VOLVO V90 CROSS COUNTRY 2019 Sensus Navigation Manual

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Sensus Navigation is a satellite-based traffic information and navigation system. Volvo works continuously to improve our product. Modifications can mean that information, descriptions and illustrations in this supplementdiffer from the equipment in your vehicle. We reserve the right to makechanges without prior notice.

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Activating and deactivating the navi- gation system* 4
Navigation system * symbols and buttons
Information cards in the navigationsystem * 6
Navigation system * in center display
Navigation system * in the instrument
panel 8
Activating and deactivating the navi-gation system * in the instrument panel 8
Navigation system * in head-up display *
Voice control for navigation system *
Entering a destination directly on the map 10
Entering a destination using an address 10
Entering a destination with a freetext search 11
Entering a POI as a destination 12
Entering a destination using Recent/Favorites/Library 13
Entering a destination with Send to Car 14
Itinerary 15
Viewing an itinerary 16
Editing or clearing an itinerary 16
Viewing alternative routes 17
Viewing points of interest along the route 17
Show guidance in the itinerary 18

Traffic disruptions on map18
Show traffic disruptions along the route 19
Selecting a detour in the navigation system * 19
Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI) 20
Activating and deactivating enhanced traffic information 21
Navigation system * settings
Map settings 21
Route settings and guidance 22
Traffic information settings 23
Map updating 24
Updating maps with a computer andUSB flash drive 25
Updating maps from a vehicle withInternet connection 27
Frequently Asked Questions regar- ding the navigation system *28
Navigation license agreements *
Navigation system * copyright
Index 37

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* Option/accessory.
Activating and deactivating the
navigation system *
The navigation system is automatically activated when the driver's door is opened and is deacti-vated when the driver locks and arms the vehi-cle.
Activating navigation
Navigation system tile
Home button View the map on the center display by tapping the top tile (1) in Home view. If the center display does not show the navigation system tile, press the Home button (2) twicequickly and then tap the navigation system tile(1). A map will appear of the surrounding area and the vehicle's current location (blue triangle).
Tap this symbol to display themap across the entire centerdisplay.
Observe the following:
 Direct all your attention to the road and make sure that your concentration isfocused on driving.
 Follow applicable traffic laws and usegood judgment while driving.
 Road conditions can be affected byweather or season, which may make cer-tain recommendations less reliable.
Deactivating navigationWhile the ignition is switched on, the navigationsystem is always active in the background. It switches off automatically when the ignition isswitched off and the vehicle is locked.
The navigation system is available even when the engine is turned off. If the battery chargelevel becomes too low, the system will switchoff.
Related information

Navigation system
* in center display (p. 6)
 Navigation system
* in the instrument panel
(p. 8)
 Navigation system
* in head-up display *
(p. 9)
 Voice control for navigation system
* (p. 9)
 Navigation system
* symbols and buttons
(p. 5)

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* Option/accessory.5
Navigation system * symbols andbuttons
The map in the center display displays symbols and colors that inform the driver of differentroads and the area around the vehicle and alongthe route. A tool bar with different buttons for dif-ferent settings is shown on the left.
Symbols and buttons on the map
Estimated time of arrival/remaining time to arrival
Distance to destination
Compass/switches between north and vehi- cle's direction of travel up
Switch map view from 2D to 3D
Reset map to follow the vehicle
Point of Interest (POI 1
Traffic information
Minimize (expanded view) or maximize the map (full screen)
The vehicle on the planned route
Minimize toolbar
Repeat most recent voice guidance
Minimize toolbar
Calculate a new route
Voice guidance temporarily On/Off
Display list of guidance points in the itinerary
Set a final destination/waypoint
Cancel guidance
Shows list of the itinerary's points of interest (POI 1
) and traffic information
Next maneuver
Itinerary and alternative route
Related information
 Information cards in the navigation system
(p. 6)
 Traffic disruptions on map (p. 18)
 Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI) (p. 20)
 Show traffic disruptions along the route (p. 19)
Point of Interest

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* Option/accessory.
Information cards in the navigation
system *
All icons on the map, such as destinations, way- points and favorites, have an information cardthat can be opened by tapping the icon.
Press the information card once to display a small card, and press twice to display a largercard with more information. The information andpossible options vary depending on the type oficon. For example, when a POI( 2
) is highlighted, the
driver can select e.g.:

Start navigation - save the location as a

Add as waypoint - the position is saved as
an intermediate destination (only displayed at the specified destination)

Save - the position is saved in the library

Remove from itinerary - the position is
removed if it is included in the itinerary

Nearby POI - points of interest close to the
car's position are shown
Related information
 Itinerary (p. 15)
 Entering a POI as a destination (p. 12)
 Viewing points of interest along the route (p. 17)
Navigation system
* in center display
The navigation system can be presented and controlled in several different ways, e.g. via thecenter display.
All settings for the navigation system can be changed in the center display. The driver canselect how the map should be displayed or entera destination here. If the map image is not shown in the center dis-play, tap the top tile (for the navigation system).
Where am I?What is the vehicle's current geographic loca-tion?
 Tap the vehicle symbol (blue triangle) on themap to display information directly on themap.
Find the vehicle symbol on the mapAfter zooming out/in or moving themap, it may be difficult to find the vehi-cle's location on the map again. Tapthe crosshairs to reset the map to fol-
low the vehicle symbol.
North or direction of travel facing up on the map
There are two ways to show the vehi- cle's movement in relation to the map.Tap the symbols to toggle between thevehicle's direction of travel or northshown facing up on the map. When the map is shown with north fac- ing up, the vehicle symbol moves in the
actual compass direction on the map. If the vehi-cle is moving west, it will be shown moving left onthe map (east is right, south is down, etc.).
2 Point of Interest

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* Option/accessory.7
When the vehicle symbol is pointing up, the map rotates under the vehicle symbol following theturns made by the vehicle. The compass symbolindicates which direction is north (N) on the mapand the direction in which the front of the vehicleis pointing is shown in the center of the compass:
Compass symbolsCompass direction
N North
NE Northeast E East
SE Southeast
S South
SW Southwest
W West
NW Northwest
2D or 3D viewTap the symbols to toggle between 2D and 3D display.
With 3D display, the vehicle's direction of travel is always up. The map rotates under the vehiclesymbols following the turns made by the vehicle.The compass indicates which direction is north(N) on the map and the direction in which thefront of the vehicle is pointing is shown in thecenter of the compass: The map scale is notshown in 3D mode. With 2D display, the map is shown with north fac- ing up, and the vehicle symbols moves in theactual compass direction on the map.
Zoom inTo make the map larger, tap the center displaytwice in quick succession with one finger or placetwo fingers on the center display and move themapart ("stretch").
Zoom outTo make the map smaller, tap the center displayonce with two fingers or place two fingers on thecenter display and move them together ("pinch").
ScrollPlace one finger on the map, swipe in the desireddirection and release. The scroll function is onlypossible with the map in maximized view, notminimized.
Change the headers displayedMaximize the map and tap the map heading atthe top of the center display. The following head-ers can be displayed on the map: 1.
Destination Destination, arrival time (
ETA) or
remaining travel time (RTA) and distance to
destination (Distance). For more information on selecting
ETA or RTA, see "Route set-
tings and guidance".
2. Current position as address (Address) or as coordinates (Coordinates). When coordinates are shown, altitude is also shown (Altitude).To choose between address and coordinates,see section "Map settings".
Related information
Navigation system
* settings (p. 21)
 Navigation system
* in the instrument panel
(p. 8)
 Navigation system
* in head-up display *
(p. 9)
 Route settings and guidance (p. 22)
 Map settings (p. 21)

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* Option/accessory.
Navigation system * in theinstrument panel
The navigation system can be presented and controlled in several different ways, e.g. via theinstrument panel.
The map is only shown on the 12" instrument panel.
While driving, the driver receives voice guidance and instructions on the instrument panel. Mapguidance in the instrument panel can also beactivated without entering a destination.
The right-side steering wheel keypad and instrument panel
Some of the navigation system's functions, such as Take me home and Cancel guidance, can
be controlled using the right-side steering wheel keypad. If a message is displayed in the instru-ment panel, it must be accepted or dismissedbefore the menu can be displayed.
Open/close the menu. The menu will close automatically after a period of inactivity orafter certain selections.
Scroll among the menus.
Scroll among selections in a menu.
Confirm or mark a selection.
Related information
 Activating and deactivating the navigation system
* in the instrument panel (p. 8)
 Navigation system
* in center display (p. 6)
 Navigation system
* in head-up display *
(p. 9)
Activating and deactivating the
navigation system * in theinstrument panel
The navigation system will be automatically dis- played in the instrument panel when a destina-tion is set. The navigation system can also bedisplayed without entering a destination.
1. Pull down the center display's Top view. 2. Tap
3. Tap
My CarDisplaysDriver Display
4. Tap the
Show Map radio button to display
the navigation system in the instrument panel without entering a destination.
Related information
 Navigation system
* in the instrument panel
(p. 8)

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