warning NISSAN ALTIMA HYBRID 2008 L32A / 4.G Owner's Manual

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Installing child restraint LATCH anchor
LATCH compatible child restraints include two
rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can
be connected to two anchors located at certain
seating positions in your vehicle. With this sys-
tem, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to
secure the child restraint. Check your child re-
straint for a label stating that it is compatible with
LATCH. This information may also be in the in-
structions provided by the child restraint manu-
facturer.LATCH child restraints generally require the use
of a top tether strap. See “Top tether strap child
restraint” later in this section for installation in-
When installing a child restraint, carefully read
and follow the instructions in this manual and
those supplied with the child restraint. See “Child
restraint installation using LATCH” in this section.
If the manufacturer of your child restraint requires
the use of a top tether strap, it must be secured to
the anchor point.
Child restraint anchor points are designed
to withstand only those loads imposed by
correctly fitted child restraints. Under no
circumstances are they to be used for
adult seat belts or harnesses.
LATCH webbing-mounted attachment
LATCH rigid-mounted attachment
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cAttach LATCH compatible child re-
straints only at the locations shown. For
the LATCH lower anchor locations, see
“Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHil-
dren System (LATCH)” in this section. If
a child restraint is not secured properly,
your child could be seriously injured or
killed in an accident.
cThe LATCH anchors are designed to
withstand only those loads imposed by
correctly fitted child restraints. Under
no circumstance are they to be used for
adult seat belts or harnesses.
cInspect the lower anchors by inserting
your fingers into the lower anchor area
and feeling to make sure there are no
obstructions over the LATCH anchors,
such as seat belt webbing or seat cush-
ion material. The child restraint will not
be secured properly if the LATCH an-
chors are obstructed.
Front-facingFollow these steps to install a front-facing child
restraint using LATCH:
1. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al-
ways follow the child restraint manufactur-
er’s instructions.2. Secure the child restraint anchor attach-
ments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check
to make sure the LATCH attachment is prop-
erly attached to the lower anchors.
3. The back of the child restraint should be
secured against the vehicle seatback.
If the seating position does not have an adjust-
able head restraint and it is interfering with the
proper child restraint fit, try another seating posi-
tion or a different child restraint.
Front facing web-mounted – step 2
Front facing rigid-mounted – step 2
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4. Before placing the child in the child restraint,
hold the child restraint near the LATCH at-
tachment and use force to push the child
restraint from side to side, and tug it forward
to make sure that it is securely held in place.
It should not move more than 1 in (25 mm) . If
it does move more than 1 in (25 mm) , pull
again on the anchor attachments to further
tighten the child restraint. If you are unable to
properly secure the restraint, move the re-
straint to another seating position and try
again, or try a different child restraint. Not all
child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.5. Check to make sure the child restraint is
properly secured prior to each use. If the
child restraint is loose, repeat steps 2
cEven with the NISSAN Advanced Air
Bag System, never install a rear-facing
child restraint in the front passenger
seat. Supplemental front air bags in-
flate with great force. A rear-facing
child restraint could be struck by the
supplemental front air bag in a crash
and could seriously injure or kill your
Rear facing – step 4
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6. Before placing the child in the child restraint,
hold the child restraint near the seat belt
path and use force to push the child restraint
from side to side, and tug it forward to make
sure that it is securely held in place. It should
not move more than 1 in (25 mm) . If it does
move more than 1 in (25 mm) , pull again on
the shoulder belt to further tighten the child
restraint. If you are unable to properly secure
the restraint, move the restraint to another
rear seating position and try again, or try a
different child restraint. Not all child re-
straints fit in all types of vehicles.7. Check that the retractor is in the Automatic
Locking Retractor mode by trying to pull
more seat belt out of the retractor. If you
cannot pull any more seat belt webbing out
of the retractor, the retractor is in the Auto-
matic Locking Retractor mode
8. Check to make sure that the child restraint is
properly secured prior to each use. If the belt
is not locked, repeat steps 3 through 7.
After the child restraint is removed and the seat
belt fully retracted, the Automatic Locking Re-
tractor mode (child restraint mode) is canceled.PRECAUTIONS ON BOOSTER
cInfants and small children should al-
ways be placed in an appropriate child
restraint while riding in the vehicle.
Failure to use a child restraint or
booster seat can result in serious injury
or death.
Rear facing – step 6
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NISSAN recommends that booster seats
be installed in the rear seat. However, if
you must install a booster seat in the front
passenger seat, move the passenger’s
seat to the rearmost position.
Do not use the lap/shoulder belt Auto-
matic Locking Retractor mode when using
a booster seat with the seat belts.
Follow these steps to install a booster seat in the
rear seat or in the front passenger seat:1.If you must install a booster seat in the
front seat, move the seat to the rear-
most position.
2. Position the booster seat on the seat. Only
place it in a front facing direction. Always
follow the booster seat manufacturer’s in-
Rear center position
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3. The booster seat should be positioned on
the vehicle seat so that it is stable. If neces-
sary, adjust or remove the head restraint to
obtain the correct booster seat fit. See
“Head restraint adjustment” earlier in this
section. If the head restraint is removed,
store it in a secure place. Be sure to install
the head restraint when the booster seat is
removed. If the seating position does not
have an adjustable head restraint and it is
interfering with the proper booster seat fit,
try another seating position or a different
booster seat.4. Position the lap portion of the seat belt low
and snug on the child’s hips. Be sure to
follow the booster seat manufacturer’s in-
structions for adjusting the belt routing.
5. Pull the shoulder belt portion of the seat belt
toward the retractor to take up extra slack.
Be sure the shoulder belt is positioned
across the top, middle portion of the child’s
shoulder. Be sure to follow the booster seat
manufacturer’s instructions for adjusting the
belt routing.
6. Follow the warnings, cautions and instruc-
tions for properly fastening a seat belt
shown in the “Three-point seat belt with
retractor” earlier in this section.
Rear outboard position
Front passenger position
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7. If the booster seat is installed in the front
passenger seat, turn the ignition switch to
the ON position. The front passenger air bag
status light
may or may not illuminate,
depending on the size of the child and the
type of booster seat being used. See “Front
passenger air bag and status light” later in
this section.
This Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) sec-
tion contains important information concerning
the driver and passenger supplemental front air
bags (NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System) , front
seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bag
system, roof-mounted curtain side-impact
supplemental air bag system andseat belts with
Supplemental front impact air bag system:
The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System can help
cushion the impact force to the head and chest of
the driver and front passenger in certain frontal
Front seat-mounted side-impact supple-
mental air bag system:This system can help
cushion the impact force to the chest and pelvic
area of the driver and front passenger in certain
side impact collisions. The supplemental side air
bag is designed to inflate on the side where the
vehicle is impacted.Roof-mounted curtain side-impact supple-
mental air bag system:This system can help
cushion the impact force to the head of occu-
pants in front and rear outboard seating positions
in certain side impact collisions. The curtain side-
impact air bags are designed to inflate on the side
where the vehicle is impacted.
These supplemental restraint systems are de-
signed tosupplementthe crash protection pro-
vided by the driver and front passenger seat belts
and arenot a substitutefor them. Seat belts
should always be correctly worn and the occu-
pant seated a suitable distance away from the
steering wheel, instrument panel and door finish-
ers. (See “Seat belts” earlier in this section for
instructions and precautions on seat belt usage.)
The supplemental air bags operate only
when the ignition switch is in the ON posi-
After turning the ignition key to the ON
position, the supplemental air bag warning
light illuminates. The supplemental air bag
warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.
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cThe supplemental front air bags ordi-
narily will not inflate in the event of a
side impact, rear impact, rollover, or
lower severity frontal collision. Always
wear your seat belts to help reduce the
risk or severity of injury in various kinds
of accidents.
cThe front passenger air bag will not
inflate if the passenger air bag status
light is lit or if the front passenger seat
is unoccupied. See “Front passenger air
bag status light” later in this section.cThe seat belts, the supplemental side
air bags and curtain side-impact air
bags are most effective when you are
sitting well back and upright in the seat
with both feet on the floor. The side air
bag and curtain side-impact air bag in-
flate with great force. Do not allow any-
one to place their hand, leg or face near
the side air bag on the side of the seat-
back of the front seat or near the side
roof rails. Do not allow anyone sitting in
the front seats or rear outboard seats to
extend their hand out of the window orlean against the door. Some examples
of dangerous riding positions are
shown in the previous illustrations.
cThe driver and front passenger seat belt
buckles are equipped with sensors that
detect if the seat belts are fastened. The
advanced air bag system monitors the
severity of a collision and seat belt us-
age then inflates the air bags. Failure to
properly wear seat belts can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an
cThe front passenger seat is equipped
with an occupant classification sensor
(pattern sensor) that turns the front
passenger air bag OFF under some
conditions. This sensor is only used in
this seat. Failure to be properly seated
and wearing the seat belt can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an acci-
dent. See “Front Passenger air bag and
status light” later in this section.
cKeep hands on the outside of the steer-
ing wheel. Placing them inside the
steering wheel rim could increase the
risk that they are injured when the
supplemental front air bag inflates.
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cNever let children ride unrestrained or
extend their hands or face out of the
window. Do not attempt to hold them in
your lap or arms. Some examples of
dangerous riding positions are shown
in the illustrations.
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cChildren may be severely injured or
killed when the supplemental front air
bags, front seat-mounted side-impact
supplemental air bags or roof-mounted
curtain side-impact supplemental air
bags inflate if they are not properly re-
strained. Pre-teens and children should
be properly restrained in the rear seat, if
possible.cEven with the NISSAN Advanced Air
Bag System, never install a rear-facing
child restraint in the front seat. An in-
flating supplemental front air bag could
seriously injure or kill your child. See
“Child restraints” earlier in this section
for details.
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