Lock HONDA CIVIC 2000 6.G Workshop Manual
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Page 43 of 2189

Lift and SupPort Points
Lift and SafetY Stands
t!ffi when heavv rear components such as suspension' fuel tank' spare tire' hatch' and trunk lid are to be
-aEremoved, place additional wetght Inihe luggage arga before hoisting. when substantial weight is lemoved from the rear
of the vehicls. the center of gravity may change and can cause the vehicle to tip tolward on the hoisi
. Since each tire/wheel assembly weighs approximately 30 lbs (14 kg)' placing the front wheels in the luggage area can
assist with the weight distribution
. Use the same support points to suppon the vehicle on safety stands'
Place the lift blocks as shown.
Raise the hoist a lew inches (centrmeters) and rock the vehicle to be sure it is firmly supported'
Raise the hoist to full height, and inspect lift points for solid support
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Lift and Support Points
Floor Jack
Apply the parking brake and block the wheets thatare not being lifted.
When lifting the rear of the vehicle, put the gearshiftlever in reverse (Automatic transmission/Cw in Eposition).
Raise the vehicle high enough to insert the safetystands.
Adjust and place the safety stands so the vehiclewill be approxlmately level, then lower the vehicleonto them.
Always use safety stands whon working on or undelany vehicle that is supported by only a iack.Never attempt to use a bumper jack for lifting orsupporting the vehicle.
Center the jacking
bracket in the middleof the iack lift platform.
Center the iackbracket in the middleof the jack lift ptatform.
Page 49 of 2189

,n7 _--
0.07 10.003) max.75.00 75.02 (2.953 - 2.954)
7 4.9A0 7 4.990 t2.9520 2.95241
0.010 - 0.040 (0.0004 0.0016)1.020 - 1.030 10.0402 _ 0.0406)1.220 1.230 (0.0480 - 0.0484)2.805 - 2.820 {0.1 104 _ 0.11 tO)
0.035 - 0.060 (0.0014 0.0024)0.030 - 0.055 {0.0012 0.0022)_
0.15 0.30 {0.006 _ 0.012)0.30 - 0.45 (0.012 - 0.018)0.20 - 0.70 10.008 0.028)
18.994 - 19.000 (0.7478 _ 0.7480)0.010 - 0 0?2 lo oona -n dn^ol
0.10 (0.004)
75.07 (2.956)0.05 (0.002)0.5 (0.02)
74.970 (2.9516)
0.05 (0.002)1.05 (0.041)
1.2510.049)2.85 (0.112)
0.13 {0.005)0.13 (0.005)
0.60 (0.024)
0.70 (0.028)
ljqql) _
oro to.o',ur
0.005 (0.0002)
0.005 (0.0002)
0.4510.018)0.04 (0.002)
0.05 (0.002)
0.05 {0.002)0.05 (0.002)
Cylinder blockWarpage of deck surfaceBore diameterBore taperReboring limit
Skirt O.D. at 5 mm (0.2 in)from bottom of skinClearance in cylinderGroove width {for ring) TopSecondoil
Ring to-groove clearance TopSecondRing end gapTopSecondoil
o.D.Pin-to piston clearance
Pin-to rod interferenceSmall end bore diameterLarge end bore diameter NominalEnd play installed on crankshaft
Piston ring
Piston pin
Connectingrod0.014 - 0.040 (0.0006 _ 0.ool6)18.96 - 18.98 (0.746 0.747)48.011.89)0.15 - 0.30 (0.006 - 0.012)CrankshaftMain journaldiameter
Rod iournaldiameterTaperOut of-roundEnd playTotal runout
Main bearing to-lournal o't clearance-No_ l and 5journals
_ No. 2, 3 and 4 journatsBod bearing to,journat oil ctearance
54.976 - s5.000 (2.1644 - 2.1654)44.91 6 - 45.000 1'1.17 01 _ 1.71 11 10.002510.0001) max.0.0025 (0.0001)max.
0.10 - 0.35 (0.004 0.014)0.03 (0.001) max.Bea.ings
0.018 - 0.036 (0.0007 0.0014)0.024 0.042 (0.0009 - 0.0017)0.020 - 0.038 (0.0008 _ o.oo.t5)
Standards and Service Limits
Engine Block {Dl6Y5, D16Y7, Dt6y8 enginesl - Section
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Section 7
Unlt of length: rnm ( n)
Engine Block(816A2 engine) -
Warpage of deck surface
Bore diameterBore taperReboring limit
0.05 (0.002)
8L00 81.02 (3.189 3.190)
0.08 {0.03)81.07 (3.192)
0.05 (0.002)
0.25 (0.01)
Cylinder block
PistonSkin O D. At 15 mm (0.6 in)
{rom bottom of skirt
Clearance in cylinder
Groove width (for ring) ToPSecondoil
80.980 - 80.990 (3.lUUz 3. rUubl du Y/u lJ. ro/o,
I0.010 0.040 (o.ooo4 - 0.0016' 0 05 r0 002) II O3O 1.040 10.0406 - 0.04091 1 060 {0 0417) |1.230 - 1.?40 {0.0484 . 0.04881 1.260 10.04961 1'*: ?:::i?l:91'::ll:l I::::::= lPiston ringRing-to-groove clearance
Ring end gap
o.D.Pin to-piston clearance
Pin'to rod interference
Small end bore diameter
Large end bore diameterEnd play installed on crankshaft
Main journal diameterNo. 1, 2, 4 and 5 iournalsNo. 3 journal
Rod journal diameterTaperOut of roundEnd play
Total runout
Main bearing to_journal oil clearance
No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 journals
No. 3 journal
Bod bearing'to iournal oil clearance
0.13 (0.005)
0.1310.005)0.60 (0.024)
0.60 t0.024)0.7010.028)0.70 (0.028)
u.u45 - u.u/u lu.uu ro
0.040 - 0.065 (0.0016 0.0026)*l
0.045 - 0.070 (0.0018 0.0028)*'
0.20 - 0.35 (0.008 - 0.014)*1
o.20 - 0.30 (0.008 - 0.012)*'
0.40 0.55 (0.016 0.022)
0.20 - 0.50 (0.008 - 0.020)*'
0.20 - 0.45 (0.008 - 0.018)"
20.994 - 21.000 {0.8265 - 0.8268)
0.010 - 0.022 (0.0004 0.0009)
0.013 - 0.032 (0.0005 - 0.0013)
20.968 20.981 (0.8255 - 0.8260)
lliSlto?,o.oou o.o''r, o.rotoo'ut
Piston pin
Connecting rod
54.976 55.000 (2.1644 - 2.1654)
54.970 - 54.994 (2.1642 2.1651)
44.976 - 45.00011.'1707 - 1.1711|
0.005 (0.0002) max.0.004 (0.0002) max.0.10 0.35 (0.004 - 0.014)
0.020 (0.0008imax.
0.010 (0.0004)
0.006 (0.0002)
0.45 (0.018)
0.030 (0.0012)
Eearing0.024 - 0.042 (0.0009 0.0017)
o.o3o - 0.048 {0.0012 0.0019)
0.032 - 0.050 (0.0013 - 0.0020)
0.06 (0.002)
0.06 (0.002)
0.06 (0.002)
*1: RIKEN manutactured prston rrng*2:TEIKOKU PISTON RING manufactured piston ring
gineslSection 8
Engine Lubri,cation (Dl6Y5, Dl5Y7' Dl6Y8 enginesl -
4.3 (4.5, 3.8)Ior engine overhaul
3.6 (3.8, 3.2) for oil change, including filter
3.3 (3.5, 2.9) for oil change, without filter
3.7 (3.9,3.3)for engine overhaul
3.3 (3.5, 2.9) for oil change, including filter
3.0 {3.2, 2.6} for oil change, without filter
0.02 - 0.14 (O.OO1 - 0.006) 0.20 {0 008)
0.10 0.18 (o.oo4 - 0.007) i 0.20 (0 008)
o 03 !.08 (qool!.oo3l _ (0 006) -
70 (0.7, 10) min.
340 (3.5,50) min
Engine oilCapacity | (US qt, lmp qt) D16Y7
D16Y5 D16Y8
lnner-to-outer rotor radial clearance
Pump housing to_outer rotor radialclearance
Pumo housrnq_to rotor a)rial clearance
Pressure setting with oil temperature 176'F (80'Ci
kPa (kgf/cm' , PsiI at idleat 3,000 rpm
Oil pump
Relief valve
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MEASUREMENTSTANDARD (NEW) SERVICE LIMITReverse idler geart.D.Gear-to reverse gear shaft clearance20.016 - 20.043 (0.7880 -0.7891)
0.036 - 0.084 {0.0014 - 0.0033)20.09 (0.7909)
0.16 (0.006)
Synchro ringRing to-gear clearance (Ring pushed against gear)0.73 - 1.18 (0.029 0.046)0.4 (0.016)Double coneClearance (Ring pushed against geadOuter synchro ring to gearIn ner synchro ring to-gearOuter synchro ring-to-synchro cone
0.9s - 1.68 10.037 - 0.066)0.5 - 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)0.5 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)
0.6 (0.024)
0.3 {0.01)0.3 (0.01)Shift forkFork {inger thicknessFork-to synchro sleeve clearance7.4 - 7.6 (0.291- 0.299i0.35 - 0.65 (0.015 0.026)1.0 (0.04)Beverse shift forkFork pawl groove widthFork-to-reverse idler gear clearanceL-groove width At 5th gear sideAt reverse sideFork'to-5th/reverse shift piece pin clearanceAt 5th gear sideAt reverse side
13.0 - 13.3 10.512 - 0.524)0.5 - 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)7.4 t.1 10.29 -O.30)
7 .O5 - 7 .25 (0.21A - 0.2A5i'
0.4 0.9 (0.02 0.04)0.05 0.45 (0.002 - 0.018)
1€ {0.07)
Shift pieceShift piece-to-shift arm clearanceGroove width of shift arm contact areaShilt'piece-to-shift fork shaft clearanceWidth of shift lork contact area
0.1 - 0.3 (0.004 - 0.012)8.1-8.2 (0.319 - 0.323i0.2 - 0.5 (0.008 0.020)1 1.9 - 12.0 10.469 - 0.472)
0.6 (0.02)
0.8 (0.03)
Select armSelect arm-to-interlock clearanceSelect arm to-shim clearance0.05 - 0.20 (0.002 - 0.008)0.01 - 0.2 10.0004 - 0.008)0.45 (0.018)
InterlockWidth of select arm contact area9.9 - 10.0 (0.390 0.394)Change pieceChange piece-to-shilt arm holder clearanceGroove width ot shitt arm holder contact areaChange piece-to select arm clearanceGroove width of select arm contact area
0.05 - 0.35 (0.002 - 0.014)12.05 - 12.15 \0.474 -0.47a1
0.05 - 0.25 (0.002 - 0.010)12.05 - 12. t5 (0.474 - 0.478)
0.8 {0.03)
0.5 (0.02)
Final driven gearBacklash0.090 - 0.149 (0.0035 - 0.0059)0.200 (0.008)DifferentialcarrierPinion shatt bore diameterCarrier to-pinion shaft clearanceDriveshaft bore diameterCarrier-to driveshaft clearanceCarrier-to-int6rmediate shatt clearance
18.000 - 18.016 10.7087 - 0.7093)0.013 - 0.045 {0.001 0.002)24.000 - 28.021 11.1024 1.1032)0.020,0.062 (0.0008 - 0.0024)0.05 - 0.087 {0.0020 - 0.0034)
0.10 {0.004)
0.12 (0.005)
0.14 (0.006)
Differential piniongearBacklashPinion gear bore diameterPinion gear-to-pinion shaft clearance
0.05 -0.15 (0.002 - 0.006)18.042 18.066 (0.710 - 0.711)0.055 - 0.095 (0.002 - 0.004)0.15 (0.006)
Set ring to bearing outer race0 - 0.10 (0 - 0.004)Adjust with shim
Standards and
Manual Transmission
S4C (cont'd)
- Section 13
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Standards and ServiceLimits
Section '14Automatic Transmission (cont'd)
Wire Dia.o.D.Free LongthNo. ol CoilsHegulator valve spring ARegulato. valve spring BStator reaction springModulator valve springTorque convener check valve springCooler relief valve springRelief valve spring2nd oritice control valve spring1-2 shift valve spring2-3 sh ift valve spring3 4 shift valve spring'l st accumulator spring4th accumulator spring B4th accumulator spring A2nd accumulator spring A3rd accumulator spring A2nd accumulator spring B3rd acc!mulator spring B2nd accumulator spring CLock up shift valve springLock up timing valve springLock-up control valve spring3 4 ofifice control valve springServo control valve springCPC valve springCPB valve spring4th exhaust valve spring
Springs1.8 {0.071)1.8 {0.071)4.5 \O.117)1.4 (0.055)
1.0 10.039)1.0 (0.039)
1.1 (0.043)
0.7 (0.028)
0.9 (0.035)
0.9 (0.035)
0.9 (0.035)
2.1 (0.083)
2.3 (0.091)
2.610.102)2.4 (0.094)
2.8 (0.'110)
1.6 (0.063)
2.2 (0.087)
2.2 t0.041)0.9 (0.035)
0.9 (0.035)
0.7 (0.028)
0.7 (0.028)
1.0 (0.039)
0.6 (0.024)
0.9 {0.035)0.9 (0.035)
14.7 (0.584)
9.6 (0.381)
3s.4 (1.407)
9.4 (0.374)8.4 (0.334)
8.4 (0.334)
8.6 {0.342)6.6 (0.262)
7.6 (0.302)
7.6 (0.302)
7.6 (0.302)16.0 (0.636)10.2lo.402l17.0 {0.676)29.0 (1.152)
17.5 (0.6951
9.0 (0.358)
31.0 (1.220)
14.5 {0.576)7.6 (0.302)
8.1 (0.319)
6.610.262)6.6 (0.262)
8.1 (0.322)
5.6 (0.2231
8.1 10.322)6.1 10.242)
87.8 (3.457)
44.0 i.732l'30.3 (1.193)
35.0 {1.378)33.8 (1.331)
33.8 (1.331)
37.1 (1.461)
34.8 (1.370)
41.3 (1.626)
57.0 (2.2441
51 .0 \2.244189.1 {3.508)51.6 (2.031)
87.0 (3.425)
39.011.535)89.3 (3.516)
20.7 (0.815)
35.1 11.382)68.012.671173.7 12.902)80.7 (3.177)38.0 {1.496)37.5 fi.476)52.1 (2.051)
12.2 (0.480)
47.2 {1.858}36.4 {1.433)
CVTSection 14
MEASUREMENTSTANDARD INEWISERVICE LIMITTransmissionfluidCapacity f {US qt, lmp. qt)6.4 {6.8, 5.6) for overhaul3.9 (4.1, 3.4) for fluid change
1kgflcm,, psi)
Forward clutch pressure at 1,500 rpm in E position1.4 - 1.15 114.3 - 11.A,203 - 2531Reverse brake pressure at 1,500 rpm in E position1.4 - 1.75 (14.3 11.8,203 2531Dr;ve pulley pressure at 1,500 rpm in E posrtrono.2 -0.7 12.0 -7.1,28- 1011Driven pulley pressure at 1,500 rpm in N positionr.5 - 2.3 115.3 - 23.5, 218 - 334)Lubrication pressure at 3,000 rpm in E posrtronAbove 0.212,30)Stall speed fpm (Check with vehicle on level ground)
E position
E, E, El positions2,5003,0002,350 - 2,6502,800 - 3, r00ClutchClutch initial clearance Forward clutchStart clutchReverse brakeClutch return spring free length Forward clutchStart clutchReverse brakeClutch disc thickness Forward clutchStart clutchReverse brakeClutch plate thickness Forward clutchSta rt clutchReverse brake
0.6 - 0.8 (0.024 - 0.031)0.5 - 0.7 (0.020 0.028)0.45 - 0.75 (0.018 - 0.030)30.5 {1.201)40.9 (1.610)
29.4 (1.157)
1.88 - 2.00 (0.074- 0.079)1.88 2.00 (0.074 - 0.079)1.94 - 2.06 (0.076 - 0.081)1.95 - 2.05 (0.077 -0.081)
2.25 2.35 (0.089 - 0.093)1.90 - 2.00 (0.075 0.079)
,*x.ar}38.9 (1.531)
27.411.019l'Until grooves worn out
Until grooves worn outDiscolorationDiscolorationDiscoloration
Page 62 of 2189

Unit of length: mm lin)
S"t rrg-t" b""il"s
Pinion shaft contact area LD.
Carrier-to pinion clearanceDrive shaft contact area l.D.Carrier to driveshaft clearance
BacklashLD.Pinion gear to-pinion shafl clearance
)uter race clearance
18.010 18.028'0.7091 - 0.7098)
0.023 0.057 (0.0009 - 0.0022) 0.1 (0 004)
26.025 - 26.045 (.0246 1 0254\0.045 0.086 (0.0018 - 0.0034) 0.12(0.005)
0 05 - 0.15 i0 002 0.006)18 042 18.066 {0.7103 0.7" l3)
0.055 - 0.095 (0.0022 - 0.0037) 0.15 {0.006)
0 0.15 (0 - 0.006) Adjlrst
MEASUBEMENT Wire DiaO.D. Free Length I No. of Coils
SpringsPH regulator valve spring 1 2 (0 047)
PH control valve spring 1 7 {0.067)PL regulator valve spring 0 9 (0.035)
PH'PL control valve spring 1 0 (0 039)
crutlh reduc'ns vdrve spnns ] :19 9]:lLLbrication valve spring I b (u ubJr
Shitt valve spring 1 4 (0.055)
Shift control valve spring 1 0 (0.039)
Stan clutch control valve spring 0.4 (0 016)
Pitot regulator valve spring 0.6 (0 024)
Start clutch valve accumulator spring 1 2 \0 O47)
Reverse control valve spring 1 2 (0.047)
Shift inhibitor valve spring 1 3 (0 051)
9.0 {0.354)13.4 (0.528)
1.2lO.2A3\10.0 (0.394)
16.8 (0.661)
13.4 (0.528)
8.2 (0.323)
1 .4 t0.29114.1 (0.161)
5.7 t0.224)8.3 {0.327)9.4 (0.370)
13.2 (0.520)
26.7 (1.051)
39.4 (1.551)
14.6 (0.575)
31.4 (1.236)
44.4 \1.14al51.6 (2.031)
34.1 (1.343)
19.3 (0.760)
12.1 (0.476)
9.5 (0.374)
29.8 (1.173)
31.4 (1.236)
48.3 (1.902)
Section 14
SteeringSection 17
M/S: [,4anual steering, P/Sl Power steering*: When using a ne; bett, adjust dellection or tension to new values. Run the engine for 5 minutes then turn it off-
Readjust the deflection or tension to used belt values.
Steering wheelPlay at steering wheel circumferenceStarting load at steering wheelcircumferenceN (ksf, lbf)Manual steeringPower steering Engine running
0 - 10 (0 0.4)
15 (1.5,3.3)
29 (3.0,6.6)
GearboxAngle of rack guide screw loosened M/S
from locked position P/S
Preload at pinion gear shaft N m (kglcm, lbfin) M/S
20!5"20'Max0.5 - 1.7 (5 - 17,4.3 - 14.8i
0.6 1.2 (6 - 12, 5.20 - 10.42)
Pump pressure with valve closed(oil temp./speed: 40'C (105"F) min./idleDo not run for more than 5 seconds).kPa (kgtcm?, psi)
6,400 - 7,400 {65 - 75, 920 - 1,070)
Power steeringfluidRecommended power steering fluid
Fluid capacity | {US qt, lmp q0Reservoir
HONDA Power Steering Fluid
0.85 (0.90,0.75) at disassembly0.4 {}
7.5 11.0 {0.30 - 0.43)with used belt
5.0 7.0 (0.20 0.28) with new belt10.5 - 14.0 10.41 - 0.55) with used belt7.5 10.010.30 0.39) with new belt
390 540 {40 55,88 '120) wrth used bek
340 - 490 (35 - 50, 77 - 110) with used belt
740 880 (75 - 90, 170 - 200) with new belt
640 780 (65 - 80, 143-176)with newbelt
Power steeringbelt*
Deflection with 98 N (10 kgf,22 lbf)
between pulleys '99 modell 81642 Engine Type only
'96 '99 models: Other Engine TYPes
ron.ionffiN (kgf, lbf) '99 model: 81642 Engine Tvpe only'96 -'99 models: Other Engine TYPes'99 modelr 81642 Engine TYPe onlY'96 '99 models: Other Engine TYPes