Section 23 HONDA CIVIC 2000 6.G Workshop Manual
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How to Use This Manual
This manual contains information for the 1996 - 2000 ClVlC. lt is
divided into 24 sections. The first page of each section is marked
with a black tab that lines up with its corresponding thumb index
tab on this page and the back cover. You can quicklY find the first
page of each section without looking through a tull table ol con_
tents. The symbols printed at the top corner of each page can also
be used as a quick reference system.
Each section includesl
1. A table of contents, or an exploded view index showing:
. Parts disassemblY sequence.
. Bolt torques and thread sizes.
. Page references to descriptaons in text
2. Disassembly/assembly procedures and tools.
3. Inspection.
4. Testing/troubleshooting.
5. Repair.
6. Adjustments.
Special Information
!@ Indicates a sttong possibility of sover. perconal iniurY
or loss ol lite if in3tructions are not follow€d.
GAUTION: Indicaiqs a possibility ot p€lsonal injury or 6quipm.nt
damage il instiuc'tions are not followod
t Noncali-. pu.po.. ot thes6 messages is to help provent demage lo lhe
vehicle, other property, or the €nvironment.
NOTE: Gives helpful information.
CAUTfON: Detaifed descriptions ol standard workshop p.oceduro3.
safoty principles and servico operations are not included. Pleaso
note that this manual contain3 wetnings and cautions against
some sp6cific sGrvic€ methods which could cause PERSONAL
INJURY, damage a vohicle or make il unsafe. Ploase undorstand
that these warnings cannot covsr all conceivable weys in which
service. whelher or not iocommgndod bY HONDA. mighi bo done,
or ol tho possiblG hazardou3 consgquonces of ev€aY conceivablg
way, nor could HONDA invqstigato all 3uch way3. AnYono using
sgrvice procedures or lools, whethei or nol rGcommendod bY
HONDA, must srtisty hifisetf thoroughlylhat nohher pefsonal sefety
nor vehiclc satsty will be reopardi2ed.
All intormation contained in this manual is based on the latest prod
uct information available at the time oI printing We reserve the
right to make changes at any time without notice No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or trans'
mitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo
copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permis-
sion of the publisher. This includes text, figures and tables.
First Edition 8/99 1848 PagesAll Right Reserved
Sorvico Publication Offico
As sections with * include SRS components;
sDecial precautions are lequired when servlclng
Page 47 of 2189

(urbY5, ul6Y7, Dl6Yg enl
Sines) -Section6 -
STANDARD INFWTCompression250 rpm and wide open throftlekPa {kgf/cm,, psi) NominalMinimumMaximum variationWarpageHeight
End play
Camshaft to-holder oil clearanceTotal runoutCam lobe height D16y7
930 {9.5, 135)200 12 0 ?R\Cylinder head
92.95 - 93.05 {3.659 3.663)0.05 {0.002)
Camshaft0.05,0.15 (0.002 0.006)0.050 - 0.089 (0.002 _ o.oo4)0.03 (0.001)max.
35.299 (1.3897131.241 /.1.4678)38.427 (1.5129)32.193 11 .267 4l38.784 (1.5269)
36.778 (1.4479)
38.274 (1.5068)
37.065 .4592)38.008 (1.4964)
0.5 (0.02)
0.15 (0.006)
0.04 (0.002)
Valve clearanca {Cold)
Valve stem O.D.
Stem-to guide clearance
Stem insta ed height
Free lengrh Dt6y7D16Y5
Installed height
0.18 - 0.22 10.007 - 0.009)0.23 0.27 (0.009 0.011)5.48 - 5.49 (0.2157 0.2161)5.45 - 5.46 {0.2146 _ 0.2150}0.02 - 0.05 (0.001 _ o.oo2)0.05-008lono2-nnn?l
5.45 (0.2146)
5.42 tO.213410.08 (0.003)
0.11 (0.004)
1.6 (0.063)
2.0 (0.079)
53.a9 \2.122|j$.a9 Q.122)
Valve seat0.85 - 1.15 (0.033 - 0.045)1.25 - 1.55 10.049 - 0.061i53.17 - 53.64 {2.093 _ 2.112)53.17 - 53.64 (2.093 _ 2.112)Valve spring57 .9 (2.2a)
56.5 \2.22157 .9 t2.29l58.0 (2.2a)
58.7 {2.31iValve guide5.51 - 5.53 (0.217 - 0.218)5.51 - 5.53 (0.217 _ 0.218)17.85 - 18.35 \0.103 - 0.722)18.65 19. t5 (0.734 _ 0.754)
5.55 t0.219)5.5s {0.219)
Rocker armArm-to shaft clearanceINEX0.017 - 0.050 (0.0007 0.0020)0.018 - 0.054 (0.0007 - 0.0021)0.08 (0.003)
0.08 (0.003)
Standards and Service Limits
Cylinder Head/Valve Train (Dt6y5, Dt6y7, D
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Unit of iength: mm (!n)
930 (9.5, 135)20012.0,zal
0.05 - 0.15 (0.002 - 0.006)
0.050 - 0.089 (0.002 - 0.004)
0.0310.001)max.33.088 (1.3027i
36.261 {1.4278)34.978 (1.3771)
32.785 {1.2907)35.720 (1.4063)
34.691 (1.3658)
u*u lo.r,ool5.420 (0.2134)
0.08 (0.003)
0.11 (0.004)
2.0 (0.08)
2.0 (0.08)
38.185 (1.5033)
37.885 (1.4915)
250 rpm (min riand Nominal
wide open throttle Minimum
kPa (kqf/cm' , psi) Maximum variation
End play
Camshaft-to holder oil clea€nce
Total runoutCam lobe height lN PrimaryMidSecondaryEX PrimaryMidSecondary
0.15 - 0.19 (0.006 - 0.007)*
0.17 - 0.21 (0.007 - 0.008)*
5.475 - 5.485 10.2156 - 0.2159)
5.450 - 5.460 (0.2146 - 0.2150)
0.025 - 0.055 (0.0010 0.0022)
0.050-0.080 (0.0020 - 0.0031)
Valve clearance
Valve stem O.D.
Stem-to-guide clearance
1.25 - 1.55 {0.049 - 0.061)r.25 - 1.55 (0.049 - 0.061)
37.465 - 37.935 (1.4750 - 1.4935)
37.165 - 37.635 (1.4632 - 1.4817)
Stem installed height
40.92 (1.611)*'
40.91 (1.6111"
36.71 (1.415)
41.96 (1.652)*r
4 r.94 (1.651)*'
free t*gth lN OUTER
5.51 - 5.53 (0.217 - 0.218)5.51 - 5.53 (0.217 - 0.218i12.55 - 13.05 (0.494 0.5' j4)
12.55 - 13.05 (0.494 - 0.514)
Installed height lNEX
0.025 - 0.052 (0.0010 0.0020)
o.o2s - 0.052 {0.0010 0.0020)
Cylinder Head/Valve Train(816A2 engine) - Section
*: Measuring point between camshaft and rocker arm'*1: NTHON H;TSUJO manufactured vatve spring. *2: CHUO HATSUJO manutactured valve spnng.
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,n7 _--
0.07 10.003) max.75.00 75.02 (2.953 - 2.954)
7 4.9A0 7 4.990 t2.9520 2.95241
0.010 - 0.040 (0.0004 0.0016)1.020 - 1.030 10.0402 _ 0.0406)1.220 1.230 (0.0480 - 0.0484)2.805 - 2.820 {0.1 104 _ 0.11 tO)
0.035 - 0.060 (0.0014 0.0024)0.030 - 0.055 {0.0012 0.0022)_
0.15 0.30 {0.006 _ 0.012)0.30 - 0.45 (0.012 - 0.018)0.20 - 0.70 10.008 0.028)
18.994 - 19.000 (0.7478 _ 0.7480)0.010 - 0 0?2 lo oona -n dn^ol
0.10 (0.004)
75.07 (2.956)0.05 (0.002)0.5 (0.02)
74.970 (2.9516)
0.05 (0.002)1.05 (0.041)
1.2510.049)2.85 (0.112)
0.13 {0.005)0.13 (0.005)
0.60 (0.024)
0.70 (0.028)
ljqql) _
oro to.o',ur
0.005 (0.0002)
0.005 (0.0002)
0.4510.018)0.04 (0.002)
0.05 (0.002)
0.05 {0.002)0.05 (0.002)
Cylinder blockWarpage of deck surfaceBore diameterBore taperReboring limit
Skirt O.D. at 5 mm (0.2 in)from bottom of skinClearance in cylinderGroove width {for ring) TopSecondoil
Ring to-groove clearance TopSecondRing end gapTopSecondoil
o.D.Pin-to piston clearance
Pin-to rod interferenceSmall end bore diameterLarge end bore diameter NominalEnd play installed on crankshaft
Piston ring
Piston pin
Connectingrod0.014 - 0.040 (0.0006 _ 0.ool6)18.96 - 18.98 (0.746 0.747)48.011.89)0.15 - 0.30 (0.006 - 0.012)CrankshaftMain journaldiameter
Rod iournaldiameterTaperOut of-roundEnd playTotal runout
Main bearing to-lournal o't clearance-No_ l and 5journals
_ No. 2, 3 and 4 journatsBod bearing to,journat oil ctearance
54.976 - s5.000 (2.1644 - 2.1654)44.91 6 - 45.000 1'1.17 01 _ 1.71 11 10.002510.0001) max.0.0025 (0.0001)max.
0.10 - 0.35 (0.004 0.014)0.03 (0.001) max.Bea.ings
0.018 - 0.036 (0.0007 0.0014)0.024 0.042 (0.0009 - 0.0017)0.020 - 0.038 (0.0008 _ o.oo.t5)
Standards and Service Limits
Engine Block {Dl6Y5, D16Y7, Dt6y8 enginesl - Section
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Section 7
Unlt of length: rnm ( n)
Engine Block(816A2 engine) -
Warpage of deck surface
Bore diameterBore taperReboring limit
0.05 (0.002)
8L00 81.02 (3.189 3.190)
0.08 {0.03)81.07 (3.192)
0.05 (0.002)
0.25 (0.01)
Cylinder block
PistonSkin O D. At 15 mm (0.6 in)
{rom bottom of skirt
Clearance in cylinder
Groove width (for ring) ToPSecondoil
80.980 - 80.990 (3.lUUz 3. rUubl du Y/u lJ. ro/o,
I0.010 0.040 (o.ooo4 - 0.0016' 0 05 r0 002) II O3O 1.040 10.0406 - 0.04091 1 060 {0 0417) |1.230 - 1.?40 {0.0484 . 0.04881 1.260 10.04961 1'*: ?:::i?l:91'::ll:l I::::::= lPiston ringRing-to-groove clearance
Ring end gap
o.D.Pin to-piston clearance
Pin'to rod interference
Small end bore diameter
Large end bore diameterEnd play installed on crankshaft
Main journal diameterNo. 1, 2, 4 and 5 iournalsNo. 3 journal
Rod journal diameterTaperOut of roundEnd play
Total runout
Main bearing to_journal oil clearance
No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 journals
No. 3 journal
Bod bearing'to iournal oil clearance
0.13 (0.005)
0.1310.005)0.60 (0.024)
0.60 t0.024)0.7010.028)0.70 (0.028)
u.u45 - u.u/u lu.uu ro
0.040 - 0.065 (0.0016 0.0026)*l
0.045 - 0.070 (0.0018 0.0028)*'
0.20 - 0.35 (0.008 - 0.014)*1
o.20 - 0.30 (0.008 - 0.012)*'
0.40 0.55 (0.016 0.022)
0.20 - 0.50 (0.008 - 0.020)*'
0.20 - 0.45 (0.008 - 0.018)"
20.994 - 21.000 {0.8265 - 0.8268)
0.010 - 0.022 (0.0004 0.0009)
0.013 - 0.032 (0.0005 - 0.0013)
20.968 20.981 (0.8255 - 0.8260)
lliSlto?,o.oou o.o''r, o.rotoo'ut
Piston pin
Connecting rod
54.976 55.000 (2.1644 - 2.1654)
54.970 - 54.994 (2.1642 2.1651)
44.976 - 45.00011.'1707 - 1.1711|
0.005 (0.0002) max.0.004 (0.0002) max.0.10 0.35 (0.004 - 0.014)
0.020 (0.0008imax.
0.010 (0.0004)
0.006 (0.0002)
0.45 (0.018)
0.030 (0.0012)
Eearing0.024 - 0.042 (0.0009 0.0017)
o.o3o - 0.048 {0.0012 0.0019)
0.032 - 0.050 (0.0013 - 0.0020)
0.06 (0.002)
0.06 (0.002)
0.06 (0.002)
*1: RIKEN manutactured prston rrng*2:TEIKOKU PISTON RING manufactured piston ring
gineslSection 8
Engine Lubri,cation (Dl6Y5, Dl5Y7' Dl6Y8 enginesl -
4.3 (4.5, 3.8)Ior engine overhaul
3.6 (3.8, 3.2) for oil change, including filter
3.3 (3.5, 2.9) for oil change, without filter
3.7 (3.9,3.3)for engine overhaul
3.3 (3.5, 2.9) for oil change, including filter
3.0 {3.2, 2.6} for oil change, without filter
0.02 - 0.14 (O.OO1 - 0.006) 0.20 {0 008)
0.10 0.18 (o.oo4 - 0.007) i 0.20 (0 008)
o 03 !.08 (qool!.oo3l _ (0 006) -
70 (0.7, 10) min.
340 (3.5,50) min
Engine oilCapacity | (US qt, lmp qt) D16Y7
D16Y5 D16Y8
lnner-to-outer rotor radial clearance
Pump housing to_outer rotor radialclearance
Pumo housrnq_to rotor a)rial clearance
Pressure setting with oil temperature 176'F (80'Ci
kPa (kgf/cm' , PsiI at idleat 3,000 rpm
Oil pump
Relief valve
Page 51 of 2189

MEASUREMENTSTANDARD INFWIEngine oilCapacityf (uS qt, lmp qt)
Inner-to outer rotor radial clearancePump body-to outer rotor radialclearancePump body to-rotor axial clearance
4.8 (5.1, 4.2) for eng;ne overhaul4.0 (4.2, 3.5) for oil change, ;ncludin3.7 (3.9.3 3)for dil .h,nde '^,irh^,,rg oilfilter
Oil pump0.04 - 0.16 {0.002 - 0.006)0.10 - 0.19 (0.004-0.007)0.02 0.07 10.001 ,0.003)
0.20 (0.008)
0.20 {0.008)0 15 {O OO6iRelief valvePressure setting 176"F (80.C)kPa (kgflcm,, psi) at;dteat 3,000 rpm70 (0.7, 10) min.340 (3.5,50) min.
Standards and Service Limits
Engine Lubrication (B16A2 engine) (cont,d) - Section 8
Cooling - Section 10
MEASUREMENTSTANOARO {NEW)RadratorCoolant capacity t 1US qt, tmp qt)including engine, heater, cooling line andreservotr
Beservoir capacity:0.4 f {0.42 US qt, 0.35 lmp qt)
81642 engine5.0 {5.3, 4.4) for overhaul4.5 (4.8, 4.0) for cootant changeD16Y5, D16Y7, D16Y8 engines:M/T: 4.2 (4.4, 3.7)for overhaul3.1 (3.3, 2.7) for coolant changeA"/T: 016Y74.1 (4.3, 3.6) for overhaul3.0 (3.2, 2.6) for cootant changeDl6Y84.3 {4.5, 3.8)for overhaul3.2 (3.3, 2.8) for cootant changeCW: 4.3 (4.5,3.8)for overhaul3.2 (3.3, 2.8)for cootant chanqeRadiator capOpeningpressure kPa(kgl/cm,,psi)
Start to open .F (.C)Fully open "F ('C)Valve lift at fulty open
93 123 (0.95- 1.25, 14 18)
169 - 176 (76 80)194 (90)
8.0 (0.31)min.
196 - 203 191 95)Subtract 5 - 15 {3 - 8) from actual ,,ON,, temperature
Cooling fanThermoswilch 'ON" temperature F r.C,Thermoswitch "OFF' lemperature .F ( C)
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Unit of length: mm (in)
Fuel and Emission - Section
260 310 (2.7 - 3.2, 38 - 46)
260 - 310 (2.7 - 3.2, 38 - 46i
260 - 310 (2.7 - 3.2, 38 - 46)
210 - 320 Q.A - 3.3, 40 - 47 1
45 {11.9, 9.9)
M/T (neutral) I A/T or C\.T (lE or fd positioni
Fuel paessure
Pressure wilh fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose
disconnected kPa (kgvcm' , Psi)D16Y5D 16Y7D16Y881642
FueltankCapacity I (US gal, lmp gal)
E ngineldle speed rpm
670 1 506701 50670150700 t 50
7501 507501 507501 50
700 t 50700 I 507001 50750150750 r 50
ldle CO %0.1 max.
Clutch - Serrtion 12
Clutch pedalPedal height to floor
StrokePedal play
Disengagement height to floorto carpet
16s (6 1/2)130 140 (5 1/8 5 1/2)
12 -21 t1l2 - 13/16183 (3 1/4)44 (1 3/4) min. Reference
FlywheelClutch surface ruoout
Rivet head depthThickness
0.05 (0.002) max.0.15 (0.006)
Clutch disc1.3- 1.9 (0.05 - 0.07)
8.5 - 9.1 (0.33 - 0.36)
0.2 {0.01)5.5 (0.22)
Pressure plateWarpageDiaphragm spring fingers alignment
0.03 (0.001) max0.6 (0.02) max
0.15 (0.006)
1.0 (0.04)
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Standards and Service Limits
Manual Transmission S40 - Section 13
Capacity | (US qt, tmp qt)
End playDiameter of ball bearing contact area A(Transmission housing side)Diameter of 4th, 5th gear contact area BDiameter of 3rd gear contact area CDiameter of ball bearing contact area D(Clutch housing side)Bunout
STANDARD INEW}'1.9 (2.0, 1.7)for overhaul1.8 (1.9, 1.6) for oitchange
0.11 0.18 (0.004 _ 0.007)21.987 - 22.000 (0.8656 0.8661)
26.980 26.993 (1.0622 _ 1.0627)33.984 34.000 (1.3380 1.3386)25.917 - 25.99011.0227 1.0232)
0.02 (0.001) max.
MainshaftAdjust21.930 (0.8634)
26.930 ('1.0602i33.930 (1.3358)
0.05 (0.002)
39.07 ('r.538)
0.33 {0.013)0.31 (0.012)
30.15 (1.187)
30.05 (1.183)
37.07 {1.459)0.31 (0.0'12)
28.35 (1.116)
39.009 39.025 (1.5358 1.5364)0.06 0.21 (0.002 0.008)0.06 0.19 (0.002 0.007)30.22 30.21 (1.190 1.192)30.12 - 30.17 (1.186 1.188)
37.009 37.025 (1.4570 _ 1.4577)0.06 - 0.19 (0.002 - 0.007)28.42 - 2a.47 11.119,1.1211Countershaft Diameter of needle bearing contact area ADjameter of lst gear contact area gDiameter of ball bearing contact area CRunout
30.000- 30.015 {1.181 1 - 1.1817)35.984 - 36.000 (1.4167 1.4173)24.980 24.993 (0.9835 - 0.9840)0.02 (0.001)max.
29.950 (1.1791)3s.930 r.4146)24.930 (0.9815)0.0s (0.002)
End play (When tightened by the specified torque)Thickness
41.009 - 41.025 (' t.6145 1.6152)0.03 0.10 (0.001 _ 0.004)30.41 30.44 (1.197 - 1 198)
41 .01 11.617J0.22 (0.009)
30.36 (1.195)
gear End ptay (When tightened by the specified torque)44.009 - 44.025 (1.7326 1.7333)0.04 - 0.12 (0.002 - 0 005)31.91 31.96 (1.256 1.258)
44.01 11.t35)0.24 (0.009)
31.85 (1.2s4)
33.04 {1.301)38.93 (1.533)32.01 (1.260)
27.06 (1.065)
33.93 (1.336)
3r.93 {1.257)22.81 (0.898)
23.51 (0.926)
15.08 (0.594)
0.14 (0.006)
0.4 (0.016)
0.16 (0.006)
o.6210.0244112.78 (0.5031)
t.D.o. D.Length
33.000 - 33.010 (1.2992 1.2996)38.989 39.000 11.53s0_ 1.53s4)32.03 - 32.06 tl.261 - 1.2621Spacer collar(Mainshaft 4thand 5th gear)
Beverse rdler gear LD.Gear to reverse gear shaft cjearance
27.002 27.012 (1.0631 _ 1.0635)33.989 - 34.000 (1.3381 - 1.3386)3r.989 - 32.000 (1.2594 1.2598)22.83 - 22.86 (0.899 0.900)23.53 23.56 (0.926 - 0.928)
rs.016 15.043 (0.5912 _ 0.5922)0.032 0.077 (0.0013 _ 0.0030)Ring-to gear clearance {Ring pushed against gear)0.73 - 1.l8 (0 029 - 0.046)Fork finger thickness
Fork to-synchro sleeve clearance
lsv2nd/sth I 6.2 - 6.410.244 - O.ZS2)3rdl4th 7.4 i.6lO 2g1 O 2ggt0.35 - 0.65 (0.014 - 0.026)Beverse shitt fork Fork pawl groove widthFork to-reverse idler gear clearanceL groove widthFork'to-5th/reverse shift piece pin clearance
12.7 - 13.0 (0.50 _ 0.51)0.5 1. t (0.020 0.043)7 .05 - 7 .25 tO.21A - 0.28510.05 0.35 (0.002 0.014)Sh ift a rm A tnner diameter of sh ift arm C contact ffiShift arr14-go "L;L ".m C clearance13.05 13.13 (0.514 0.517)0.05 - 0.23 (0.002 _ 0.009)Inner diameter of shift arm B shaft contact pointShift arm 8-to shaft clearanceShift arm B to-shift piece clearanceDiameter of shift piece contact point
13.973 - 14.000 (0.5501 0.5512)0.013 0.070 (0.0005 _ 0.0028)0.2 - 0.5 {0.008 0.020)12.9 13.0 (0.508 - 0.512)MBS Shift prece Diameter of pin6.9 7 .1 \O.27 0 2A)
0.095 (0.004)
0.14 (0.006)
Adjust with shim
Differenlial carrier Pinion shaft bore diameterCarrier-to pinion shaft clearanceDriveshaft bore diameterCarrier to,driveshaft clearance
18.010 18.028 (0.7091 _ 0.7098)0.023 0.057 (0.0009 - 0.0022)26.025 26.04s {1.0246_ 1.0254)0.045 - 0.086 (0.0018 0.0034)BacklashPinion gear bore diameterPinion gear-to pinion shaft clearance
0.05 0.15 (0.002 0.006)18.042 - 18.066 (0.7103 _ 0.7113)0.055 - 0.095 {0.0021 _ o.oo37)
0 0.1 10 - 0.004)
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Unit of length: mm (in)
Transmission oil
43.009 43.025 (1.6933 - 1.6939)
0.06 0.21 (0.002 - 0.008)
31.42 - 31.41 \1.231 1.2391
t.D.End play
Diameter of ball bearing contact area A
Diameter of lst gear contact area I
Diameter of needle bearing contact area C
LD.End play {When tightened by the specified torque)
Spacer collar(CoLrntershaft 2ndgear)
Spacer collar(Mainshaft 4thand 5th gear)
Manual TransmissionS4C - Section 13
MainshaftFnd plaVDiameter of ball bearing contact area C(Clutch housing side)Diameter of 3rd gear contact area B
Diameter of ball bearing contact area 'q(Transmission housing side)
Capacity | (US qt, lmp qt)
LD.End play
2.3 (2.4,2.0) for overhaul2.2 (2.3, 1.9)for oil change
0.11 - 0.18 (0.004 - 0.007)21 .917 - 21 .990 11.1015 - 1 .10201
37.984 38.000 (1.4954 1.4960)
27.987 - 28.000 (1.1018 1.1024)
0.02 (0.001)max.
Adtust27.930 (1.0996)
37 930 (1.4933)
27.940 (1.1000)
0.05 (0.002)
Mainshaft 3rd and4th gears
43.009 - 43.025 (1.6933 1.6939)
0.06 - 0.21 (0.002 0.008)
34.92 - 34.91 \1.315 1.311)
31.42 - 31.41 (1.237 1.239)
24.980 24.993 (0.9835 0.9840)
36.984 37.000 (1.4561 - 1.4567)
33.000 - 33.015 (1.2992 - 1.2998)
0.02 (0.0008) max.
43.08 (1.696)
0.3 (0.01)
34.3 (' t.350)
31.3 11.232)
43.08 (1.696)
0.3 (0.01)
24.940 (0.9818)
36.930 (1.4539)
32.950 (1.2970)
0.05 (0.002)
41.07 (1.617)
0.25 (0.01)41.009 - 41.025 (1.6145 - 1.6152)
0.045 - 0.205 (0.0018 0.0081)
44.009 44.025 {1.7326 - 1.7333)
0.07 0.14 (0.003 - 0.006)28.92 - 28.97 (1.1386 -' j.1405)
36.521 - 36.531 (1.4378 1.4382)
41.989- 42.000 (1.6531 - 1.6535)
29.07 - 29.09 11.1444 - 1.1453)
44.07 (1.735)
0.24 (0.009)
28.8 (1.134)
36.54 (1.439)
41.93 (1.651)
31 .0O2 - 31 .012 11 .2205 - 1 .2209'l
36.989 - 37.000 {1.4563 - 1.4570)
56.45 - 56.55 1'2.2224 - 2.2264126.03 - 26.0A 11 .025 - 1 .021 |
31.06 (1.223)
36.94 (1.454)
Page 55 of 2189

MEASUREMENTSTANDARD (NEW) SERVICE LIMITReverse idler geart.D.Gear-to reverse gear shaft clearance20.016 - 20.043 (0.7880 -0.7891)
0.036 - 0.084 {0.0014 - 0.0033)20.09 (0.7909)
0.16 (0.006)
Synchro ringRing to-gear clearance (Ring pushed against gear)0.73 - 1.18 (0.029 0.046)0.4 (0.016)Double coneClearance (Ring pushed against geadOuter synchro ring to gearIn ner synchro ring to-gearOuter synchro ring-to-synchro cone
0.9s - 1.68 10.037 - 0.066)0.5 - 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)0.5 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)
0.6 (0.024)
0.3 {0.01)0.3 (0.01)Shift forkFork {inger thicknessFork-to synchro sleeve clearance7.4 - 7.6 (0.291- 0.299i0.35 - 0.65 (0.015 0.026)1.0 (0.04)Beverse shift forkFork pawl groove widthFork-to-reverse idler gear clearanceL-groove width At 5th gear sideAt reverse sideFork'to-5th/reverse shift piece pin clearanceAt 5th gear sideAt reverse side
13.0 - 13.3 10.512 - 0.524)0.5 - 1.0 (0.02 - 0.04)7.4 t.1 10.29 -O.30)
7 .O5 - 7 .25 (0.21A - 0.2A5i'
0.4 0.9 (0.02 0.04)0.05 0.45 (0.002 - 0.018)
1€ {0.07)
Shift pieceShift piece-to-shift arm clearanceGroove width of shift arm contact areaShilt'piece-to-shift fork shaft clearanceWidth of shift lork contact area
0.1 - 0.3 (0.004 - 0.012)8.1-8.2 (0.319 - 0.323i0.2 - 0.5 (0.008 0.020)1 1.9 - 12.0 10.469 - 0.472)
0.6 (0.02)
0.8 (0.03)
Select armSelect arm-to-interlock clearanceSelect arm to-shim clearance0.05 - 0.20 (0.002 - 0.008)0.01 - 0.2 10.0004 - 0.008)0.45 (0.018)
InterlockWidth of select arm contact area9.9 - 10.0 (0.390 0.394)Change pieceChange piece-to-shilt arm holder clearanceGroove width ot shitt arm holder contact areaChange piece-to select arm clearanceGroove width of select arm contact area
0.05 - 0.35 (0.002 - 0.014)12.05 - 12.15 \0.474 -0.47a1
0.05 - 0.25 (0.002 - 0.010)12.05 - 12. t5 (0.474 - 0.478)
0.8 {0.03)
0.5 (0.02)
Final driven gearBacklash0.090 - 0.149 (0.0035 - 0.0059)0.200 (0.008)DifferentialcarrierPinion shatt bore diameterCarrier to-pinion shaft clearanceDriveshaft bore diameterCarrier-to driveshaft clearanceCarrier-to-int6rmediate shatt clearance
18.000 - 18.016 10.7087 - 0.7093)0.013 - 0.045 {0.001 0.002)24.000 - 28.021 11.1024 1.1032)0.020,0.062 (0.0008 - 0.0024)0.05 - 0.087 {0.0020 - 0.0034)
0.10 {0.004)
0.12 (0.005)
0.14 (0.006)
Differential piniongearBacklashPinion gear bore diameterPinion gear-to-pinion shaft clearance
0.05 -0.15 (0.002 - 0.006)18.042 18.066 (0.710 - 0.711)0.055 - 0.095 (0.002 - 0.004)0.15 (0.006)
Set ring to bearing outer race0 - 0.10 (0 - 0.004)Adjust with shim
Standards and
Manual Transmission
S4C (cont'd)
- Section 13