NISSAN XTERRA 2006 N50 / 2.G Navigation Manual

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About route guidance............................... 5-7
About the map DVD-ROM ........................ 9-15
Adding a destination or waypoint ................... 5-5
Adding additional destinations to a route ........ 4-52
Address book ........................................ 9-2
Adjusting the current vehicle location ............ 8-23
Adjusting the location of the destination ......... 4-51
Adjusting voice guidance volume ................. 2-38
Automatic reroute .................................... 9-2
Avoid area settings ............................ 6-7, 9-2
Background Color................................. 8-15
Basics of voice guidance ......................... 9-11
TM................................. 3-3, 3-8, 9-3
Brightness ..................................... 8-4, 8-14
Change/edit route ................................. 5-15
Changing the Birdview
angle .................. 3-17
Changing the scale of a map .............. 2-20, 3-12
Changing the scale of the left screen ............ 3-20
Character (letter and number) input screen ..... 2-24
Characteristics of a liquid crystal display ........ 9-20
Clock settings ............................... 8-10, 8-17
Confirming a route ............................ 5-4, 5-26
Confirming by simulation .......................... 5-28
Control panel ......................................... 2-3
Current vehicle location ............................. 9-3
Customer assistance .............................. 10-2
Customizing nearby places ....................... 6-33
Deleting a route............................. 2-34, 5-35
Deleting a stored item ............................. 6-28
Deleting a stored item individually ................ 6-28
Deleting all stored items .......................... 6-31
Deleting an individual item on the map .......... 6-30
Destination screen ................................... 4-2
Detailed route priorities ............................ 5-13
Detour ................................................ 9-2
Directions provided and the distances to
guide points ........................................ 9-11
Disc replacement .................................. 9-18
Display of current vehicle location .................. 9-3
Display settings ............................... 8-3, 8-13
Displaying landmark icons ......................... 3-22
Editing a route..................................... 5-19
Editing the address book ......................... 6-15
Editing the avoid area ............................. 6-27
Editing the stored home and location ............ 6-16
Editing the stored route ........................... 6-25
Editing the stored tracking ........................ 6-26
For safe operation................................... 1-2
Free zoom ................................... 2-20, 3-12
Functions disabled while driving .................. 2-14
Guidance screens and preview mode ............. 5-8
Heading up
......................................... 3-16
How to close the cover of the LCD ................ 2-6
How to handle the display ........................ 9-20
How to handle the DVD-ROM .................... 9-19
How to open the cover of the LCD ................ 2-5
How to order map DVD-ROM updates .......... 9-15
How to store your home .......................... 2-21
How to use this manual ............................. 1-2
How to view map screen .......................... 2-15
Incorrect display of vehicle position ................ 9-6
Information screen (350Z only) ..................... 7-2
Language setting
............................. 8-7, 8-17
Laser product ........................................ 1-4
List screen .......................................... 2-28
Long Range Map View ............................ 3-16
Maintenance of the display ........................ 9-20
Map color settings ................................. 8-22
Map DVD-ROM ............................. 9-15, 10-6
Map DVD-ROM drive location .................... 9-16
Map icons .......................................... 3-22
Map menu screen .................................. 2-11
Map scale .......................................... 3-13
Map screen types .................................. 2-16
Map scrolling information .......................... 3-10
Map symbols ....................................... 3-24

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Map types............................................ 3-2
Menu screen types and how to operate ........... 2-8
Menu screens and their purposes .................. 2-8
Minor adjustment of the stored home and
locations ............................................ 6-17
Moving a map ........................................ 3-7
Moving around within a map ...................... 2-19
North Up............................................ 3-16
Notes on voice guidance .......................... 9-14
Operating maps.................................... 2-15
Operations after setting a destination ............ 4-50
Other settings for the map screen ............... 3-15
Phone number input screen
....................... 2-26
Plan view ....................................... 3-2, 3-7
Points of interest (POI) directory ................... 9-2
Procedures after setting a destination ............. 5-2
Reactivating a route
............................... 5-36
Recalculate route .................................. 5-18
Reference symbols .................................. 1-2
Repeating voice guidance ......................... 9-14
Reset all navigation settings to default ........... 8-25
Returning to the current vehicle location ........... 3-9
Route calculation .................................... 9-9
Route calculation and visual guidance ........... 10-7Road color.
......................................... 3-26
Route guidance ............................... 9-2, 9-11
Route guidance settings .......................... 5-29
Route priority settings ............................. 5-12
Route setting ....................................... 5-10
Safety information .................................... 1-3
Searching for a destination ....................... 2-29
Selecting a route ..................................... 5-3
Set average speeds ............................... 5-33
Setting a City Center .............................. 4-10
Setting a destination ............................... 2-29
Setting a detour route ............................. 5-17
Setting a freeway entrance/exit ................... 4-43
Setting a nearby place ............................ 4-47
Setting a point of interest ......................... 4-34
Setting a previous destination .................... 4-28
Setting a Street Address ............................ 4-5
Setting an Intersection ............................ 4-14
Setting by phone number ......................... 4-46
Setting conditions for the route calculation ...... 5-12
Setting from Address Book ....................... 4-25
Setting from map .................................. 4-20
Setting from stored routes ........................ 4-32
Setting screen ................................ 8-2, 8-12
Setting the previous starting point ............... 4-30
Setting the voice guidance ........................ 2-36
Setting your home ................................. 4-23
Settings of heading/long range map view ....... 3-15
Start-up screen ...................................... 2-7
Starting route guidance ...................... 2-32, 5-3
Storing a location ......................... 6-2, 6-5 6-6
Storing a route ..................................... 6-12 Storing a tracked route
............................ 6-14
Storing the current vehicle location ................ 6-5
Storing your home location/address ............. 2-21
Switching map view ............................... 2-17
Switching the map view ............................. 3-4
System settings screen ............................. 8-6
Turn list............................................... 5-9
Turning voice guidance on/off .................... 2-36
Unit setting.................................... 8-9, 8-17
Using controls to adjust values, levels, etc. ...... 2-10
Using route preview ............................... 5-27
Using turn list ...................................... 5-27
Vehicle icon........................................ 10-4
Viewing GPS current location information ......... 7-4
Viewing information about current vehicle
location ............................................... 7-3
Viewing information about the searched
location ............................................. 4-53
Viewing navigation system version
information ............................................ 7-5
Visual guidance settings .......................... 5-31
Voice guidance ................................ 9-3, 10-9
Voice guidance during route guidance ............. 5-7
Voice guidance settings ........................... 5-32
Volume adjustment ................................. 8-16

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