warning light BMW 540i 2000 E39 Workshop Manual
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001 General Warnings and Cautions
- Some repairs may be beyond your capability. If you lack the skills, - Catch draining fuel, oil, or brake fluid in suitable containers. Do
tools and equipment, or a suitable workplace for any procedure
not use
foodor beverage containers that might mislead someone
described in this manual, we suggest you leave such repairs to
drinking from them. Store flammable fluids away from fire
an authorized BMW dealer service department or other qualified
hazards. Wipe up spills at once, but do not store the oily rags,
shop. which can ignite and burn spontaneously.
. Do not reuse any fasteners that are worn or deformed. Many fas- Always observe good worRshop practices. Wear qoqqles when
teners are designed to be used only once and become
unreliable you operate machine tools or work with battery acid:kloves or
and mav fail when used a second time. This includes, but is not other
~rotective clothino should be worn whenever the iob re-
limited io, nuts, bolts, washers, self-locking nuts or bolts, clrclips yires' working with harmful substances.
and cotter pins. Always replace these fasteners with new parts.
Greases, lubricants and other automotive chemicals contain toxic
. Never work under a lifted car unless it is solidly supported on
substances, many of which are absorbed directly through the
desiqned for the purpose. Do not supeort a car on cinder
skin. Read the manufacturer's instructions and warninos careful-
blochs, hollow tiles orotherbrops that may drurnbie undercontin-
uous toad. Never work under a car that is supported solely by a
iack. Never work under the car
while the enqine is runninq. - -
If you aregoing to work underacaron the ground, makesure that
the ground is level. Block the wheels to
keep the car from rolling.
Disconnect the battery negative
(-) terminal to prevent others
from starting the car while you are under it.
- Never run the engine unless the work area is well ventilated. Car-
bon monoxide kills.
Rings, bracelets and other jewelry should be removed so that
they cannot cause electrical shorts, get caught in running ma-
chinery, or be crushed by heavy parts.
- Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie, a scarf.
loose clothing, or a necklace when you work near machine tools
or running engines. if your hair, clothing, or jewelry were to get
caught in the machinery, severe injury could result.
DO not attempt to
work on your car if you do not feel well. You in-
crease the
danger of injuryto yourseliand others if you are tired,
uDset or have taken medication or anv other substance that mav
keep you from being fully alert.
Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use a portable
iy. Use hand and eye protection. Avoid direct skin conGct.
Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal whenever you work
on the fuel system
orthe electrical system. Do not smokeorwork
near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep an approved fire extin-
guisher handy.
. Friction materials (such as brake pads or shoes or clutch discs)
contain asbestos fibers or other friction materials. Do not create
dust by grinding, sanding, or by cleaning with compressed air.
Avoid breathing dust. Breathing any
friclion material dust can
lead to serious diseases and may result in death.
giveoff explosive hydrogen gas during charging. Keep
sparks, lighted matches and open flame away from the top of the
battery. If hydrogen gas escaping from the cap vents is ignited, it
will ignite gas trapped in the cells and cause the battery to ex-
Connect and disconnect battery cables, jumper cables or a bat-
tery charger only wilh the ignition switched off. Do not disconnect
the battery while the engine is running.
Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer
than one minute. Wait at least one minute before boosting the
battery a second time.
. . safety lighiforworking lnsideor under the car. Make sure the bulb - Do not allow battery charging vollage to exceed 16.5 volts. If the
is enclosed bv a wire caoe. The hot filament of an accidentallv
batten! beoins ~roducina oas or boilino violentiv, reduce the
broken bulb can ignite spilled
fuel, vapors or oil. , - - - charglng rate. ~oostlng a sutfaled battery at a igh charging rate
can cause an
Continued on next page
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I General Warnings and Cautions
WARNINGS (continued)
. The air conditioning system is filled with chemical refrigerant,
which is hazardous. The AIC system should be serviced only by
trained technicians using approved refrigerant recoverylrecycling
equipment, trained in related safety precautions, and familiar with
regulations governing the discharging and disposal of automotive
chemical refrigerants.
. Do not expose any part of the AIC system to high temperatures
such as open flame. Excessive heat will increase system pres-
sure and may cause the system to burst.
Some aerosol tire inflators are highly flammable. Be extremely
cautious when repairing a tire that may have been inflated using
an aerosol tire inflator. Keep sparks, open flame or other sources
of ignition away
from the tire repair area. Inflate and deflate the
tire at least four
times before breaking the bead from the rim.
Completely remove the tire from the rim before attempting any re-
Cars covered by this manual are equipped with a supplemental
restraint system (SRS), that automatically deploys
airbags and
pyrotechnic seat belt tensioners
In the event oi a frontal or side
impact. These are explosive devices. Handled improperly or with-
out adequate safeguards, they can be accidently activated and
cause serious injury.
- The ignition system produces high voltages that can be fatal.
Avoid contact with exposed terminals and use extreme care when
working on a car with the engine running or the ignition switched
. Place jack stands only at locations specified by the manufacturer.
The vehicle
illtino iack su~olied with the vehicle is intended fortire -. , . changes only. A heavy duty floor jack should be used lo lift vehicle
before installing
jacl( stands. See 010 General.
- Battery acid (electrolyte) can cause severe burns. Flush contact
with water, seek medical attention.
Aerosol cleaners and solvents may contain hazardous or deadly
vapors and are highly flammable. Use only in a well ventilated ar-
ea. Do not use on hot surfaces (engines, brakes, etc.).
Do not remove
coolant reservoir or radiator cap with the engine
hot. Danger of burns and engine damage.
- if you lack the slqills, tools and equipment, or a suitable worl(shop
for any procedure described in this manual, leave such repairs to
an authorized BMW dealer or other qualified shop.
BMW is constantly improving its cars and sometimes these
changes, both in parts and specifications, are made applicable to
earlier models. Therefore, part numbers listed in this manual are
for reference only. Always check with your authorized BMW deal-
er parts department for the latest information.
Before starting a job, make certain that you have all the neces-
sary tools and parts on hand. Read ail the instructions thorough-
ly, and do not attempt shortcuts. Use tools appropriate to the
work and use only replacement parts meeting BMW specifica-
Use pneumatic and electric tools only to loosen threaded parts
and fasteners. Never use these tools to tighten fasteners, espe-
cially on light alloy parts. Always use a torque wrench to tighten
fasteners to the tightening torque specification listed.
Be mindful of the environment and ecology. Before you drain the
crankcase, find out the proper way to dispose of the
oil. Do not
oil onto the ground, down a drain, or into a stream, pond or
lake. Dispose of waste in accordance with Federal, State and
Local laws.
The control module for the anti-lock brake system
(ABS) cannot
withstand temperatures from a paint-drying booth or a heat
in excess of 203" F (95°C) and should not be subjected to tem-
peratures in excess of 185°F
(8S°C) for more than two hours.
- Before doing any electrical welding on cars equipped with ABS,
disconnect the battery negative
(-) terminal (ground strap) and
the ABS control module connector.
- Always make sure ignition is off before disconnecting battery.
Label battery cables before disconnecting. On some models, bat-
tery cables are not color coded.
Disconnecting the battery may erase fault code@) stored in control
module memory. Using special BMW diagnoslic equipment, check
iauit codes prior to disconnecting the battery cables. If the mal-
I.mct on ndicator Ignt (MIL) s I. ..minaled. see OBD On-Board
Tl11s iant is iuenlfted as lne Check Ena~ne oht
(1997-2000 models jor~ervlce Engine Soon light (2061 andlater
models). If any other system iaults have been detected (indicated
by an illuminated warning light), see an authorized BMW dealer.
If a normal
or rapid charger is used to charge battery, the battery
must be disconnected and removed from the vehicle in order to
avoid damaging the vehicle.
- Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer
than one minute. Wait at least one minute before boosting the
battery a second time.
* Connect and disconnect a battery charger only with the battery
charger switched off.
- Sealed or "maintenance free" batteries should be slow-charged
only, at an amperage rate that is approximately 10% of the bat-
tery's ampere-hour (Ah)
. Do not allow battery charging voltage to exceed 16.5 volts. If the
battery begins producing gas or boiling violently, reduce the
charging rate.
Boosting a sulfated battery at a high charging rate
can cause an explosion.
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01 0-1
010 General
General ........................... .01 0.2
How to Use this Manual ............ .01 0.2
Warnings. cautions and notes ........... .0l 0.3
Getting Started .................... .0i 0.5
Safety ............................. .O1 0.5
Lifting the car ........................ .O1 0.5
Raising car ......................... .O1 0.5
Working under car .................... .O1 0.6
Advice for the Beginner ............ .O1 0.7
Planning ahead ...................... .O1 0.7
Workshop practices ................... .O1 0.7
Non-reusable fasteners ................ .O1 0.7
Tightening fasteners .................. .O1 0.8
Gaskets and seals .................... .O1 0.9
Electrical testing .................... .O1 0.10
Wire repairs ........................ .O1 0.10
Buying Parts ..................... .01 0.11
Genuine BMW parts ................. .O1 0.11
Non-returnable parts ................. .O1 0.11
Information you need to know .......... .0l 0.12
Service ........................... 01 0-1 3
TOOIS ............................. 010-13
Basic tool requirements ............... 01 0-1 4
Jack stands ......................... 01 0-1 6
Oil change equipment ................. 01 0-1 6
Torque wrench ...................... 01 0-17
Digital multimeter .................... 010-17
BMW special tools ................... 01 0-1 8
Emergencies ...................... 01 0-1 8
Changing a tire ...................... 01 0-1 8
Jump starting ....................... 01 0-1 9
Indicator and warning lights ............ 01 0-1 9
Towing ............................ 010-20
Spare parts kit ...................... 010-21
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Never run the engine in tile work area unless it is well-ven-
tilated. The exhaust should be vented to the outside. Car-
bon monoxide (CO) in exhaust kills.
Remove all neckties,
scarfs, loose clothing, or jewelry
when working near a running engine or power tools.
Tuck in shirts. Tie long hair and secure it under a cap.
Severe injury can result from these things being
in rotating parts.
Remove rings, watches, and bracelets. Aside from the
dangers of moving parts, metallic jewelry conducts
electricity and may cause shorts, sparks, burns, or
damage to the electricalsystem when accidentally con-
tacting the battery or other electrical terminals.
Disconnect the battery negative
(-) cable whenever
working on or near the fuel system or anything that is
electrically powered. Accidental electrical contact may
damage the electrical system or cause a fire.
Fuelis highly flammable. When working around fuel, do
smoke or work near heaters or other fire hazards.
Keep an approved fire extinguisher handy.
The fuel system is designed to retain pressure even
when the ignition is off When worlcing with the
tem, loosen the fuel lines slowly to allow the residual
pressure to dissipate gradually. Take precautions to
avoid spraying fuel.
. Illuminate the worlc area adequately and safely Use a
portable safety light for worlcing inside or under the car.
A fluorescent type
light is best because it gives off less
heat. If using a light with a normal incandescent bulb,
use rough service bulbs to avoid
breakage. The hot fil-
ament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignite spilled
fuel or oil.
Keep sparks, lighted matches, and any open flame
away from the top of the battery. Hydrogen gas
by the battery is highly flammable. Any nearby source
of ignition may cause the battery to explode.
Never lay
tools or parts in the engine compartment or
on top of the battery. They may
fallinto confinedspaces
and be difficult to retrieve, become caught in belts or
other rotating parts when the engine is started, or
cause electrical shorts and damage to the electrical
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Cars with discharged or dead batteries can be jump-started
using the good battery from another car. See owner's manual
for proper instruction on jump starting. When jump-starling
the engine, always note the following warnings.
4 Lower car. With all wheels on ground, fully tighten nuts in a
* Battery acid (electrolyte) can cause severe burns, and will
damage the
cal; clothing, and you. If electrolyte is spilled,
wash the surface with large quantities of water.
M itgets into
eyes, flush them with water for several minutes and call a
Batteries produce explosive and noxious gasses.
Keeps sparks and flames away. Do not smoke near
Do notjump-start the engine
ifyou suspect that the bat-
tery is frozen. Trappedgas may explode. Allow the bat-
tery to thaw first.
Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for
longer than one minute, and do not exceed
16.5 volts
at the battery with the boosting cables attached. Wait at
least one minute before boosting the battery a second
crisscross pattern.
Torque wheel nuts when installing wheel.
Check inflation pressure of spare tire.
Tightening torque
Wheel to wheel hub 120 Nm (89 ft-ib)
Jump starting
Indicator and warning lights
Many vehicle systems are self-monitored for faults while driv-
ing. Generally,
a red warning lamp that comes on during driv-
ing should be considered serious. If you cannot immediately
determine the seriousness of the warning light, stop the vehi-
cle in a safe place and turn the engine off as soon as possible.
Consult the owner's manual for additional information on the
warning lamp and the recommended action.
If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
(Check Engine or Ser-
vice Engine Soon warning light) comes on orflashes, it indi-
cates that an emissions-related fault has occurred. Faults
such as a bad oxygen sensor or a dead fuel injector can
cause the exhaust or evaporative emissions to exceed a
specified limit. When these limits are exceeded, the MIL will
be turned on. The engine can be safety driven with the light
on, although the emission systems should be
checked as
soon as possible. See OBD On-Board Diagnostics for
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020-1 4
- When oil flow has diminished to an occasional drip, reinstall
drain plug with a new metal sealing washer and torque plug.
Tightening torque Engine oil drain plug to oil pan
25 Nrn (1.8 ft-lb)
6-cylinder oil filter assembly
r------ 1
< Working at oil filter housing (1):
Lubricate and install new oil filter O-rings (3, 4).
Install a new filter cartridge (5).
lnstall and tighten housing cover (2).
6-cylinder oil filter assembly shown, V-8 is similar.
Tightening torque Cover to oil filter housing
25 Nm (1.8 it-lb)
- Refill crankcase with oil. Approximate oil capacity is listed in
Tabled. Engine oil with filter change. Use dipstick to
check correct oil level.
- Start engine and check that oil pressure warning light
immediately goes out.
- Allow engine to run fora few minutes to circulate new oil, then
check for leaks at drain plug and oil filter. Stop engine and re-
check oil level
The section describes other routine maintenance done in the
engine compartment. Information on engine oil service is
enkar~ier inthis group.
For these procedures, it is not necessary for the car to be
raised and supported off the ground.
Accelerator and linkage
The accelerator and linkage at the throttle housing should be
lubricated periodically. Use ageneral purposeoil on the joints
and bearings of the linkage. Use a multipurpose grease on
the bearing points of the throttle plate.
Air filter, replacing
The specified replacement intervals forthe air filter are based
on normal use. If the car is operated primarily in dusty
conditions, the air filter should be serviced more frequently.
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- To remove battery corrosion:
Disconnect battery cables. Disconnect negative (-)cable
* Remove battery from trunk
Clean terminal posts and cable clamps with a wire brush.
Clean main chassis ground terminal next to battery.
Corrosion can be washed away with a
baking soda and
water solution that will neutralize acid.
Reinstall battery and reconnect cable clamps, positive
cable first.
Lightly coat outside of terminals, hold down screws, and
clamps with petroleum jelly, grease, or a commercial
battery terminal corrosion inhibitor.
Battery acid is extremely dangerous. Take care to keep it
from contacting eyes, skin, or clothing. Wear eye protection.
Extinguish all
smolihg materials and do not work near any
oaen flames.
Prior to disconnecting the batteg read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
The original equipment battery in E39 models is mainte-
nance free. The original electrolyte will normally last the
entire service life of the battery under moderate climate con-
Battery electrolyte should be maintained at the correct level
just above the battery plates and theirseparators. The correct
level is approximately
5 mm ('14 in.) above the top of battery
plates or to the top of the indicator
marks (if applicable). The
battery plates and the indicator marks can be seen once the
fillercaps are removed.
if theelectrolyte level is low, replenish
it by adding distilled water only.
4 The original equipment BMW battery is equipped with a
built-in hydrometer "magic eye"
(arrow). Battery condition is
determined by the color of the eye:
Green: Adequate charge
* Black: Inadequate charge, recharge
Yellow: Defective battery, replace
Batteries are rated by ampere hours (Ah), the number of
hours a specific current drain can be sustained before com-
plete discharge, or by cold cranking amps (CCA), the number
of amps available to crank the engine in cold weather
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I Engine-General
The M62 90" V8 engine uses four valves per cylinder, double
overhead camshafts and light alloy cylinder head and cylin-
bloclc engine construction.
On 1997 and 1998 540i models, Bosch engine management
systems are utilized. Table a lists engine management sys-
tem applications.
4 For the 1999 model year, the M62 TU VANOS engine was in-
troduced to the 540i models. This engine is primarily a carry-
over from the earlier M62 engine, but contains many unique
identifying components and technology:
Variable camshaft timing (VANOS) for the intake valves.
Bosch ME 7.2 engine management system with electronic
throttle control. There is no accelerator cable connecting
the throttle pedal to the throttle housing in these cars.
Compact water-cooled generator (alternator).
E39 vehicles are equipped with sophisticated self-diagnostic
engine management systems. These systems monitor and
store diagnostic fault information. If the malfunction indicator
lamp (MIL) illuminates, the first diagnostic test should be to
connect a dedicated scan tool for BMW automobiles and in-
terrogate the fault memory.
If the malfunction indicator light (MIL) comes on orflashes, it
indicates that an emissions-related fault has occurred and
that fault information is stored in memory within the ECM.
4 The MIL in E39 cars displays one of these warning graphics
in the instrument cluster.
The diagnostic capabilities of these systems have the poten-
tial to save hours of diagnostic time and prevent incorrect
5 placement. See OBD On-Board Diagnostics.
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Engine Removal and lnstallationl
Q Fuel line plugs
(Tool No.
BMW 13 5 281 / 13 5 282)
4 Fuel line removal tool
(Tool No.
BMW 16 1 050)
Disconnecting the battery may erase fault code@) storedin
memoiy Check for fault codes prior to disconnecting the
battery cables.
If the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light, also may be
called "Check Engine" or "Service Engine Soon" light)
is illuminated, see
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for
DME fault code information.
It orhersysrem faults have been detected, as indicated I
by an ~llum~nated ABS, SRS orASC/DSC ~arning light,
see the appropriate repair group in this manual or an
authorized BMW dealer for more information on fault
NOTE- Engine removal procedures are similar for all 6-cylinder
models. When differences
exist, they are noted at the be-
ginning of each step. Engine are referred to by engine
code. See
100 Engine-General for engine code and appli-
cation information.
@ Be sure to cover all painted surfaces before beginning the
removal procedure. As an aid to installation, label all com-
ponents, wires and hoses before removing them. Do not
gaskets, O-rings or seals during reassembly.
intake manifold must be removed on &cylinder mod-
els before the engine can be removed.
Due to risk of personal injury, be sure the engine is cold be-
fore beginning the removal procedure.
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1 19-3
Lubrication System
V-8 crankshaft rear main seal tool
(Tool No. BMW
11 1 230)
I i 4 V-8 crankshaft rear main seal ouide
4 Adapter for BMW oil pressure gauge
(Tool No. BMW
11 4 050)
Engine lubrication
Oil pressure is generated by a gear-type pump bolted to the
bottom oi the engine block. The oil pump is chain driven off
the front of the crankshaft.
Table a. Engine oil capacity (includes oil filter replacement)
6-cylinder 6.5
liters (6.9
US qt)
V-8 7.5 liters (7.9 US qt)
The oil pressure warning system consists of an oil pressure
switch mounted in the oil circuit and an instrument
warning light. Other saiety features include:
Q A filter bypass to provide lubrication should the oil filter be-
come clogged.
An oil pump pressure relief valve to prevent excessive sys-
tem pressure.
If the red oil pressure warning light comes on or flashes on
while driving, always assume that the oilpressure is low. Stop
the engine immediately and make arrangements to test oil