clutch BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012 Owners Manual

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012 Owners Manual 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012 BMW BMW BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012 Owners Manual

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual 4.Insert a battery of the same type with the
positive side facing upwards.5.Press the cover closed.
Take the used battery to a recycling cen‐
ter or to your service center.
New remote controls
You c

Page 62 of 335

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual DrivingVehicle equipment
All standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also described that is not avai

Page 63 of 335

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual ▷When opening and closing the driver door, if
the driver's seat belt is unbuckled and the
low beams are switched off.▷While the driver's seat belt is unbuckled, if
the driver's door is

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual Set the parking brake and further secure
the vehicle as required
Set the parking brake firmly when parking; oth‐
erwise, the vehicle could roll. On steep upward
and downward inclines, further secure

Page 65 of 335

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual ▷External temperature above approx. +95 ℉/
+35 ℃ and the automatic climate control is
operating.▷The passenger compartment has not yet
been heated or cooled to the required level.▷The engine

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual and downward inclines, further secure the vehi‐
cle, for example, by turning the steering wheel in
the direction of the curb. ◀
While driving
Use while driving serves as an emergency brak‐
ing f

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual ▷If active: press twice.▷If interrupted: press once.
The displays go out. The stored desired speed
and distance are deleted.
Interrupting When active, press the button.
If interrupting the system

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual ▷On slippery roads, in fog, snow or rain, or on
a loose road surface.
Otherwise, you could lose control of the vehicle
and cause an accident.◀
At a glance
Switching on Press the button on

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual Things to remember when drivingVehicle equipment
All standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also de

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2012  Owners Manual ▷"Engine oil at minimum. Add 1 quart of
engine oil!"
Within the next 125 miles/200 km, a maxi‐
mum of 1 US quart/liter oil.▷"Engine oil level below minimum. Add 1
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