sensor NISSAN PATHFINDER 2005 R51 / 3.G Owners Manual

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1. 3rd row bench seat belts (P. 1-12)
2. 2nd row seat belts (P. 1-12)
3. Supplemental curtain side-impact and
rollover air bags (P. 1-42)
4. Front seat belts (P. 1-12)
5. Supplemental front impact air bags
6. Seats (P. 1-2)
7. Occupant classification sensor (weight
sensor) (P.1-49)
8. Seat belt pre-tensioners (P. 1-55)
9. Supplemental side-impact air bag
(if so equipped) (P. 1-42)
10. LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for
CHildren) (P. 1-32)
See the page number indicated in paren-
theses for operating details.
0-2Illustrated table of contents
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cThe driver and front passenger seat belt
buckles are equipped with sensors that
detect if the seat belts are fastened. The
advanced air bag system monitors the
severity of a collision and seat belt us-
age then inflates the air bags. Failure to
properly wear seat belts can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an
cThe front passenger seat is equipped
with an occupant classification sensor
(weight sensor) that turns the front pas-
senger air bag OFF under some condi-
tions. This sensor is only used in this
seat. Failure to be properly seated and
wearing the seat belt can increase the
risk or severity of injury in an accident.
See “Front Passenger air bag and sta-
tus light” later in this section.
cKeep hands on the outside of the steer-
ing wheel. Placing them inside the
steering wheel rim could increase the
risk that they are injured when the
supplemental front air bag inflates.
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1. SRS curtain side-impact and rollover air
bag modules (if so equipped)
2. SRS curtain side-impact and rollover air
bag (if so equipped)
3. Diagnosis sensor unit
4. Supplemental front air bag modules
5. Crash zone sensor
6. Occupant classification system control
7. Occupant classification sensor
8. Satellite sensors
9. Seat belt buckle switches
10. Pre-tensioner retractor
11. Supplemental side air bag modules (if
so equipped)
NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System
(front seats)
This vehicle is equipped with the NISSAN ad-
vanced air bag system for the driver and front
passenger seats. This system is designed to
meet certification requirements under U.S. regu-
lations. It is also permitted in Canada.However,
all of the information, cautions and warn-
ings in this manual still apply and must be
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-49
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The driver supplemental front air bag is located in
the center of the steering wheel. The passenger
supplemental front air bag is mounted in the
dashboard above the glove box. The supplemen-
tal front air bags are designed to inflate in higher
severity frontal collisions, although they may in-
flate if the forces in another type of collision are
similar to those of a higher severity frontal impact.
They may not inflate in certain frontal collisions.
Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is not always an
indication of proper supplemental front air bag
system operation.
The NISSAN advanced air bag system has dual
stage inflators. It also monitors information from
the crash zone sensor, the diagnosis sensor unit,
seat belt buckle sensors, occupant classification
sensor (weight sensor) and passenger seat belt
tension sensor. Inflator operation is based on the
severity of a collision and seat belt usage for the
driver. For the front passenger, it additionally
monitors the weight of an occupant or object on
the seat and seat belt tension. Based on informa-
tion from the sensors, only one front air bag may
inflate in a crash, depending on the crash severity
and whether the front occupants are belted or
unbelted. Additionally, the front passenger air
bag may be automatically turned OFF under
some conditions, depending on the weight de-
tected on the passenger seat and how the seat
belt is used. If the front passenger air bag is OFF,the passenger air bag status light will be illumi-
nated. See “Front passenger air bag and status
light” later in this section for further details. One
front air bag inflating does not indicate improper
performance of the system.
If you have any questions about your air bag
system, please contact NISSAN or your NISSAN
dealer. If you are considering modification of your
vehicle due to a disability, you may also contact
NISSAN. Contact information is contained in the
front of this Owner’s Manual.
When a supplemental front air bag inflates, a
fairly loud noise may be heard, followed by the
release of smoke. This smoke is not harmful and
does not indicate a fire. Care should be taken to
not inhale it, as it may cause irritation and chok-
ing. Those with a history of a breathing condition
should get fresh air promptly.
Supplemental front air bags, along with the use of
seat belts, help to cushion the impact force on
the face and chest of the front occupants. They
can help save lives and reduce serious injuries.
However, an inflating front air bag may cause
facial abrasions or other injuries. Front air bags
do not provide restraint to the lower body.
Even with NISSAN advanced air bags, seat belts
should be correctly worn and the driver and pas-
senger seated upright as far as practical away
from the steering wheel or instrument panel. Thesupplemental front air bags inflate quickly in order
to help protect the front occupants. Because of
this, the force of the front air bag inflating can
increase the risk of injury if the occupant is too
close to, or is against, the front air bag module
during inflation.
The front air bags deflate quickly after a collision.
The supplemental front air bags operate
only when the ignition switch is in the ON
or START position.
After turning the ignition key to the ON
position, the supplemental air bag warning
light illuminates. The supplemental air bag
warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.
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Front passenger air bag and status light
The front passenger air bag is designed to
automatically turn OFF under some con-
ditions. Read this section carefully to
learn how it operates. Proper use of the
seat, seat belt and child restraints is nec-
essary for most effective protection. Fail-
ure to follow all instructions in this
manual concerning the use of seats, seat
belts and child restraints can increase the
risk or severity of injury in an accident.Status light
The front passenger air bag status light
located under the climate controls. The light op-
erates as follows:
cUnoccupied passenger seat or when other
conditions are met as outlined in this sec-
tion: The
illuminates to indicate that
the front passenger air bag is OFF and will
not inflate in a crash.
cOccupied passenger seat and the passen-
ger meets the conditions outlined in this
section: The light
is OFF to indicate
that the front passenger air bag is opera-
Front passenger air bag
The front passenger air bag is designed to auto-
matically turn OFF when the vehicle is operated
under some conditions as described below in
accordance with U.S. regulations. If the front
passenger air bag is OFF, it will not inflate in a
crash. The driver air bag and other air bags in your
vehicle are not part of this system.
The purpose of the regulation is to help reduce
the risk of injury or death from an inflating air bag
to certain front passenger seat occupants, such
as children, by requiring the air bag to be auto-
matically turned OFF. Certain sensors are used
to meet the requirements.One sensor used is the occupant classification
sensor (weight sensor) . It is in the bottom of the
front passenger seat cushion and is designed to
detect an occupant and objects on the seat by
weight. It works together with seat belt sensors
described later. For example, if a child is in the
front passenger seat, the advanced air bag sys-
tem is designed to turn the passenger air bag
OFF in accordance with the regulations. Also, if a
child restraint of the type specified in the regula-
tions is on the seat, its weight and the child’s
weight can be detected and cause the air bag to
turn OFF. Weight sensor operation can vary de-
pending on the front passenger seat belt sen-
The front passenger seat belt sensors are de-
signed to detect if the seat belt is buckled and the
amount of tension on the seat belt, such as when
it is in the automatic locking mode (child restraint
mode) . Based on the weight on the seat detected
by the weight sensor and the belt tension de-
tected on the seat belt, the advanced air bag
system determines whether the front passenger
air bag should be automatically turned OFF as
required by the regulations.
Front passenger seat adult occupants who are
properly seated and using the seat belt as out-
lined in this manual should not cause the passen-
ger air bag to be automatically turned OFF. For
small adults it may be turned OFF. Also, if the
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-51
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occupant takes his/her weight off the seat cush-
ion (for example, by not sitting upright, by sitting
on an edge of the seat, or by otherwise being out
of position) , this could cause the sensor to turn
the air bag OFF. In addition, if the occupant
improperly uses the seat belt in the automatic
locking mode (child restraint mode) , this could
cause the air bag to be turned OFF. Always be
sure to be seated and wearing the seat belt
properly for the most effective protection by the
seat belt and supplemental air bag.
NISSAN recommends that pre-teens and chil-
dren be properly restrained in a rear seat.
NISSAN also recommends that appropriate child
restraints and booster seats be properly installed
in a rear seat. If this is not possible, the weight
sensor and seat belt sensors are designed to
operate as described above to turn the front
passenger air bag OFF for specified child re-
straints as required by the regulations. Failing to
properly secure child restraints and to use the
automatic locking mode (child restraint mode)
may allow the restraint to tip or move in an acci-
dent or sudden stop. This can also result in the
passenger air bag inflating in a crash instead of
being OFF. See “Child restraints” earlier in this
section for proper use and installation.
If the front passenger seat is not occupied and
the seat belt is not buckled, the passenger air bag
is designed not to inflate in a crash. However,heavy objects placed on the seat could result in
air bag inflation, because of the object’s weight
detected by the weight sensor. Other conditions
could also result in air bag inflation, such as if a
child is standing on the seat, or if two children are
on the seat, contrary to the instructions in this
manual. Always be sure that you and all vehicle
occupants are seated and restrained properly.
Using the passenger air bag status light, you can
monitor when the front passenger air bag is au-
tomatically turned OFF. The light will illuminate
(indicating the air bag is OFF and will not inflate)
when the front passenger seat is not occupied.
If an adult occupant is in the seat and the pas-
senger air bag status light is illuminated (indicat-
ing that the air bag is OFF) , it could be that the
person is a small adult, or is not sitting on the seat
or using the seat belt properly. If a child restraint
must be used in the front seat, but the status light
is not lit (indicating that the air bag might inflate in
a crash) , it could be that the child restraint or seat
belt is not being used properly. If such situations
happen, properly position and restrain the occu-
pant or child restraint. Otherwise reposition the
occupant or child restraint in a rear seat.
If a malfunction occurs in the front passenger air
bag system, the passenger air bag status
, located under the climate controls,
will illuminate and the supplemental air bag warn-ing light
, located in the meter and gauges
area in the center of the instrument panel, will
blink. Have the system checked by a NISSAN
Other supplemental front air bag precau-
cDo not place any objects on the steer-
ing wheel pad or on the instrument
panel. Also, do not place any objects
between any occupant and the steering
wheel or instrument panel. Such ob-
jects may become dangerous projec-
tiles and cause injury if the supplemen-
tal front air bag inflates.
cImmediately after inflation, several
front air bag system components will be
hot. Do not touch them; you may se-
verely burn yourself.
cNo unauthorized changes should be
made to any components or wiring of
the supplemental air bag system. This is
to prevent accidental inflation of the
supplemental air bag or damage to the
supplemental air bag system.
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cDo not make unauthorized changes to
your vehicle’s electrical system, sus-
pension system or front end structure.
This could affect proper operation of
the supplemental front air bag system.
cTampering with the supplemental front
air bag system may result in serious
personal injury. Tampering includes
changes to the steering wheel and the
instrument panel assembly by placing
material over the steering wheel pad
and above the instrument panel or by
installing additional trim material
around the air bag system.
cModifying or tampering with the front
passenger seat may result in serious
personal injury. For example, do not
change the front seats by placing mate-
rial on the seat cushion or by installing
additional trim material, such as seat
covers, on the seat that are not specifi-
cally designed to assure proper air bag
operation. Additionally, do not stow any
objects under the front passenger seat
or the seat cushion and seatback. Such
objects may interfere with the proper
operation of the occupant classifica-
tion system (weight sensor) .cNo unauthorized changes should be
made to any components or wiring of
the seat belt system. This may affect the
supplemental front air bag system.
Tampering with the seat belt system
may result in serious personal injury.
cWork on and around the supplemental
front air bag system should be done by
a NISSAN dealer. Installation of electri-
cal equipment should also be done by a
NISSAN dealer. The Supplemental Re-
straint System (SRS) wiring should not
be modified or disconnected. Unautho-
rized electrical test equipment and
probing devices should not be used on
the air bag system.
cA cracked windshield should be re-
placed immediately by a qualified re-
pair facility. A cracked windshield could
affect the function of the supplemental
air bag system.
cThe SRS wiring harness connectors are
yellow and orange for easy
When selling your vehicle, we request that you
inform the buyer about the supplemental front air
bag system and guide the buyer to the appropri-
ate sections in this Owner’s Manual.
Supplemental side-impact air bag (if
so equipped) and curtain side-impact
and rollover air bags (if so equipped)
The supplemental side-impact air bags are lo-
cated in the outside of the seatback of the front
seats. The supplemental curtain side-impact and
rollover air bags are located in the side roof rails
in all 3 rows. These systems are designed to meet
voluntary guidelines to help reduce the risk of
injury to out-of-position occupants.However,
all of the information, cautions and warn-
ings in this manual still apply and must be
followed.The supplemental side air bags and
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-53
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The supplemental air bag warning light,
displayingin the instrument panel, moni-
tors the circuits of the supplemental front air bag,
supplemental side air bag and curtain side-
impact and rollover air bag and pre-tensioner
seat belt systems. The circuits monitored by the
supplemental air bag warning light are the diag-
nosis sensor unit, crash zone sensor, satellite
sensors, rollover sensor, front air bag modules,
side air bag modules, curtain air bag modules,
pre-tensioner seat belts and all related wiring.When the ignition key is in the ON or START
position, the supplemental air bag warning light
illuminates for about 7 seconds and then turns
off. This means the system is operational.
If any of the following conditions occur, the
supplemental front air bag, supplemental side air
bag, curtain air bag and pre-tensioner seat belt
systems need servicing:
cThe supplemental air bag warning light re-
mains on after approximately 7 seconds.
cThe supplemental air bag warning light
flashes intermittently.
cThe supplemental air bag warning light does
not come on at all.
Under these conditions, the supplemental front
air bag, supplemental side air bags and curtain air
bag or pre-tensioner seat belt systems may not
operate properly. It must be checked and re-
paired. Take your vehicle to the nearest NISSAN
If the supplemental air bag warning light
is on, it could mean that the supplemental
front air bag, supplemental side air bag,
curtain air bag systems and/or pre-
tensioner seat belt systems will not oper-
ate in an accident. To help avoid injury to
yourself or others, have your vehicle
checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon as
Repair and replacement procedure
The supplemental front air bags, supplemental
side air bags, curtain air bags and pre-tensioner
seat belts are designed to inflate on a one-time-
only basis. As a reminder, unless it is damaged,
the supplemental air bag warning light remains
illuminated after inflation has occurred. Repair
and replacement of these supplemental air bag
systems should be done only by a NISSAN
When maintenance work is required on the ve-
hicle, the supplemental front air bags, supple-
mental side air bags, curtain air bags, pre-
tensioner seat belts and related parts should be
pointed out to the person performing the mainte-
nance. The ignition key should always be in the
LOCK position when working under the hood or
inside the vehicle.LRS0100
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cThe outside temperature sensor is located in
front of the radiator. The sensor may be
affected by road or engine heat, wind direc-
tion and other driving conditions. The display
may differ from the actual outside tempera-
ture or the temperature displayed on various
signs or billboards.
Push theor COMP button when the igni-
tion key is in the ON position to display the
N: north
E: east
S: south
W: west
If the display reads “CAL”, calibrate the compass
by driving the vehicle in three complete circles at
less than 5 MPH (8 km/h) .
You can also calibrate the compass by driving
your vehicle on your everyday route. The com-
pass will be calibrated once it has tracked three
complete circles.
2-10Instruments and controls
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Autolight activation sensitivity and the
time delay for autolight shutoff is adjust-
able for vehicles with navigation system.
See “Vehicle electronic systems” in the
“Display screen, heater, air conditioner and
audio systems” section later in this manual.
To turn on the autolight system:
1. Turn the headlight switch to the AUTO posi-
2. Turn the ignition key to ON.
3. The autolight system automatically turns the
headlights on and off.
Initially, if the ignition switch is turned OFF and a
door is opened and left open, the headlights
remain ON for 5 minutes. If another door is
opened during the 5 minutes, then the 5 minute
timer is reset.
To turn the autolight system off, turn the switch to
the OFF,
,orposition.Be sure you do not put anything on top of
the autolight sensor
s1located on the top
side of the instrument panel. The autolight
sensor controls the autolight; if it is cov-
ered, the autolight sensor reacts as if it is
dark out and the headlights will illuminate.
If this occurs while parked with the engine
off and the key in the ON position, your
vehicle’s battery could become discharged.Headlight beam select
s1To select the high beam function, push the
lever forward. The high beam lights come on
and the
light illuminates.
s2Pull the lever back to select the low beam.
s3Pulling and releasing the lever flashes the
headlight high beams on and off.
Battery saver system
If the ignition switch is turned OFF while the
headlight switch is in theorposi-
tion, the headlights will turn off after 5 minutes.
Instruments and controls2-27
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