check engine light AUDI A3 2011 Owner´s Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: AUDI, Model Year: 2011, Model line: A3, Model: AUDI A3 2011Pages: 320, PDF Size: 75.79 MB
Page 10 of 320

Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Instrument cluster and controls
The instrument cluster is your central source of informa
Fi g. 2 O ver view of the in strum ent cluster
© Tachometer with t ime and date d is play ........... .
@ Indic ator light s (turn s igna ls) ....... ... . .. .. ... . .
® Coolant temperature gauge . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .
© Fue l gauge . ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .... ... . .. .. .
© Speedomete r with odometer ...... .... .. .. .. . ... .
© Set/Check bu tton ....................... ...... .
(j) Warning/ind icator lights . .... .. .. .. . ... ... .. ... .
@ Reset button fo r
9, 3 1
- Trip odometer
- Service in terval disp lay
(D Note 10
he instrument cluster and center conso le illum ination (gauges and
need les) comes o n when you sw itch on the ign ition and the
headlights are off .
Be aware of the following d ifference between
mode ls built to US o r Canadian specifications :
• USA models : illumination of the instrument cluster (gauges and
needles), da sh and c enter console around the g earshift lever is
controlled by a light sensor located in the instrument panel. The
instrum ent panel illumination will automat ically become dimmer
as the d aylight fades awa y and eventually will go out completely
when out side light i s very low . Th is is to remind you, the driver , to
switch on the headlights before it gets too dark .
• Canada models: instrument panel illumin ation will stay bright
r egardless of the intensity of ambient light. Always be awa re of
change s in out side light condition s while you are driving. Re spond
i n time to f ading daylight by turning the light sw itch to position
j D
(or "AUTO " if your car is eq uipped w ith this fea ture) to turn on your
headlights. •
Tachometer (engine rev counter)
The tachometer indica tes the engine RP M (revolutions
per minutes) .
The tachomete r© ::::, fig . 2 is the left one of the two large clo ck-type
displays .
The engine turns at a speed 1 000
times the single digit in the
display, e .g . if the need le points at the "2", the engine tu rns at
2 000 RPM .
Page 12 of 320

Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Engine cold
As long as the need le remains at the lef t en d of the gauge, the engine
s till has not reac hed its operati ng te mperature . Avoid hig h eng ine
speeds, heavy engine loads a nd heavy throttle.
Normal temperature
W hen the eng ine has reached its operating temperature, the need le
w ill move into the middle of the gauge and rema in there . If the
engine is working ha rd at high outsi de temperatures, the needle may
tur n further to the rig ht. Thi s is no cause fo r concern as long as the _F_
wa rning light in the i nstr ument cluster does not ill uminate.
Wh en the _;_ w ar ning light sta rts to fla sh, thi s can mea n one of two
things : either the coolant
temperature is too h igh, or t he coolant
level is too low => page 32.
• Always observe the warning in=> page 218, "Engine com part·
ment " before opening the engine hood and checking the engine
c oolant level.
• Never open the engine hood if you see or hear steam, or if you
see engine coolant dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself. Let the engine cool off first so that you cannot
hear or see any steam or engine coolant.
0 Note
• Moun ting addition al lights or accessorie s in fron t of the a ir inlets
red uces the cooling effect of the radiator. At high o utside tempera
tu res o r high eng ine lo ad, t he e ngine cou ld over heat .
• The front spoi ler has been designed to prope rly d istribute the
c oo ling a ir w hen the vehicle is moving. If the spoiler is d amaged, this
co uld reduce the coo ling effect and the eng ine could t hen overheat.
Ask your au thor ized A udi d ealer for assist ance .•
Fuel gauge
T he f uel gauge wo rks only whe n the ignition is on.
W hen the nee dle rea ches the red area, t he war ning ligh t in t he ins tru
ment cl uster will illum inate=>
page 34 . This mea ns you have
app roximate ly 1.8 gallons (7 liters) of f uel left in t he tank.
Time to
The tota l tan k capacity of your vehicle is listed in => page 296 , "Data".
0 Note
Never run the ta nk completely d ry ! An irregular s upply of f uel can
c a us e eng ine mi sfir ing and f uel could ente r into t he e xhaus t system.
T he catalyt ic converter could the n overheat a nd be damaged. •
Speedometer with odometer
The spee do meter sh o ws you the ve h icle s pee d, an d th e
o do met er sho ws yo u ho w many mile s (k il om eters) you
have d riv en .
Fig. 4 Spee dometer
close-up : odometer
di splay
The o dometer and tri p odometer are located inside the speedomete r.
• USA mo dels - Mile s
• Canad ian models -Kilometers
Page 14 of 320

Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Glow plug system (diesel engine only) ~page 13
(alternative to )
Electronic stab ilizat ion program (ESP) ~ page 14
USA models : ~page 14
Malfunction Indicator lamp (MIL)
Canada models: ~page 14
Malfun ction Indictor Lamp (MI L)
-o H igh beam ~page 14
¢ Left turn signal ~page 14
Right turn signal ~page 14
Ele ct ronic St abili zation Program ( ESP) ~page 14
USA models :
Cruise control activated ~page 14
Canada models:
Cruise contro l a ct ivate d
~page 14
,::::..fJ Airbag system ~page 15
0 Genera tor ~page 15
Safety belt ~page 15
USA models:
Bra ke system, parking brake set ~page 15
CCD> Canada models:
Brake system, parking bra ke set
~ page 16 USA models:
Anti-loc k bra ke system (ABS)
Canada models : ~page 16
Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
/ @ Electr o-m ech anical power assist ~ page 17
• Failure to heed warning light s and other important vehicle
information may result
in serious personal injury or vehicle
• Whenever stalled or stopped for repair, move the vehicle a safe
d istance off the road, stop the engine, and turn on the emergency
fla sher ~
page 59.
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle i s a potentially
hazardous area. Before you check anything in the engine compart
ment , stop the engine and let it cool down. Always exercise
extreme caution when working under the engine hood
~ page 218, " Engine compartment"
[ i ] Tips
• When a yellow war ning symbol appears, one warn ing tone
so unds. C hec k the fun ction d isp laye d a s soo n as poss ible.
• When a red symbol appears,
three warning tones sound in succes
sion . The symbol continu es to flash until the fa ult has been
corrected. •
App lies to vehicles : w ith Au di magnetic r ide
Audi magnetic ride
The indicator ligh t monitors vehicle damping.
Th e indica tor lig ht illum ina tes w hen the ig nit io n is switched on as a
function check. _,,,
Page 15 of 320

[I) Tips
If the ind icator lamp i lluminates wh ile you a re dr iv ing , there is a
ma lfunction in the vehicle damping. Th e chassis shou ld b e insp ected
immediately by an author ized Audi dealer. •
Applies to veh icles : with t ir e p re ssure m onito rin g s yste m
Tire pressure monitoring system - telltale
indicator Lamp ...
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
significant loss of air pressure .
The ..Jwarning/indicator light illuminates for a few seconds after the
ignition is turned on as function check and then goes out .
If the symbol appears, pressure is too low in at least one tire.
When the system detects a ma lfunction, the warning/ind icator light
will flash for approximately one minute and then remain continu ously i lluminated. This sequence will continue upon subsequent
vehicle starts up as long as the malfunction exists . Contact your
authorized Audi dea ler and have the ma lfunction corrected .
For more informat ion=>
page 264. •
Electronic power control Dr.
This warning/indicator light monitors the electronic
power control.
The warn ing/ indicator light ( Electronic Power Control) illumi-
nates when you switch on the ignition as a function check.
[ i J Tip s
If this warning/indicator light illuminates while you are driving, then
there is a ma lfunct ion in the engine e lectronics . Have the ma lfunct ion
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
strum ents and warning /indicator lights
corrected as soon as possible by your authorized Audi dealer or qual
ified wo rkshop. •
Applies to ve hicles : w it h d ie se l e ng in e
Glow plug system/ Engine malfunction C
The indicator lamp lights up to show that the glow plugs
are preheating. It flashes if there is an engine malfunc tion .
Warn ing light stays lit up
If the -indicator light illuminates, the glow plug system is act ive.
You should start the engine immediately afte r the indicator light
switches off. The ind icator light only illumina tes for approximately 1
second if the engine is warm o r if the outside tempe rature is above 46
QF (8 QC).
There is a fault in the glow plug system if the warning light does
not light up when the engine is
cold . Contact an authori zed Audi
dealer or a qualified workshop .
Warning light fl ashe s
If a malfunct ion develops in the engine management system while
you are driving, the glow plug light will flash
ilf . The engine should
be checked by an autho rized Aud i dealer or a qualified workshop as
soon as possible.
If yo u do not pa y attenti on t o the w arning light s tha t h ave com e
on, thi s co uld lead t o pe rso nal injury o r dama ge to y our veh icle .•
Vehicle care Technical data
Page 16 of 320

Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP}
r /
The warning/indicator light monitors the electronic
stabili zation program.
The warning/ind icator light ,., has the following functions:
• it flashes wh ile you are drivi ng, when the ESP or the ASR (Ant i-Slip
Regulation) is working .
• it ill um ina tes when yo u sw itc h on the ignition for app rox imately 2
seconds as a funct ion check .
• it illum inates w hen there is a malfunction in the ESP .
• it illum inates after the battery has been disconnected.
• it illum inates continuously when the ESP is switched off.
• it illumi nates if the re is a malfunct ion in t he ABS, s ince the ESP is
part of the ABS system.
If the ESP warning/ind icator light ill umina tes and stays on after you
have started the engine, this may mean that the co ntro l system has
tempo rari ly switched off the ESP. If this is case , you can reactivate
the ES P by sw itch ing t he ig nit ion off and the n on agai n. The
warning/indicator light should go out to show that the system is fu lly
fu nctional again .
The ESP warn ing/ind icator light will illuminate when the ignition is
switched on if th e ve hicle bat tery has been disconnected and the n
reconnected aga in . The light should go ou t after dr iv ing a short
dis tance if the steer ing whee l is turned s lig htly.
For mo re information abo ut the ESP=>
page 188 . •
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL}
(USA models}/ (Canada models}
The Malfunct io n Indicator Lamp ( MIL) is part of the On -Board D iag
nos tic (O BD II) system. The symbol ligh ts up w hen the ign ition is
turned on and w ill tu rn off after the eng ine has star ted and has sett
led at constant idle speed . This i nd icates that the MIL is work ing
properly .
T he warn ing light ill uminates when there is a malfunction in the
engine e lectronic system. Contact yo ur a uthorized Audi dealer and
have the malfu nction co rrec ted .
For more information=>
page 20. •
High beam !§"0
T he ~D warning/indicator light illuminates when the high beams are
on or whe n yo u us e the headl ight flasher. Fo r more informat io n abou t
using the high beams, see=>
page 59. •
Turn signals ¢¢
The indicator li ght flashes when you use either tur n
signal .
Whenever yo u use the left¢ or the right¢ tu rn signa l, the indicator
light flas hes. W hen you use t he emerge ncy f lashe r, both ind icator
lights flash.
If one of the turn sign al ligh t bul bs bur n ou t, the turn signal will flash
twice as fast as normal. •
Cruise control
CRUISE (USA models}/ 0.z (Canada models}
The CRU ISE warning/indicator light illuminates when the cruise control
is activa ted. •
Page 22 of 320

Driver information display
• Gear shift recommendation can be deactivated in the dr iver infor
mation system~
page 22. •
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD)
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 9 Location of
Data Link Connector
On-Board Diagnostics monitors the components of your emission
control system. Each controlled component in your eng ine system
has been assigned a code. In case of a malfunction, the component
wi ll be identified and the fault stored as a code in the control module
memory .
The MIL lamp may also illuminate if there is a leak in the on-board
fuel vapor recovery system.
If the Light illuminates after a refuelling,
pull off the road and stop the vehicle, then check that the fuel filler
cap is properly closed~
page 222.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the stored data can only be
displayed using special diagnostic equipment (generic scan tool for
In order to connect the special diagnostic equipment, push the plug
into the Data Link Connector (DLC). The DLC is located to the right of
the engine hood release lever~ fig. 9. Your authorized
Audi dealer or a qualified service station can inter
pret the code and perform the necessary repair.•
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) (USA
models) / (Canada models )
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) in the instrument cluster
~ page 11, fig. 5 is part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
T he warn ing/indicator light illum inates when the ignition is switched
on and goes out after the engine starts and the idle has stabilized.
This indicates that the MIL is working properly .
If the light does not go out after the engine is started, or illuminates
while you are driving, a malfunction may exist in the engine system.
If the light illuminates, the catalytic converter could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoiding sustained high
speeds and/or rapid accelerations) and have the condition corrected.
Contact your authorized Audi dealer.
If the light illuminates, the electronic speed limiter may also be
ma lfunction ing. For more information~
page 20, "E lectronic speed
limiter" .
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also cause the MIL light to
page 222 . •
Electronic speed limiter
Your vehicle may be factory equ ipped with tires that are rated for a
maximum speed of 130 mph (210 km/h). This is less than the
maximum speed of your veh icle . To reduce the risk of sudden tire
fai lure and loss of control if the vehicle is operated at excessive
speeds, your vehicle a lso has an electronic speed limiter . The elec
tronic speed limiter prevents your vehicle from going faster than the
tire speed rating. For more information~
page 259, "Speed rating
(letter code)".
Page 25 of 320

Display Ty e
. Check ·
Menu off
Fig. 1 3 Displa y: Sta rt
men u
Some functions i n your veh icle can be set, activated, and controlled
Menus ). With these menus you can a lso select the information
shown in the driver informat ion system, which operates o nly w ith the
ign ition switched on . Operation is contro lled by t he [
Reset ) button
and the rocke r switch on the wipe r lever~
page 22, fig . 12 .
Start menu shows you the different display types:
Che ck
Menu off
Each display type in the Start menu contains a s ubmenu with addi
tional options .
Controls and e quip
m ent Vehicle
OP-eration Set
Menu off
Driver information display
C lock ~page25
Computer ~ page25
Spee d alarm (speed =>page29
war ning)
Language (6 languages)
~ page25
Un its (dis tance, f uel con-=>page2 5
sumption, temperature)
Displays (gearshift rec -
=> page 19
Lighting * (exterior lights,
=> page57
turn s ignals) => page 59
Wiper (service position) ~page68
Doors (unlocking and => page 40,
l ocking mode, for exam-~ page 41
p le Auto Lock)
~ page27
Chass is number * ~page294
Engine oil temperature *
Registe red key s
All of the messages shown in vehicles without menu
display appear on the display screen.
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Page 33 of 320

Engine oil sensor malfunction =>page35
._ -
Engine speed limitation =>page34
Diesel particulate filter =>page34
Worn brake pads =>page35
USA models : =>page35 Speed warning 1
Canada models: =>page35 Speed warning 1
USA models : =>page35 Speed warning 2
Canada models: =>page35 Speed warning 2
!! Dynamic headlight range control*
=> page35
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t
Windshield washer fluid level low => page35
Battery voltage too high or too low => page 35
Defective light bulb =>page36
USA models : =>page36
Defective brake light
Canada models : =:>page36
Defective brake light
Light/rain sensor defective (auto-
=> page 36
matic headlights)* defective
Tire pressure monitor ing system*
=> page 36
Vehicle OP-eration
Driver information display
When a yellow symbol appears, a warning tone will sound once.
Check the displayed function as soon as possible . If more than one
malfunction is detected, all symbols will appear one after the other
for about two seconds .•
Driver information
In addition to the warning/indicator lights and the
symbols in the instrument cluster display, driver informa
tion is displayed .
-~ a:.. CD m
Fig. 24 Section of
instrument cluster:
Set/Check button
Driver information appears in the display when a defective light bulb
is reported by the defective light bulb warning=>
page 36, when the
brake pads are worn and before you engage a gear on vehicles w ith S
tronic .
In addition, driver information may appear when a red symbol flashes
in the driver disp lay.
To display Drive r information
As an example, the~ symbol appears in the display . If you now
press the button => fig. 24, the following driver message appears in
the disp lay:
Switch off engine and check oil level
The driver message in the display goes out afte r about 5 seconds. You
can display the driver message again by br iefly pressing the button .•
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Page 34 of 320

Driver information display
Brake system malfunction
BRAKE (USA models)/ {©) (Canada models)
The indicator light flashes if the brake fluid level is too
low , if there is a malfunction in the ABS system or when
the parking brake is engaged.
If the BRAKE /((D) symbol flas hes in the display wit h the
parking brake released, there is a malfunction in the brake
system. In addition to the symbol, o ne of two messages
appears in the display:
Stop vehicle and check brake fluid
ABS fault ! See owner's manual
- Pull off the road and sto p the ve hicle.
- Obtain professio nal assistance .
USA models: if there is a ma lfunct io n in the ABS system, the/.
w ar ning/ind ica tor ligh t illum inates along wi th the BRAKE system
ma lf u nction warning/indicator light~&.
Canada models: if there is a malfu nction in the ABS system, the
wa rning/ind icator ligh t illuminates togethe r with the ((i)) bra ke
system malfunction warn ing/indicator light~& .
Parking brake set
T he parking bra ke warning light Brake/((i)) (Canada mo dels) ill umi
nates when the pa rking brake is set. In addit ion, a warning tone will
so und after yo u have driven for longer than 3 secon ds and faster than
3 mph (5 km/h).
• Always observe the warning s in ~ page 218 , "Engine compart
ment" , before opening the engine hood and checking the brake
& WARNING (c on tinued )
• Driving with low brake fluid i s a safety hazard! Stop the car and
get profe ssional assistance .
• If the brake sy stem warning/indicato r light illuminates
together with the ABS warning /indicator light, then th e ABS
system is malfunctioning. The rea r wheels could quickly lock up
when you apply the brakes . Th is could lead to lo ss of control and
your vehicle could slide! Dri ve carefully to the nea rest authorized
Audi dealer and hav e the malfunction corrected. •
Engine cooling system malfunction _L
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must be
rep aired as s oon as possible .
When t he -L symbol in th e d isplay flashes , then either the
engine coolant
temperature is too h igh , or the coolant level
is too low. In add it ion to the symbol , the fo llow ing message
also appears i n the d isplay:
Switch off engine and check coolant level
- Pull off th e road and stop the v ehicle.
- Tur n off the engine .
- Chec k coo lant level~
page 235 .
-Add co olan t if ne cessary ~ page 236.
-Con tinue drivi ng o nly a fter the e ngin e coolant
wa rnin g/ind icato r lig ht go es out .
- Con tact you r au tho rized Audi dealer fo r assis tance if
necessary .
If the eng ine coolant leve l is correct, then the radiator fa n may be the
c ause of the m alfun ction.
Page 35 of 320

If the generator warning/indicator light shou ld also illuminate
=> page 15, t hen t he fan belt m ay be damaged .
• If your vehicle should break down for mechanical or other
reasons , pa rk at a safe distance from mo ving traffic, turn off the
engine and turn on the hazard warning lights=>
page 59, "Emer
gency flasher
A. ".
• Never open the hood if you see or hear steam or coolant
escaping from the engine compartment -you risk being scalded.
Wait until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant
escaping .
• The engin e compartment of any vehicle i s a dangerou s ar ea .
Before you p erform any work in the engine compartment , turn off
the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the warning sti ckers
=> page 218 , "Engine compartment ".
0 Note
Do not continue driving if the -¥- symbol illuminates . There is a
ma lf u nction in the engine coo ling sys tem -yo u could damage your
eng ine. •
Engine oil pressure malfunction ~
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol requires
immediate se rv ice o r repair.
If the 9=r. symbo l app ears in the d is pl ay a nd flash es, th e oil
p ressure is to o lo w . In add ition to the sym bol, the f ollow ing
messag e al so a pp ea rs in the dis play :
Switch off engine and check oil level
- P ull off the road a nd stop t he ve hicle.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
Shut the eng ine down .
- Check t he eng ine oi l level=>
page 231 .
-Contact your authorized Aud i dea le r for assis tance i f
necessary .
Engine o il level too low
If the eng ine oi l leve l is too low , top off oil to t he p roper level
=>page 232.
Engine oil level OK
If the 't'!::;r. symbol starts flashing again even thoug h the engine oil
level checks O K on t he d ipstick,
do not start driving again and do not
let the engine run at idle .
Instead, contact you r authorized Audi
dealer fo r assis tance.
[ i ] Tips
• The engine oil pressure symbol 'I=:?: is not an indic ato r for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it . Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular intervals , preferably each t ime you refuel, and
always before going on a long tr ip .
• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or
workshop service without de lay . Do not wait until the red oil pre s
s ure warning symbol~ starts to flash before you respond to the
low oil level warning _, . By then, your engine may already have
s uffered serious damage. •
Applies to vehicles: with manual trans miss ion
-;y Clutch pedal
T he indica tor lig ht illuminates if you do no t press t he cl utch pedal
when starting the engine . For safety reasons, the engine will only
sta rt when the clut ch pedal is pressed. •
Vehicle care Technical data