engine oil NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual

NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual 350Z 2007 Z33 NISSAN NISSAN https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/5/718/w960_718-0.png NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual 1. Warning/Indicator lights (P.2-11)
2. Turn signal/hazard indicator lights (P.2-26)
3. Tachometer (P.2-5)
4. Speedometer (P.2-4)5. Instrument brightness control switch
6. Fuel gauge (P.2-6)

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual 1. Fuse/fusible link holder (P.8-21)
2. Battery (P.8-15)
3. Engine oil filler cap (P.8-9)
4. Brake fluid reservoir (P.8-13)
5. Clutch fluid reservoir (M/T models) (P.8-13)
6. Window washer fluid reser

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual 2 Instruments and controlsInstrument panel ................................................................... 2-2
Meters and gauges .............................................................. 2-3

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual Triple meter:
1. Trip computer
2. Engine oil pressure gauge
3. Volt meter
Twin trip odometer
Reset knobfor trip odometer
SpeedometerThe speedo

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGEThe gauge indicates the engine lubrication sys-
tem oil pressure while the engine is running.
When the engine speed is high, the engine oil
pressure is also high. When it is l

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual or
Anti-lock Braking System
(ABS) warning light
Low washer fluid warning light
High beam indicator light (Blue)
Automatic transmission check warning
light (A/T models)
Seat belt warning light

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual Engine oil pressure warning
This light warns of low engine oil pressure. If the
light flickers or comes on during normal driving,
pull off the road in a safe area, stop the engine

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual HOW TO USE JOYSTICK AND
“ENTER” BUTTONChoose an item on the display using the joystick
and push the ENTER button for operation.HOW TO USE “BACK” BUTTONThis button has two functions.
To return

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual Maintenance noticeThe “Maintenance Notice” screen (“ENGINE
OIL” or “OIL FILTER”) will be automatically
displayed as shown when both of the following
conditions are met:
the vehicle is dri

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NISSAN 350Z 2007 Z33 Owners Manual Make sure the area around the vehicle is
Maintenance items should be checked peri-
odically, for example, each time you check
engine oil.
Check that all windows and lights are clean.
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