Hyundai Azera 2011 Owner's Manual

Hyundai Azera 2011 Owner's Manual Azera 2011 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Azera 2011 Owner's Manual
Trending: oil pressure, brake, snow chains, brake light, towing, dashboard, jump cable

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
58 5
Highway driving
Adjust the tire inflation pressures to
specification. Low tire inflation pressures
will result in overheating and possible
failure of the tires.
Avoid u

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual 559
Driving your vehicle
Severe weather conditions in the winter
result in greater wear and other prob-
lems. To minimize winter driving problem,
you should follow these suggestions:
Snowy or icy cond

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
60 5
Tire chains 
Since the sidewalls of radial tires are
thinner, they can be damaged by mount-
ing some types of snow chains on them.
Therefore, the use of snow tires is rec-

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual 561
Driving your vehicle
Use high quality ethylene glycol
Your vehicle is delivered with high quality
ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling
system. It is the only type of coolant that

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
62 5
To keep locks from freezing
To keep the locks from freezing, squirt an
approved de-icer fluid or glycerine into
the key opening. If a lock is covered with
ice, squirt it with

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual 563
Driving your vehicle
This section will guide you in the proper
loading of your vehicle, to keep your
loaded vehicle weight within its design
rating capability. Properly loading your
vehicle will p

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
64 5
We do not recommend using this
vehicle for trailer towing.

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual 6
Road warning / 6-2
In case of an emergency while driving / 6-3
If the engine will not start / 6-4
Emergency starting / 6-5
If the engine overheats / 6-7
If you have a flat tire / 6-8
Tire pressure m

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual What to do in an emergency
2 6
Hazard warning flasher  
The hazard warning flasher serves as a
warning to other drivers to exercise
extreme caution when approaching,
overtaking, or passi

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Hyundai Azera 2011  Owners Manual 63
What to do in an emergency
If the engine stalls at a crossroad
or crossing
If the engine stalls at a crossroad or
crossing, set the shift lever in the N
Trending: relay, Center lock, wiper fluid, adding oil, key battery, Specifications, service indicator