automatic transmission BMW 7 SERIES 1999 E38 Drive Away Protection Syst

BMW 7 SERIES 1999 E38 Drive Away Protection Syst 7 SERIES 1999 E38 BMW BMW BMW 7 SERIES 1999 E38 Drive Away Protection Syst

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BMW 7 SERIES 1999 E38 Drive Away Protection Syst 6
Door Lock Cylinders and Switch
The door lock cylinders and switch input a High/Low signal into the GM informing the GM
of lock status.  The signal is High when the system is in Double Lock. 

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BMW 7 SERIES 1999 E38 Drive Away Protection Syst 11
EWS II Control Module
The  EWS II  Control  Module  is  linked  to  the  BC,  GM,  DME,  Trans  Range  switch  and  the
starter for drive away protection operation. The module incorporates an i