OPEL VIVARO B 2019 Infotainment system

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Introduction111m - Press: Switch on/off ........30
Turn: Adjust volume ..............30
2 Station buttons 1...6 ..............49
Short press: Select station ....49
Long press: Save station ......49
RPT: Repeat a track .............57
MIX: Random playback .........57
3 RADIO - Change audio
source, waveband .................47
4 MEDIA - Change audio
source ................................... 57
5 Rotary knob ........................... 30
Short press: Confirm an
action .................................... 30
Turn: Access display
menu options ........................ 30
6 / - Return to previous
menu, cancel an action .........30
7 3 - Radio, Short press:
Search for next radio
frequency .............................. 49
Long press: Automatic
station search ........................ 49Audio/MP3/WMA CD,
Short press: Skip track
forwards ................................ 57
Long press: Fast forward ......57
8 M USB port ............................ 62
9 SETUP - Short press:
Settings menu ....................... 30
10 TEL - Telephone menu .......106
11 2 - Radio, Short press:
Search for previous radio
frequency .............................. 49
Long press: Automatic
station search ........................ 49
Audio/MP3/WMA CD,
Short press: Skip track
backwards ............................. 57
Long press: Fast rewind .......57
12 d - CD ejection .....................57
13 AUX input .............................. 60

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12IntroductionCD18 BT USB

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Introduction131m - Press: Switch on/off ........30
Turn: Adjust volume ..............30
2 OK rotary knob ...................... 30
Short press: Confirm an
action .................................... 30
Turn: Access display
menu options ........................ 30
3 / - Return to previous
menu, cancel an action .........30
4 TEXT - Display radio text
information ............................ 52
5 d - CD ejection .....................57
6 M USB port ............................ 62
7 Station buttons 1...6 ..............49
Short press: Select station ....49
Long press: Save station ......49
RPT: Repeat a track .............57
MIX: Random playback .........57
8 3 - Radio, Short press:
Search for next radio
frequency .............................. 49
Long press: Automatic
station search ........................ 49Audio/MP3/WMA CD,
Short press: Skip track
forwards ................................ 57
Long press: Fast forward ......57
9 SETUP - Short press:
Settings menu ....................... 30
10 2 - Radio, Short press:
Search for previous radio
frequency .............................. 49
Long press: Automatic
station search ........................ 49
Audio/MP3/WMA CD,
Short press: Skip track
backwards ............................. 57
Long press: Fast rewind .......57
11 AUX input .............................. 60
12 TEL - Telephone menu .......106
13 MEDIA - Change audio
source ................................... 57
14 RADIO - Change audio
source, waveband .................47

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14IntroductionNAVI 50 IntelliLink (Type A)

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Introduction151m: Switch on/off ....................30
2 ]: Decrease volume .............30
3 <: Increase volume ............... 30
4 M USB port ............................ 62
5 AUX input .............................. 60
6 Clock ..................................... 30
7 yPHONE : Telephone
menu ................................... 106
8 ÿSETTINGS : Audio
settings, e.g. "Tone
settings" ................................ 39
"Volume settings" ..................41
Connectivity settings .............30
Display settings .....................30
System settings ..................... 42
9 æDark : Darken screen
(only clock and audio
system information are
displayed) .............................. 30
10 yNAVI : Navigation menu ......74
11 sMAP : View map .................74
12 èRADIO : Change audio
source to radio ......................4713tMEDIA : Change audio
source - USB, iPod ...............62
BT (Bluetooth) ....................... 65
AUX ....................................... 60

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16IntroductionNAVI 50 IntelliLink (Type B)

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Introduction171m: Switch on/off ....................30
2 ]: Decrease volume .............30
3 <: Increase volume ............... 30
4 M USB port ............................ 62
5 AUX input .............................. 60
6 Clock ..................................... 30
7 Outside temperature
(depending on version) .........30
8 Ý: Phone reception
(when connected) ...............106
Ü : Phone battery life
(when connected) ...............106
9 yPhone : Telephone menu . 106
10 ÿSetting : Audio settings,
e.g. "Tone settings" ...............39
"Volume settings" ..................41
Connectivity settings .............30
Display settings .....................30
System settings ..................... 42
11 ýNav : Navigation menu ........74
12 ÜSet Time : Programmed
engine start (disabled)13 Driving eco2 : Displays a
real-time overall score ........... 30
14 ñRadio : Change audio
source to radio ......................47
15 üMedia : Change audio
source - USB, iPod ...............62
BT (Bluetooth) .......................65
AUX ....................................... 60
16 æ: Darken screen (only
clock and audio system
information are displayed) ....30

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18IntroductionNAVI 80 IntelliLink (Type A)

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Introduction191Audio information, e.g.
Radio ..................................... 47
Auxiliary devices ...................60
M USB devices ...................... 62
Bluetooth music ....................65
2 H: System notifications (if
equipped) .............................. 30
3 y: Telephone status ...........106
Call log ................................ 114
4 Outside temperature .............30
5 Clock ..................................... 30
6 Traffic information (if
applicable) ............................. 95
7 R: Display lists - Scroll up ....30
Map: Change scale ...............95
8 Enter menus, confirm
actions ................................... 30
9 S: Display lists - Scroll
down ..................................... 30
Map: Change scale ...............95
10 ;: Home page ...................... 3011 m - Press: Switch on/off ........30
Turn: Change volume ...........30
12 Navigation: Direction and
distance to next change of direction ................................ 74
13 <: Pop-up menu ...................30
14 Navigation display .................74
Map ....................................... 95
15 f: Favourites, e.g. for
Navigation ⇑ ......................... 74
Media t (e.g. Radio) ............47
Phone g.............................. 106
Services N........................... 77
16 Driving economy (Eco
Driving) .................................. 30
17 Menu : Access Main menu ..... 30

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20IntroductionNAVI 80 IntelliLink (Type B)

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