ECU AUDI S6 2016 Owners Manual

AUDI S6 2016 Owners Manual S6 2016 AUDI AUDI AUDI S6 2016 Owners Manual

Page 5 of 294

AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Drivers  and front  passenger s  footwell  . .  130 
Pe dal area  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . . . .  . . .  . .  . .  . . . .  . 130 
Sto ring  cargo  correctly  . . .  . . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  .

Page 27 of 294

AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual .... N 
0 CJ <I: .... I.Cl U"I 
M I.Cl ...... 
-Short-term  memory  overview 
- Long-term  memory  overview 
The  short-term  memory  collects  driving  informa­
tion  from  the time  the  ignition

Page 32 of 294

AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Opening  and closing 
Opening  and  closing 
Key set 
Fig.  17 Key set 
@ Remote  control  key with  mechanical  key 
You can centrally  lock  and unlock  your  vehicle 
and start  the  engine

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual .... N 
0 CJ <I: .... I.Cl U"I 
M I.Cl ...... 
-If  the  power  locking  system  should  mal­
function,  you  can  lock the  drivers  door 
using  the  mechanical  key¢ 
page 36. 
-If  the  power

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual .... N 
0 CJ <I: .... I.Cl U"I 
M I.Cl ...... 
Operating  locks with  the  key 
In  the  event  of  a failure  of  the  power  locking  sys­tem,  the  drivers  door  can  be  locked  and  un­

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Opening  and closing 
Power  Windows 
The driver can control  all power  windows. 
Fig. 33 Section of  the  drivers door: controls 
All  power  window  switches  are  equipped  with  a 

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Opening  and clo sin g 
~ To close  the  sunroof  comp letely,  press  the 
switch  forward  briefly  to  the  second  level 
c::> ,&. . 
~ To select  an  intermediate  pos ition,  press/pull 
the  sw

Page 52 of 294

AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Lights and  Vision 
-The automatic  dimming  mir rors do not  dim 
when  the  interior  lighting  is turned  on or 
the  reverse gear  is selected. 
- Automatic  dimming  for  the  mi rror  only  op­

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Sea ts  and  stor age 
12  Volt  sockets 
Applies  to  veh icles:  w ith  12-vo lt socke ts 
F ig . 62 Luggage compartment  s ide  tr im pane l: Socket 
F ig . 6 3 Rear center  co nsole  example:  Soc

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AUDI S6 2016  Owners Manual Sea ts  and  stor age 
the  risk  of  injury  during  a sudde n braking 
maneuver  o r in the  event  of  an  accident. 
- Any articles  of  clothing  that  you  have  hung 
up  must  not  interfere
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