warning lights MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022 Owners Manual

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022 Owners Manual CLA 2022 MERCEDES-BENZ MERCEDES-BENZ https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/4/59044/w960_59044-0.png MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022 Owners Manual

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MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual 1
0025 ABS →
2 003E003D Turn sign allights →
3 0077 Tire pressur emonit oring system →
4 003D Electricalmalfuncti on →
5 L Distance warning →
6 00C6 Recuper ativeBr ak eS

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MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual 1
003E003D Turn sign allights →
2 0075 Restr aint system →
3 00BB ESP®
OF F →
00E5 ESP®
4 005E Rear foglam p →
5 0057 Highbeam →
0058 Lowbea m →
0060 Park

Page 40 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual RR
es estr tr
aint syst aint
system function ality em
function ality When
theve hicle isswitc hedon,aself -tes tis per -
fo rm ed, during whic hth e0075 restr aint system
wa rning lamplights up.Itgoes

Page 45 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual ment
mayappl ya cer tain tight ening forc e. Do not
hold theseat belttightl ywhile itis adjusti ng.
Yo ucan activ ateand deactiv ateth eseat belt
adjustmen tfunction usingthemultimedia system
(/ page4

Page 161 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual FF
unctions ofABS unctions
ofABS The
Anti-loc kBr ak eSy stem (ABS) regula testh e
br ak epr essur ein critical driving situations:
R Dur ingbraking, forinst ance, atmaximum full-
st op braking orifth

Page 162 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual If
th eve hicle deviat esfrom thedir ection desired
by thedr iver ,ESP ®
can stabilize theve hicle by
int erve ning inthefo llo wing ways:
R One ormor ewheels arebr ak ed.
R The engineoutput isadap t

Page 163 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual R
The vehicle isstabili zed bymeans ofindiv idual
br ak eapplication onone side. AA
ctiv ctiv
ating /deactiv ating
/deactiv atingESP ating
ESP® ®
(Electr (Electr
onicSt onic
Stabili ty abili
Pr P

Page 178 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual to
ne sou nds inadd itionto thevisual warning mes-
sag e.
If th edr iver still does notre spond tothewa rning,
th eBeginning Emergency Stopmessag eappear s
in theInstr ument Display.Ifth edr iver stil

Page 180 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual R
ehicles wit ehicles
withDr h
Dr iving Assist iving
Assist anceP ance
Pac k ac
kag ag
e: e:
siv eSt eer ing Assist andcorner ing function
Ac tiveBr ak eAssi stcan help youto minimiz eth e

Page 181 of 434

MERCEDES-BENZ CLA 2022  Owners Manual The
indivi dualsub functi onsar The
indivi dualsub functi onsareav e
av ailabl ein v ailabl
ein var ar
i- i-
ous speed r ous
speed rang ang
es: es:
The distance warning function canissue awa rn-
ing i
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