HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owner's Guide

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Bef ore purchasing a child seat, we
recommend that parents test the
child seat in the specif ic vehicle
seating position (or positions) where
they intend to use the seat. If a
previously purchased chi

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide This page brief ly summarizes
Honda’s recommendations on where
to place rear-facing and forward-
f acing child seats in your car.Never in the f ront seat, due
to the f ront airbag hazard.
The passen

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Af ter selecting a proper child seat,
and a good position to install the seat,
there are three main steps in
installing the seat:Make sure the child is properly
according to the

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Only a rear-f acing child seat provides
proper support f or a baby’s head,
neck, and back. Inf ants up to about
one year of age must be restrained in
a rear-f acing child seat.In this car, a rear-f

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide With the child seat in the desired
back seating position, route the
belt through the child seat
according to the seat maker’s
instructions, then insert the latch
plate into the buckle.
The lap/shoul

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Push and pull the child seat
f orward and f rom side to side to
verif y that it is secure enough to
stay upright during normal driving
maneuvers. If the child seat is not
secure, unlatch the belt, all

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Forproperprotection,aninfantmust
ride in a reclined, or semi-reclined
position. To determine the proper
reclining angle, check with the baby’s
doctor or f ollow the seat maker’s

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide In this car, the best place to install a
f orward-f acing child seat is in one of
the seating positions in the back seat.If the vehicle seat is
too far forward, or the child’s head is
thrown f orwar

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide With the child seat in the desired
seating position, route the belt
through the child seat according
to the seat maker’s instructions,
then insert the latch plate into the
The lap/shoulder b

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HONDA CIVIC HYBRID 2003 7.G Owners Guide Push and pull the child seat
f orward and f rom side to side to
verif y that it is secure enough to
stay upright during normal driving
maneuvers. If the child seat is not
secure, unlatch the belt, all
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