NISSAN ALTIMA HYBRID 2011 L32A / 4.G Owners Manual

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8. The system announces, “Please say the lastfour digits or say change number.”
9. Say “6200”. 10. The system announces, “Dial or Change
11. Say “Dial”.
12. The system makes a call to 800-662- 6200. NOTE:
● You can also speak “800-662-6200” (10
continuous digits) or “662-6200” (7 con-
tinuous digits) , if the area code is not nec-
essary. However, the 3-3-4 digit grouping is
recommended for improved recognition.
See “How to speak numbers” in this section.
● You can only say a phone number using the
3-3-4 grouping, 7 digits, and 10 digits using
this command. Please use the “International
Call” command for all other formats, and
when special characters such as star (*) ,
pound (#) , and plus (+) need to be entered.
● If you say “Change Number” during phone
number entry, the system will automatically
request that you repeat the number using
the 3-3-4 format. In this case please say the
area code first and then follow the prompts.
● Do not add a “1” in front of the area code
when speaking phone numbers.
● If the system does not recognize your com-
mand, please try repeating the command
using a natural voice. Speaking too slowly or
too loudly may further decrease recognition
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Example 2 — Placing an international call
to the phone number 011-81-111-222-3333:1. Press the
switch located on the steer-
ing wheel. 2. The system announces, “Would you like to
access Phone, Navigation, Information, Au-
dio or Help?”
3. Say “Phone”. 4. Say “International Call”.
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5. Say “011811112223333”.6. Say “Dial”.
7. The system makes a call to 011-81-111- 222-3333.
Any digit input format is available in the
International Number input process, as
well as the special characters such as star
(*) , pound (#) , and plus (+) .
The Alternate Command Mode enables control
of the Audio, Climate Control and Display sys-
tems as well as additional commands for the
Vehicle Information, Phone and Navigation sys-
tems. With this setting active, the system does
not announce or display the available commands
at each step.
When Alternate Command Mode is activated, an
expanded list of commands can be used after
pushing the TALK
switch. Under this
mode, the screen for Standard Mode commands
is not available on the display. Please review the
expanded command list, available when this
mode is active, as some Standard Mode com-
mands are replaced. Please see examples of
Alternate Command Mode screens.
Please note that in this mode the recognition
success rate may be affected as the number of
available commands and ways of speaking each
command are increased. You can turn this mode
ON or OFF. When this mode is activated, the
Voice Recognition Settings will change to show
more options.
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Activating Alternate Command Mode
1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel.
2. Select the “Others” key on the display.
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key. 4. Select the “Alternate Command Mode” key.
5. The confirmation message is displayed on
the screen. Select the “OK” key to activate
the Alternate Command Mode. 6. Alternate Command Mode is activated and
the setting menu is expanded to include the
Alternate Command Mode options. See
“Settings menu” in this section for an expla-
nation of the options.
Displaying the command list
If you are controlling the system by voice com-
mands for the first time or do not know the
appropriate voice command, perform the follow-
ing procedure for displaying the voice command
list (available only in Alternate Command Mode) .
Press the
switch, listen for the tone and
say, “Help”. The system will respond by display-
ing the command list main menu.
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Only manual controls such as the touchscreen
can navigate the command list menu.
As an alternative to the voice command “Help”,
you may access the command list using the fol-
lowing steps:1. Press the INFO button on the instrument
2. Select the “Others” key.
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
You can skip steps 1 through 3 if you say
“Help”. 4. Select the “Command List” key. 5. Select a category. The command list for the
category selected is shown.
6. If necessary, scroll the screen to view the entire list.
7. Select the “Back” key to return to the previ- ous screen.
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Alternate Command Mode command list
Phone Command:
Dial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number up to 10 digits.
Vehicle Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the vehicle phonebook.
Handset Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the handset phonebook.
International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digits to be spoken, as well as star (*) , pound (#) , and plus (+) .
Incoming Calls Shows the last 5 incoming phone calls.
Outgoing Calls Shows the last 5 outgoing phone calls.
Missed Calls Shows the last 5 missed phone calls.
Navigation Command:
Home Sets a route to your home that is stored in the Address Book.
Address Searches for a location by the street address specified, and sets a route (for continental US and Canada only) .
Places Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location.
Address Book Displays the first 5 entries of the Address Book.
Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previous destination.
Previous Start Point Calculates a route to your previous starting point of the last route.
Minimize Freeway Route Recalculates a route to the current destination while minimizing freeway usage.
Fastest Route Recalculates a route to the current destination using the fastest estimated time.
Shortest Route Recalculates a route to the current destination using the shortest distance.
Cancel Route Cancels the current route.
Delete Destination Deletes the current destination.
Birdview Map Changes the Map display to Birdview.
Planview Map Changes the Map display to a 2-dimensional view.
North Up Changes the Map display to keep north pointing up on the screen.
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Heading Up Changes the Map display to keep the direction of the vehicle pointing up on the screen.
Zoom In <1 to 13> Changes the map scale to a smaller number.
Zoom Out <1 to 13> Changes the map scale to a larger number.
Guidance Voice ON/OFF Turns the navigation voice guidance on or off.
Guide Voice Repeat Repeats the last navigation voice guidance.
Information Command:
Traffic Information Turns the traffic information system on and off.
Where am I? Displays the current vehicle location.
Weather Information Displays weather information.
Weather Map Displays the current weather map.
Audio Command:
AM Turns to the AM band, selecting the station last played.
FM Turns to the FM band, selecting the station last played.
XM Turns to the SAT band, selecting the station last played.
Music Box Turns to the Music Box hard-disk drive audio system.
CD Starts to play a CD.
USB Turns to the USB audio input.
Bluetooth Audio Turns to the Bluetoothaudio system.
AUX Turns to the AUX input.
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Displaying user guide
You can confirm how to use voice commands by
accessing a simplified User Guide, which con-
tains basic instructions and tutorials for several
voice commands.1. Press the INFO button on the instrument panel.
2. Select the “Others” key.
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
4. Select the “User Guide” key. 5. Select an item.
Available items: ● Getting Started
Describes the basics of how to operate the
Voice Recognition system.
● Let’s Practice
Initiates a practice session that demon-
strates how to improve recognition by the
● Using the Address Book
Tutorial for using the Address Book. ●
Finding a Street Address
Tutorial for Finding a Street Address.
● Placing Calls
Tutorial for making a phone call by voice
command operation.
● Help on Speaking
Displays useful tips for how to correctly
speak commands in order for them to be
properly recognized by the system.
● Voice Recognition Settings
Describes the available Voice Recognition
● Adapting the System to Your Voice
Tutorial for adapting the system to your
When the ignition switch is placed in the ON
position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,
which takes a few seconds. When completed,
the system is ready to accept voice commands. If
switch is pressed before the initializa-
tion completes, the display will show the mes-
sage: “System not ready.” or a beep sounds.
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Before starting
To get the best performance from NISSAN Voice
Recognition, observe the following:● Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as
possible. Close the windows to eliminate the
surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration
sounds, etc.) , which may prevent the system
from recognizing the voice commands cor-
● When the climate control is in the AUTO
mode, the fan speed decreases automati-
cally for easy recognition.
● Wait until a tone sounds before speaking a
● Speak in a natural voice without pausing
between words.
Giving voice commands
1. Press and release theswitch located
on the steering wheel. 2. A list of commands appears on the screen,
and the system announces, “Please say a
command from the displayed list or say Help
to show all commands.”
3. After the tone sounds and the icon on the screen changes from
to, speak
a command.
4. Once a command is recognized, the system will announce the recognized command and
perform the requested action.
If the command is not recognized, the sys-
tem repeats the announcement. Repeat the
command in a clear voice after the tone.
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Operating tips
●Say a command after the tone. Voice com-
mands cannot be accepted when the icon
● If the command is not recognized, the sys-
tem repeats the announcement. Repeat the
command in a clear voice.
● Press the
switch on the steering
wheel to return to the previous screen.
● If you want to cancel the command, press
and hold the
switch. The message,
“Voice cancelled” will be announced.
● If you want to adjust the volume of the sys-
tem feedback, push the volume control
switch on the steering wheel or use the
audio system volume knob while the system
is making an announcement.
● To minimize the amount of prompts spoken
by the system in Alternate Command Mode,
use the Minimize Voice Feedback function.
To access the Minimize Voice Feedback
function press the SETTING button, then
select the “Others” key. Then select the
“Voice Recognition” key.
How to speak numbers
Voice Recognition requires a certain way to
speak numbers when giving voice commands.
Refer to the following examples.
General rule:
● Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 can be used.
● When saying the phone number 800-662-
6200, the system will accept “eight-
hundred” in addition to “eight zero zero” or
“eight oh oh”. 500, 700, and 900 are also
Examples: ● 1-800-662-6200
– “One eight zero zero six six two six two zero zero”
– “One eight hundred six six two six two zero zero”
Improving Recognition of Phone numbers:
You can improve the recognition of phone num-
bers by saying the phone number in three groups
of numbers. For example, when you try to call
800-662-6200, say “eight zero zero” first, and
the system will then ask you for the next three
digits. Then, say “six six two”. After recognition,
the system will then ask for the last four digits. Say, “six two zero zero”. Using this method of
phone digit entry can improve recognition perfor-
When speaking a house number, speak the
number “0” as “zero” or “oh”. If the letter
“O” is included in the house number, it will
not be recognized as “0” even if you speak
“oh” instead of “zero”.
Settings menu
The content of the Settings Menu differs when
the system is in the Alternate Command Mode.
Command List:
Displays the command list for Alternate Com-
mand Mode.
User Guide:
The user guide provides basic instructions for
using Voice Recognition and accessing some
voice commands.
The user guide can also be accessed from
within the INFO menu after pressing the
INFO button.
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