cooling Peugeot 207 CC 2010 Owner's Manual

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Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations

temperature fi xed red.
The temperature of the
cooling system is too high. Stop as soon as it is safe to do so.
Wait until the engine has cooled down before
topping up the level, if necessary.
If the problem persists, contact a PEUGEOT

Engine oil
pressure fi xed. There is a fault with the
engine lubrication system. Stop as soon it is safe to do so.
Park, switch off the ignition and contact a
PEUGEOT dealer.

charge fi xed. The battery charging circuit
has a fault (dirty or loose
terminals, slack or cut
alternator belt, ...). This lamp should switch off when the engine is
If it does not switch off, contact a PEUGEOT

Door(s) open fi xed if the
speed is
below 6 mph (10 km/h).
A door, the boot or the rear
screen is still open. Close the door or boot.
fi xed and
by an audible signal if the speed is
above 6 mph (10 km/h).

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Coolant temperature indicator
System which informs the driver of the
changes in the temperature of the en-
gine coolant while driving.
With the engine running, when the nee-
dle is:
- in zone A , the temperature is correct,
- in zone B , the temperature is too
high; the max temperature warning
lamp 1 and the central STOP warn-
ing lamp come on, accompanied by
an audible signal and a message on
the multifunction screen.

You MUST stop as soon as it is safe
to do so.
Consult a PEUGEOT dealer. After driving for a few minutes, the tem-
perature and pressure in the cooling
system increase.
To top up the level:

 wait for the engine to cool,

 unscrew the cap by two turns to allow
the pressure to drop,

 when the pressure has dropped, re-
move the cap,

 top up the level to the "MAX" mark
(circular line). On petrol engines, the cooling of the
engine is managed electronically to
reduce fuel consumption. Conse-
quently, the coolant temperature
levels are no longer simply linked
with the external ambient conditions
and the use of the vehicle.
For example, in town, it is normal
for the coolant temperature to be
slightly higher in cold weather than
in hot weather.

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VENTILATION Air treatment
The incoming air follows various routes
depending on the controls selected by
the driver:
- direct arrival in the passenger com-partment (air intake),
- passage through a heating circuit (heating),
- passage through a cooling circuit (air conditioning). The temperature control enables you to
obtain the level of comfort required by
mixing the air of the various circuits.
The air distribution control enables you
to diffuse the air in the passenger com-
partment combining several air vents.
The air fl ow control enables you to increase
or reduce the speed of the ventilation blower.
Air intake
The air circulating in the passenger com-
partment is fi ltered and originates either
from the outside via the grille located at
the base of the windscreen or from the
inside in air recirculation mode.
Control panel
The controls of this system are grouped
together on control panel
A on the cen-
tre console. Depending on the model,
the functions offered are:
- the level of comfort required,
- air fl ow,
- air distribution,
- demisting-defrosting,
- manual or digital air conditioning controls.
Air distribution

Windscreen demisting-defrosting vents.

2. Front side window demisting-defrosting

3. Side adjustable air vents.

4. Central adjustable air vents.

5. Air outlets to the front footwells.

6. Air outlets to the rear footwells.

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 To exit this programme, press the "vis-
ibility" button again or the "AUTO"
button, the indicator lamp on the button
switches off and "AUTO" is displayed.

 Press this button to switch
the air conditioning off. 6. Air distribution adjustment

 Press this button several
times in succession to direct
the air fl ow in turn towards:
7. Air fl ow adjustment
 Press the "small fan" but-
ton to reduce the air fl ow.
8. Air intake/Air recirculation Deactivation of the system

 Press the "small fan" button until
the fan symbol disappears.
This action deactivates all of the func-
tions of the air conditioning system.
The temperature is no longer main-
tained at a comfortable level. However,
a slight fl ow of air, due to the movement
of the vehicle, can still be felt.

 Press the "large fan" button again
or the "AUTO" button to reactivate
the system with the values which
were set before it was deactivated.

 Press this button to recir-
culate the interior air. The
air recirculation symbol is
5. Air conditioning On/Off
Avoid driving for too long with the
air conditioning deactivated.
Avoid prolonged operation in inte-
rior air recirculation mode (risk of
condensation and of deterioration
of the air quality).
- the windscreen, the side windows
and the footwells,
- the windscreen and side windows (demisting or defrosting),
- the central and side vents,
- the central vents, the side vents and the footwells,
- the footwells.

 Press the "large fan"
button to increase the air
fl ow.
The air fl ow symbol, the fan, is fi lled in
progressively in relation to the value re-
quired. Air recirculation prevents exterior odours
and smoke from entering the passenger

 As soon as possible, press this button
again to permit the intake of exterior
air and prevent misting.
For maximum cooling or heating of
the passenger compartment, you
can exceed the minimum value of
14 or the maximum value of 28.

 Turn dial 2 or 3 to the left until

"LO" is displayed or to the right
until "HI" is displayed.
Resuming manual control
Depending on your requirements, you
can make a different selection from that
offered by the system by changing a
setting. The other functions will still be
controlled automatically.

 Press the "AUTO" button to return
to fully automatic operation.
Switching the system off may result in
discomfort (humidity, condensation).

 Press the button again to return to
automatic operation of the air con-
ditioning. The symbol " A/C " is dis-

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Check all of these levels regularly and
top them up if necessary, unless other-
wise indicated.
If a level drops signifi cantly, have the
corresponding system checked by a
PEUGEOT dealer.
Take care when working under the bon-
net, as some parts of the engine can be
extremely hot (risk of burns). Brake fluid level
To avoid any risk of scalding, unscrew
the cap by two turns to allow the pres-
sure to drop. When the pressure has
dropped, remove the cap and top up
the level.
Oil level The reading will only be correct
if the vehicle is on level ground
and the engine has been off for
more than 15 minutes.
The check is carried out either when
the ignition is switched on using the oil
level indicator on the instrument panel,
or using the dipstick. The brake fl uid level should be
close to the "MAX" mark. If it is
not, check the brake pad wear.
Changing the brake fl uid
Refer to the Warranty and Maintenance
Record for details of the interval for this
Coolant level The coolant level should be
close to the "MAX" mark but
should never exceed it.
When the engine is warm, the
temperature of the coolant is regulated
by the fan. This can operate with the ig-
nition off.

On vehicles which are fi tted with a
particle emission fi lter, the fan may
operate after the vehicle has been
switched off, even if the engine is
In addition, as the cooling system is
pressurised, wait at least one hour after
switching off the engine before carrying
out any work. Screenwash and headlamp
wash * fluid
The minimum level of this
fl uid is indicated by an audible
signal and a message on the
multifunction screen.
Top up the level when you stop the
* According to country.
Changing the engine oil
Refer to the Warranty and Maintenance
Record for details of the interval for this
In order to maintain the reliability of the
engine and emission control system,
the use of additives in the engine oil is
Oil specifi cation
The oil must correspond to your engine
and conform to the manufacturer's
recommendations. Fluid specifi cation
The brake fl uid must conform to the
manufacturer's recommendations and
fulfi l the DOT4 standards.
Changing the coolant
The coolant does not have to be
Fluid specifi cation
The coolant must conform to the manu-
facturer's recommendations.
Fluid specifi cation
To guarantee optimum cleaning and
avoid freezing, plain water should not
be used to top up or replace this fl uid.

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Your vehicle is primarily designed for
transporting people and luggage, but it
may also be used for towing a trailer. Driving with a trailer subjects the towing
vehicle to more signifi cant stress and its
driver must be particularly careful.
The maximum towing load on a long
slope depends on the gradient and the
ambient temperature.
Distribution of loads

 Distribute the load in the trailer so
that the heaviest items are as close
as possible to the axle and the nose
weight approaches the maximum
permitted without exceeding it.
Air density decreases with altitude, thus
reducing engine performance. Above
1 000 metres, the maximum towing load
must be reduced by 10 % and so on for
every 1 000 metres of altitude.
Refer to the "Technical Data" section for
details of the weights and towing loads
which apply to your vehicle.
Side wind

 Take into account the increased
sensitivity to side wind.
 If the warning lamp and the

STOP warning lamp come
on, stop the vehicle and
switch off the engine as
soon as possible.
Towing a trailer increases the braking

 Check the tyre pressures of the towing
vehicle and of the trailer, observing the
recommended pressures.
The rear parking sensors will be
deactivated automatically if a gen-
uine PEUGEOT towbar is used.
In all cases, pay attention to the coolant
Towbar suitable for the attachment of a
trailer or caravan with additional lighting
and signalling.
We recommend the use of genuine
PEUGEOT towbars and their har-
nesses that have been tested and
approved from the design stage
of your vehicle, and that the fi t-
ting of the towbar is entrusted to a
PEUGEOT dealer.
If the trailer is not fi tted by a
PEUGEOT dealer, it is imperative
that it is fi tted using the electrical
pre-equipment installed at the rear
of the vehicle, in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions. Driving advice
Towing a trailer on a slope increases
the temperature of the coolant.
As the fan is electrically controlled, its
cooling capacity is not dependent on
the engine speed.

 To lower the engine speed, reduce
your speed. Lighting

 Check the electrical lighting and sig-
nalling on the trailer.