TPMS NISSAN TITAN 2006 1.G Owners Manual

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cIf the warning light comes on or blinks
during operation, have your vehicle
checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon as
cDo not drive on dry hard surface roads
in the 4H or 4LO position. If the 4WD
warning light turns on when you are
driving on dry hard surface roads:
– in the 4H position, shift the 4WD shift
switch to 2WD.
– in the 4LO position, stop the vehicle,
move the automatic transmission
shift selector lever to the N position
with the brake pedal depressed, and
shift the 4WD shift switch to 2WD.
cIf the warning light is still on after the
above operation, have your vehicle
checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon as
Low fuel warning light
This light comes on when the fuel level in the fuel
tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it is conve-
nient, preferably before the fuel gauge reaches E
(Empty) .There will be a small reserve of fuel
in the tank when the fuel gauge needle
reaches E (Empty) .
Low tire pressure warning
Your vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure
monitoring system (TPMS) that monitors the tire
pressure of all tires except the spare.
The low tire pressure warning light warns of low
tire pressure or indicates that the TPMS is not
functioning properly.
After the ignition switch is turned ON, this light
comes on for about 1 second and turns off.
Low tire pressure warning:
If the vehicle is being driven with low tire pres-
sure, the warning light will illuminate. If you select
the tire pressure information in the display (if so
equipped) , the FLAT TIRE warning message will
be displayed. The tire pressure for each tire will
also be displayed.
When the low tire pressure warning light illumi-
nates, you should stop and adjust the tire pres-
sure to the recommended COLD tire pressure
shown on the Tire and Loading Information label
to turn the light OFF.
For additional information, see “Low tire pressure
warning system” in the “Starting and driving”
section and “Low tire pressure warning system”
in the “In case of emergency” section.Tire pressure monitor system malfunction:
If the tire pressure monitor system is not function-
ing properly, the low tire pressure warning light
will flash for approximately 1 minute when the
ignition switch is turned on. The light will remain
on after the 1 minute. Have the system checked
by a NISSAN dealer.
For additional information, see “Low tire pressure
warning system” in the “Starting and driving”
cIf the light does not come on with the
key switch turned ON, have the vehicle
checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon as
Instruments and controls2-15
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5 Starting and driving
Precautions when starting and driving................5-2
Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)..................5-2
Three-way catalyst..............................5-2
On-pavement and off-road driving
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)..........5-3
Avoiding collision and rollover....................5-5
Drinking alcohol/drugs and driving................5-5
Driving safety precautions.......................5-6
Ignition switch.....................................5-7
Automatic transmission..........................5-7
Key positions..................................5-8
Nissan vehicle immobilizer system................5-8
Before starting the engine..........................5-9
Starting the engine................................5-9
Driving the vehicle................................5-10
Engine protection mode........................5-10
Automatic transmission.........................5-11
Parking brake....................................5-17
Cruise control....................................5-18
Precautions on cruise control...................5-18
Cruise control operations.......................5-18
Break-in schedule................................5-19Increasing fuel economy...........................5-20
Using four wheel drive (4WD).............5-20
Transfer case shifting procedures...............5-20
Electronic locking rear differential (E-Lock) system
(if so equipped)..................................5-25
Parking/parking on hills............................5-26
Power steering...................................5-27
Brake system....................................5-27
Brake precautions.............................5-27
Anti-lock brake system (ABS)...................5-28
Active brake limited slip (ABLS) system
(if so equipped)..................................5-29
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) system
(if so equipped)..................................5-30
Rear sonar system (if so equipped).................5-31
Cold weather driving..............................5-32
Freeing a frozen door lock......................5-32
Draining of coolant water.......................5-32
Tire equipment................................5-32
Special winter equipment.......................5-33
Driving on snow or ice.........................5-33
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cDo not use leaded gasoline. Deposits
from leaded gasoline will seriously re-
duce the three-way catalyst’s ability to
help reduce exhaust pollutants.
cKeep your engine tuned up. Malfunc-
tions in the ignition, fuel injection, or
electrical systems can cause overrich
fuel flow into the three-way catalyst,
causing it to overheat. Do not keep driv-
ing if the engine misfires, or if notice-
able loss of performance or other un-
usual operating conditions are
detected. Have the vehicle inspected
promptly by a NISSAN dealer.
cAvoid driving with an extremely low fuel
level. Running out of fuel could cause
the engine to misfire, damaging the
three-way catalyst.
cDo not race the engine while warming it
cDo not push or tow your vehicle to start
the engine.
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
rollover rate than other types of vehicles.
They have higher ground clearance than passen-
ger cars to make them capable of performing in a
variety of on-pavement and off-road applications.
This gives them a higher center of gravity than
ordinary cars. An advantage of higher ground
clearance is a better view of the road, allowing
you to anticipate problems. However, they are not
designed for cornering at the same speeds as
conventional two-wheel drive vehicles any more
than low-slung sports cars are designed to per-
form satisfactorily under off-road conditions. If at
all possible, avoid sharp turns at high speeds. As
with other vehicles of this type, failure to operate
this vehicle correctly may result in loss of control
or vehicle rollover. In a rollover crash, an unbelted
person is significantly more likely to die than a
person wearing a seat belt.
Be sure to read the driving safety precautions
later in this section.
Each tire, including the spare (if provided) ,
should be checked monthly when cold and in-
flated to the inflation pressure recommended by
the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard
or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has
tires of a different size than the size indicated on
the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label,
you should determine the proper tire inflation
pressure for those tires.)
As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been
equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system
(TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale
when one or more of your tires is significantly
underinflated. Accordingly, when the low tire
pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and
check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate
them to the proper pressure. Driving on a signifi-
cantly underinflated tire causes the tire to over-
heat and can lead to tire failure. Underinflation
also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and
may affect the vehicle’s handling and stopping
Starting and driving5-3
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Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for
proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver’s
responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure,
even if underinflation has not reached the level to
trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pressure
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the
system is not operating properly. The TPMS mal-
function indicator is combined with the low tire
pressure telltale. When the system detects a
malfunction, the telltale will flash for approxi-
mately one minute and then remain continuously
illuminated. This sequence will continue upon
subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the mal-
function exists. When the malfunction indicator is
illuminated, the system may not be able to detect
or signal low tire pressure as intended. TPMS
malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons,
including the installation of replacement or alter-
nate tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent
the TPMS from functioning properly. Always
check the TPMS malfunction telltale after replac-
ing one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle to
ensure that the replacement or alternate tires and
wheels allow the TPMS to continue to function
properly.Additional information:
cThis system does not monitor the tire pres-
sure of the spare tire.
cThe low tire pressure warning system will
activate only when the vehicle is driven at
speeds above 20 MPH (32 km/h) . Also, this
system may not detect a sudden drop in tire
pressure (for example a flat tire while driv-
ing) .
cTire pressure rises and falls depending on
the heat caused by the vehicle’s operation
and the outside temperature. Low outside
temperature can lower the temperature of
the air inside the tire which can cause a
lower tire inflation pressure. This may cause
the low tire pressure warning light to illumi-
nate. If the warning light illuminates in low
ambient temperature, check the tire pres-
sure for all four tires.
cYou can also check the pressure of all tires
(except the spare tire) on the display screen.
The order of the tire pressure figures dis-
played on the screen does not correspond
with the actual order of the tire position. See
“Tire pressure information” in the “Display
screen, heater, air conditioner and audio
systems” section.For additional information, see “Low tire pressure
warning light” in the “Instruments and controls”
section, “Low tire pressure warning system” in
the “In case of emergency” section.
cIf the low tire pressure warning light
flashes while driving, avoid sudden
steering maneuvers or abrupt braking,
reduce vehicle speed, pull off the road
to a safe location and stop the vehicle
as soon as possible. Serious vehicle
damage could occur and may lead to an
accident and could result in serious
personal injury. Check the tire pressure
for all four tires. Adjust the tire pressure
to the recommended COLD tire pres-
sure shown on the Tire and Loading
Information label to turn the low tire
pressure warning light OFF. If you have
a flat tire, replace it with a spare tire as
soon as possible. (See “Flat tire” in the
“In case of emergency” section for
changing a flat tire.)
5-4Starting and driving
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Owners ManualÐUSA_English(nna)