emergency towing MERCEDES-BENZ GLA SUV 2020 Owner's Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: MERCEDES-BENZ, Model Year: 2020, Model line: GLA SUV, Model: MERCEDES-BENZ GLA SUV 2020Pages: 346, PDF Size: 51.22 MB
Page 304 of 346
Turn theSmart Keytoposition 005Ainthe igni-
tion lock andremove it.
X Secure thevehicle.
The towing eyecan beused topull thevehicle
ont oatrailer ortrans porter fortrans portin g
purposes. Notes
on4MATIC vehicles
! Vehicles
with4MATI Cmust notbetowed
with either thefront orthe rear axle raised,
as doing sowill damage thetrans mission.
Vehicles with4MATI Cmay onlyeither be
towed awaywithboth axles onthe ground or
be loaded upand trans ported.
If the vehicle's transmission, front,or rear axle
is damaged, havethevehicle transported ona
truck ortrailer.
In the event ofdam agetothe electrical
If the battery isdefect ive,theautomatic trans-
mission willbelocked inposition 005D.Toshift
the automatic transmission toposition 005C,you
must provide powertothe vehicle's on-board
electric alsystem inthe same wayaswhen
jump-st arting(Ypage 296).
Have thevehicle transported onatrans porter
or trailer. Tow-star
ting(emergency engine
star ting)
! Vehicles
withautomatic transmission must
not betow-st arted. Youcould otherwise
damage theautomatic transmission.
i You
canfind inform ationon"Jump-start-
ing" under (Ypage 296). Fuses
antsafety notes G
If you manipulate orbridge afaulty fuseorif
you replace itwith afuse withahigher
amperage, theelectric cablescouldbeover-
loaded. Thiscould result inafire. There isa
risk ofan accident andinjury. Always
replace faultyfuseswiththespeci-
fied new fuses having thecorrec tamperage.
! Only
usefuses thathave been approved
for Mercedes- Benzvehicles andwhich have
the correc tfuse rating forthe system con-
cern ed.Only usefuses marked withan"S".
Otherwise, componentsorsystems couldbe
! Make
surethatnomoisture canenter the
fuse boxwhen thecover isopen.
! When
closing thecover, makesurethatit
is lying correc tlyon the fuse box. Moisture
seeping inor dirt could otherwise impairthe
operation ofthe fuses.
The fuses inyour vehicle servetoclose down
faulty circuits. Ifafuse blows, allthe compo-
nent son the circuit andtheir functionsstop
Blown fusesmustbereplaced withfuses of
the same rating, whichyoucan recogn izeby
the color andvalue. Thefuse ratings, and
other items ofinform ationtobe complied with
are, listed inthe fuse allocation chart.
The fuse allocation chartisin the fuse boxin
the front -passenger footwell(Ypage 303).
If anewly insertedfuse alsoblows, havethe
cause traced andrectified ataqualified spe-
cialist workshop, e.g.anauthorized Mercedes-
Benz Center. Before
changing afuse
X Secure thevehicle against rollingaway
(Y page 145).
X Switch offallelectric alconsumer s.
X Vehicles withoutKEYLESS-GO: remove
the Smart Keyfrom theignition lock.
X Vehicles
withKEYL ESS-GO start-func-
tion orKEYL ESS-GO: openthedriver's
The vehicle electron icsare now inposition
005A. This isthe same asthe Smart Keybeing
removed fromtheignition.
The fuses arelocated invarious fuseboxes:
R Fuse boxinthe engine compart mentonthe
left- hand sideofthe vehicle, whenviewed in
the direction oftravel
R Fuse boxinthe front -passenger footwell 302
eakdown assistance