NISSAN TITAN 2008 1.G Service And Maintenance Guide

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Printing : August 2007
Nissan, the Nissan logo, and Nissan model names are Nissan trademarks.
©2007 Nissan North America, Inc.

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Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) ______________________________________________________
Delivery Date ____________________________ Warranty Start Date ________________________
Mileage at Delivery________________________ Model Year ________________________________
Selling Dealer ____________________________ Selling Dealer Phone ________________________
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O WNER’ SLITE RATUR EIN FOR MATION.................. 2
Nissan Mainten ance ............................................ 3
Why Nissan Service ?........................................... 4
Ext ended Service Plans ......................................... 5
Genuine NissanCollision Parts ................................... 6
Nissan Express Service s ....................................... \f2
Genuine NissanPartsYouCan RelyOn ..................\f4,\f6,\f8 ,32
Nissan Serv ices Designed with You inMind .................... 22,26
Lifet imeWarr antyRe place ment Parts ............................. 36
Determ ining the Proper Mainten anceInterv al......................... 7
Exp lana tion ofSchedu led Main tena nce Items ........................ 8
Ma inte nance Logand Records................................... \f\f
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Recommend edFuel,Lub ric ants, Fluids ..................Owner ’sMan ual: chapte r9
R adio /CD/Heate r/ACOpe ration ........................Owner ’sMan ual: chapte r4
S tar ting and Drivin gYour Veh icle .......................Owner ’sMan ual: chapte r5
S ecurit ySyst em Operati on ............................Owner ’sMan ual: chapte r\b
Chang ingaFlat Tire ..................................Owner ’sManu al:chapte r\f
New Vehicle LimitedWarran ty..........................Warranty Information Booklet:page4
Feder alEmissio nCon trolWarran tie s ....................Warranty Information Booklet:page7
Califo rniaEmissio nCon trolWar ranti es..................Warranty Information Booklet:page10
Tire Pressure/R otati on ................................Owner ’sManu al:chapte r8
Tire War ranties/Saf etyInformati on......................Warranty Information Booklet:pages15to37
Co nsumer AffairsAssistan ce...........................Warranty Information Booklet:page\b
CustomerCare/ Lemon Law Inform ation
Bo oklet: pag e5
Do ItYo urself Information ..............................Owner ’sManu al:chapte r8
General Maintenanc e.................................Owner ’sManu al:chapte r8
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Prev enta tiv e sc hedul edmaint enance isan impo rta nt inv estment to
optimize th e pe rfor mance, reliabil ity, sa fet yand resale value of yo ur
Nissa n. Sc hedul ing your vehi cle’s maintenance at the reco mmen ded
inte rva ls will ens ureyour vehicle is runni ngat its best.
W ewan tyou to enjo yyour Nissan vehicle. ThisService and
Main ten an ce Guide isdesigned to help you make sur eyo ur vehicle
receiv es pr ope ran dtim ely maint enance thatisnecess ary. Key
services are explained in det ail,alo ng with anoutline of sched uled
main te nan ce to hel p yo umai ntain your vehicl e.Yo ur local Niss an dealer
can assist you in det erm ining the best sched ule bas ed onyour driving
habit san d loc alco ndi tions.
Fa ilu re to pe rfo rm scheduled maint ena nce may result inexcluding
por tion sof you rve hicle from warrant yco ver ageand may reduce the
perform an ce ,safe ty, rel iabil ity and/or resa levalue of yo ur vehic le.See
your W arra nty In fo rm ation Book letand Owner ’s Manua lfor details.
Mai ntain Your Investment
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Nissan train ed an dAS Ecert ified techn icians
Imm ediate access to warr antyserv icehisto ryand Nissa n
techni calin form ation
La test diag nost ic,special tool sand service techniq ues
Genu ine Nissan Partsthat meet Nissan’ sdemand ingsta ndar ds
\f 2 mont h/\f2,000 mile par tsand laborlimi ted war ranty when
Genu ine Nis san Partsare installed byyour dealer
Li feti me limi ted warr ant yon select replacement parts
C lea r,up \bfr on testi mat es
Time guaran teed Exp ress Services (at par ticip ating dealer s)
Over \f,00 0loc ations nationwide
Shutt le se rvice/C our tesy van (at part icipa ting dealers)
Tosafeguar dthe qualit y,rel iabi lity and safety of yo ur vehi cle, an
authori zedNissan dealer isreco mmended formaintenance or repa ir.
Onlyan author ize dNissan dealeroffers you these advantag es:
ForAllYour Service Needs
Yo ur Nissan dea ler isafu ll\b se rvice maint enance andrepair center. Werecom mend usingauthorized Nissan
Service and Genuine Nissan Part sthat wehave designed for their relia bility, safety andsuita bility for your Nissan
vehicle. Weare com mitted to pro viding youwith quick, efficient and comp etitively pricedservice andparts.
GE \b\fI \bE SER VI CE
*May differ ornot apply outside theUnited States, pleaseinquire ofyour dealer.
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Ifso me onetold you, youco uld driveyou rnew
Niss anforth e nex t7 year sor \f00,000 miles,almost
worry\bfree of une xpect edrepair co st s, would yoube
intere sted ?
Niss an’s“Secu rity+P lus” family ofexte nded serv \b
ice con trac tsde liver sthe peace of mind that does
just that. Securi ty+Plusvehicle protection planscan
cov ereve ryt hin gfro mover \f,\f00 vehicle componen ts
to road sideas sis tance to rent alvehicle costsand
prov ide :Nat ionwide Coverage (over \f,000 Nissan
deale rsnatio nwide );uti lizing: Genuine NissanParts
(new or in some cases remanufact ured);installed by:
Factory Trained Techni cians (trained byus towork
on yo ur veh icle ).And yo u’ll beprotected against
futur einflat ion (ris ing cost of part sand labor).
Secu rity+Plu scov erage canbepurch asedany
time within yourve hicle’s orig inal 3\byear/36,000\bmile
basiclimit edwarran typer iod. Just contact your sellin g
deale rand tell them you’d like totake advantage of
one ofthe bestmechanical breakdo wnplan sav ailable
foryo ur Nis san today.
Doyou currently have som eonethat main tain syour yard?
Clean syour hous e?Main tains your vehi cle?Wi th
Maint enance+ Plusyou ’ll be hiring Ni ss an tomai ntain your
veh icleto fac tor yspe cifi ca tion byfact orytra ine dtechni cians.
Like Security+ Plus,you’ llben efit from Nat ionwid e
Coverag e,Genu ineNissan Parts ,Fact oryTrain ed
Technicians, andyou ’llbe pr ote ctedagai nst futur einf la tion
(ri sin gcos tsof parts and lab or). Wh atcould beeas ier?
Maint enance+ Plusoffers fou rse rvice le vels ,two servi ce
inter vals an dfive tim e and mile ag epe rio ds ... so it’s easy tofin d
a plan that’s rig ht for you .Did n’tpur ch ase
Maint enance+ Plusatthe time ofveh icle deliver y? Do n’t
sweat the smal lstu ff, ‘N ew ’Mainten ance+Pluscontrac ts
canbe purc ha sedan ytime with in the firs t3\bmon ths/3,750\b
mi les of origin al veh icle sa le date. If for some reasonyou
mi ssed this ini tial wind ow a‘U se d’Maint enance+Plu s
contr act may be purchas ed at any tim eth ro ughout the life of
the vehicle .Ju st con tac tyour se llin gdeal erandte ll th em you’ d
liketo take advanta ge ofoneof the bestmai nten ance plans
avail ablefor you rNis santoda y.
*Th ese produ ctsno tava ila bl e ou tside the Uni te d St ates .
Se eyou rpa rticip ating Nissan dealer fordetails.
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If you hav ean acc ident, insiston Genuine Niss an Collis ion Parts .
If you wantyour vehicle to be rest ored using parts ma de to
Ni ss an’s original exacting specifications– ifyo uwa ntitto last,
hel pto protec tyou rperso nal safet yan dto help holdits resa le
value,the solution issimpl e.Tell your insur ance ag ent and your
repai rshop touseonly Genuine Niss an Collis ion Par ts.
Many non\bge nuin e part sare copies made from impr essions of
Niss an parts andmay not mat ch the specifi catio ns and perfo rm\b
ance standards ofGenuine NissanPar ts.As a result, non\bgen \b
uine part smay notlook orfitright ,an dmay be les ssa fe.
The hood onyour vehicl eis ago od exa mple. Nissa ndesig ned it
wi th hood bucklin g creases to help preventthehood fro m pene \b
trati ng the in te rior ofyour vehicle in an acci dent. Non\bg enuine
part smay notprovide suchbuilt\binsafegua rds.
In some states,the law saysyo umust bead vised if no n\bgenuine
part sare usedto repair your vehicle. Whysho uld you take a
chan ce?Repla ce me ntPanel Limited
Life time Corrosion Warranty *
If yo u hav eyo ur co llis ion damag erep aired
usin g Ge nuin e Nis san Outer S heet Metal
Pan els yo udon ’t have towor ry ab out
co rro sion .That ’s beca use thes epanels
are wa rran te d aga ins tins id e out rus t\b
th rou gh perf orat ion foras long asyou own
you rN issa n. Anot her reas onto ins ist on
Genuin e Niss an Collis ion Rep airPart s.
*Th iswar ran ty doe sno t app lyto ve hi cles not
di st rib ut ed by Nis sa n No rth Am eric a an d/or
so ld out side the United Sta te s.
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3,750 miles or3mon ths ,w hic hev\b
e r co mes fir st )
Premium Maintena nceisaNissa n\b
re commended option that is sui tab le
fo r all
driving habitsand loca l
co nd itions .Ni ss an deve lop ed
Premium Maintena nceforown erswho
wan tthe ultima teinpre ven tative
ma intena nce .With Premi um
Maint enance, more
mainte nanc eitems
are regularly checked or re plac ed tha n
with either Sched ule\for Sch edule 2
ma intena nce schedules.
U sin gthe Premium Mainte nanc e
sch ed ule may op timize the
p er form ance ,rel iab ility, an d re sal e
valu eof your vehi cle.
Depend ing on your drivi ng habi ts an d loca lcon ditions, yoush ou ldfoll ow one of the three mainte nance
schedules list ed below. Use th ese guid elines todeter mine wh ich maintenance schedule touse:
SC HEDU LE\f(Eve ry 3,7 50 mil esor
3mon ths, w hi ch ever come sfirst )
Schedul e\f featu re s the sa me 3,7 50\b mile
ser vic eint erva ls as Pre miu m
Maint en an ce ;ho wev er, wi th Sche du le\f
fe wer
m aint ena nce items are re gu larly
c he cke dor repla cedth an wi th the
Pre mium Mainte nan ce sch edu le. Use
Sc hedul e\f ifyou prima rily ope ra te yo ur
ve hicle unde rany of the se co nd iti ons:
Repe ated short tr ips of les sth an 5
mile s in nor mal tempe ra tur es or le ss than
\f0 mile sin free zing te mper atu re s
Sto p\band\bgo traffic inho t we ath er or
lo w\bs pee ddrivi ng fo r lo ng dis tances
D rivi ng indu sty co ndi tions or on ro ugh ,
muddy, or sal t\bs pre ad ro ads
To win gatraile r,or using acampe r
orcar \btop carrie rSC HEDU LE2(Eve ry 7,5 00
mi lesor 6mon ths, wh icheve r
co mes fir st )
Sch edu le2featu re s7, 500\bm ile
s e rvic eint erv als; with Sc hed ule 2
fe wer
m aint enan ce ite ms are regu \b
la rly ch eck ed or rep laced th an with
S ch edu le\f.
Gen era lly, Sc hedu le2applie son ly
to hig hwa ydrivi ng inte mp erate
c o nditi ons. Use Sch edu le2only if
yo u pr im arily ope rat eyo ur veh icle
unde rco ndi tion soth er th an th o se
lis te d in Sche du le\f.
*Pre miu m Main te nanc eis a Nissan \bre com men ded
op tion ;ho weve r, ow ners nee dno tpe rform such
main te nanc ein order to maint ain the warran ties
wh ic h co m e wit h the ir N is s a n.
Pr em ium Main te nan cemay not be ava ila b le out side
the Unite d St ates, plea se inq uir e of your deal er.
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The followin gde scri ptio nsare pro vided
to giv e you abetter understan ding of
the sch eduled mainte nance item sthat
shou ldbe reg ularly check ed or
re pl aced .Th emai ntenan celo g
in dic ate sat whic hmi leage/ti me
in terval seach item req uires servi ce.
In ad dition toschedul edmain tenance ,
yo ur Nissan requires that som eitem s
be ch eckeddu ring norm alday\bto \bday
operati on.You can find these items
liste dund er “Gen eralMain tenance ”in
C hap ter8of your Owner ’sManual .
Ite msma rked with “*”are recom mended
by Nissan forreliabl eveh icleoperati on.
You are not required toperf orm
mainte nanc eon theseitem sin orde rto
m aintai nthe warranti eswhich come
with your Nissan .Other mainten ance
it em sand interval sare requi red.When applicable, additional info rma tio n
can be fo und inthe
“Maint enan ce an d
do \bit\byo urs elf” sect io n in Chapt er8of
yo ur O wner’ sMa nual.
Fo rre co mm ended fuel,lu bricants ,
flu ids ,g rease, andrefriger ant, refe rto
C hap te r 9 in yo ur Own er’sMan ual.
Em ission Control System
Maintena nce:
Drive Belt s *
C heck engine drivebe lts for wear,
fr a yin g or cr acking andforprope r
te nsion .Replace anydamage ddriv e
En gin e Air Filt er
R eplac eat specif iedinte rval s. Whe n
drivin g forpr olo nge dperi ods indus ty
co nditio ns, check/ replace the filte r
more fre quently.
Eng ine Co olan t*
D rai nan dflu sh the coo lin g sy ste mat
the spec ifie d in te rval.
Hy brid Ele ctron ic Veh icl e (H EV)
Inve rte rCool ant
Drai nan dfill th e coo lin g sy ste mwith
the co olant atthe spe cifie dinte rva l.
E ng ine Oil andOil Fi lt er
Re place engi ne oil an doil filte rat th e
spe cifi ed in te rv als .For rec omme nd \b
ed oil gr ade an d visc osi ty referto
C hap ter9 in you rO wner’s Man ual .
Engin e Val ve Clea rance*
Inspect only ifvalv enoi se incr eases .
Adju stval ve clearanc eifnece ssary.
Evapo rat ive Emi ssions Control
Vapo rLi nes *
Chec kva po rline sand conn ection s
for lea ks or loos ene ss.Tighte n
conn ections orrep lace parts as
necessa ry.
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