navigation Lexus ES350 2009 Quick Guide

Lexus ES350 2009 Quick Guide ES350 2009 Lexus Lexus Lexus ES350 2009 Quick Guide

Page 32 of 60

Lexus ES350 2009  Quick Guide Topic 5
Driving  Comfort
Audi o S yste m
With n avigation  system
Owners  of m odels  equipped  with  a navigation  system should r efer  to the “ Nav igation  System
Own ers M anual”.
Wi tho

Page 35 of 60

Lexus ES350 2009  Quick Guide Topic 5
Drivin g Co mfort
Entering  and Ex iting
Wh en D riving
Rain  and 
Night  Drivin g
Driving  ComfortDriving  Comfort
Ope nin g and C losing
What to  do if ...
Customizin g
Yo ur Lexus
Bef or

Page 49 of 60

Lexus ES350 2009  Quick Guide 48
Entering and Exiting
Before Driving
When Driving
Rain and 
Night Driving
Driving Comfort
Opening and Closing
What to do if ...
Customizing Your Lexus*1 : If equipped*2 : With navigation system*3 :