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Communications system
4Communications systemIntroductionThis system allows you to connect your mobile phone to the
vehicle and to use the hands-free mode.The hands-free device means that the telephone can be used inside the
vehicle; the driver will not have to remove their hands from the steering wheel
nor will be distracted from traffic.
Available functions include making calls in hands-free mode, access to the
mobile phone address book and control of the voice recognition system.
The mobile phone communication system is activated when the ignition is
switched on. It switches off when the key is removed from the ignition.
Before using the communication system, the mobile phone should be
connected to the vehicle installation via Bluetooth ⇒ page 6.
•Please concentrate on driving. As the driver, you have the responsibility
for your safety and that of others. For this reason, you should only use the
functions when the traffic situation allows so and in a manner that allows
you to maintain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, you run the risk of
causing an accident.•The speech system must not be used in cases of emergency, since the
voice changes in stressful situations. This could result in a failed or delayed
telephone connection. Always dial emergency numbers manually!•Always observe applicable legislation.•Adjust the volume so that external warning sounds (e.g. emergency
vehicles) are always audible.
•The voice control system is only available in the following languages:
Spanish, German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Russian and
Dutch. For other languages, the predefined language for the voice control
instructions is English. Please take the vehicle to a Technical Service if you
wish to change the language.•There are certain versions of mobile phone software that contain errors.
These errors may give rise to faulty operation of the vehicle hands-free
system. In this case, update the software for your mobile phone or consult
your mobile phone technical service.•Some mobile devices do not respond correctly to the orders of the keypad
in hands-free mode. Always use the vehicle controls to interact with the
mobile phone.•With some models of phone, some functions may not be available with
the SEAT mobile phone system. If you have any queries, please refer to the
information regarding the compatibility of your mobile phone with the SEAT
telephone system.
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 4 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18

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Communications system5
Mobile phone system with voice control
function: Altea / Altea XL / Altea Freetrack /
LeonControl elements
The mobile phone system can be controlled using the
steering wheel controls, via the Te l e p h o n e menu on the
instrument panel or via the voice control system.
Push To Talk (PTT) button
The voice control system can be activated by the “Push To Talk” button or
“PTT” located on the multifunction steering wheel ⇒fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Controls on the
steering wheel
FunctionShort press: start or cancel voice control.Short press: Confirm tele phone menu selection.
Short press: select number/letter. Select an element from the
telephone menu.
Short press: Change menu.
Short press: Adjust volume of telephone function. Short press: Answer, Start, End a call.
Long press: Reject a call. During a call, switch between normal
mode and “private” mode
Fig. 2 Steering wheel
controls, depending on
model version
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 5 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18

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Communications system
8The telephone menu allows the use of additional functions during a call.
Some functions (e.g. Conference) are only available if the network and/or
mobile phone allow them.
When you are making a call, the following actions are possible:
Te l e p h o n e M e n u⇒ page 9, “Telephone Menu: Altea / Altea XL / Altea Freetrack / Leon”.Voice control⇒page 16, “Voice control: All models”.
Te l e p h o n e m e n u
The multifunction steering
Selecting a
Use the telephone menu
address book to select the
person you wish to contact.
Use the telephone menu
address book to select the
person you wish to contact.
Starting a call
Select the “Call” function
from the menu
Press button or .
Answering a
Select the “Answer” func-
tion from the menu
Press button
Rejecting a call
Select the “Reject” function
from the menu
Press button for at least
2 seconds.
Ending a call
Select the “End call” func-
tion from the menu
Press button
End call
End a telephone call.
Place the active call on hold in order to make a sec-
ond call.
Conference calling
Launch a conference call between the active call
and the on-hold call.
Private call
Switch the active call to the mobile phone so that
passengers cannot hear the conversation. The call
can be switched back to normal mode by using the
hands-free option displayed on the menu. It is also
possible to switch from one mode to the other by
pressing button .
Microphone Off
Switch off the vehicle microphone. It can be reacti-
vated via the menu option “Connect microphone”.
Send tones corresponding to the telephone keys
(Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) to control answer
phone type automatic services, etc.
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 8 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18

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Communications system11
Call List menuIn the Call list menu, it is possible to view the list of all recently dialled
numbers, of the missed calls and of the calls received. The length and
sequence of the lists will depend on the mobile phone.•Select a list.•Select an entry from the list.
•Press button ⇒page 5, fig. 1 on the multifunction steering wheel to
establish the call.Voice Mailbox menuConsult voicemail messages
Use the Voice mailbox menu to listen to the messages which have been left
in the voice mailbox.•The first time this menu option is used, the mobile phone device will
search the address book for the voicemail number. It searches for key words,
such as "voice mailbox", "mailbox", or even "Automatic answer phone".•If a suitable entry is not found, enter the voice mailbox number
Recording a name
for the voice control
Valid if the mobile phone configuration has voice con-
- When storing a name, make sure that there are no
external sounds which may interfere with the record-
ing. Up to a maximum of 15 names can be stored.
- From the Address Book menu, select an entry.
- Select Name of call .
- Select Record and wait for the audible signal. Next,
say the name you wish to allocate to the entry for use
with the voice control function. When asked to do so,
repeat the name. The recording stops automatically
and the system replays the entry.
Play or restore the
call name for voice
Valid if the mobile phone configuration has voice con-
- From the Address Book menu, select an entry.
- Select Name of call .
- Select and confirm Play, or Restore .
Updating the
mobile phone
address book
To update the copy, you can copy the address book
from the mobile phone manually, or from the SIM card
to the memory of the mobile phone device
⇒ page 12.
a)Depending on the mobile phone.
The numbers of the most recent unanswered calls are dis-
The numbers of the most recent answered calls are displayed.
Recent calls
The numbers of the most recent calls are displayed.In the main telephone menu, when button ⇒page 5,
fig. 1 on the multifunction steering wheel is pressed, you are
taken directly to the recent call list. AE
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 11 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18

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Communications system
12Bluetooth menu
If you intend to sell the vehicle, to protect the data, delete the "user profile"
in the User menu, or take the vehicle to a SEAT dealer.
Settings menu
Connect or disconnect already defined users, rename or
delete user profiles. When changing the user, the system may
need to perform connection consultations in the mobile
phone and the PIN code must be entered in the instrument
panel display.
New user
Select New user so that the device starts to search for Blue-
tooth compatible mobile phones. If you try to connect an
"unknown" mobile phone, the system will check whether you
have already created four user profiles. As it is only possible
to store up to a maximum of four user profiles, it may be nec-
essary to delete a profile.
The "visibility" of the device for mobile phones must be con-
nected in order to connect to a mobile phone. When the
device is "visible", a symbol is displayed on the main screen
of the telephone ⇒page 10, and is automatically switched
off after three minutes. It is only possible to connect a mobile
phone if there are no other mobile phones connected to the
Name of
You can allocate a name to th e mobile phone device. When
the device is on, this name is displayed on other Bluetooth
devices during the search for devices. The name stored by
default is SEAT_BT.
Phone book
After successfully establishing a connection, the tele-
phone entries of the SIM card and the mobile phone
address book
a) are automatically loaded into the memory
of the device for mobile phones.
a)Depending on the mobile phone.
Transfer any modifications to the mobile
phone address book to the vehicle address
book after the connection has been
Classification of entries by surname or first
name .
Call tone
A selection of different call tones are available. Select a
tone to listen to it. Confirm the selection on the multifunc-
tion steering wheel using button ⇒page 5, fig. 2 to
accept the selected call tone.
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 12 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18

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Communications system
16Voice control: All modelsDialogue
The voice control system can be activated via the “Push to
Talk” or “PTT” key on the phone adapter or the button on the
multifunction steering wheel.In this manual, Dialogue is defined as the time in which the speech control
system may receive vocal commands and provide assistance for completion
of different functions in case the user is hesitant and unsure how to proceed.
The system also responds by vocal messages.
If a call is received, then the dialogue is immediately interrupted.
The voice control system includes the options, short dialogue and long
dialogue . The default setting is the long dialogue. The short dialogue is
recommended when you are familiar with the orders and the structure of the
voice control menu. The long dialogue offers more tips and information about
the voice control procedure.
Note the following to ensure that you are properly understood:•Speak in a normal tone and without pauses or exaggerated pronuncia-
tion.•Avoid poor articulation of words.•Keep the doors, windows and sun roof closed if possible to avoid back-
ground noises that might affect the system.•Keep the air vents directed away from the microphone (located on the
interior light).•At high speeds, you might need to speak louder to drown out background
noises.•Avoid other noises in the vehicle duri ng a dialogue (e.g. other passengers
speaking in the vehicle).
•Avoid speaking when the system is saying a cue.•The hands-free microphone is directed towards the driver, therefore, only
the driver should try to operate the system.•To make a call when there is heavy background noise we recommend
using the speech controlled telephone book instead of speaking individual
digits. This will help avoid mistakes when specifying telephone numbers.
sistema_comunicacion_EN.book Seite 16 Donnerstag, 15. April 2010 6:52 18