ect HONDA CR-V 1999 RD1-RD3 / 1.G Workshop Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: HONDA, Model Year: 1999, Model line: CR-V, Model: HONDA CR-V 1999 RD1-RD3 / 1.GPages: 1395, PDF Size: 35.62 MB
Page 1394 of 1395
Airbag/Seat Belt Tensioner
Before scrapping any airbags {and seat belt tansioners)
(including those in a whole vehicle to be scrappedl. the
airbags (and seat belt tensioners) must be deployed. lf
the vehicle is still within the warrantv oeriod the Honda
District Service Manager must give approval and/or spe-
cial instructions, before you deploy the airbags (and seat
belt tensioners). Only after the airbags {and seat belt ten-
sioners) have been deployed (as the result of vehicle col-
lision, for example), can they be scrapped.
lf the airbags (and seat belt tensioners) appear intact
(not deployed), treat them with extreme caution.
Follow this procedure:
Doploying tho Airbags (and Soat B6li Ten3ione6):
lf an SRS vehicle is to be entirely scrapped, its airbags(and seat belt tensioners) should be deployed while still
in the vehicle. The airbags (and seat belt tensioners)
should not be considered as salvageable parts and
should never be installed in another vehicle.
@ confirm that each airbag {and seat belt
tonsiongr) i3 ggcurely mountod; othgrwise, severe per-
sonal iniury could result from d6ploym6nt,
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable, then discon-
nect the oositive cable.
Confirm that the special tool is functioning properly
by following the check procedure on the tool label
or on page 24-98.
Remove the access panel, then disconnect the 2P
connector between the driver's airbag and the cable
reel (see page 24-23).
Remove the glove box, then disconnect the 2P con-
nector between the front passenger's airbag and
SRS main harness (see page 24-23).
Remove the center pillar lower trim panel, then dis-
connect the 2P connector between the seat belt ten-
sioner and side wire harness ('98 - 00 models) (see
page 24-231.
6. Cut off the airbag (and seat belt tensioner) connectors.
Strip the ends of the airbag (and seat belt tensioner)
wires. and connect the deployment tool alligator clips
to the airbag (and seat belt tensioner). Place the
deployment tool at least thirty feet (10 meters) away
from the airbao (and seat belt tensioner),
At lcastthirty feot
110 motersl
Page 1395 of 1395
Airbag/Seat Belt Tensioner
Disposal (cont'dl
Connect a 12 volt battery to the tool'
. It the green light on the tool comes on, the air-
bag igniter circuit is defective and cannot deploy
the airbag. Go to Damaged Airbag Special
.lftheredlightonthetool comes on, the airbag is
ready to be deployed.
Push the tool's deployment switch. The airbag
should deploy (deployment is both highly audible
and visible; a loud noise and rapid inflation of the
bag, followed by slow deflation).
. lf the airbags deploy and the green light on the
tool comes on, continue with this procedure.
. lf an airbag doesn't deploy, yet the green light
comes ON, its igniter is defective. Go to Dam-
aged Airbag Special Procedure.
. During deployment, the airbag can become hot
enough to burn you, Wait thirty minutes after
deployment before touching the airbag.
Dispose of the complete airbag. No part of it can be
reused. Place it in a sturdy plastic bag, and seal it
. Wear a faco shield and gloves when handling a
deployed airbag.
. Wash your hands and rinse them well with
water after handling a deployed airbag.
Deploying tho Airbag: Out-ot.vohicle
lf an intact airbag has been removed from a scrapped
vehicle, or has been found defective or damagsd during
transit. storage or seryice, it should be deployed as fol-
'L Confirm that the special tool is functioning properly
by following the check procedure on this page or on
the tool label.
2. Position the airbag face up, outdoors on flat ground
at least thirty feet (10 m) from any obstacles or peo-
3. Follow steps 6, 7, 8. and 9 of the in-vehicle deploy-
ment proceoure.
Dlmaged Airbsg {or Seat Beh Ten3ion6r} Sp6cial
!@ r an airbag {or seat Beh rensioner} cannol
be doployod, it should not be treated as normal scrap; it
should still be considered a pot€ntially explosive device
lhat can cause serious iniury.
1. lf installed in a vehicle. follow the removal proce-
dure on page 24-3 and 24-87 through 90.
2. In all cases, make a short circuit by twisting together
the two airbag inflator wires.
3. Package the airbag in exactly the same packaging
that the new reDlacement Dart came in.
4. Mark the outside of the box "DAMAGED AIRBAG
{or TENSIONER) NOT DEPLOYED" so it does not
get confused with your parts stock.5. Contact your Honda District Service Manager forhow and where to return it for disposal.
Deployment Tool: Check Procedure
Connect the yellow clips to both switch protector
handles on the tool; connect the tool to a battery.
Push the operation switch: green means the tool is
OK: red means the tool is faultv.
Disconnect the baftery and the yellow clips.