ECU FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual

FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G FIAT FIAT FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 30
There  are  child  re-
straints for groups 0 and
1 which are fastened with
the car seat belts by means of an
attachment on the seat back. The
child is then secured to the seat
with specific straps.

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual The figure is only an ex-
ample.  Follow  the  in-
structions  for  fastening
the specific child restraint system
you are using.
Children from 15 kg can be secured
directly with the car sea

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 53
If  you  want  to  carry  a
can of petrol as a reserve,
adhere  to  the  laws  in
force. Not following precautions
increases  the  risk  of  fire  in  the
event of an accident. To remove the 

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 55
To close the bonnet:
1) Hold the bonnet up with one hand
and with the other remove the rod 
fig. 65
from the recess Band replace
it in its clip.
2)Lower the bonnet until it is about
20 cm above

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 62
An  inefficient  catalytic
converter  will  allow
harmful  gases  to  be  re-
leased in the atmosphere.Never put even the tini-
est amount of leaded fu-
el  into  the  tank,

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual DRIVING YOUR CAR
To  help  you  handle  your  Fiat  Palio  in  the  best  and
safest  possible  way,  and  above  all  use  it  to  its  fullest
potential, we have given you some hints in this chap-

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 78
Periodically,  remember  to  check:
– tyre pressure and conditions
– level of battery fluid
– engine oil level
– coolant level and conditions

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 83
– Stop the car in a position that is not
dangerous for oncoming traffic where
you can change the wheel safely. The
ground should be flat and adequately
firm. If you have to change

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 85
10)Fit the wheel cup in order that
the biggest hole 
A-fig. 8is aligned with
the bolt fixing the wheel. When fitting
the wheel cup  make sure that the sym-
Y, printed on the internal part of

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FIAT PALIO 2003 178 / 1.G India Version Owners Manual 105
Correct maintenance of the car is es-
sential for ensuring it stays in tip-top
condition  for  a  long  time  to  come.
For this reason, Fiat prepared a se-
ries of maintenance
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