofthe buttons on thes teering
wheel ......................................................... .195
Operating theo n-boar dcomputer .............. 195
Displ aysint he multifunction displa y........... 197
Ad justing thei nstrument lighting ............... .197
Menus and submenus ................................. 198
Head-up Displa y......................................... 205
Vo ice Control Sy stem .............................. 206
Operating saf ety. ........................................ 20 6Operatio
n................................................... 206
Using Voice Cont rolS ysteme ffecti vely ...... 208
Essential commands .................................. 208
Multimedias ystem ................................... 217
Overvie wand operation .............................. 217
Sy stem settings .......................................... 225
Na vigation .................................................. 233
Te lephone. .................................................. 23 5
Online an dInterne tfunctions ..................... 249
Media ......................................................... 256
Ra dio .......................................................... 268
Sound .........................................................2 74
Maintenanceand care ............................. 277
ASS YSTP LUSs ervice inter vald ispla y....... .2 77
Engine compartment .................................. 278
Cleaning and car e....................................... 28 4
Breakdow na ssistance ............................ 292
Emergency .................................................. 292
Ve hicle tool kit ............................................ 293
Flat tir e.......................................................2 94Batter
y(vehicle) ......................................... 299
To ws tartin gort owing away ....................... 304
Electrica lfuses ........................................... 308
Wheel sand tires ....................................... 311
No ise or unusual handlin gcharacteristics ... 311
Re gular checking of wheels and tires ......... .311
No tesons nowc hains .................................3 12
Ti re pressur e............................................... 312
Loading thev ehicle .................................... .319
Ti re labeling ................................................ 323
Definitions fort ires and loading ................. 328
Changing awheel. ...................................... 331
Tech nical data .......................................... 340
No tesont echnical dat a.............................. 340
Ve hicle electronics .....................................3 40
Ve hicle identification plate, VIN and
engine number ...........................................3 42
Operating fluids .......................................... 344
Ve hicle dat a................................................ 350
Contents 3
Page 57 of 446
Overvie wofkeyfunctions
WARNING ‑Danger of accident or injury
if ch ildren ar eleftu nat tende dint hevehi‐
If ch ildren ar eleftu nat tende dint hevehicle,
th ey could:
Rope ndoors,t hereb yendangering other
persons or road users.
Rge to utofthev ehicle and be hit by
oncoming traf fic.
Rope rate ve hicle equipment.
Moreo ver,ch ildren could also se tthe vehicle
in motion by,for example:
Rreleasing thep arking brake.
Rshifting thea utomatic transmission out of
par kposition P jor shifting manual
transmission int oidle position.
Rstartin gthe engine.
#Ne verlea ve children and animals unat‐
te nde dint hevehicle.
#When leaving thev ehicle, alw ayst ake
th ek eywit hyou and loc kthe vehicle.
#Ke ep thev ehicle keyo ut of ther eac hof
ch ildren.
* NO
TEDama getothek eycaused by
magnetic fields
#Ke ep thek eyaway from strong mag‐
netic fields.1Loc ks
2Batter ychec klamp
3Unloc ks
4Opens/closes thet runk lid
5Pa nic alarm
The keyloc ks and unlo ckst he following compo‐
RThe doors
RThe trunk lid
RThe fuel filler flap
Opening and closing 55
Page 121 of 446
#Use button2tosetthe position of them ir‐
ro ry ou ha veselected.
An outside mir rorw hich has been pushed out of
position can be engaged in position again in the
fo llowing manner:
#Ve hicles without electrical lyfolding out‐
side mir rors:Manually mo vetheo utside
mir rorint ot he cor rect position.
#Ve hicles with electrical lyfolding outside
mir rors:Press and hol dbutton1.
Yo uw illhear aclicka nd them irro ra udibly
engag einposition .The mir roriss etintot he
cor rect position.
Au tomatic anti-glar emirrors
WARNING Risk of burn sand poisoning
due toelectrolyt eofthe anti-glar emirro r
Electrolyte mayescap eiftheglass in an
automatic anti-glar emirro rb reaks.
The electrolyt eisharmful and causes ir rita ‐
tion. It must notc ome int ocontact wi thyour
skin, eyes,respirator yorgans or clo thing or
be swallo wed.
If yo uc om eintoc ontact wit he lectrolyte,
observ ethe following:
RRinse thee lectrolyt efromy our skin and
seek medical attention immedia tely.
RIf electrolyt ecomes int ocontact with
yo ur eyes, rinse them thoroughly with
clean waterand seek medicala ttention
immediatel y.
RIfth ee lectrolyt eisswallowe d, immedi‐
ately rinse your mout houtthoroughl y.Do
no tinduce vomiting. Seek medica latten‐
tion immediately.
RImmediate lych ang eout of clo thing which
has com eintoc ontact wi thelectrolyte.
RIf an allergic reaction occurs, seek medi‐
cal attention immediatel y.
The outside and insiderearvie wmirro rs on the
driver's side automatically go int oanti- glare
mode if light from aheadlam phitst he inside
re arvie wmirro r. Sy
stem limitations
The mir rors do no tgointoa nti- glar em ode in the
fo llowing situations:
RThe engin eisswitched off.
RThereve rseg ear is engaged.
RThe interior lighting is switched on.
Parking position of thep assenger outside
mir ror
The parking position makes parking easier.
The passenger outside mir rort ilts down wards
and sho wsther ear wheel on thef ront passenger
side if:
RThe parking position is stored
RThe passenger mir roriss elected
RAndther eve rseg ear is engaged.
The passenger outside mir rorm oves bac ktoits
original position in thef ollowing situations:
RIfyo us hiftthe transmission toano ther trans‐
mission position
RIf yo ud rive fast erthan 15 km/h
Light and visibility 11
Page 132 of 446
#Depress theb rake pedal and star tt he vehicle
using thes tart/s topb utton.
% Youc an also switchon thep ower suppl yor
th ei gnition wit hthe start/ stop button.
Information on Hill StartA ssist
Hill StartA ssisth olds thev ehicle when pulling
aw ay on ahill under thef ollowing conditions:
RThe transmission is in position hork.
RThe electric parking brak eisreleased.
WARNING Risk of accident and injury
caused bythev ehicle rolling away
Af teras horttime, Hill StartA ssistnol onger
holds thev ehicle and it can rollaw ay.
#Therefore, swiftl ymove your foot from
th eb rake pedal tothea ccelerator
pedal. Ne vera ttem pttolea vethev ehi‐
cle if it is being held byHillStart Assist.
Driving tips
Note sonb reaking-in anew vehicle
To preser vethee ngine during thef irst
1, 000 mile s(1,500 km):
Rdriv eatv arying road speeds and engine
Rdriv ethe vehicle in driv eprogram Cor E.
Rdo no tshif td ow nag ear manually in order to
Ravo idove rstraining thev ehicle, e.g. driving at
full thro ttle.
Rdo no tdepress thea ccelera torp edalp ast
th ep ressur epoint (kickdown).
Rgradually increase thee ngine speed only
af te r1 ,000 miles (1,500k m).
Please also observ ethe following breaking-in
no tes:
RIn cer tain drivinga nd drivings afet ys ystems,
th es ensor sadjus tautomaticall ywhile acer‐
ta in dis tance is being driven af tert he vehicle
has been delivered or af terr epairs. Full sys‐ te
me ffecti venes sisn otachie vedu ntil the
end of this teach-in process.
RBrak elinings, brak edisksa nd tires that are
either ne worhavebeen replaced onl yach‐
ie ve optimum braking ef fect and grip af ter
se veralh undred kilom eter sofd riving. Com‐
pensat efor ther educed braking ef fect by
applying greaterf orce totheb rake pedal.
Driving tips
& WARNING Risk of accident duet o
object sinthe driver's foot we ll
Object sinthe driver's foot we ll ma yimp ede
pedal tr avelorb lockad epressed pedal.
This jeopardizes theo perating and road
saf etyoft hevehicle.
#Stow all object sinthevehicle securely
so that they canno tget intot he driver's
fo ot we ll.
#Alw aysi ns tallth ef loor mats securely
and as prescribed in order toensure
th at ther eisa lway ss ufficient room for
th ep edals.
Driving and pa rking
Page 140 of 446
#Toactivate: pullsteering wheel gearshift
paddle 1or2.
Manual gearshiftin gisactivated foras hort
time. The cur rent gear is displa yedint he
multifunction displa y.
#Toshif tup:pull steering wheel gearshift
paddle 2.
#Toshif tdow n:pull steering wheel gearshift
paddle 1.
#Todeactivate: pullsteering wheel gearshift
paddle 2and hold it in place.
The transmissionp ositionhappear sinthe
multifunction displa y.
% Ifyo us elect themanual drivesetting in
driv eprogram I,m anua lgearshifting is per‐
manently activated.
Gearshif trecommendation
The gearshif trecommendations assis tyou in
adopting an economical driving style.
#If ge arshif trecommendatio nmessage 1is
shown in them ultifunction displa y,shif tto
th er ecommende dgear.
Using kickdown
#Maximum acceleration: depressthea ccel‐
erator pedal be yond thep ressur epoint.
During kickdown, youc anno tshif tgear susing
th es teering wheel gearshif tpaddles.T he auto‐
matic transmissions hifts uptothen extg ear
when them aximum engine speed is reached to
pr otect thee ngine from overrev ving.
#Ease of fthe accelera torp edalo ncethe
desired speed is reached.
Re fueling
Refueling thev ehicle
WARNING Risk offire and explosion
caused byfuel
Fu els ar ehighly inflammable.
#Youm usta void fire ,o pen flames,c reat‐
ing spar ksand smoking.
#Befor erefueling, switc hoffthee ngine
and, if ins talled in your vehicle, thes ta‐
tionar yheater.
WARNING Risk of injury from fuel
Fu els ar epoisonous and harmful to your
#Do no tswa llowf uel or le titcomeinto
contact withs kin, eyes or clo thing.
#Do no tinhale fuel vapors.
13 8
Driving and pa rking
Page 171 of 446
RVehicles with automatic transmission:
The transmission is in position h,kori.
Ac tivatin gthe HOL Dfunction
#Dep ress theb rake pedal and af teras hort
time depress fur ther until theë display
appear sinthe multifunction displa y.
#Release theb rake pedal.
Deactivating the HOLD function
#Depress thea ccelerator pedal topull away.
#Depress theb rake pedal until theë dis‐
pla yd isappear sfromt he multifunction dis‐
pla y.
In thef ollowing situations, thev ehicle is held by
th et ransmission position jorby thee lectric
parking brake:
RWhen thes eat belt is unfas tened and the
driver's door is opened.
RWhen thee ngine is switched off.
RWhen ther eisam alfunction in thes ystemo r
if th ep owe rsupp lyis insuf ficient.
Ad aptiv eDamping Sy stem
The suspension wit hadaptiv edamping adjust‐
menth asthef ollowing features:
RVa riable dampingc haracteristics
RContinuous damper tuning
The damping characteristic sadap ttot he cur rent
operating and driving situation.
The da mping is tuned individually fore achw heel
and is af fected bythef ollowing factors:
RYo ur drivin gstyle ,e.g. sporty
RThe road sur face conditions
RThe driv eprogram selected
RVe hicle load The driv
eprogram can be adjus tedu sing the
AI RB ODYC ONTROL comprises:
RAir suspension wit hvariable spring rate
RAu tomatic le velc ontrol sy stem
RSpeed-dependent lo wering toreduce fuel
consum ption
RManual le vela djustment
RAD SP LUS( Adaptiv eDamping Sy stem with
const ant dampingf orce adjustment)
RDYNA MIC SELECT switc hand le velb utton
Drivinga nd parking 16
Page 336 of 446
Notesons toring wheels
RAf terr emoving wheels, stor et hem in acool,
dr ya nd preferably dar kplace.
RProtect thet ires from conta ct withoil, grease
or fuel.
Preparing thev ehicle foraw heelchange
Prerequisi tesRThe requ ired tire-chang etool kit is available.
If yo ur vehicle is no tequipped wit hthe tire-
ch ang etool kit, consult aqualified specialis t
wo rkshop tofind outa boutsuitable tools.
RThe vehicle is no tonaslope.
RThevehicle is on solid, non-slipper yand le vel
ground .
#Applythee lectric parking brak emanually.
#Movethef ront wheels tothes traight-ahead
#Ve hicles with automatic transmission:
shif tint op osition j.
#Vehicles with AI RBODYC ONT ROL:setthe
normal vehicle le vel(→pag e171).
#Switc hoffthee ngine.
#Mak esuret hat thee ngine cannot bestar ted.
#Place choc ks orother suitable items under
th ef ront and rear of thew heel that is diago‐
nall yopposit ethe wheel youw ish tochange.
#Re mo vetheh ub caps if necessary
(→pag e334).
#Raise thev ehicle (→pag e335).
Removing and mounting hub caps
#The vehicle is prepared foraw heelc hange
(→pag e334).
Plast ic hub cap
#Toremo ve:tur nthe center co veroft he hub
cap counter-clockwise and remo vetheh ub
#To mount: makesurethat thec enter co ver
of theh ub cap is turned counter-clockwise.
#Position theh ub cap and tur nthe center
co verc lockwise until theh ub cap engages
ph ysicall yand audibly.
Aluminum hub cap
#To remo ve:positio nsocket2 on hubc ap
% The soc ketc an be found in thev ehicle tool
#Po sition wheel wrench 3on soc ket2.
#Using whee lwrench 3,t urnh ub cap 1
counter-clo ckwise and remo veit.
Wheels and tires
Page 391 of 446
Possible causes/consequences and MSolutions
Stop Vehicle Leave Engine
Running Wait Transmission
Cooling *T
he transmission has overheated. Pulling away can be temp orarily impaired or no tpossible.
#Pull overand stop thev ehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention toroad and traf ficc onditions .Donot
continu edriving under an ycircums tances.
#St artt he engine.
#Wa it until thed ispla ymessag edisappear sbefor epulling away.
Auxiliar yBattery Malfunc-
tion *T
he auxiliary batteryfor thet ransmission is no longer being charge d.
#Consult aqualified specialis tworks hop.
#Un tilthen, manuall ysetthet ransmission toposition jbefor eyou switc hoffthee ngine.
#Befor eleaving thev ehicle, apply thee lectric parking brake.
Steering Malfunction Drive
Carefully Service Required *T
he po werassi stanc eoft hesteering is malfunctioning. Youm ayneed touse mor eforce tosteer.
#Driv eonc arefull y.
#Consult aqualified specialis tworks hop.
Displa ymessages and warning/indicator lamps 389