navigation HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020 Navigation Manual (in English)

HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020 Navigation Manual (in English) CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020 HONDA HONDA HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020 Navigation Manual (in English)

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) uu Entering a Destination  u 
H   u        u    Enter Search
You can use the search bar to search for  locations by entering a category, name, 
address, company phone number, or city nam

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) Continued57
uu Entering a Destination  u 
H   u        u    Searching near
By default, your system finds locations clos est to your current location. You can find 
a location near another c

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 58
uu Entering a Destination  u 
H   u        u    Add Shortcut
Up to 36 shortcut icons can be stored. Select an option you want to add as 
a shortcut.
■Adding Shortcuts

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 59
uu Entering a Destination  u 
H   u        u      (Menu)    u    Remove Shortcut(s)
1.Select a shortcut with   if you 
want to delete it.
2.Select  Touch to Remove .
3. Select  Save.

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 60
uu Entering a Destination  u HONDA
H    u        u    HONDA
Find any authorized Honda Clarity Fuel  Cell dealer to set as a destination.
1.Select the desired name from the 

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 61
uu Entering a Destination  u Hydrogen Stations
Hydrogen Stations
H    u        u    Hydrogen Stations
Find a nearby hydrogen station to set as the destination. 1.Select a station name fr

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 62
uu Entering a Destination  u Address
H    u        u    Address
Enter an address to use as the destination. The country you are currently in is 
displayed. Select an option.

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) 63
uu Entering a Destination  u Address
H    u        u    Address    u    Change Country
1.Enter a country name.
2.Select a country from the list.
■Selecting the Country

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) uu Entering a Destination  u Address
H    u        u    Address    u    Search All
1.Enter the house number. Select 
Done .
2.Enter the street name. Select 
Done .
u A lis
t of matching

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HONDA CLARITY FUEL CELL 2020  Navigation Manual (in English) Continued65
uu Entering a Destination  u Address
H    u        u    Address    u    Spell City
1.Enter the name of a different city. 
Select  Done.
u A list of matching hits is 