ECU MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021 MY21 Operator's Manual


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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual Overvie
wofmenus on theo n-board
computer .................................................1 41
Menus and submenus (vehicles with‐
out steering wheel buttons) ..................... 14 2
Menus and su

Page 16 of 290

MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual Note
sabout attachments, add-on equip‐
ment, installations and con versions
Note sonb ody/equipment mounting direc‐
Bo th vehicle manufacturer sand body manufac‐
turer smusta lway se nsur

Page 19 of 290

MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual twigs can collect betwee
nthe underbody and
th eu nderbody paneling. These materials may
ignit eift heyc ome int ocontact wi thhotp arts
of thee xhau stsystem. #
Have thev ehicle checkeda nd repaired

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual These dat
afor con venience and inf otainment
function smaybe sa vedl ocally in thev ehicle or
th ey ma ybel ocated on adevice whic hyou ha ve
connected tothev ehicle, suc hasasmartphone,
USB flash dr

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual Re
stra int sy stem Pr
otection pr ovided byther estraint sy stem The
restra int sy stem includes thef ollowing com‐
R Seat belt sy stem
R Airbags
R Child restra int sy stem
R Child seat se

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual In order
fort he cor rectly wornseat belt topro‐
vide thei ntended le velofp rotection ,eachv ehicle
occupant mus tobser vethef ollowing information:
R The seat belt mus tnotbe twis teda nd mus tfit

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual *
TEImpor tant points toremember if
th ef ront passenger seat is unoccupied In an accident
,the components of the
re stra int sy stem ma ydeplo yunnecessaril yon
th ef ront passenger side if:
R The

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual Af
teri nstalling arear ward-facin gchild
re stra int sy stem on thec o-d rive rs eat:
PA SSENGER AIR BAGO FF mus tbelit continu‐
ousl y. &
WARNING Risk of inju ryor deat hwhen
using arear ward-faci

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual re
mains off, depending on ther esult of the
classi fication.
- Ifth eP ASSENGER AIR BAGO FF indicator
lam piso ff:m ovet he co-driver seat as far
bac kasp ossible, or thep erson of smaller
st atur es

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MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2021  MY21 Operators Manual Obser
velaws and regulations
Alw ayso bser vethel egal requirements when
using achild restra int sy stem in thev ehicle.
Obser vestandards forc hild restra int sy stems
All child restra int sy stems m
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