octane TOYOTA RAV4 2007 XA30 / 3.G Owners Manual

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’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
Select octane rating 87 (Research
Octane Number 91) or higher.
Use of unleaded gasoline with an octane
rating lower than 87 may result in engine
knocking. Persistent knocking can lead to
engine damage.
If your engine knocks...
If you detect heavy knocking even when
using the recommended fuel, or if you
hear steady knocking while holding a
steady speed on level roads, consult your
Toyota dealer.
However, occasionally, you may notice
light knocking for a short time while accel-
erating or driving up hills. This is normal
and there is no need for concern.
Toyota recommends the use of gasoline
that contains detergent additives to
avoid buildup of engine deposits.
However, all gasoline sold in the U.S.
contains detergent additives to keep clean
and/or clean intake systems.QUALITY GASOLINE
Automotive manufacturers in the U.S.,
Europe and Japan have developed a
specification for quality fuel named
WorldWide Fuel Charter (WWFC) that
is expected to be applied world wide.
The WWFC consists of four categories
that depend on required emission lev-
els. In the U.S., category 4 has been
adopted. The WWFC improves air quali-
ty by providing for better emissions in
vehicle fleets, and customer satisfaction
through better vehicle performance.
Cleaner burning gasoline, including re-
formulated gasoline that contains oxy-
genates such as ethanol or MTBE is
available in many areas.
Toyota recommends the use of cleaner
burning gasoline and appropriately blended
reformulated gasoline. These types of gas-
oline provide excellent vehicle perfor-
mance, reduce vehicle emissions, and im-
prove air quality.
Toyota allows the use of oxygenate
blended gasoline where the oxygenate
content is up to 10% ethanol or 15%
MTBE. If you use gasohol in your
Toyota, be sure that it has an octane
rating no lower than 87.
Toyota does not recommend the use of
gasoline containing methanol.
Some gasoline contain an octane en-
hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy-
clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl).
Toyota does not recommend the use of
gasoline that contains MMT. If fuel con-
taining MMT is used, your emission con-
trol system may be adversely affected.
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp on the in-
strument cluster may come on. If this hap-
pens, contact your Toyota dealer for ser-

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’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
In a very few cases, you may experience
driveability problems caused by the partic-
ular gasoline that you are using. If you
continue to have unacceptable driveability,
try changing gasoline brands. If this does
not rectify your problem, then consult your
Toyota dealer.
Do not use gasohol other than
stated above. It will cause fuel sys-
tem damage or vehicle performance
 If driveab ility problems occur (poor
hot starting, vaporizing, engine
knock, etc.), discontinue the use.
 Take care not to spill gasohol dur-
ing refueling. Gasohol may cause
paint damage.
60 L (15.9 gal., 13.2 Imp. gal.) The fuel pump shut off system stops sup-
plying fuel to the engine to minimize the
risk of fuel leakage when the engine stalls
or an airbag inflates upon collision. To
restart the engine after the fuel pump shut
off system activates, turn the ignition
switch to “ACC” or “LOCK” once and start
Inspect the ground under the vehicle
before restarting the engine. If you
find that fuel has leaked onto the
ground, the fuel system has been
damaged and is in need of repair. In
this case, do not restart the engine.
If you plan to drive your Toyota in
another country...
comply with the vehicle registration
Second, confirm the availability of the cor-
rect fuel (unleaded and minimum octane
Fuel pump shut off system Operation in foreign countries

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’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
Model:2AZ− FE and 2GR −FE
Type: 2AZ− FE engine
4 cylinder in line, 4 cycle, gasoline
2GR −FE engine
6 cylinder V type, 4 cycle, gasoline
Bore and stroke, mm (in.): 2AZ− FE engine
88.5 96.0 (3.48 3.78)
2GR −FE engine
94.0 83.0 (3.70 3.27)
Displacement, cm
3 (cu. in.):
2AZ− FE engine 2362 (144.1)
2GR −FE engine 3456 (210.9)Fuel type:
Unleaded gasoline, Octane Rating 87
(Research Octane Number 91) or higher
Fuel tank capacity, L (gal., Imp. gal.): 60 (15.9, 13.2) ENGINE
Valve clearance (engine cold), mm (in.):
2.4 L 4 −cylinder (2AZ −FE) engine only
Intake 0.19—0.29 (0.007—0.011)
Exhaust 0.38—0.48 (0.015—0.019)
Spark plug type: 2.4 L 4 −cylinder (2AZ −FE) engine
3.5 L V6 (2GR −FE) engine
Spark plug gap, mm (in.): 1.1 (0.043)
3.5 L V6 (2GRFE) engine—Use only
above spark plugs. Do not adjust
gaps for engine performance or
smooth driveab ility.
Engine FuelService specifications

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’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
Publication No. OM42662U
Part No. 01999-42662
Printed in Japan 01-0701-00
Quick index
If a service reminder indicator or warning buzzer comes on 127 . . . . . . . .
 If your vehicle will not start 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. .
 If your engine stalls while driving 353 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 If your vehicle overheats 354 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. . . . .
 If you have a flat tire 355 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. . . . . . . .
 If your vehicle needs to be towed 367 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Tips for driving during break −in period 307 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 How to start the engine 336 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. . . . . .
 General maintenance 385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. . . . . . . . .
 Complete index NO TAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
. . . . . . . . . .
Gas station information
Fuel type:
UNLEADED gasoline, Octane Rating 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or
See page 307 for detailed information.
Fuel tank capacity:
60 L (15.9 gal., 13.2 Imp. gal.)
Engine oil:
ILSAC multigrade engine oil is recommended.
See page 399 for detailed information.
Tire information: See pages 402 through 410.
Tire inflation pressure: See page 427.