change language MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual

MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual C-Class 2012 W204 MERCEDES-BENZ MERCEDES-BENZ MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual

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MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual i
You willfindfurt her informat ioninthe
"Dest inationentry" sect ion(Ypage 53). Enter
ingchar acters inthead dress
book andintheph one book
Intr oduct ion The
followin gsect iondesc ribes howtoent er

Page 34 of 234

MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual X
Sel ect c and
confi rmbypre ssing W the
CO MAND controller.
The letter c is
ad de dto S in
the data field.
X Re peat the process untilthe name has
be en enter edinful l.
X To enter aphon enumb er:se

Page 47 of 234

MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual Acti
vating/d eactivating Blu eto oth ®
X Pre sstheW button.
The systemmen uappear s.
X Se lec tSet tin gs by
turnin gcVd the
COMA NDcontrol ler and pressW to
co nfirm .
X Se lec tAct iva teBluetooth

Page 82 of 234

MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual Disp
layandd escri ption oflane recom mendation s The
colo rsused inthelane recomm endatio ndisplay varydepen dingonwhet herday ornigh t
design isswitc hedon. Lane Day
design Nigh
tdesign Recom

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MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual Symbol
overview Icon Explanation
bookentrythat hasbeen entered orchanged viaCOMAND
Imported contactthat hasbeen saved inthe phone oraddress book \
bookentrywith voice tag
i These en

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MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2012 W204 Comand Manual X
Press Wthe COMAND controller toshow
the menu.
X Select DVD-Video by
turn ingcVd the
COMAND controller andpress Wto
conf irm.
X Select DVDFunctions and
press Wto
conf irm.
Am enu appears.
X Select Ti